991 resultados para Ag-Al interaction


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Máster Universitario en Sistemas Inteligentes y Aplicaciones Numéricas en Ingeniería (SIANI)


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[ES]El diseño de entornos de simulación aplicados al estudio, aprendizaje y adquisición de competencias es un campo de trabajo activo en todos los niveles educativos. Los sucesivos avances experimentados por las Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicaciones (TIC), las plataformas que las sustentan y los estudios e investigaciones llevadas a cabo en el campo de la Interacción Persona Ordenador (Human Computer Interaction, HCI), soportan y hacen posible la realización de herramientas como la que aquí proponemos. Se trata de un entorno de simulación que ha sido diseñado con dos grandes objetivos: fomentar el aprendizaje activo y mejorar el rendimiento académico, como los más destacados. Para ello hemos elegido la Realimentación Acústica en los sistemas de refuerzo sonoro, fenómeno que exige un estudio detallado de los parámetros que lo controlan, que presentado de la forma que aquí proponemos permitirá un mejor aprovechamiento del escaso tiempo disponible para la experimentación en situaciones reales.


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Beet necrotic yellow vein virus (BNYVV), the leading infectious agent that affects sugar beet, is included within viruses transmitted through the soil from plasmodiophorid as Polymyxa betae. BNYVV is the causal agent of Rhizomania, which induces abnormal rootlet proliferation and is widespread in the sugar beet growing areas in Europe, Asia and America; for review see (Peltier et al., 2008). In this latter continent, Beet soil-borne mosaic virus (BSBMV) has been identified (Lee et al., 2001) and belongs to the benyvirus genus together with BNYVV, both vectored by P. betae. BSBMV is widely distributed only in the United States and it has not been reported yet in others countries. It was first identified in Texas as a sugar beet virus morphologically similar but serologically distinct to BNYVV. Subsequent sequence analysis of BSBMV RNAs evidenced similar genomic organization to that of BNYVV but sufficient molecular differences to distinct BSBMV and BNYVV in two different species (Rush et al., 2003). Benyviruses field isolates usually consist of four RNA species but some BNYVV isolates contain a fifth RNA. RNAs -1 contains a single long ORF encoding polypeptide that shares amino acid homology with known viral RNA-dependent RNA polymerases (RdRp) and helicases. RNAs -2 contains six ORFs: capsid protein (CP), one readthrough protein, triple gene block proteins (TGB) that are required for cell-to-cell virus movement and the sixth 14 kDa ORF is a post-translation gene silencing suppressor. RNAs -3 is involved on disease symptoms and is essential for virus systemic movement. BSBMV RNA-3 can be trans-replicated, trans-encapsidated by the BNYVV helper strain (RNA-1 and -2) (Ratti et al., 2009). BNYVV RNA-4 encoded one 31 kDa protein and is essential for vector interactions and virus transmission by P. betae (Rahim et al., 2007). BNYVV RNA-5 encoded 26 kDa protein that improve virus infections and accumulation in the hosts. We are interest on BSBMV effect on Rhizomania studies using powerful tools as full-length infectious cDNA clones. B-type full-length infectious cDNA clones are available (Quillet et al., 1989) as well as A/P-type RNA-3, -4 and -5 from BNYVV (unpublished). A-type BNYVV full-length clones are also available, but RNA-1 cDNA clone still need to be modified. During the PhD program, we start production of BSBMV full-length cDNA clones and we investigate molecular interactions between plant and Benyviruses exploiting biological, epidemiological and molecular similarities/divergences between BSBMV and BNYVV. During my PhD researchrs we obtained full length infectious cDNA clones of BSBMV RNA-1 and -2 and we demonstrate that they transcripts are replicated and packaged in planta and able to substitute BNYVV RNA-1 or RNA-2 in a chimeric viral progeny (BSBMV RNA-1 + BNYVV RNA-2 or BNYVV RNA-1 + BSBMV RNA-2). During BSBMV full-length cDNA clones production, unexpected 1,730 nts long form of BSBMV RNA-4 has been detected from sugar beet roots grown on BSBMV infected soil. Sequence analysis of the new BSBMV RNA-4 form revealed high identity (~100%) with published version of BSBMV RNA-4 sequence (NC_003508) between nucleotides 1-608 and 1,138-1,730, however the new form shows 528 additionally nucleotides between positions 608-1,138 (FJ424610). Two putative ORFs has been identified, the first one (nucleotides 383 to 1,234), encode a protein with predicted mass of 32 kDa (p32) and the second one (nucleotides 885 to 1,244) express an expected product