971 resultados para upper level (UL) coupling field
This book will concentrate on economic competence and financial literacy of young adults in the US, Europe and South America. The subjects of the research are mainly individuals who have begun an apprenticeship or university education. Economic competence and financial literacy are of special interest for this group because they are usually in the unique position of being responsible for managing their own financial affairs autonomously, often for the first time. Furthermore, economic competence is key to social participation and active citizenship. (DIPF/Orig.)
Teleconnections refer to the climate variability links between non-contiguous geographic regions, and tend to be associated with variability in both space and time of the climate’s semi-permanent circulation features. Teleconnections are well-developed in Northern winter, when they influence subseasonal-to-seasonal climate variability, notably, in surface temperature and precipitation. This work is comprised of four independent studies that improve understanding of tropical-extratropical teleconnections and their surface climate responses, subseasonal teleconnection evolution, and the utility of teleconnections in attribution of extreme climate events. After an introduction to teleconnection analysis as well as the major teleconnection patterns and associated climatic footprints manifest during Northern winter, the lagged impact of the Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO) on subseasonal climate variability is presented. It is found that monitoring of MJO-related velocity potential anomalies is sufficient to predict MJO impacts. These impacts include, for example, the development of significant positive temperature anomalies over the eastern United States one to three weeks following an anomalous convective dipole with enhanced (suppressed) convection centered over the Indian Ocean (western Pacific). Subseasonal teleconnection evolution is assessed with respect to the Pacific-North America (PNA) pattern and the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO). This evolution is analyzed both in the presence and absence of MJO-related circulation anomalies. It is found that removal of the MJO results only in small shifts in the centers of action of the NAO and PNA, and that in either case there is a small but significant lag in which the NAO leads a PNA pattern of opposite phase. Barotropic vorticity analysis suggests that this relationship may result in part from excitation of Rossby waves by the NAO in the Asian waveguide. An attempt is made to elegantly differentiate between the MJO extratropical response and patterns of variability more internal to the extratropics. Analysis of upper-level streamfunction anomalies is successful in this regard, and it is suggested that this is the preferred method for the real time monitoring of tropical-extratropical teleconnections. The extreme 2013-2014 North American winter is reconstructed using teleconnection analysis, and it is found that the North Pacific Oscillation-West Pacific (NPO/WP) pattern was the leading contributor to climate anomalies over much of North America. Such attribution is cautionary given the propensity to implicate the tropics for all midlatitude climate anomalies based on the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) paradigm. A recent hypothesis of such tropical influence is presented and challenged.
The present dissertation is inserted in the internationalization of the university-level education research field and aimed to analyze the strategies and internationalization actions of the Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná (UTFPR), locus of research. The study sought to establish the current context in which the internationalization is inserted and contextualize the research problematic presenting definitions, concepts, reasons and strategies linked to an international dimension. It also presents a historical context of the internationalization of Brazil and current public policies related to this topic. This research used content analysis to analyze institutional documents (Institutional Development Plans (2004-2017) and Management Reports (2000-2014)); semi-structured interviews (Director of International Relations, Coordinator of programs and actions related to the mobility of students, Head of the Department of Education and Dean of Research and Graduate Studies); information pertaining to the theme from the university’s website and events held in the Campus of the institution. Data were analyzed using the procedures prescribed for this type of analysis with the establishment of three categories: concepts, strategies and actions. Based on the foregoing, in terms of synthesis, could be understood that increasing the participation of UTFPR on the international scene has always been linked to the institution’s policies and goals, yet without an political institutional plan without objectives, strategies and goals established systematically. In the case of the conception of the internationalization of UTFPR it was realized that the theme currently gained more focus and greater coverage in the institution. In this context, Ciência Sem Fronteiras program contributed to, giving greater visibility to UTFPR on the world stage. From then on, specific strategies and actions are being developed in seeking internationalization under institutional perspective, of the servers, the expansion of mobility, and greater visibility of the institution in the international arena, regional integration and promotion of internationalization at the university. Overall, the management of internationalization in the institution does not have a formal project, but has specific strategies and actions seeking their expansion. Thus, the process of internationalization in UTFPR presents itself in an early stage, with strategies and actions seeking to expand the international dimension in the institution who takes singular importance to its expansion and consolidation.
