290 resultados para Abandon


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La idea de aportar a la vivienda en altura las cualidades de la casa patio, se ha estudiado durante años. Podemos decir que el origen de este análisis se inició en 1922 cuando Le Corbusier empezó a investigar a cerca de los Inmuebles Villa; sin duda sabemos que ha llegado hasta la actualidad. Ayudado por la labor de búsqueda de diferentes arquitectos a lo largo de la historia, podemos afirmar que todos los casos conforman una idea única de proyecto. La idea de agrupar casas patio en altura manteniendo las características propias de este tipo de viviendas, privacidad, espacio libre, apertura cenital, comunicación interior‐exterior… Los Inmuebles‐Villa serán repetidamente aludidos, citados o retomados como un tipo paradigmático entre las propuestas de agrupaciones de casas patio en altura. Si pensamos en el concepto tradicional de patio, denominarlo como un espacio de viviendas apiladas en altura no parece una elección adecuada, no obstante la noción de patio permite una gran cantidad de asociaciones. Su valor radica en el traslado de una idea conocida a un nuevo contexto, produciendo así una reformulación del problema. Elegimos para este proceso, la vivienda colectiva, entendiendo la colectividad como agrupación, pues es esta agrupación de vivienda la encargada de crear ciudad; así no sólo vale la pena dar importancia a una célula con su independencia, sino en la relación que estas establecen con sus semejantes. De ahí la idea de que esa colectividad de casas patio, pueda darse también en vertical, buscando las condiciones antes mencionadas. Un deseo que apareció en el Movimiento Moderno y que desde ese momento ha sido algo anhelado por la arquitectura hasta nuestros días. El patio se presenta en la mayoría de las ocasiones como un espacio con múltiples afecciones, desde el patio que aporta a la vivienda una zona de esparcimiento hasta un espacio destinado a la ventilación, aunque en definitiva, podemos decir que consiste en un espacio capaz de contener un lugar. Quizás por eso aparece de diversas formas en nuestra arquitectura, sin importar su ubicación o forma. Simplemente un espacio que aporta al interior unas características que esas viviendas nunca alcanzarían sin él. Por eso lo que conocemos como casa patio es un tipo de arquitectura que se extiende hasta la antigüedad. Ese concepto de espacio exterior incorporado a la vivienda es una de las piezas fundamentales en nuestra arquitectura. Una idea ampliamente estudiada que deja a un lado los diferentes tipos de “patio” que fueron apareciendo, así como las múltiples funciones que dichos espacios fueron capaces de llevar a cabo, primando en definitiva la forma en la que cambiaron la idea de habitar. A lo largo de este análisis se han ido hallando evidencias de los múltiples mecanismos empleados en los casos estudiados. Como se ha visto, en ellos aparecen características que únicamente pueden aparecer en un espacio exterior cuando se trata de un patio. Los patios estudiados se consideran patios tradicionales, independientemente de la cota a la que se encuentren, aunque no cumplan alguna de las características a priori necesarias para la definición de patio. Para captar la esencia de esos espacios, no es necesario traspasar sus límites, ya que ésta se irradia al interior e invade la atmósfera de los espacios contiguos. Se plantea como objetivo principal rastrear las huellas de una investigación proyectual que Le Corbusier inaugura y deja abierta; se trata de descubrir qué ecos, qué rebotes, qué repercusiones tiene el concepto de patio en altura a lo largo de su historia. En esta búsqueda de identificación de las características de estos espacios, hemos seleccionado tres casos, partiendo de las experiencias tanto en patios tradicionales como en patios en altura de tres maestros como son Le Corbusier, José Luis Sert y Charles Correa. Los casos estudiados podrían haber sido muchos más. Este número supone solo un ejemplo de un universo mayor, que ha sido operativo para el desarrollo de este trabajo. Ellos nos guiarán por su arquitectura para intentar resolver la idea de los patios en altura. Hemos analizado las influencias proyectuales existentes entre algunos de los casos que forman parte de esta reflexión, entre los que existen unos vínculos claros, que pueden ser esas claves que estamos buscando para resolver la agrupación de casa patio en altura. A través de este trabajo se ha puesto de manifiesto que la aplicación del concepto de casas patio en altura depende tanto de su ubicación, del clima y la cultura local, como el tipo de patio del que se parte. De estos conceptos surgen soluciones diferentes entre ellas y por tanto no pueden extrapolarse una sola idea a todos los casos. Algunas ideas están presentes durante toda la investigación: fachadas como resultado de la repetición de células, sucesión de espacios, plantas de casas patio tradicional, dobles alturas…Otros casos destacan por su singularidad, por haber buscado la solución del problema mediante la originalidad. En definitiva buscamos casas patio en altura. Y si esta tesis contribuye, en alguna medida, a obtener las claves para que esta tipología edificatoria funcione, de sus características, sus necesidades, y su resultado, es decir, de