of 13 kDa (p13). As for BSBMV RNA-3 (Ratti et al., 2009), full-length BSBMV RNA-4 cDNA clone permitted to obtain infectious transcripts that BNYVV viral machinery (Stras12) is able to replicate and to encapsidate in planta. Moreover, we demonstrated that BSBMV RNA-4 can substitute BNYVV RNA-4 for an efficient transmission through the vector P. betae in Beta vulgaris plants, demonstrating a very high correlation between BNYVV and BSBMV. At the same time, using BNYVV helper strain, we studied BSBMV RNA-4’s protein expression in planta. We associated a local necrotic lesions phenotype to the p32 protein expression onto mechanically inoculated C. quinoa. Flag or GFP-tagged sequences of p32 and p13 have been expressed in viral context, using Rep3 replicons, based on BNYVV RNA-3. Western blot analyses of local lesions contents, using FLAG-specific antibody, revealed a high molecular weight protein, which suggest either a strong interaction of BSBMV RNA4’s protein with host protein(s) or post translational modifications. GFP-fusion sequences permitted the subcellular localization of BSBMV RNA4’s proteins. Moreover we demonstrated the absence of self-activation domains on p32 by yeast two hybrid system approaches. We also confirmed that p32 protein is essential for virus transmission by P. betae using BNYVV helper strain and BNYVV RNA-3 and we investigated its role by the use of different deleted forms of p32 protein. Serial mechanical inoculation of wild-type BSBMV on C. quinoa plants were performed every 7 days. Deleted form of BSBMV RNA-4 (1298 bp) appeared after 14 passages and its sequence analysis shows deletion of 433 nucleotides between positions 611 and 1044 of RNA-4 new form. We demonstrated that this deleted form can’t support transmission by P. betae using BNYVV helper strain and BNYVV RNA-3, moreover we confirmed our hypothesis that BSBMV RNA-4 described by Lee et al. (2001) is a deleted form. Interesting after 21 passages we identifed one chimeric form of BSBMV RNA-4 and BSBMV RNA-3 (1146 bp). Two putative ORFs has been identified on its sequence, the first one (nucleotides 383 to 562), encode a protein with predicted mass of 7 kDa (p7), corresponding to the N-terminal of p32 protein encoded by BSBMV RNA-4; the second one (nucleotides 562 to 789) express an expected product of 9 kDa (p9) corresponding to the C-terminal of p29 encoded by BSBMV RNA-3. Results obtained by our research in this topic opened new research lines that our laboratories will develop in a closely future. In particular BSBMV p32 and its mutated forms will be used to identify factors, as host or vector protein(s), involved in the virus transmission through P. betae. The new results could allow selection or production of sugar beet plants able to prevent virus transmission then able to reduce viral inoculum in the soil.


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La bioetica è il luogo ideale per cercare risposte ai grandi interrogativi concernenti la vita, la morte e la cura dell'essere umano. I recenti dibattiti sull'uso, ed il temuto abuso, del corpo umano in medicina hanno messo in evidenza la necessità di una discussione approfondita sul potere di scelta che l'individuo può esercitare sulla propria mente e sul proprio corpo. Spinta dal desidero di indagare l'estensione di tale potere di scelta ho voluto analizzare le tematiche riguardanti “il corpo”, “l'individuo”, “la proprietà” e “l'autodeterminazione”. L'analisi è stata condotta individuando alcuni dei differenti significati che questi termini assumono nei diversi ambiti che la bioetica lambisce e mostrando, in particolare, la visione di tale realtà attraverso le lenti del giurista. A chi appartiene il corpo? Chi ha il potere di decidere su di esso? Il potere di scelta valica gli antichi i confini legati al corpo del paziente e coinvolge tessuti, organi e cellule staccati dal corpo umano, parti che un tempo erano considerati scarti operatori sono oggi divenuti tesori inestimabili per la ricerca. L'importanza assunta dai campioni biologici ha portato alla creazione di biobanche nelle quali sono raccolti, catalogati e il DNA studiato in campioni biologici Le biobanche riflettono le tensioni della bioetica e del biodititto. Lo studio delle biobanche riguarda, tra l'altro, la riceca dell'equilibrio tra le diverse esigenze meritevoli di tutela: in primo luogo il diritto alla privacy, diritto a che le “proprie informazioni” non vengano divulgate ed il diritto a non essere discriminato ed in secondo luogo le necessità dettate dalla ricerca e dalla scienza medica. Nel 2009 la rivista Times messo biobanche tra le 10 idee in grado di cambiare il mondo anche in considarazione della medicina personalizzata e del fatto che costituiscono una la speranza per la ricerca contro le malattie attuali e future.


