902 resultados para émotions
OBJECTIVE To investigate the factors related to the granting of preliminary court orders [injunctions] in drug litigations. METHODS A retrospective descriptive study of drug lawsuits in the State of Minas Gerais, Southeastern Brazil, was conducted from October 1999 to 2009. The database consists of 6,112 lawsuits, out of which 6,044 had motions for injunctions and 5,167 included the requisition of drugs. Those with more than one beneficiary were excluded, which totaled 5,072 examined suits. The variables for complete, partial, and suppressed motions were treated as dependent and assessed in relation to those that were independent – lawsuits (year, type, legal representation, defendant, court in which it was filed, adjudication time), drugs (level five of the anatomical therapeutic chemical classification), and diseases (chapter of the International Classification of Diseases). Statistical analyses were performed using the Chi-square test. RESULTS Out of the 5,072 lawsuits with injunctions, 4,184 (82.5%) had the injunctions granted. Granting varied from 95.8% of the total lawsuits in 2004 to 76.9% in 2008. Where there was legal representation, granting exceeded 80.0% and in lawsuits without representation, it did not exceed 66.9%. In public civil actions (89.1%), granting was higher relative to ordinary lawsuits (82.8%) and injunctions (80.1%). Federal courts granted only 68.6% of the injunctions, while the state courts granted 84.8%. Diseases of the digestive system and neoplasms received up to 87.0% in granting, while diseases of the nervous system, mental and behavioral disorders, and diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue received granting below 78.6% and showed a high proportion of suspended injunctions (10.9%). Injunctions involving paroxetine, somatropin, and ferrous sulfate drugs were all granted, while less than 54.0% of those involving escitalopram, sodium diclofenac, and nortriptyline were granted. CONCLUSIONS There are significant differences in the granting of injunctions, depending on the procedural and clinical variances. Important trends in the pattern of judicial action were observed, particularly, in the reduced granting [of injunctions] over the period.
The integrated numerical tool SWAMS (Simulation of Wave Action on Moored Ships) is used to simulate the behavior of a moored container carrier inside Sines Harbour. Wave, wind, currents, floating ship and moorings interaction is discussed. Several case scenarios are compared differing in the layout of the harbour and wind and wave conditions. The several harbour layouts correspond to proposed alternatives for the future expansion of Sines terminal XXI that include the extension of the East breakwater and of the quay. Additionally, the influence of wind on the behavior of the ship moored and the introduction of pre tensioning the mooring lines was analyzed. Hydrodynamic forces acting on the ship are determined using a modified version of the WAMIT model. This modified model utilizes the Haskind relations and the non-linear wave field inside the harbour obtained with finite element numerical model, BOUSS-WMH (Boussinesq Wave Model for Harbors) to get the wave forces on the ship. The time series of the moored ship motions and forces on moorings are obtained using BAS solver. 2015 Taylor & Francis Group, London.
Trabalho de Dissertao de Natureza Cientfica para obteno do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil na rea de Especializao em Estruturas
OCEANS, 2001. MTS/IEEE Conference and Exhibition (Volume:2 )
A control framework enabling the automated maneuvering of a Remotely Operate Vehicle (ROV) is presented. The control architecture is structured according to the principle of composition of vehicle motions from a minimal set of elemental maneuvers that are designed and verified independently. The principled approach is based on distributed hybrid systems techniques, and spans integrated design, simulation and implementation as the same model is used throughout. Hybrid systems control techniques are used to synthesize the elemental maneuvers and to design protocols, which coordinate the execution of elemental maneuvers within a complex maneuver. This work is part of the Inspection of Underwater Structures (IES) project whose main objective is the implementation of a ROV-based system for the inspection of underwater structures.
Trabalho de Projeto apresentado para o cumprimento dos requisitos necessrios obteno de grau de Mestre em Novos Media e Prticas Web
Para obter o Grau de Mestre em Traduo e Interpretao Especializadas apresento este projecto de traduo do ensaio de Vincent Jouve La Littrature selon Roland Barthes e anlise crtica das dificuldades tradutrias encontradas. Para a tradutora uma actividade inovadora e aliciante. A seleco da obra reveste-se de argumentos tanto pessoais como profissionais sendo particularmente oportuna, pois coincide com o centenrio de nascimento de Barthes. Roland Barthes um autor rico, complexo e desconcertante que, embora pouco estudado poca, levanta emoes extremas: adorado por uns e detestado por outros. O ensaio de Vincent Jouve reflecte essa riqueza quer de forma quer de contedo. Participar na divulgao, mesmo que s acadmica, destes autores muito gratificante. O ensaio literrio tem caractersticas prprias, que o tornam semelhante a uma manifestao artstica, privilegia-se o sentido traduzindo a obra sem recorrer a progamas de traduo. Este relatrio composto por trs partes fundamentais: a preparao prvia, a traduo e a anlise das dificuldades. O apndice constituido pela obra traduzida e pelos captulos analizados (I e IV), en Francs.
