358 resultados para Alien
The impacts of current and future changes in climate have been investigated for Irish vegetation. Warming has been observed over the last two decades, with impacts that are also strongly influenced by natural oscillations of the surrounding ocean, seen as fluctuations in the North Atlantic Oscillation and the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation. Satellite observations show that vegetation greenness increases in warmer years, a feature mirrored by increases in net ecosystem production observed for a grassland and a plantation forest. An ensemble of general circulation model simulations of future climates indicate temperature rises over the twenty-first century ranging from 1°C to 7°C, depending on future scenarios of greenhouse gas emissions. Net primary production is simulated to increase under all scenarios, due to the positive impacts of rising temperature, a modest rise of precipitation and rising carbon dioxide concentrations. In an optimistic scenario of reducing future emissions, CO2 concentration is simulated to flatten from about 2070, although temperatures continue to increase. Under this scenario Ireland could become a source of carbon, whereas under all other emission scenarios Ireland is a sink for carbon that may increase by up to three-fold over the twenty-first century. A likely and unavoidable impact of changing climate is the arrival of alien plant species, which may disrupt ecosystems and exert negative impacts on native biodiversity. Alien species arrive continually, with about 250 dated arrivals in the twentieth century. A simulation model indicates that this rate of alien arrival may increase by anything between two and ten times, dependent on the future climatic scenario, by 2050. Which alien species may become severely disruptive is, however, not known.
Insect pollinators of crops and wild plants are under threat globally and their decline or loss could have profound economic and environmental consequences. Here, we argue that multiple anthropogenic pressures – including land-use intensification, climate change, and the spread of alien species and diseases – are primarily responsible for insect-pollinator declines. We show that a complex interplay between pressures (eg lack of food sources, diseases, and pesticides) and biological processes (eg species dispersal and interactions) at a range of scales (from genes to ecosystems) underpins the general decline in insect-pollinator populations. Interdisciplinary research on the nature and impacts of these interactions will be needed if human food security and ecosystem function are to be preserved. We highlight key areas that require research focus and outline some practical steps to alleviate the pressures on pollinators and the pollination services they deliver to wild and crop plants.
This chapter aims to discuss the relationship between femininity and representations of women involved in violence, focussing on visual representations. Miranda Alison has made the point that the repeated necessity to qualify the term 'combatant' with the descriptor 'female' draws attention to how women soldiers, female freedom fighters, female suicide bombers and female terrorists are exceptional figures. That the female combatant or the female terrorist is an aberration or a deviation from a masculine norm is undermined by the lengthy history of women as warriors, fighters, and terrorists. In that sense it is not so much that fighting women are rare but that there is amnesia within cultural memories concerning the woman fighter. However, in representations of conflict, the dominant image associated with femininity is passive; that is as the defenceless and the defended, or as the allegory of peace. Moreover, representations of men in wars as defeated or wounded means feminising such figures. Miriam Cooke, in her Women and the War Story, 1996, points out how a mythic war story provides men with political roles, in the politikon or public arena, whereas women are domesticated in the space of the oikon. In the mythic war story women may function as Mater Dolorosa, Patriotic Mother or Spartan Mother. It follows then that there are conditions in which it is permissible to represent women fighting on behalf of their children or in defence of the home, and in the absence of men. These images are also found in wider culture: Sarah Connor in Terminator or Ripley in Alien, for example. Images of the female terrorist raise new issues but I want to argue that it is also the case that discussing femininity and the terrorist must involve relating such imagery to representations of the female warrior over a longer timespan. Some questions have shifted since the late twentieth century. Dating from the early 1990s, most Western nations increasingly incorporated women into combat roles within their armed forces. This paper will aim to unpick some of the intricate connections between the increasing presence of women in the armed forces, what relationship this has to emancipation and the participation of women in violence classed as terrorist.
The old scholastic principle of the "convertibility" of being and goodness strikes nearly all moderns as either barely comprehensible or plain false. "Convertible" is a term of art meaning "interchangeable" in respect of predication, where the predicates can be exchanged salva veritate albeit not salva sensu: their referents are, as the maxim goes, really the same albeit conceptually different. The principle seems, at first blush, absurd. Did the scholastics literally mean that every being is good? Is that supposed to include a cancer, a malaria parasite, an earthquake that kills millions? If every being is good, then no being is bad—but how can that be? To the contemporary philosophical mind, such bafflement is understandable. It derives from the systematic dismantling of the great scholastic edifice that took place over half a millennium. With the loss of the basic concepts out of which that edifice was built, the space created by those concepts faded out of existence as well. The convertibility principle, like virtually all the other scholastic principles (not all, since some do survive and thrive in analytic philosophy), could not persist in a post-scholastic space wholly alien to it.