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This work addresses the electronical properties of the superconductors UPd2Al3 and UNi2Al3 on the basis of thin film experiments. These isotructural compounds are ideal candiates to study the interplay of magnetism and superconductivity due to the differences of their magnetically ordered states, as well as the experimental evidence for a magnetic pairing mechanism in UPd2Al3. Epitaxial thin film samples of UPd2Al3 and UNi2Al3 were prepared using UHV Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE). For UPd2Al3, the change of the growth direction from the intrinsic (001) to epitaxial (100) was predicted and sucessfully demonstrated using LaAlO3 substrates cut in (110) direction. With optimized deposition process parameters for UPd2Al3 (100) on LaAlO3 (110) superconducting samples with critical temperatures up to Tc = 1.75K were obtained. UPd2Al3-AlOx-Ag mesa junctions with superconducting base electrode were prepared and shown to be in the tunneling regime. However, no signatures of a superconducting density of states were observed in the tunneling spectra. The resistive superconducting transition was probed for a possible dependence on the current direction. In contrast to UNi2Al3, the existence of such feature was excluded in UPd2Al3 (100) thin films. The second focus of this work is the dependence of the resisitive transition in UNi2Al3 (100) thin films on the current direction. The experimental fact that the resisitive transition occurs at slightly higher temperatures for I║a than for I║c can be explained within a model of two weakly coupled superconducting bands. Evidence is presented for the key assumption of the two-band model, namely that transport in and out of the ab-plane is generated on different, weakly coupled parts of the Fermi surface. Main indications are the angle dependence of the superconducting transition and the dependence of the upper critical field Bc2 on current and field orientation. Additionally, several possible alternative explanations for the directional splitting of the transition are excluded in this work. An origin due to scattering on crystal defects or impurities is ruled out, likewise a relation to ohmic heating or vortex dynamics. The shift of the transition temperature as function of the current density was found to behave as predicted by the Ginzburg-Landau theory for critical current depairing, which plays a significant role in the two-band model. In conclusion, the directional splitting of the resisitive transition has to be regarded an intrinsic and unique property of UNi2Al3 up to now. Therefore, UNi2Al3 is proposed as a role model for weakly coupled multiband superconductivity. Magnetoresistance in the normalconducting state was measured for UPd2Al3 and UNi2Al3. For UNi2Al3, a negative contribution was observed close to the antiferromagnetic ordering temperature TN only for I║a, which can be associated to reduced spin-disorder scattering. In agreement with previous results it is concluded that the magnetic moments have to be attributed to the same part of the Fermi surface which generates transport in the ab-plane.


