993 resultados para 749


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The presence of Mycobacterium bovis in bovine carcasses with lesions suggestive of tuberculosis was evaluated. Seventy-two carcass samples were selected during slaughter inspection procedures in abattoirs in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. Seventeen (23.6%) of samples showed colonies suggestive of mycobacteria that were confirmed to be acid-fast bacilli by Ziehl-Neelsen staining. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using primers specific for M. bovis identified M. bovis in 13 (76.5%) isolates. The PCR-restriction enzyme pattern analysis using gene encoding for the 65-kDa protein and two restriction enzymes identified the remaining four isolates that were represented by two M. tuberculosis complex and two nontuberculous mycobacteria. The results are indicative of infection of slaughter cattle by M. bovis and other mycobacteria in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul.


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Molecular mobility in castor oil based polyurethane was investigated with thermally stimulated depolarization current (TSDC) measurements and alternating-current (ac) dielectric relaxation spectroscopy. Three peaks could be observed in TSDC thermograms from 173 to 373 K. The relaxation located at 213 K could be attributed to the change in the molecular chain due to the interaction between the isocyanate and the solvent, and it was well fitted with the Vogel-Fulcher-Tammann equation. The other two peaks were located at 274 and 365 K and could be attributed to interfacial polarization and space charge, respectively. (c) 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Los herbicidas glifosato y paraquat son utilizados por los productores de soja con el objetivo de desecar las plantas, anticipar y uniformizar la cosecha. Sin embargo, el uso indiscriminado de herbicidas puede causar problemas eventualmente en las características agronómicas y fisiológicas del cultivo. El presente trabajo tuvo por objetivo evaluar la utilización de los herbicidas glifosato y paraquat como desecantes para el cultivo de la soja. El experimento fue llevado a cabo en el año agrícola 2005/06, en un delineamiento experimental de bloques al azar, con cuatro repeticiones. Los tratamientos fueron dispuestos en dos esquemas factoriales, 3x3x5x2 y 3x2x5x2: dos desecantes (glifosato y paraquat) y un testigo (sin desecación), aplicación de los desecantes en tres y dos estadios fenológicos de las plantas (R6, R7 y R8) y (R7 y R8), para las variedades MSOY 6101 de ciclo superprecoz, y MG/BR 46 (Conquista) de ciclo precoz, respectivamente, cinco épocas de muestreo (2; 4; 6; 8 y 10 días después de la aplicación) y evaluación en dos posiciones en la planta (ápice y base). Fue evaluada la producción de semillas, masa y tenor de agua de 100 semillas. Los desecantes evaluados fueron eficientes en la reducción del tenor de agua de las semillas, sin afectar la productividad y la masa de 100 semillas.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The unfavorable evolution of a young ovine during hyperimmunization process with Crotalus durissus terrificus venom was investigated in order to differentiate its origin between ophidic envenomation and copper toxicosis. Clinical, laboratory, necroscopic and histological exams as well as evaluation and measurement of heavy metals (copper) in the kidneys and in the liver were carried out. Blood counts revealed anemia and serological tests showed high levels of blood urea nitrogen, creatinine, aspartate aminotransferase, creatine phosphokinase, total bilirubin and indirect bilirubin; which indicates liver, kidney and skeletal muscle damages. At necropsy, the animal presented hepatopathy and nephropathy. Histological examination revealed renal and hepatic features that may imply copper intoxication. Copper levels were 237.8 mu g/g in the liver and 51.2 mu g/g in the kidneys. Although the amount of metal found in both organs was below the level that can cause death, according to the literature, anatomopathological signs were suggestive of copper intoxication. Therefore, the hypothesis of metal toxicosis during the hyperimmunization process became more consistent than the crotalic envenomation one.


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OBJECTIVE: To assess structural and functional cardiac changes in asymptomatic pregnant women with chronic arterial hypertension (CAH). METHODS: One hundred pregnant women with CAH underwent conventional Doppler echocardiography. The Student t test was used to compare them with 29 normotensive pregnant women (NT) in their third gestational trimester. RESULTS: Systolic (SBP; mmHg) and diastolic (DBP; mmHg) blood pressure values were higher (p<0.001) in the CAH pregnant women (SBP: 139±19 and DBP: 92± 18) as compared with those of the NT group (SBP: 112±10 and DBP: 74±9). A significant enlargement of the left atrium (4.10±0.48 cm vs 3.6±0.3 cm; p<0.001) and of the left ventricular normalized mass (59.6±19.7 g/cm2,7 vs 41.9±3.4 g/cm2,7; p<0.001) was observed. Cardiac output (CO, L/min) and systolic volume (SV, mL) were significantly higher in the CAH group (CO: 6.0±1.54 vs 4.9±2.1, p<0.01; SV: 77.3±19.8 vs 56.5±25.8, p<0.001). CONCLUSION: Chronic hypertensive pregnant women have structural and functional cardiac changes that justify routine cardiologic assessment, even in the absence of cardiopulmonary symptoms.