Facially wounded soldiers of the First World War were, despite progress in plastic surgery, a particularly uncomfortable presence in war and post-war societies. Their self-perception and relationships with others are indicative of political, social, and emotional issues. Their treatment was not on a par with that of other veterans. In some instances, masks and attachments were used to cover the damaged features. They protected both the victim and the onlooker (i.e. society). This article analyses the practical and symbolic functions of masks in France and Great Britain. Drawing upon both artistic representations and historical documents, I argue that ultimately, what is perceived as an alien object is not the mask but the face behind it, and therewith the uncomfortable memory of the war itself.
The high dependence of herbivorous insects on their host plants implies that plant invaders can affect these insects directly, by not providing a suitable habitat, or indirectly, by altering host plant availability. In this study, we sampled Asteraceae flower heads in cerrado remnants with varying levels of exotic grass invasion to evaluate whether invasive grasses have a direct effect on herbivore richness independent of the current disturbance level and host plant richness. By classifying herbivores according to the degree of host plant specialization, we also investigated whether invasive grasses reduce the uniqueness of the herbivorous assemblages. Herbivorous insect richness showed a unimodal relationship with invasive grass cover that was significantly explained only by way of the variation in host plant richness. The same result was found for polyphagous and oligophagous insects, but monophages showed a significant negative response to the intensity of the grass invasion that was independent of host plant richness. Our findings lend support to the hypothesis that the aggregate effect of invasive plants on herbivores tends to mirror the effects of invasive plants on host plants. In addition, exotic plants affect specialist insects differently from generalist insects; thus exotic plants affect not only the size but also the structural profile of herbivorous insect assemblages.
Anthropogenic disturbances frequently modify natural disturbance regimes and foster the invasion and spread of nonindigenous species. However, there is some dispute about whether disturbance events or invasive plants themselves are the major factors promoting the local extinction of native plant species. Here, we used a set of savanna remnants comprising a gradient of invasive grass cover to evaluate whether the species richness of Asteraceae, a major component of the Brazilian Cerrado, is affected by invasive grass cover, or alternatively, whether variation in richness can be directly ascribed to disturbance-related variables. Furthermore, we evaluate whether habitat-specialist Asteraceae differ from habitat generalist species in their responses to grass invasion. Abundance and species richness showed unimodal variation along the invasive grass gradient for both total Asteraceae and habitat-generalists. The cerrado-specialist species, however, showed no clear variation from low-to-intermediate levels of grass cover, but declined monotonically from intermediate-to-higher levels. Through a structural equation model, we found that only invasive grass cover had significant effects on both abundance and species density of Asteraceae. The effect of invasive grass cover was especially high on the cerrado-specialist species, whose proportion declined consistently with increasing invasive dominance. Our results support the prediction that invasive grasses reduce the floristic uniqueness of pristine vegetation physiognomies.
Biological invasions threaten the native biota of several countries and this threat is even greater in the tropical regions that have the greatest biodiversity. In order to evaluate the representativeness of studies on invasive plants in tropical countries compared to the world, as well as the region of origin and habits of the most reported invasive plants in research, we analyzed the publications from eight of the most important international journals that address the theme, from January 1995 to December 2004. The articles on biological invasions were classified as theoretical or as case studies, and according to their approach, main question, where the study was conducted, region of origin and habit of the invasive plant. Case studies predominated, as did questions about the environment`s susceptibility to the invasion, the species` invasive power and the impacts it had. The most reported invasive species were herbaceous plants from Asia and Europe. Few articles address tropical environments and only one referred to Brazil. Most referred to North America and Europe. This small number of publications in the tropics indicates the need for a global projection on this subject and underscores the lack of consistent and organized data to understand the phenomenon and propose effective strategies to combat biological invasion.