su búsqueda de ese deseo moderno que presentábamos al principio, será entonces que esa tipología ilusoria, sea una arquitectura real, y por lo tanto también podrá llevarse a cabo y dejar de ser un deseo para convertirse en realidad. Sera que el deseo moderno se ha cumplido. ABSTRACT The idea of giving housing the height of the patio housing qualities, it has been studied for ages. It can be said that the origin of this analysis was started in 1922, when Le Cobustier began investigating about The Villa Building: obviously it is known nowadays due to different architect’s labor of searching through the history. It’s easy to say that all the cases shape a single project idea , the idea of gathering patio houses with the same height keeping the inner characteristics of traditional patio houses such privacy, free space, zenithal opening, inside –outside communication…etc. If we thought about the traditional concept of patio, to define it, in the case of gathering because of the height, it is not suitable to consider it like a pile of houses with the same height. Nevertheless the concept of patio allows a wide variety of settlements. Its worth is based on the transference of a renowned idea into a new context, producing thus a reformulation of the problem. The patio is frequently disposed like a zone with multiple utilities, from the leisure zone patio to an air circulating space, definitively it can be said that it consists on a space which is able to content a place. Maybe that is why it appears in various forms in our architecture, regardless of its placement or shape. It is simply a space which provides many features which are impossible to reach without it. That is what we know as patio house is a type of architecture which is spread till antiquity. This concept of outdoors space joined housing is one of the main pieces of our architecture. It is an idea wide analyses which lefts aside the different types of patios which were developed, focusing mainly the way they changed the idea of inhabiting. We have chosen for this analysis process, the collective housing, we understood collective like group, thus it is the group of housing responsible to built up a city, not just it is worth to give importance to an independent cell, in addition to the relation which those ones can stablish with their similar ones. Due to the idea of collectivity of patio houses, it can be also developed in vertical, looking for the previously mention condition. A wish which appeared with the modern movement and since then it has been something desired by architecture just nowadays. It is understood as the main target to follow the trail about a project investigation which was begun and left open by Le Cobustier: the task is discovering the resonances, the bounces and repercussions which belong to the patio concept in height through its history. In this quest to distinguish the characteristics of these spaces, we have chosen three cases, starting from the experiences as traditional patios as in the height of patios of the masters such as Le Cobustier, Jose Luis Sert and Charles Correa. The studied cases could be even more. This number is just an example of a huger universe, which has been operational for the developing of this work. We will be managed through their architecture trying to solve the idea of patios according to their height. Over this analysis evidences there are found multiple mechanics used in the studied cases. As we could see later, in these ones there are characteristics which are only found in an outdoors space when it is a patio. The studied patios are considered traditional patios, independently of the level they have, although they do not fit at first some of the necessary characteristics included in a patio definition. To catch the essence of those spaces, it is not necessary to go through its limits, since it is transmitted to the interior and pervades the adjoining spaces. It has been analyzed the project influences exiting among several cases which build up part of this consideration , among them there are some clear links, which may be these keys we are looking for to solve the joint of patio houses in height. With this work it has been highlighted that the application of the patios houses in height concept depends not only on its placement, the weather and the local culture, but also on the type of patio we are using. From these considerations different solutions were given by themselves as consequence they can be extrapolated into a single idea for all the cases. Some ideas are present along the complete investigation: facades resulting from cells repetition, series of spaces, traditional patio house floor, double height… Some other cases stand out due to it singularity, because they have searched for a solution to the problem by means of originality. To sum up, we look for patio houses in height. And if this thesis contributes, in some way, to get the clues to make work this type of building, about its characteristics, its necessities and its result, in other words, its searching of this modern desire that we showed at the beginning, then this imaginary typo will be a real architecture therefore it can also come truth and can abandon the form of wish to became into a reality. So the modern desire has been fulfilled.