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The heavy fermion compound UNi2Al3 exhibits the coexistence of superconductivity and magnetic order at low temperatures, stimulating speculations about possible exotic Cooper-pairing interaction in this superconductor. However, the preparation of good quality bulk single crystals of UNi2Al3 has proven to be a non-trivial task due to metallurgical problems, which result in the formation of an UAl2 impurity phase and hence a strongly reduced sample purity. The present work concentrates on the preparation, characterization and electronic properties investigation of UNi2Al3 single crystalline thin film samples. The preparation of thin films was accomplished in a molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) system. (100)-oriented epitaxial thin films of UNi2Al3 were grown on single crystalline YAlO3 substrates cut in (010)- or (112)-direction. The high crystallographic quality of the samples was proved by several characterisation methods, such as X-ray analysis, RHEED and TEM. To study the magnetic structure of epitaxial thin films resonant magnetic x-ray scattering was employed. The magnetic order of thin the film samples, the formation of magnetic domains with different moment directions, and the magnetic correlation length were discussed. The electronic properties of the UNi2Al3 thin films in the normal and superconducting states were investigated by means of transport measurements. A pronounced anisotropy of the temperature dependent resistivity ρ(T) was observed. Moreover, it was found that the temperature of the resistive superconducting transition depends on the current direction, providing evidence for multiband superconductivity in UNi2Al3. The initial slope of the upper critical field H′c2(T) of the thin film samples suggests an unconventional spin-singlet superconducting state, as opposed to bulk single crystal data. To probe the superconducting gap of UNi2Al3 directly by means of tunnelling spectroscopy many planar junctions of different design employing different techniques were prepared. Despite the tunneling regime of the junctions, no features of the superconducting density of state of UNi2Al3 were ever observed. It is assumed that the absence of UNi2Al3 gap features in the tunneling spectra was caused by imperfections of the tunnelling contacts. The superconductivity of UNi2Al3 was probably suppressed just in a degraded surface layer, resulting in tunneling into non superconducting UNi2Al3. However, alternative explanations such as intrinsic pair breaking effects at the interface to the barrier are also possible.


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In this thesis, the influence of composition changes on the glass transition behavior of binary liquids in two and three spatial dimensions (2D/3D) is studied in the framework of mode-coupling theory (MCT).The well-established MCT equations are generalized to isotropic and homogeneous multicomponent liquids in arbitrary spatial dimensions. Furthermore, a new method is introduced which allows a fast and precise determination of special properties of glass transition lines. The new equations are then applied to the following model systems: binary mixtures of hard disks/spheres in 2D/3D, binary mixtures of dipolar point particles in 2D, and binary mixtures of dipolar hard disks in 2D. Some general features of the glass transition lines are also discussed. The direct comparison of the binary hard disk/sphere models in 2D/3D shows similar qualitative behavior. Particularly, for binary mixtures of hard disks in 2D the same four so-called mixing effects are identified as have been found before by Götze and Voigtmann for binary hard spheres in 3D [Phys. Rev. E 67, 021502 (2003)]. For instance, depending on the size disparity, adding a second component to a one-component liquid may lead to a stabilization of either the liquid or the glassy state. The MCT results for the 2D system are on a qualitative level in agreement with available computer simulation data. Furthermore, the glass transition diagram found for binary hard disks in 2D strongly resembles the corresponding random close packing diagram. Concerning dipolar systems, it is demonstrated that the experimental system of König et al. [Eur. Phys. J. E 18, 287 (2005)] is well described by binary point dipoles in 2D through a comparison between the experimental partial structure factors and those from computer simulations. For such mixtures of point particles it is demonstrated that MCT predicts always a plasticization effect, i.e. a stabilization of the liquid state due to mixing, in contrast to binary hard disks in 2D or binary hard spheres in 3D. It is demonstrated that the predicted plasticization effect is in qualitative agreement with experimental results. Finally, a glass transition diagram for binary mixtures of dipolar hard disks in 2D is calculated. These results demonstrate that at higher packing fractions there is a competition between the mixing effects occurring for binary hard disks in 2D and those for binary point dipoles in 2D.