Dissertao para obteno do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotcnica e de Computadores
Childhood is a central period for career and social-emotional development. However, the literature covering childhood career development and the role of emotions in careers is scarce. In this article, we advocate for the consideration of emotions in childhood career development. Emotional aspects of childrens career exploration, key-figures and interests, as well as of childhood antecedents of lifelong career processes are presented. Relations between childhood emotion, behavior, functioning and learning are also presented. Conclusions center on a call for focused study of the role of emotion in childhood career development and how such an agenda will advance the literature.
The relaxivity displayed by Gd3+ chelates immobilized onto gold nanoparticles is the result of complex interplay between nanoparticle size, water exchange rate and chelate structure. In this work we study the effect of the length of -thioalkyl linkers, anchoring fast water exchanging Gd3+ chelates onto gold nanoparticles, on the relaxivity of the immobilized chelates. Gold nanoparticles functionalized with Gd3+ chelates of mercaptoundecanoyl and lipoyl amide conjugates of the DO3A-N-(-amino)propionate chelator were prepared and studied as potential CA for MRI. High relaxivities per chelate, of the order of magnitude 28-38 mM-1s-1 (30 MHz, 25 C) were attained thanks to simultaneous optimization of the rotational correlation time and of the water exchange rate. Fast local rotational motions of the immobilized chelates around connecting linkers (internal flexibility) still limit the attainable relaxivity. The degree of internal flexibility of the immobilized chelates seems not to be correlated with the length of the connecting linkers. Biodistribution and MRI studies in mice suggest that the in vivo behavior of the gold nanoparticles is determined mainly by size. Small nanoparticles (HD= 3.9 nm) undergo fast renal clearance and avoidance of the RES organs while larger nanoparticles (HD= 4.8 nm) undergo predominantly hepatobiliary excretion. High relaxivities, allied to chelate and nanoparticle stability and fast renal clearance in vivo suggests that functionalized gold nanoparticles hold great potential for further investigation as MRI Contrast Agents. This study contributes to understand the effect of linker length on the relaxivity of gold nanoparticles functionalized with Gd3+ complexes. It is a relevant contribution towards design rules for nanostructures functionalized with Gd3+ chelates as Contrast Agents for MRI and multimodal imaging.
"Series title: Springerbriefs in applied sciences and technology, ISSN 2191-530X"
Dos ciclos e sistemas aos interstcios de Creixomil: entre o seu conhecimento e transformao potencial
Dissertao de mestrado integrado em Arquitectura (rea de especializao em Territrio)
This paper investigates dynamic completeness of financial markets in which the underlying risk process is a multi-dimensional Brownian motion and the risky securities dividends geometric Brownian motions. A sufficient condition, that the instantaneous dispersion matrix of the relative dividends is non-degenerate, was established recently in the literature for single-commodity, pure-exchange economies with many heterogenous agents, under the assumption that the intermediate flows of all dividends, utilities, and endowments are analytic functions. For the current setting, a different mathematical argument in which analyticity is not needed shows that a slightly weaker condition suffices for general pricing kernels. That is, dynamic completeness obtains irrespectively of preferences, endowments, and other structural elements (such as whether or not the budget constraints include only pure exchange, whether or not the time horizon is finite with lump-sum dividends available on the terminal date, etc.)
L'thique, en particulier dans sa version thologique, est expose aujourd'hui des mises l'preuve redoutables. Sans cesse solicite par le public et les mdias, elle engage une intelligence de la foi, une capacit analytique, une mobilisation de la raison et une implication des émotions. Le prsent ouvrage entend conjoindre trois exigences: thorique, figurative et pratique. L'exigence thorique reprend nouveaux frais la question des fondements de l'thique, l'interface de la rationalit, de la foi et de la thologie. L'exigence figurative, non sans rapport avec la dmarche gnalogique, prcise les enjeux du dialogue que le thologien mne avec diffrentes formes de rflexion philosophique. L'exigence pratique, enfin, renoue les fils, jamais perdus de vue, avec l'exprience et l'existence des humains et des socits, sur la base de plusieurs cas exemplaires d'thique applique: statut de l'embryon, comprhension de la maladie et de la sant, dfinition de la mort, transplantation d'organes, engagement social, toxicomanie, etc.