998 resultados para 930


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The humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) population that uses Abrolhos Bank, off the east coast of Brazil as a breeding ground is increasing. To describe temporal changes in the relative abundance of humpback whales around Abrolhos, seven years (1998-2004) of whale count data were collected during July through to November. During one-hour-scans, observers determined group size within 9.3 km (5 n.m.) of a land-based observing station. A total Of 930 scans, comprising 7996 sightings of adults and 2044 calves were analysed using generalized linear models that included variables for time of day, day of the season, years and two-way interactions as possible predictors. The pattern observed was the gradual build-up and decline in whale counts within seasons. Patterns and peaks of adult and calf counts varied among years. Although fluctuation was observed, there was generally an increasing trend in adult counts among years. Calf counts increased only in 2004. These fluctuations may have been caused by some environmental conditions in humpback whales` summering grounds and also by changes in spatial-temporal concentrations in Abrolhos Bank. The general pattern observed within the study area mirrored what was observed in the whole Abrolhos Bank. Knowledge of the consistency with which humpback whales use this important nursing area should prove beneficial for designing future monitoring programmes especially related to whale watching activities around Abrolhos Archipelago.


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Thyroid hormone (TH) plays a key role on post-natal bone development and metabolism, while its relevance during fetal bone development is uncertain. To Study this, pregnant once were made hypothyroid and fetuses harvested at embryonic days (E) 12.5, 14.5, 16.5 and 18.5. Despite a marked reduction in fetal tissue concentration of both T4 and T3, bone development, as assessed at the distal epiphyseal growth plate of the femur and vertebra, was largely preserved Lip to E16.5. Only at E18.5, the hypothyroid fetuses exhibited a reduction in femoral type I and type X collagen and osteocalcin mRNA levels, in the length and area of the proliferative and hypertrophic zones, in the number of chondrocytes per proliferative column, and in the number of hypertrophic chondrocyres, in addition to a slight delay in endochondral and intramembranous ossification. This Suggests that LIP to E 16.5, thyroid hormone signaling in bone is kept to a minimum. In fact, measuring the expression level of the activating and inactivating iodothyronine deiodinases (D2 and D3) helped understand how this is achieved. D3 mRNA was readily detected as early as E14.5 and its expression decreased markedly (similar to 10-fold) at E18.5, and even more at 14 days after birth (P14). In contrast. D2 mRNA expression increased significantly by E18.5 and markedly (similar to 2.5-fold) by P14. The reciprocal expression levels of D2 and D3 genes during early bone development along with the absence of a hypothyroidism-induced bone phenotype at this time Suggest that coordinated reciprocal deiodinase expression keeps thyroid hormone signaling in bone to very low levels at this early stage of bone development. (c) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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By heating powders of the aluminum monohydroxide fibrillar pseudoboehmite from 200 degrees C to 1400 degrees C several high surface area aluminas are prepared and characterized by X-ray diffraction and electron optical methods. Aqueous sols with pseudoboehmite fibrils of different lengths were dried by two methods: at room temperature and spray-dried. The following aluminas were obtained after treatment of the powders at increasing temperatures and having a range of specific surface areas: gamma-Al(2)O(3) (470 degrees C - 770 degrees C; 179 m(2)/g 497 m(2)/g); delta-Al(2)O(3) (770 degrees C - 930 degrees C; 156 m(2)/g - 230 m(2)/g); theta-Al(2)O(3) (930 degrees C - 1050 degrees C; 11 m(2)/g - 200 m(2)/g); alpha-Al(2)O(3) (1050 degrees C - 1400 degrees C; 2 m(2)/g - 17 m(2)/g). Spray-dried powders, fired at the same temperature than the ground powders, showed higher specific surface areas. The higher surface area alumina have values of the same order of magnitude of the commercial ""ad-cat"" aluminas.