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A fines de 1979 Edward Palmer Thompson abandonó su proyecto historiográfico para iniciar una campaña por el desarme nuclear y por la paz. Durante años el historiador marxista se abocó en exclusividad a las tareas de organizar el movimiento europeo por la paz y elaborar y difundir sus doctrinas. Este artículo presenta algunos elementos de su trayectoria intelectual que permiten comprender la articulación entre práctica política y práctica historiográfica. Al mismo tiempo, el concepto de "exterminismo" es recuperado como elemento organizador en su posicionamiento en el debate por el desarme nuclear


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desenvolvem capacidades dinâmicas. Um tipo de inovação é a inovação gerencial que trata de mudanças na maneira de gerir a empresa. As capacidades dinâmicas são responsáveis pela percepção de oportunidades e ameaças e ajustamento da organização respondendo a elas. Tais capacidades causam o desenvolvimento de flexibilidade. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho é relacionar a adoção de práticas de inovação gerencial à sua contribuição para o desenvolvimento de capacidades dinâmicas, medidas por meio da flexibilidade. O estudo é importante pela pequena atenção dada aos fatores organizacionais nos estudos de inovação, do pequeno número de pesquisas empíricas sobre capacidades dinâmicas e do desconhecimento dos mecanismos que atuam nessas capacidades. Para atender ao objetivo foi realizada uma pesquisa descritiva com etapas qualitativa e quantitativa. Na etapa qualitativa foram listadas práticas de inovação gerencial encontradas na bibliografia. Um painel de especialistas classificou essas práticas de acordo com os tipos de inovação gerencial. Na etapa quantitativa foi feito um levantamento usando questionário estruturado aplicado online no qual se mediu a adoção das práticas de inovação gerencial e uma escala pré-existente mediu a flexibilidade. A lista de respondentes foi obtida da Brasscom, do prêmio Great Place to Work, do Anuário Informática Hoje e Anuário Telecom. Compuseram a população da pesquisa 343 empresas escolhidas por conveniência. O questionário foi enviado para indivíduos do nível estratégico e foram obtidas respostas de 102 empresas. Os dados foram analisados por meio de estatística descritiva, análise fatorial exploratória e modelagem de equações estruturais. Os resultados mostram que entre as empresas do setor de TIC as práticas de organização do local de trabalho são as mais adotadas, e que as empresas que mais adotam inovação e são mais flexíveis são empresas entre 13 e 21 anos de idade, de capital estrangeiro ou misto, e que atuam também no Exterior. Verificou-se ainda que a flexibilidade estratégica, estrutural e operacional compõem as capacidades dinâmicas que por sua vez são afetadas pela adoção de inovação gerencial, especialmente das práticas de negócio. Para as empresas recomenda-se cuidado na adoção de práticas, para que estas não precisem ser abandonadas causando perda de flexibilidade. Nesse processo a atuação proativa dos gestores contribui para manter o ciclo de inovação gerencial funcionando. Como contribuição para a academia, destaca-se uma maior compreensão de como as capacidades dinâmicas são colocadas em prática e a medida dessa capacidade por meio da flexibilidade. Para pesquisas futuras recomendam-se estudos que identifiquem causas e consequências do abandono de práticas de inovação gerencial e a comprovação do modelo com dados de outros setores. Conclui-se que maior atenção deve ser dada ao estudo da inovação gerencial e seus efeitos sobre as capacidades dinâmicas.


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This paper will focus on Leon Tebbetts’ time in the United States Army Air Corps as an artist for Special Services. It will demonstrate how a combination of personal associations and psychological factors, including Hartley’s death, contributed to Tebbetts’ decision to abandon painting, with the result that this World War II muralist has been almost entirely forgotten.