A organizaçao logica do pensamento ocidental caracteriza-se pela predominancia de valores estáticos, fragmentados e abstratos. A abstração do pensamento favoreceu o desenvolvimento de uma ciencia e tecnologia alheias a relação de interdependncia entre o homem e seu ecossistema. A soberania da ciencia fragmentada, apoiada por conceitos ideológicos, políticos e economicos capitalistas, tem permitido interferencias humanas desestabilizadoras em seu ambiente. Gerou ainda uma concepç~o de desenvolvimento que combina progresso, viol~ncia e destruiç~o. Estas concepcses refletem-se nos valores e formas de organizac.o , , da sociedade ocidental, perpetuando-se através de seus sistemas educativos, entre estes, a educaç~o em escolas publicas. A urgente necesidade da ativaç~o do equilibrio ecológico, através da integraç~o do homem aos ecossistemas naturais, principalmente em paises do terceiro mundo, requer uma revis~o de valores sociais, politicos e econ8micos e uma reo~ganizaç~o do pensamento ocidental voltando-o para bases holisticas e dinamicas. A escola pública no Brasil, pode vir a ser uma peça fundamental neste processo, aproveitando-se deste movimento para reestrutur.r as bases de seu sistema educativo.
Parte do processo de descentralização iniciado no Brasil no fim da década de 1980, o movimento por uma maior permeabilidade do Estado resultou na definição de Conselhos Gestores de Políticas como peças centrais para as políticas sociais em todo o país. No entanto, a heterogeneidade brasileira de proporções continentais solicita a adequação e o ajuste de políticas públicas e instituições para responderem àsdiversas realidades locais. Este trabalho foi realizado a partir de um estudo de caso exploratório que busca responder sobre o alcance dos Conselhos como arena para discussão, encaminhamento de demandas e solução de problemas da população que habita o espaço considerado “rural” de Juruti, município amazônico repleto de especificidades e desafios comuns à região. Assim, apesar de observarmos a existência de grupos, associações e espaços similares nas comunidades para discutir necessidades e endereçar as demandas por meio da atuação engajada de lideranças locais de diversos perfis, o que se percebe é que muitos desconhecem caminhos já institucionalizados (como os Conselhos Municipais) para encaminhar suas demandas. Com um movimento alheio aos espaços legalmente constituídos, as comunidades perdem a oportunidade de participar mais ativamente da formação de agenda do município, além de ficarem de fora dos mecanismos de controle social e acesso a recursos públicos. A realização de suas demandas se transforma em moeda de troca em vez de direitos reivindicados satisfeitos, se transforma em conquistas que perdem o papel simbólico no fortalecimento organizativo das comunidades.Em uma realidade rural amazônica como Juruti, parece fundamental discutir o chamado “trabalho de base”, o que implica em considerar variáveis de extrema relevância de custo e tempo de deslocamento, além da necessária regionalização dos interesses e demandas. Percebe-se imprescindível também a rediscussão sobre os parâmetros para a definição do “rural” no país, de forma a incluir os diversos Brasis e viabilizar diagnósticos que possibilitem que particularidades como as amazônicas se reflitam em políticas públicas, em modelos de gestão municipal e em espaços participativos adequados, que dialoguem com o local.
Almost a full century separates Lewis’ Alice in Wonderland (1865) and the second, lengthier and more elaborate edition of Hans Kelsen’s Pure Theory of Law (1960; first edition published in 1934). And yet, it is possible to argue that the former anticipates and critically addresses many of the philosophical assumptions that underlie and are elemental to the argument of the latter. Both texts, with the illuminating differences that arise from their disparate genre, have as one of their key themes norms and their functioning. Wonderland, as Alice soon finds out, is a world beset by rules of all kinds: from the etiquette rituals of the mad tea-party to the changing setting for the cricket game to the procedural insanity of the trial with which the novel ends. Pure Theory of Law, as Kelsen emphatically stresses, has the grundnorm as the cornerstone upon which the whole theoretical edifice rests2. This paper discusses some of the assumptions underlying Kelsen’s argument as an instance of the modern worldview which Lewis satirically scrutinizes. The first section (Sleepy and stupid) discusses Lewis critique of the idea that, to correctly apprehend an object (in the case of Kelsen’s study, law), one has to free it from its alien elements. The second section (Do bats eat cats?) discusses the notion of systemic coherence and its impact on modern ways of thinking about truth, law and society. The third section (Off with their heads!) explores the connections between readings of systems as neutral entities and the perpetuation of political power. The fourth and final section (Important, Unimportant) explains the sense in which a “critical anticipation” is both possible and useful to discuss the philosophical assumptions structuring some positivist arguments. It also discusses the reasons for choosing to focus on Kelsen’s work, rather than on that of Lewis’ contemporary, John Austin, whose The Province of Jurisprudence Determined (published in 1832) remains influential in legal debates today.
