962 resultados para Adaptor Proteins, Vesicular Transport


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Le trafic vésiculaire permet un échange coordonné de molécules entre les différents organites de la cellule et dépend largement des petites GTPases de la famille des Rabs dont le nombre varie entre 27 chez la Drosophile et 70 chez l’Homme. Un des prochains défis consiste donc à élucider les mécanismes cellulaires qui coordonnent l’activité de ces Rabs, laquelle garantit un transport vésiculaire ordonné au sein de la cellule. Les Rabs agissent comme des interrupteurs moléculaires grâce à leur capacité à cycler entre un état actif et inactif. L’activité des Rabs est contrôlée par des protéines régulatrices puis des effecteurs en aval coordonnent leurs différentes fonctions. La petite GTPase Rab11 est essentielle au développement de plusieurs organismes incluant la Drosophile, C. elegans et la souris puisqu’elle se retrouve au cœur de différentes voies de transport. D’ailleurs, le trafic de molécules dépendant de Rab11 est perturbé dans plusieurs pathologies. Malgré son rôle central dans le trafic vésiculaire, la régulation de Rab11 reste peu comprise in vivo. Cette thèse se penche sur les mécanismes moléculaires contrôlant les fonctions de Rab11 et de ses effecteurs lors de la migration cellulaire collective et lors de la cytocinèse. Nous avons identifié Evi5 comme un nouvel acteur clé de la migration cellulaire collective, et nous montrons qu’elle possède une activité Rab11-GAP essentielle pour maintenir les récepteurs de guidance actifs de façon polarisée au front de migration. Nous avons ensuite déterminé que Rab11 régule la communication cellulaire lors de la migration collective par l’entremise de son interaction avec la Moésine. Une question reste toutefois en suspens : sachant que Rab11 compte plus de 13 effecteurs, quels sont les mécanismes assurant la spécificité de l’interaction entre cette GTPase et un effecteur particulier? Une partie de la réponse provient peut-être de nos observations que les membres des Rab11-FIPs de classe I, une famille d’effecteurs de Rab11, interagissent avec les protéines d’échafaudage 14-3-3. Chez la Drosophile, Rip11 est le seul représentant des Rab11-FIPs de classe I et nous montrons que Rip11 aurait des fonctions inattendues durant la cytocinèse qui seraient coordonnées par 14-3-3. Nos recherches permettent de dresser un portrait plus authentique des mécanismes moléculaires régulant les différentes fonctions de Rab11 et de ses effecteurs in vivo.


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In the present investigation, three important stressors: cadmium ion (Cd++), salinity and temperature were selected to study their effects on protein and purine catabolism of O. mossambicus. Cadmium (Cd) is a biologically nonessential metal that can be toxic to aquatic animals. Cadmium is a trace element which is a common constituent of industrial effluents. It is a non-nutrient metal and toxic to fish even at low concentrations. Cadmium ions accumulate in sensitive organs like gills, liver, and kidney of fish in an unregulated manner . Thus; the toxic effects of cadmium are related to changes in natural physiological and biochemical processes in organism. The mechanics of osmoregulation (i.e. total solute and water regulation) are reasonably well understood (Evans, 1984, 1993), and most researchers agree that salinities that differ from the internal osmotic concentration of the fish must impose energetic regulatory costs for active ion transport. There is limited information on protein and purine catabolism of euryhaline fish during salinity adaptation. Within a range of non-lethal temperatures, fishes are generally able to cope with gradual temperature changes that are common in natural systems. However, rapid increases or decreases in ambient temperature may result in sub lethal physiological and behavioral responses. The catabolic pathways of proteins and purines are important biochemical processes. The results obtained signifies that O. mossambicus when exposed to different levels of cadmium ion, salinity and temperature show great variation in the catabolism of proteins and purines. The organism is trying to attain homeostasis in the presence of stressors by increasing or decreasing the activity of certain enzymes. The present study revealed that the protein and purine catabolism in O. mossambicus is sensitive to environmental stressors.