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Son escasas las noticias de época andalusí sobre inundaciones fluviales en el sur de la provincia de Alicante. En la descripción de Elche del Mugrib de Ibn Sa’īd se nos informa indirectamente de una inundación del Vinalopó en el segundo cuarto del s. XIII; como consecuencia, la ciudad musulmana se anegó y bastante población la abandonó. Respecto al vecino río Segura, el geógrafo al-‘Udrī (m. 1085) al describimos el curso del río nos informa que su sistema de riegos es como el del Nilo; este paralelo se debe al uso inteligente que hacían los egipcios y los habitantes de la Vega Baja de las aguas de la inundación fluvial como abono periódico de sus tierras y como elemento para luchar contra los marjales. También se analizan otras noticias sobre la torre de Embergoñes, la cual, situada a la entrada del curso fluvial en Orihuela, consideramos que era un promontorio de señales y de vigilancia de la inundación. Finalmente se recuerda la existencia de acanaladuras en las puertas de la catedral de Orihuela para proteger el interior del templo de las aguas de avenida.


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The aim of this study was to explore the experience of service providers in Spain regarding their daily professional encounters with battered immigrant women and their perception of this group’s help-seeking process and the eventual abandonment of the same. Twenty-nine in-depth interviews and four focus group discussions were conducted with a total of 43 professionals involved in providing support to battered immigrant women. We interviewed social workers, psychologists, intercultural mediators, judges, lawyers, and public health professionals from Spain. Through qualitative content analysis, four categories emerged: (a) frustration with the victim’s decision to abandon the help-seeking process, (b) ambivalent positions regarding differences between immigrant and Spanish women, (c) difficulties in the migratory process that may hinder the help-seeking process, and (d) criticisms regarding the inefficiency of existing resources. The four categories were cross-cut by an overarching theme: helping immigrant women not to abandon the help-seeking process as a chronicle of anticipated failure. The main reasons that emerged for abandoning the help-seeking process involved structural factors such as economic dependence, loss of social support after leaving their country of origin, and limited knowledge about available resources. The professionals perceived their encounters with battered immigrant women to be frustrating and unproductive because they felt that they had few resources to back them up. They felt that despite the existence of public policies targeting intimate partner violence (IPV) and immigration in Spain, the resources dedicated to tackling gender-based violence were insufficient to meet battered immigrant women’s needs. Professionals should be trained both in the problem of IPV and in providing support to the immigrant population.


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Conflicts force millions of people to abandon their homes and flee life-threatening persecution, war, and ethnic and political discrimination. From the end of World War II to the present day, more than 59 million people worldwide have become refugees and displaced persons. Displacement affects people's health, psychological well-being and economic welfare.


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On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Elysée Treaty between Germany and France, CEPS Director Daniel Gros acknowledges the fundamental contribution made by the Franco-German motor but also takes the two countries to task for their refusal abandon the pretence that they still perform individually an independent role at the global level. France and Germany should allow European institutions to formulate and implement common external policies.


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Le concept de gène est central en biologie. Certains ont avancé (Ruse (1971, 1976)) que la génétique classique pouvait être réduite à la génétique moléculaire. Dans le même ordre d'idée, Richard Dawkins, dans The Extended Phenotype, offre une double définition de son concept de gène qui présuppose qu'il soit possible d'opérer cette réduction. Nous comptons montrer que la génétique moléculaire et la génétique des populations ont chacune leurs problématiques propres en reconstituant l'histoire de la génétique depuis Darwin. Ensuite, nous expliciterons la position de Dawkins et soulignerons les contradictions auxquelles il parvient en raison de cette réduction infondée. À la suite de quoi, nous nous attarderons aux nouvelles découvertes moléculaires qui montrent qu'il n'est pas possible d'opérer la réduction d'un des concepts à l'autre. Nous terminerons en soulignant que la thèse génocentriste de Dawkins n'est pas mise en péril par l'abandon de la réduction, mais qu'il est nécessaire de tempérer ces prétentions. La conclusion globale de ce mémoire est qu'il est possible d'admettre le concept de Dawkins, mais pas la manière dont il l'utilise. Le concept est bon, il n'est tout simplement pas dans le bon cadre théorique.