When writing teachers enter the classroom, they often bring with them a deep faith in the power of literacy to rectify social inequalities and improve their students’ social and economic standing. It is this faith—this hope for change—that draws some writing teachers to locations of social and economic hardship. I am interested in how teachers and theorists construct their own narratives of social mobility, possibility, and literacy. My dissertation analyzes the production and expression of beliefs about literacy in the narratives of a diverse group of writing teachers and theorists, from those beginning their careers to those who are published and widely read. The central questions guiding this study are: How do teachers’ and theorists’ narratives of becoming literate intersect with literacy theories? and How do such literacy narratives intersect with beliefs in the power of literacy to improve individuals’ lives socially, economically, and personally? I contend that the professional literature needs to address more fully how teachers’ and theorists’ personal histories with literacy shape what they see as possible (and desirable) for students, especially those from marginalized communities. A central focus of the dissertation is on how teachers and theorists attempt to resolve a paradox they are likely to encounter in narratives about literacy. On one hand, they are immersed in a popular culture that cherishes narrative links between literacy and economic advancement (and, further, between such advancement and a “good life”). On the other hand, in professional discourse and in teacher preparation courses, they are likely to encounter narratives that complicate an assumed causal relationship between literacy and economic progress. Understanding, through literacy narratives, how teachers and theorists chart a practical path through or around this paradox can be beneficial to literacy education in three ways. First, it can offer direction in professional development and teacher education, addressing how teachers negotiate the boundaries between personal experience, theory, and pedagogy. Second, it can help teachers create spaces wherein students can explore the impact of paradoxical views about the role of literacy on their own lives. Finally, it can offer direction in public policy discourse, extending awareness of what we want—and need—from English language arts education in the twenty-first century. To explore these issues, I draw on case studies and ethnographic observation as well as narrative inquiry into teachers’ and theorists’ published literacy narratives. I situate my findings within three interrelated frames: 1) the narratives of new teachers, 2) the published works of literacy educators and theorists, and 3) my own literacy narrative. My first chapter, “Beyond Hope,” explores the tenuous connections between hope and critique in literacy studies and provides a methodological overview of the study. I argue that scholarship must move beyond a singular focus on either hope or critique in order to identify the transformative potential of literacy in particular circumstances. Analyzing literacy narratives provides a way of locating a critically informed sense of possibility. My second chapter, “Making Teachers, Making Literacy,” explores the intersection between teachers’ lives and the theories they study, based on qualitative analysis of a preservice course for secondary education English teachers. I examine how these preservice English teachers understood literacy, how their narratives of becoming literate and teaching English connected—and did not connect—with theoretical and pedagogical positions, and how these stories might inform their future work as practitioners. Centering primarily on preservice teachers who resisted Nancie Atwell’s pedagogy of possibility because they found it too good to be true, this research concentrates on moments of disjuncture, as expressed in class discussion and in one-on-one interviews, when literacy theories failed to align with aspiring teachers’ understandings of their own experiences and also with what they imagined as possible in disadvantaged educational settings. In my third and fourth chapters, I analyze the narratives of celebrated teachers and theorists who put forth an agenda that emphasizes possibilities through literacy, examining how they negotiate the relationship between their own literacy stories and literacy theories. Specifically, I investigate the narratives of three proponents of critical literacy: Mike Rose, Paulo Freire, and Myles Horton, all highly respected literacy teachers whose working-class backgrounds influenced their commitment to teaching in disenfranchised communities. In chapter 3, “Reading Lives on the Boundary,” I demonstrate how Mike Rose’s 1989 autobiographical text, Lives on the Boundary, juxtaposes rhetorics of mobility with critiques of such possibility. Through an analysis of work published in professional journals, I offer a reception history of Rose’s narrative, focusing specifically on how teachers have negotiated the tension between hope and critique. I follow this analysis with three case studies, drawn from a larger sampling, that inquire into the personal connections that writing teachers make with Lives on the Boundary. The teachers in this study, who provided written responses and participated in audio-recorded follow-up interviews, were asked to compare Rose’s story to their own stories, considering how their personal literacy histories influenced their teaching. My findings illustrate how a group of teachers and theorists have projected their own assessments of what literacy and higher education can and cannot accomplish onto this influential text. In my fourth chapter, “Horton and Freire’s Road as Literacy Narrative,” I concentrate on Myles Horton and Paulo Freire’s 1990 collaborative spoken book, We Make the Road by Walking. Central to my analysis are the educators’ stories about their formative years, including their own primary and secondary education experiences. I