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El present treball analitza al microscopi òptic i al microscopi electrònic de transmissió les glàndules sexuals accessòries de Sus domesticus (raça Landrace - varietat anglesa) a partir de mascles reproductors porcins adults i sans. Un millor coneixement dels patrons estructural i ultraestructural normals de las glàndules sexuals accessòries permetrà diagnosticar amb facilitat quina ha estat l'estructura o la funció glandular afectada en mascles en els que s'observa una disminució de la qualitat del semen. Per altra banda, els estudis anatomopatològics s'han de complementar amb tècniques histoquímiques que generalment permeten confirmar o excloure un diagnòstic histopatològic previ. Les glàndules sexuals accessòries del mascle reproductor porcí estan molt desenvolupades i inclouen les glàndules vesiculars, la pròstata i les glàndules bulbouretrals. L'epiteli secretor de les glàndules vesiculars està format per cèl·lules columnars, cèl·lules basals i mastòcits. Les cèl·lules columnars es caracteritzen per presentar tres morfologies diferents que es consideren diferents estadis d'un mateix tipus cel·lular: les cèl·lules principals, les cèl·lules clares i les cèl·lules denses. Les cèl·lules principals secreten activament glicoproteïnes N- i O- glicosilades amb residus d'α-L-fucosa, α(16)fucosa, α-D-mannosa, α-D-glucosa, α- i -D-N-acetilgalactosamina, -D-galactosa-(13)-D-N-acetilgalactosamina, α-D-galactosa, galactosa-(14)-N-acetilglucosamina, D-N-acetilglucosamina i àcid neuramínic. Aquestes glicoproteïnes afavoreixen les interaccions entre l'espermatozoide i l'occit i regulen la permeabilitat de la membrana espermàtica. La pròstata està formada per dues porcions glandulars, el cos de la pròstata (BP) y la pròstata disseminada (DP), entre las quals s'observen diferencies estructurals, ultraestructurals, histoquímiques i funcionals. En ambdues porcions, l'epiteli secretor està constituït per cèl·lules columnars principals, denses i cèl·lules basals, i també per cèl·lules cúbiques en el BP i per cèl·lules mucoses en la DP. En ambdues porcions glandulars, se sintetitzen i secreten N- i O- glicoproteïnes neutres i àcides. Aquestes glicoproteïnes s'alliberen mitjançant un mecanisme regulat en el BP y mitjançant un mecanisme regulat i un constitutiu en la DP. Les glucoproteïnes luminals del BP contenen residus de fucosa, mannosa, α- i -D-N-acetilgalactosamina, galactosa-(14)-N-acetilglucosamina, D-N-acetilglucosamina i àcid neuramínic. En la DP les glicoproteïnes presenten, a més, -D-galactosa-(13)-D-N-acetilgalactosamina i α-D-galactosa. Les glicoproteïnes secretades en el BP i en la DP per via regulada, participen en el control de l'estabilitat del plasmalemma dels espermatozoides, eviten la resposta immune uterina i l'aglutinació dels espermatozoides i afavoreixen la seva motilitat progressiva. Les glicoproteïnes secretades per via constitutiva en la DP protegeixen i lubrifiquen la uretra pelviana. L'epiteli secretor de les glàndules bulbouretrals està format per cèl·lules piramidals principals i denses. Les cèl·lules principals sintetitzen i secreten principalment O-glicoproteïnes àcides carboxilades i sulfatades amb residus glicosídics d'N-acetilgalactosamina, -D-galactosa-(13)-D-N-acetilgalactosamina, α-D-galactosa, D-N-acetilglucosamina i àcid neuramínic. Aquests residus proporcionen resistència a la proteolisi a les O-glicoproteïnes secretades, les quals participen en la lubrificació y protecció de l'epiteli, i intervenen en el control de la permeabilitat del plasmalemma dels espermatozoides i en el transport d'ions al seu través.


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The EfeUOB system of Escherichia coli is a tripartite, low pH, ferrous iron transporter. It resembles the high-affinity iron transporter (Ftr1p-Fet3p) of yeast in that EfeU is homologous to Ftr1p, an integral-membrane iron-permease. However, EfeUOB lacks an equivalent of the Fet3p component—the multicopper oxidase with three cupredoxin-like domains. EfeO and EfeB are periplasmic but their precise roles are unclear. EfeO consists primarily of a C-terminal peptidase-M75 domain with a conserved ‘HxxE’ motif potentially involved in metal binding. The smaller N-terminal domain (EfeO-N) is predicted to be cupredoxin (Cup) like, suggesting a previously unrecognised similarity between EfeO and Fet3p. Our structural modelling of the E. coli EfeO Cup domain identifies two potential metal-binding sites. Site I is predicted to bind Cu2+ using three conserved residues (C41 and 103, and E66) and M101. Of these, only one (C103) is conserved in classical cupredoxins where it also acts as a Cu ligand. Site II most probably binds Fe3+ and consists of four well conserved surface Glu residues. Phylogenetic analysis indicates that the EfeO-Cup domains form a novel Cup family, designated the ‘EfeO-Cup’ family. Structural modelling of two other representative EfeO-Cup domains indicates that different subfamilies employ distinct ligand sets at their proposed metal-binding sites. The ~100 efeO homologues in the bacterial sequence databases are all associated with various iron-transport related genes indicating a common role for EfeO-Cup proteins in iron transport, supporting a new copper-iron connection in biology.