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Cette thèse propose une ethnographie de la gestion de la population rom en Albanie, saisie sur deux périodes historiques : communisme et postcommunisme. L’analyse porte sur la façon dont divers instruments de gestion des populations en tant que techniques de pouvoir, sont mises en œuvre ; comment une population donnée devient-elle un sujet politique ? Quels sont les effets d’une telle gestion sur les populations en général et sur les populations roms en particulier ? Cette approche, une approche foucaldienne, replace ainsi au centre de l’analyse empirique les politiques, les pratiques et les discours concernant les Roms en Albanie et essaye de saisir les effets qu’ils produisent sur cette population. Cette thèse part de ces éléments pour interroger plus largement les transformations sociétales dans l’Albanie postcommuniste. Ce travail s’inscrit dans le champ de l’anthropologie politique et conjugue à la fois une anthropologie de l’État et une anthropologie de la violence. Il s’articule autour de trois parties. La première porte sur la contextualisation de cette thèse, du point de vue conceptuel, méthodologique et théorique. La deuxième partie propose une analyse des relations que l’État a entretenues avec les Roms pendant la période communiste, phase durant laquelle la population rom a été exposée à diverses mesures administratives visant sa normalisation, à travers une sédentarisation forcée et d’autres mesures coercitives. La troisième partie, précédée par un intermède sur la période de la transition, interroge la relation entre l’État, la violence, la mobilité et la gestion de la population rom en Albanie depuis la chute du communisme. L’analyse se fait à partir d’un cas spécifique, celui des familles roms déplacées et en déplacement aux alentours de Tirana ; une mobilité forcée notamment par peu d’opportunités de sortir de la précarité pour plusieurs familles roms, mais aussi une mobilité induite par les politiques, les pratiques et les discours étatiques, notamment par leur non-action. Au fur et à mesure que l’analyse des pratiques et des discours – complétée par une ethnographie des documents d’archives et dans les quartiers et les campements roms – s’approfondit pendant les deux périodes historiques, elle dévoile de nombreuses – mais différentes – contradictions et controverses au sein du dispositif, lesquelles produisent à leur tour discrimination, exclusion, violence, indifférence et abandon.


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In response to the sustained pressure recently experienced by the Danish krone, Denmark may be forced to abandon its 30-year old peg to the euro. If this scenario unfolds, this CEPS Commentary argues that it will be no bad thing for the eurozone.


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Executive Summary. An “arc of instability” stretching from the European Union’s (EU) eastern borders down to the Mediterranean basin has undermined its flagship European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP). This policy was designed to deliver prosperity, stability and democracy to countries surrounding the EU. It has manifestly failed and needs to be radically rethought. Starting with a tabula rasa, the EU should abandon the very concept of a heterogeneous “neighbourhood” in the face of glaring differences among the 16 countries affected, not least because some are uninterested in reform; others may even be failed states. EU member states are themselves pursuing divergent interests and goals. A fundamental review of the ENP should lead to more differentiated, targeted measures to promote “transformational change” within neighbouring states ready to accept it. The EU should offer revised incentives such as participation within the proposed “energy union” or freer trade designed to aid local economic development. It should embrace a wider range of actors, including civil society, promote entrepreneurship and help reform countries’ police and military forces. The review should reassert common EU institutions in negotiating and working with neighbours and give them a central role in preventing and resolving conflicts as well as promoting democratic reform and economic stability. This revised ENP should help underpin the EU’s efforts to forge a genuine Common Foreign and Security Policy.