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OBJETIVO: Foi realizado um estudo transversal, por amostragem de escolares, frequentadores das escolas estaduais de Bauru, São Paulo, com o objetivo de detectar possíveis portadores de tracoma. MÉTODOS: Foram examinadas 1.749 crianças do ensino fundamental, de 6 a 14 anos, durante o ano de 2005. As escolas foram escolhidas por sorteio, de acordo com o número de estudantes e com a localização da escola dentro do setor da cidade (centro, região intermediária e periferia). O diagnóstico dos casos foi clínico, seguindo as normas da Organização Mundial de Saúde (OMS), confirmado laboratorialmente pelo método da imunofluorescência direta para detecção de Chlamydia trachomatis. RESULTADOS: A prevalência de tracoma inflamatório foi de 3,8%, tendo sido diagnosticado tracoma folicular em 3,7% e tracoma intenso em 0,06% das crianças examinadas. As crianças com tracoma moravam principalmente na região intermediária e periférica da cidade, áreas onde o fornecimento de água pode ser descontínuo e o tratamento do esgoto pode estar ausente. Um programa de controle foi desenvolvido e os comunicantes foram diagnosticados e tratados. CONCLUSÃO: A prevalência de tracoma inflamatório em Bauru - Estado de São Paulo - é de 3,8%. Além da oportunidade de reconhecer e tratar os portadores e contatantes, os autores realçam o fato positivo da mobilização da comunidade bauruense no sentido de prevenir a cegueira pelo tracoma.


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São apresentados dois acidentes do trabalho típicos, ocorridos em empresa de grande porte, investigados com o Método de Árvore de Causas ­ ADC, método que permite identificar o papel desempenhado por fatores gerenciais e de organização do trabalho no desencadeamento desses fenômenos. Os casos apresentados revelam a participação, na gênese dos acidentes, de fatores como designação temporária e improvisada de trabalhadores para funções e postos de trabalho, execução de tarefas deixadas à iniciativa e ao arbítrio dos trabalhadores, falta de ferramentas e de materiais apropriados à execução de tarefas e falhas na circulação de informações, entre outros. São também analisadas as indicações para o uso do método, suas potencialidades em termos de prevenção, bem como as implicações decorrentes de dificuldades de aplicação, de necessidades de treinamento e reciclagens e do dispêndio elevado de tempo para investigação de cada acidente.


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É descrito o carcinoma de células escamosas (CCE) no fundo vaginal de uma vaca. O diagnóstico de CCE moderadamente diferenciado foi confirmado através do exame histopatológico. Os testes imunoistoquímicos com os marcadores p53 e Ki67 realizados em amostras do tumor confirmaram a mutação na p53 e aumento da proliferação celular.


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The experiment was carried out in the northwest region of the State of São Paulo-Brazil to evaluate ten grasses recently introduced in the region. The grasses studied were: Cynodon nlemfuensis cv. Tifton 68, C dacrylon cv. Tifton 78, Cynodon spp. cv. Tifton 85, C. dactylon cv. Florakirk, C. nlemfuensis cv. Florico, C nlemfuensis cv. Florona, C dactylon cv. Coastcross, Paspalum notation cv. Tifton and NDF (717 to 749 g.kg(-1)) were observed in the Cynodon cultivars while lower values of CP (102 and 107 g.kg(-1)) and NDF (697 and 705 g.kg(-1)) were registered in the cvs. Marandu and Tanzania 1. The contents of ADF were higher in the the cvs. Tanzania 1 and Tifton 9. The average values of IVDMD differed (Ppound0.05) among grasses and were all above 564 g.kg(-1), except for cv. Tifton-9 (499 g.kg(-1)). The results obtained in this work allowed to conclude that the cvs. Tifton 78, Tifton 85, Coastcross, Florona, and Tanzania 1 are interesting options for pastures establishment in the northwest region of the State of São Paulo-Brazil.


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This investigation studied the effects of disinfectant solutions on the hardness of acrylic resin denture teeth. The occlusal surfaces of 64 resin denture teeth were ground flat with abrasives up to 400-grit silicon carbide paper. Measurements were made after polishing and after the specimens were stored in water at 37 degreesC for 48 h. The specimens were then divided into four groups and immersed in chemical disinfectants (4% chlorhexidine; 1% sodium hypochlorite and sodium perborate) for 10 min. The disinfection methods were performed twice to simulate clinical conditions and hardness measurements were made. Specimens tested as controls were immersed in water during the same disinfection time. Eight specimens were produced for each group. After desinfection procedures, testing of hardness was also performed after the samples were stored at 37 degreesC for 7, 30, 60, 90 and 120 days. Data were analysed using two-way analysis of variance (anova) and Tukey's test at 95% confidence level. According to the results, no significant differences were found between materials and immersion solutions (P > 0.05). However, a continuous decrease in hardness was noticed after ageing (P < 0.05). It was conclude that the surfaces of both acrylic resin denture teeth softened upon immersion in water regardless the disinfecting solution.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)