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Spontaneous mutants of Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae 3841 were isolated that grow faster than the wild type on gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) as the sole carbon and nitrogen source. These strains (RU1736 and RU1816) have frameshift mutations (gtsR101 and gtsR102, respectively) in a GntR-type regulator (GtsR) that result in a high rate of constitutive GABA transport. Tn5 mutagenesis and quantitative reverse transcription-PCR showed that GstR regulates expression of a large operon (pRL100242 to pRL100252) on the Sym plasmid that is required for GABA uptake. An ABC transport system, GtsABCD (for GABA transport system) (pRL100248-51), of the spermidine/putrescine family is part of this operon. GtsA is a periplasmic binding protein, GtsB and GtsC are integral membrane proteins, and GtsD is an ATP-binding subunit. Expression of gtsABCD from a lacZ promoter confirmed that it alone is responsible for high rates of GABA transport, enabling rapid growth of strain 3841 on GABA. Gts transports open-chain compounds with four or five carbon atoms with carboxyl and amino groups at, or close to, opposite termini. However, aromatic compounds with similar spacing between carboxyl and amino groups are excellent inhibitors of GABA uptake so they may also be transported. In addition to the ABC transporter, the operon contains two putative mono-oxygenases, a putative hydrolase, a putative aldehyde dehydrogenase, and a succinate semialdehyde dehydrogenase. This suggests the operon may be involved in the transport and breakdown of a more complex precursor to GABA. Gts is not expressed in pea bacteroids, and gtsB mutants are unaltered in their symbiotic phenotype, suggesting that Bra is the only GABA transport system available for amino acid cycling.


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Bacteria commonly utilise a unique type of transporter, called Feo, to specifically acquire the ferrous (Fe2+) form of iron from their environment. Enterobacterial Feo systems are composed of three proteins: FeoA, a small, soluble SH3-domain protein probably located in the cytosol; FeoB, a large protein with a cytosolic N-terminal G-protein domain and a C-terminal integral inner-membrane domain containing two 'Gate' motifs which likely functions as the Fe2+ permease; and FeoC, a small protein apparently functioning as an [Fe-S]-dependent transcriptional repressor. We provide a review of the current literature combined with a bioinformatic assessment of bacterial Feo systems showing how they exhibit common features, as well as differences in organisation and composition which probably reflect variations in mechanisms employed and function.


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A series of promoter probe vectors for use in Gram-negative bacteria has been made in two broad-host-range vectors, pOT (pBBR replicon) and pJP2 (incP replicon). Reporter fusions can be made to gfpUV, gfprnut3.1, unstable gfpmut3.1 variants (LAA, LVA, AAV and ASV), gfp+, dsRed2, dsRedT3, dsRedT4, mRFP1, gusA or lacZ. The two vector families, pOT and pJP2, are compatible with one another and share the same polylinker for facile interchange of promoter regions. Vectors based on pJP2 have the advantage of being ultra-stable in the environment due to the presence of the parABCDE genes. As a confirmation of their usefulness, the dicarboxylic acid transport system promoter (dctA(p)) was cloned into a pOT (pRU1097)- and a pJP2 (pRU1156)-based vector and shown to be expressed by Rhizobium leguminosarum in infection threads of vetch. This indicates the presence of dicarboxylates at the earliest stages of nodule formation.


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Bacteria commonly utilise a unique type of transporter, called Feo, to specifically acquire the ferrous (Fe2+) form of iron from their environment. Enterobacterial Feo systems are composed of three proteins: FeoA, a small, soluble SH3-domain protein probably located in the cytosol; FeoB, a large protein with a cytosolic N-terminal G-protein domain and a C-terminal integral inner-membrane domain containing two 'Gate' motifs which likely functions as the Fe2+ permease; and FeoC, a small protein apparently functioning as an [Fe-S]-dependent transcriptional repressor. We provide a review of the current literature combined with a bioinformatic assessment of bacterial Feo systems showing how they exhibit common features, as well as differences in organisation and composition which probably reflect variations in mechanisms employed and function.