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Summary. On 11 March 2011, a devastating earthquake struck Japan and caused a major nuclear accident at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant. The disaster confirmed that nuclear reactors must be protected even against accidents that have been assessed as highly unlikely. It also revealed a well-known catalogue of problems: faulty design, insufficient back-up systems, human error, inadequate contingency plans, and poor communications. The catastrophe triggered the rapid launch of a major re-examination of nuclear reactor security in Europe. It also stopped in its tracks what had appeared to be a ‘nuclear renaissance’, both in Europe and globally, especially in the emerging countries. Under the accumulated pressure of rising demand and climate warming, many new nuclear projects had been proposed. Since 2011 there has been more ambivalence, especially in Europe. Some Member States have even decided to abandon the nuclear sector altogether. This Egmont Paper aims to examine the reactions of the EU regarding nuclear safety since 2011. Firstly, a general description of the nuclear sector in Europe is provided. The nuclear production of electricity currently employs around 500,000 people, including those working in the supply chain. It generates approximately €70 billion per year. It provides roughly 30% of the electricity consumed in the EU. At the end of 2013, there were 131 nuclear power reactors active in the EU, located in 14 countries. Four new reactors are under construction in France, Slovakia and Finland. Secondly, this paper will present the Euratom legal framework regarding nuclear safety. The European Atomic Energy Community (EAEC or Euratom) Treaty was signed in 1957, and somewhat obscured by the European Economic Community (EEC) Treaty. It was a more classical treaty, establishing institutions with limited powers. Its development remained relatively modest until the Chernobyl catastrophe, which provoked many initiatives. The most important was the final adoption of the Nuclear Safety Directive 2009/71. Thirdly, the general symbiosis between Euratom and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) will be explained. Fourthly, the paper analyses the initiatives taken by the EU in the wake of the Fukushima catastrophe. These initiatives are centred around the famous ‘stress tests’. Fifthly, the most important legal change brought about by this event was the revision of Directive 2009/71. Directive 2014/87 has been adopted quite rapidly, and has deepened in various ways the role of the EU in nuclear safety. It has reinforced the role and effective independence of the national regulatory authorities. It has enhanced transparency on nuclear safety matters. It has strengthened principles, and introduced new general nuclear safety objectives and requirements, addressing specific technical issues across the entire life cycle of nuclear installations, and in particular, nuclear power plants. It has extended monitoring and the exchange of experiences by establishing a European system of peer reviews. Finally, it has established a mechanism for developing EU-wide harmonized nuclear safety guidelines. In spite of these various improvements, Directive 2014/87 Euratom still reflects the ambiguity of the Euratom system in general, and especially in the field of nuclear safety. The use of nuclear energy remains controversial among Member States. Some of them remain adamantly in favour, others against or ambivalent. The intervention of the EAEC institutions remains sensitive. The use of the traditional Community method remains limited. The peer review method remains a very peculiar mechanism that deserves more attention.


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The European Union has prioritised the pursuit of innovation based growth and targeting of resources to promote research and development, but performance on innovation remains weak.With the lack of results comes fatigue, waning interest and mounting criticism about policy. Should the EU abandon its ambition to become the most innovative region in the world?We examine EU member state research and innovation policies. We assess whether the deployment of innovation policy instruments in EU countries matches their innovation capacity performance relative to other EU countries.We find a relative homogeneity of policy mixes in EU countries, despite the fairly wide and stable differences in their innovation capacities.Our analysis therefore provides a rationale for a more comprehensive review of innovation policy mixes to assess their adequacy in addressing country specific innovation challenges.


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Enquadramento: O stress acompanha o indivíduo, tanto no trabalho como na vida social. Desencadeado por diversos fatores, o stress está, também,presente na vida do professor. Objetivos: Identificar os fatores que têm desencadeado situações de stress dos professores no Ensino Fundamental do município de Campo Grande-AL; Determinar os principais stressores no bem-estar e satisfação dos mesmos. Material e métodos: Optou-se pelo tipo de investigação quantitativo e não experimental, com corte transversal, descritivo e correlacional. A recolha de dados foi realizada através de protocolo constituído por questionário de caraterização sócio demográfica e escalas de: Satisfação Geral do Trabalho; Vulnerabilidade ao Stress; Afecto Positivo e Negativo; Apgar Familiar e Inventário de Qualidade de Vida. A amostra é não probabilística por conveniência constituída por 70 (setenta) professores do Ensino Fundamental. Resultados: Constatou-se que 50% dos participantes apresentaram vulnerabilidade ao stress, 28,5% boa relação com pessoas desconhecidas e 55% revelaram ter apoio dos amigos. Não foram identificados problemas familiares e 65% dos inquiridos referiram ter ajuda da família. Na satisfação do trabalho apenas 27% dos professores estão satisfeitos e 30% pensaram abandonar o trabalho. Conclusões:O desgaste em sala de aula envolve situações diárias dos professores, levando à necessidade de alertar os órgãos públicos, a fim de adotarem estratégias para o bem estar e satisfação dos professores, visando o sucesso desejado. Palavras-chave: Vulnerabilidade ao Stress; Professor; Bem-estar; Satisfação Profissional.