The current study presents an analysis about the automation of the lawsuits in Brazil, which opens a new direction to be followed by the National Secretary of Justice, applied indistinctively to the civil, criminal and labor lawsuits, as well as to the special court houses at any degree of juridisdiction. It treats, specifically, about the transition from the classic lawsuit with bureaucratic aspects to the electronic one, based on the simplicity of the functions, the quality of the oral and the readiness. The light of the constitutional principle of the reasonable duration of the lawsuit, while fundamental rigth of the defendant and, under de protection of the democratic guarantee, it investigates, from the theory of the fundamental rights to the reform movement of the lawsiut, in the scenery of the alien law and national law, the latter, mostly because it has the automation as a necessary improvement claimed by modernity, yet without forgetting of the humane character inherent to the criminal lawsuit. It faces the issue of of the disruption of the paradigm of the written formality of the Brazilian lawsuit, the problem of the resistance to the new automized method, the use of the video conference for the inquest of the witnesses as well as for the questioning of the defendant, the advancements of the virtual lawsuit on the Superior Courts, Federal Supreme Court and Superior Court of Justice, it treats also about the role of the National Council of Justice - CNJ - to uniformize the legal proceedings in the country. Without neglecting the effective respect to the fundamental rights, it focuses the cultural change necessary so that the electronic technology can be, in fact, in the indictment system, the means to reach with excellency the citizenship by the simplification of the legal proceedings, transposing the baseless bureaucracy and assuring an effective judicial service assistance in order to have a better quality of life
Studies on the effects of changes in biodiversity and ecosystem functioning have been a central theme in ecology over the past two decades. Several studies have showed that the diversity of plant debris differently affects the decomposition process in aquatic and terrestrial environments, but we know very about the effects of detritus diversity on decomposition under fluctuating environmental conditions. We tested whether and how the environmental contexts, as well as the dynamic of their alternation, influence the effects of detritus diversity on the decomposition process. We performed a field experiment where we manipulate the litter diversity of 8 species of terrestrial plants decomposing (litterbags) in single and in mixture containing the eight species together in three different environmental contexts: the terrestrial environment (T), aquatic (A) and interface (I) - experimental treatment that simulates variation in flooding regime. We measured the rate of decomposition through the loss of mass of the community and each individual detritus in monocultures and mixtures. Species richness and environmental variability had no effects on the magnitude and stability of the decomposition process. However, there were significant diversity effects on the decomposition of an individual alien species, F. benjamina. Environmental context had significant effects on the magnitude and variability of decomposition. Detritus decomposition was faster and more variable on aquatic, interface and terrestrial conditions, respectively. Our results demonstrate that the diversity of plant detritus has minor effects to the decomposition across disparate environmental conditions and suggest that it is necessary to consider the potential of other abiotic factors in affect the magnitude and variability of the decomposition processes
The contemporary conjuncture based on the capitalistic knowledge converges to the corporal consciousness that makes us see, feel, taste and hear, be in/to pieces. Disembodied reason legitimate and legislate ways of being and living socially and its development is the dehumanization of human relations causing pain and suffering. The objective of this work is to discuss the body as pedagogical matrix through imagistic/artistic elements: music, painting and literature. Metaphors lead to self knowledge of human subjectivity and approach us to the kaleidoscope of sensitive knowledge and enables learning to learn with the infinite combinations of images, knowledge, feelings and worldviews. The song Memória da Pele comes in the voice of Maria Betânia speak of the memories that are not mine, but are tattooed in me in the memory of skin, singing the memories of a love lived by who tries to forget rationally, but the body insists on remembering. It is password to think about what we are. The short story by Clarice Lispector, entitled Miss Algarve, narrates the life story of an unmarried and virgin woman, and her encounter with an alien called Ixtlan. Until then, she who lived as if every day were a Monday, found herself seduced by the pleasure of having a body in contact with another body, which also allowed her to give visibility to the bodies of others. She had repudiation by the immorality that her body and the other s perspired. The discovery of the body brings important lessons for nursing, involving our body and the others'. The painting the flying bed or Henry Ford Hospital, by Frida Kahlo, is our final metaphor. The traumatic experience of abortion is shown in this painting trough the picture of the artist naked in a hospital bed. This painting invites us to reflect on our work process. We need to think in multiple dimensions of the being and accept the invitation of art, so that the lightness confronts us with the weight imposed by the hegemonic ideology. I believe it is not a single view, but the many views that should justify the knowledge and practices of nursing; what matters is that they are woven into the dialogue, democracy, provided that protagonism of those individuals involved in this process, in the wandering and uncertainty, in the rewiring, solidarity, plurality. To this end, the body must be the great pedagogue that is able to be viewed not as a tapestry seen by the right view, as the logical knowledge sees, but seen by the opposite side in its singular, irregular, discontinuous weavings