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Sustained hypoxia alters the expression of numerous proteins and predisposes individuals to Alzheimer's disease (AD). We have previously shown that hypoxia in vitro alters Ca2+ homeostasis in astrocytes and promotes increased production of amyloid beta peptides (Abeta) of AD. Indeed, alteration of Ca2+ homeostasis requires amyloid formation. Here, we show that electrogenic glutamate uptake by astrocytes is suppressed by hypoxia (1% O2, 24h) in a manner that is independent of amyloid beta peptide formation. Thus, hypoxic suppression of glutamate uptake and expression levels of glutamate transporter proteins EAAT1 and EAAT2 were not mimicked by exogenous application of amyloid beta peptide, or by prevention of endogenous amyloid peptide formation (using inhibitors of either beta or gamma secretase). Thus, dysfunction in glutamate homeostasis in hypoxic conditions is independent of Abeta production, but will likely contribute to neuronal damage and death associated with AD following hypoxic events.


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Major outer membrane proteins (MOMPs) of Gram negative bacteria are one of the most intensively studied membrane proteins. MOMPs are essential for maintaining the structural integrity of bacterial outer membranes and in adaptation of parasites to their hosts. There is evidence to suggest a role for purified MOMP from Chlamydophila pneumoniae and corresponding MOMP-derived peptides in immune-modulation, leading to a reduced atherosclerotic phenotype in apoE−/− mice via a characteristic dampening of MHC class II activity. The work reported herein tests this hypothesis by employing a combination of homology modelling and docking to examine the detailed molecular interactions that may be responsible. A three-dimensional homology model of the C. pneumoniae MOMP was constructed based on the 14 transmembrane β-barrel crystal structure of the fatty acid transporter from Escherichia coli, which provides a plausible transport mechanism for MOMP. Ligand docking experiments were used to provide details of the possible molecular interactions driving the binding of MOMP-derived peptides to MHC class II alleles known to be strongly associated with inflammation. The docking experiments were corroborated by predictions from conventional immuno-informatic algorithms. This work supports further the use of MOMP in C. pneumoniae as a possible vaccine target and the role of MOMP-derived peptides as vaccine candidates for immune-therapy in chronic inflammation that can result in cardiovascular events.


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In common with other positive-strand RNA viruses, replication of feline calicivirus (FCV) results in rearrangement of intracellular membranes and production of numerous membrane-bound vesicular structures on which viral genome replication is thought to occur. In this study, bioinformatics approaches have identified three of the FCV non-structural proteins, namely p32, p39 and p30, as potential transmembrane proteins. These proteins were able to target enhanced cyan fluorescent protein to membrane fractions where they behaved as integral membrane proteins. Immunofluorescence microscopy of these proteins expressed in cells showed co-localization with endoplasmic reticulum (ER) markers. Further electron microscopy analysis of cells co-expressing FCV p39 or p30 with a horseradish peroxidase protein containing the KDEL ER retention motif demonstrated gross morphological changes to the ER. Similar reorganization patterns, especially for those produced by p30, were observed in naturally infected Crandel-Rees feline kidney cells. Together, the data demonstrate that the p32, p39 and p30 proteins of FCV locate to the ER and lead to reorganization of ER membranes. This suggests that they may play a role in the generation of FCV replication complexes and that the endoplasmic reticulum may represent the potential source of the membrane vesicles induced during FCV infection.


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In unstimulated cells, proteins of the nuclear factor kappaB (NF-kappaB) transcription factor family are sequestered in the cytoplasm through interactions with IkappaB inhibitor proteins. Tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) activates the degradation of IkappaB-alpha and the nuclear import of cytoplasmic NF-kappaB. Nuclear localization of numerous cellular proteins is mediated by the ability of the cytoskeleton, usually microtubules, to direct their perinuclear accumulation. In a former study we have shown that activated NF-kappaB rapidly moves from distal processes in neurons towards the nucleus. The fast transport rate suggests the involvement of motor proteins in the transport of NF-kappaB. Here we address the question how NF-kappaB arrives at the nuclear membrane before import in non-neuronal cells, i.e., by diffusion alone or with the help of active transport mechanisms. Using confocal microscopy imaging and analysis of nuclear protein extracts, we show that NF-kappaB movement through the cytoplasm to the nucleus is independent of the cytoskeleton, in the three cell lines investigated here. Additionally we demonstrate that NF-kappaB p65 is not associated with the dynein/dynactin molecular motor complex. We propose that cells utilize two distinct mechanisms of NF-kappaB transport: (1) signaling via diffusion over short distances in non-neuronal cells and (2) transport via motor proteins that move along the cytoskeleton in neuronal processes where the distances between sites of NF-kappaB activation and nucleus can be vast.


