Immigration and memory

Autoria(s): Ferreira, Marieta de Moraes; Dantas, Camila Guimarães





FERREIRA, Marieta de Moraes ; DANTAS, Camila Guimarães. Immigration and memory. In: INTERNATIONAL ORAL HISTORY CONFERENCE (11.: 2000: Istanbul, Turkey) XI The International Oral History Conference. Istanbul, Turkey, International Oral History Association in collaboration with the Department of History at Bogazici University, 2000. v.1, p.321-340.

15.956/98 (v.1)



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Palavras-Chave #História de vida #Família #Imigração #Salusse, Marianne Joset #Nova Friburgo (RJ) - História #Rio de Janeiro (Estado) - Migração #Memória coletiva - Nova Friburgo (RJ) #História oral

Conference Proceedings


The town of Nova Friburgo, in Brazil, was founded in 1820 by swiss immigrants who, as often happens in the majority of migratory flows, crossed the ocean in search of better life conditions. The scope of this paper is to trail the path of a swiss immigrant called Marianne Joset Salusse and then follow on to investigate the mechanisms involved in elaborating family memory and public memory around this woman who would become a symbol of immigration to this town. Thus a series of interviews were held with her descendants, which were fundamental for the understanding of current representations and the main elements which constitute the collective memory around Marianne. Besides oral sources, we had recourse to written documents which allowed a retrieval of relevant information about her life. More than simply adding information, written sources allowed for a more profound analysis of oral accounts, unravelling as well as unveiling selective procedures peculiar to memory construction (Pollak, 1989;1992).