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The functionalization of substrates through the application of nanostructured coatings allows to create new materials, with enhanced properties. In this work, the development of self-cleaning and antibacterial textiles, through the application of TiO2 and Ag based nanostructured coatings was carried out. The production of TiO2 and Ag functionalized materials was achieved both by the classical dip-padding-curing method and by the innovative electrospinning process to obtain nanofibers doped with nano-TiO2 and nano-Ag. In order to optimize the production of functionalized textiles, the study focused on the comprehension of mechanisms involved in the photocatalytic and antibacterial processes and on the real applicability of the products. In particular, a deep investigation on the relationship between nanosol physicochemical characteristics, nanocoating properties and their performances was accomplished. Self-cleaning textiles with optimized properties were obtained by properly purifying and applying commercial TiO2 nanosol while the studies on the photocatalytic mechanism operating in self-cleaning application demonstrated the strong influence of hydrophilic properties and of interaction surface/radicals on final performance. Moreover, a study about the safety in handling of nano-TiO2 was carried out and risk remediation strategies, based on “safety by design” approach, were developed. In particular, the coating of TiO2 nanoparticles by a SiO2 shell was demonstrated to be the best risk remediation strategy in term of biological response and preserving of photoreactivity. The obtained results were confirmed determining the reactive oxygen species production by a multiple approach. Antibacterial textiles for biotechnological applications were also studied and Ag-coated cotton materials, with significant anti-bacterial properties, were produced. Finally, composite nanofibers were obtained merging biopolymer processing and sol-gel techniques. Indeed, electrospun nanofibers embedded with TiO2 and Ag NPs, starting from aqueous keratin based formulation were produced and the photocatalytic and antibacterial properties were assessed. The results confirmed the capability of electrospun keratin nanofibers matrix to preserve nanoparticle properties.


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This thesis presents a new Artificial Neural Network (ANN) able to predict at once the main parameters representative of the wave-structure interaction processes, i.e. the wave overtopping discharge, the wave transmission coefficient and the wave reflection coefficient. The new ANN has been specifically developed in order to provide managers and scientists with a tool that can be efficiently used for design purposes. The development of this ANN started with the preparation of a new extended and homogeneous database that collects all the available tests reporting at least one of the three parameters, for a total amount of 16’165 data. The variety of structure types and wave attack conditions in the database includes smooth, rock and armour unit slopes, berm breakwaters, vertical walls, low crested structures, oblique wave attacks. Some of the existing ANNs were compared and improved, leading to the selection of a final ANN, whose architecture was optimized through an in-depth sensitivity analysis to the training parameters of the ANN. Each of the selected 15 input parameters represents a physical aspect of the wave-structure interaction process, describing the wave attack (wave steepness and obliquity, breaking and shoaling factors), the structure geometry (submergence, straight or non-straight slope, with or without berm or toe, presence or not of a crown wall), or the structure type (smooth or covered by an armour layer, with permeable or impermeable core). The advanced ANN here proposed provides accurate predictions for all the three parameters, and demonstrates to overcome the limits imposed by the traditional formulae and approach adopted so far by some of the existing ANNs. The possibility to adopt just one model to obtain a handy and accurate evaluation of the overall performance of a coastal or harbor structure represents the most important and exportable result of the work.


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C’è un crescente interesse nella comunità scientifica per l’applicazione delle tecniche della bioingegneria nel campo delle interfacce fra cervello e computer. Questo interesse nasce dal fatto che in Europa ci sono almeno 300.000 persone con paralisi agli arti inferiori, con una età media piuttosto bassa (31 anni), registrandosi circa 5.000 nuovi casi ogni anno, in maggioranza dovuti ad incidenti automobilistici. Tali lesioni traumatiche spinali inducono delle disfunzioni sensoriali a causa dell’interruzione tra gli arti e i centri sopraspinali. Per far fronte a questi problemi gli scienziati si sono sempre più proiettati verso un nuovo settore: il Brain Computer Interaction, ossia un ambito della ricerca volto alla costruzione di interfacce in grado di collegare direttamente il cervello umano ad un dispositivo elettrico come un computer.


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Negli ultimi decenni abbiamo assistito ad una graduale evoluzione delle interfacce utente e della tecnologia. Sono stati introdotti nuovi dispositivi mobile e wearable che negli ultimi anni hanno subito un incremento tecnologico esponenziale arrivando a fondersi con la vita di tutti i giorni. Le classiche interfacce grafiche WIMP, la metafora del desktop e le linee guida di progettazione fino ad ora sviluppate non risultano ideali per la nuova tecnologia di wearable computing. Il proposito che la tesi vuole andare ad affrontare è proprio quello di indagare lo sviluppo di nuove user inteface basate sulla tecnologia wearable ed in particolare per smart glasses.