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Retrograde transport of NF-κB from the synapse to the nucleus in neurons is mediated by the dynein/dynactin motor complex and can be triggered by synaptic activation. The calibre of axons is highly variable ranging down to 100 nm, aggravating the investigation of transport processes in neurites of living neurons using conventional light microscopy. In this study we quantified for the first time the transport of the NF-κB subunit p65 using high-density single-particle tracking in combination with photoactivatable fluorescent proteins in living mouse hippocampal neurons. We detected an increase of the mean diffusion coefficient (Dmean) in neurites from 0.12 ± 0.05 µm2/s to 0.61 ± 0.03 µm2/s after stimulation with glutamate. We further observed that the relative amount of retrogradely transported p65 molecules is increased after stimulation. Glutamate treatment resulted in an increase of the mean retrograde velocity from 10.9 ± 1.9 to 15 ± 4.9 µm/s, whereas a velocity increase from 9 ± 1.3 to 14 ± 3 µm/s was observed for anterogradely transported p65. This study demonstrates for the first time that glutamate stimulation leads to an increased mobility of single NF-κB p65 molecules in neurites of living hippocampal neurons.


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The venom gland of viperid snakes has a central lumen where the venom produced by secretory cells is stored. When the venom is lost from the gland, the secretory cells are activated and new venom is produced. The production of new venom is triggered by the action of noradrenaline on both alpha(1)- and beta-adrenoceptors in the venom gland. In this study, we show that venom removal leads to the activation of transcription factors NF kappa B and AP-1 in the venom gland. In dispersed secretory cells, noradrenaline activated both NF kappa B and AP-1. Activation of NF kappa B and AP-1 depended on phospholipase C and protein kinase A. Activation of NF kappa B also depended on protein kinase C. Isoprenaline activated both NF kappa B and AP-1, and phenylephrine activated NF kappa B and later AP-1. We also show that the protein composition of the venom gland changes during the venom production cycle. Striking changes occurred 4 and 7 days after venom removal in female and male snakes, respectively. Reserpine blocks this change, and the administration of alpha(1)- and beta-adrenoceptor agonists to reserpine-treated snakes largely restores the protein composition of the venom gland. However, the protein composition of the venom from reserpinized snakes treated with alpha(1)- or beta-adrenoceptor agonists appears normal, judging from SDS-PAGE electrophoresis. A sexual dimorphism in activating transcription factors and activating venom gland was observed. Our data suggest that the release of noradrenaline after biting is necessary to activate the venom gland by regulating the activation of transcription factors and consequently regulating the synthesis of proteins in the venom gland for venom production.


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Objective: To evaluate the transepithelial transport of sodium, glucose, potassium, and water and the mRNA level of the sodium-glucose cotransporter (SGLT1) and the facilitated sugar transporter (GLUT2) in the small intestine of iron-deficient rats. Methods: After 6 wk of receiving diets with low or normal iron content, rats (Wistar-EPM) were subjected to two experiments: 1) evaluation of the transepithelial transport of sodium, glucose, potassium, and water by an ""in vivo"" experimental model of intestinal perfusion and 2) determination of relative SGLT1 and GLUT2 mRNA levels in the proximal, intermediate, and distal portions of the small intestine by the northern blotting technique. Results: Hemoglobin and hepatic iron levels were statistically lower in the anemic rats. The mean transepithelial transports of sodium (-33.0 mu Eq . min(-1) . cm(-1)), glucose (426.0 mu M . min(-1) . cm(-1)), and water (0.4 mu L . min(-1) . cm(-1)) in the small intestine of the anemic rats were significantly lower than in the control group (349.1 mu Eq . min(-1) cm(-1), 842.6 mu M . min(-1) . cm(-1), and 4.3 mu l . min(-1) cm(-1), respectively, P < 0.05). The transepithelial transport of potassium was similar for both groups. The relative SGLT1 mRNA levels of the anemic rats in the intermediate (1.796 +/- 0.659 AU) and distal (1.901 +/- 0.766 AU) segments were significantly higher than the values for the control rats (intermediate 1.262 +/- 0.450 AU, distal 1.244 +/- 0.407 AU). No significant difference was observed for the relative SLGT1 mRNA levels in the proximal segment or for the GLUT2 mRNA levels in all segments. Conclusion: Iron deficiency decreases the absorption of glucose, sodium, and water and increases SGLT1 mRNA in the intermediate and distal segments of the small intestine of rats. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.