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Structural and conformational properties of the molecule bis[isopropoxy(thiocarbonyl)]sulfide, [(CH(3))(2)CHOC(S)](2)S, have been studied by vibrational spectroscopy (IR and Raman) and quantum chemical calculations (HF and B3LYP with 6-31+G* basis sets). The crystal and molecular structure of the title compound was determined by X-ray diffraction methods. It crystallizes in the monoclinic C2/c space group with a = 8.4007(4), b = 13.5936(5), c = 10.3648(5) angstrom, beta = 106.024(4)degrees and Z = 4 molecules per unit cell. The molecules are sited on a crystallographic twofold axis passing through the sulphide atom and arranged in layers perpendicular to the b-axis. The solid state IR and Raman spectra of the compound give no sign of any other rotamer. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We described herein the molecular design of novel in vivo anti-inflammatory 6-methanesulfonamide-3,4-methylenedioxyphenyl-N-acylhydrazone derivatives (1) planned by applying the molecular hybridization approach. This work also points out to the discovery of LASSBio-930 (1c) as a novel anti-inflammatory and anti-hyperalgesic prototype, which was able to reduce carrageenan-induced rat paw edema with an ED(50) of 97.8 mu mol/kg, acting mainly as a non-selective COX inhibitor. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Este trabalho busca desenvolver um aço para cementação a alta temperatura através da adição de nióbio como microligante, a fim de que os compostos formados forneçam partículas de segunda fase que atuem como ancoradoras do grão austenítico, já que o processo de crescimento de grão, especialmente anormal, é conseqüência natural das temperaturas envolvidas. A elevação da temperatura tem como objetivo proporcionar um ganho em produtividade pela redução dos tempos de cementação. Procura-se também estabelecer uma comparação do aço proposto a aços de cementação convencionais (DIN 17Cr3 e SAE 5115). Utilizou-se um aço SAE 5115 com 0,034% de nióbio, que foi submetido a diferentes condições de ensaio em laboratório: deformação a frio por compressão livre em três graus de deformação (isento, 25 e 50%); com posterior aquecimento em patamares de temperatura que simulam diferentes níveis de cementação (930 , 950 , 1000 e 1050 C), bem como diferentes tempos de manutenção em temperatura, de tal forma a atingir camadas cementadas hipotéticas em torno de 1,0 mm de profundidade. Encerram-se os testes submetendo o aço estudado a um processo de produção industrial de pinos de pistão, que sofrem deformação a temperatura ambiente e cementação a 950 C por 2,5 h O aço SAE 5115 ao “Nb” mostrou um melhor desempenho no controle dos grãos austeníticos, tanto para os ensaios de simulação realizados em laboratório e comparados ao aço DIN 17Cr3, como frente ao processo de produção de pinos de pistão tendo como comparativo o aço SAE 5115. O modelo teórico de Hudd e outros (que trata os carbonitretos de nióbio como de extensiva solubilidade mútua) e o de Gladman (que define os nitretos de alumínio e de nióbio como mutuamente exclusivos), associados às equações de Wagner (para coalescimento das partículas de segunda fase), bem como à equação de Gladman e Pickering (que determina o raio crítico de partícula para uma distribuição aleatória de partículas), mostraram-se bastante adequados em prever a resposta das partículas precipitadas, partindo-se da composição química do aço, principalmente para as partículas de carbonitreto de nióbio em condições que não envolvessem níveis elevados de deformação.


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This paper discusses the oral history vocation to totality taking as example the formation of the CPDOC’s (Centro de Pesquisa e Documentação de História Contemporânea do Brasil da Fundação Getulio Vargas) oral history archive. As “vocation to totality” we consider specially the construction of senses and syntheses of the past and the hermeneutical perspective in which oral history is inserted.


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Este texto tem por objeto o conjunto de entrevistas concedidas por Afonso Arinos de Mello Franco ao Programa de História Oral do CPDOC entre setembro de 1982 e outubro de 1983, com um total de 26h 40m de gravação. As entrevistas foram realizadas por Aspásia Camargo e Maria Clara Mariani e contaram com a participação especial de Pedro Nava (na entrevista de 27.9.1982) e dos jornalistas Carlos Castelo Branco, Fernando Pedreira e Otto Lara Resende (na mesa-redonda de 8.2.1983). O objetivo imediato desta série de entrevistas foi sua transformação em livro: ainda em 1983, o CPDOC publicava, em conjunto com o Senado Federal e a Editora Dom Quixote, o livro O intelectual e o político: encontros com Afonso Arinos, cuja primeira parte é o resultado do trabalho de edição das entrevistas gravadas.


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The town of Nova Friburgo, in Brazil, was founded in 1820 by swiss immigrants who, as often happens in the majority of migratory flows, crossed the ocean in search of better life conditions. The scope of this paper is to trail the path of a swiss immigrant called Marianne Joset Salusse and then follow on to investigate the mechanisms involved in elaborating family memory and public memory around this woman who would become a symbol of immigration to this town. Thus a series of interviews were held with her descendants, which were fundamental for the understanding of current representations and the main elements which constitute the collective memory around Marianne. Besides oral sources, we had recourse to written documents which allowed a retrieval of relevant information about her life. More than simply adding information, written sources allowed for a more profound analysis of oral accounts, unravelling as well as unveiling selective procedures peculiar to memory construction (Pollak, 1989;1992).


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A proposta deste trabalho é discutir as características e as possibilidades de uso, para a pesquisa histórica, do diário da sra. Deffontaines e da autobiografia de Pierre Deffontaines, bem como dos depoimentos orais concedidos por seus descendentes. A idéia básica é analisar os pontos de convergência e os conflitos de memória apresentados nesses três tipos de fontes, e seus significados para a compreensão da trajetória intelectual de Deffontaines. A hipótese central que norteia a análise é a de que as três fontes revelam memórias divergentes, na medida em que as três modalidades de relato tinham objetivos diversos, foram produzidas em momentos distintos e por pessoas de gerações também diferentes: Deffontaines, sua mulher, sua filha e seu neto. Nosso objetivo será exatamente mostrar como e por que se delinearam essas memórias diferenciadas.