argue that We Make the Road by Walking demonstrates how theories of literacy cannot be divorced from personal histories. I begin by examining the spoken book as a literacy narrative that fuses personal and theoretical knowledge, focusing specifically on its authors’ ideas on theory. Drawing on Bakhtin’s notion of the chronotope—the intersection of time and space within narrative—I then explore the literacy narratives emerging from the production process of the book, in a video production about Horton and Freire’s meeting, and ultimately in the two men’s reflections on their childhood years (Dialogic). Interspersed with these accounts is archival material on the book’s editorial production that illustrates the value of increased dialogue between personal history and theories of literacy. My fifth chapter is both a reflective analysis and a qualitative study of my work at a men’s medium-high security prison in Illinois, where I conducted research and served as the instructor of an upper-level writing course, “Writing for a Change,” in the spring of 2009. Entitled “Doing Time with Literacy Narratives,” this chapter explores the complex ways in which literacy and incarceration are configured in students’ narratives as well as my own. With and against students’ stories, I juxtapose my own experiences with literacy, particularly in relation to being the son of an imprisoned father. In exploring the intersections between such stories, I demonstrate how literacy narratives can function as a heuristic for exploring beliefs about literacy between teachers and students both inside and outside of the prison-industrial complex. My conclusion pulls together the various themes that emerged in the three frames, from the making of new teachers to the published literacy narratives of teachers and theorists to my own literacy narrative. Writing teachers encounter considerable pressure to align their curricula with one or another theory of literacy, which has the effect of negating the authority of knowledge about literacy gleaned from experience as readers and writers. My dissertation contends that there is much to be gained by finding ways of articulating theories of literacy that encompass teachers’ knowledge of reading and writing as expressed in personal narratives of literacy. While powerful cultural rhetorics of upward social mobility often neutralize the critical potential of teachers’ own narratives of literacy—potential that has been documented by scholars in writing studies and allied disciplines—this is not always the case. The chapters in this dissertation offer evidence that hopeful and critical positions on the transformational possibilities of literacy are not mutually exclusive.
Die Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Didaktik der Mathematik fand im Jahr 2015 zum dritten Mal in der Schweiz statt. [...] Mit rund 300 Vorträgen, 16 moderierten Sektionen, 15 Arbeitskreistreffen und 21 Posterpräsentationen eröffnete sich ein breites Spektrum an Themen und unterschiedlichen Zugangsweisen zur Erforschung von Fragen rund um das Lernen und Lehren von Mathematik. (DIPF/Orig.)
Statewide exit exams are often believed to have a positive impact on school effectiveness and the alignment between instructional practice and state standards because of their mandatory nature and the stakes attached for students and teachers. They may also, however, lead to teaching to the test and to a perceived de-professionalization of the teaching role. While some studies suggest a narrowing of contents and an increase in teacher-centered instruction, little is known about how the impact on instructional practices and teacher cognitions varies between different exam systems. This study compares the strategies teachers use to prepare their students for the exams at the end of upper secondary education in Finland, Ireland, and the Netherlands using a standardized questionnaire survey with responses from 385 teachers. The goal was to develop hypotheses about the relationship between differences in the exam procedures and the stakes attached, and the differences in teacher preparation strategies. The results suggest country-specific variations regarding teacher beliefs as to how much time should be spent on exam preparation; however, there were smaller differences in the strategies applied. Regression analyses indicated that the way in which preparation intensity was associated with the stakes for students and schools, and the attitudes towards the exams themselves varied across the three countries. The different exam systems appeared to affect preparation in markedly different ways, but nevertheless led to the exercise of comparable strategies. (DIPF/Orig.)
The article focuses on the upper secondary matriculation examination in Finland as a school leaving and university entrance examination. The presented research addresses the question of whether increased choice of the subject-specific examinations has the potential to undermine the comparability of examination results and to direct students’ choices not only in the examination but already beforehand at school. The authors refer to Finland’s tradition of more than 160 years of a national examination connecting the academic track of upper secondary schools with universities. The authors explain the Finnish system by describing the adoption of a course-based (vs. class- or year-based) curriculum for the three-year upper secondary education and the subsequent reforms in the matriculation examination. This increases students’ choices considerably with regard to the subject-specific exams included in the examination (a minimum of four). As a result, high-achieving students compete against each other in the more demanding subjects while the less able share the same normal distribution of grades in the less demanding subjects. As a consequence, students tend to strategic exam-planning, which in turn affects their study choices at school, often to the detriment of the more demanding subjects and, subsequently, of students’ career opportunities, endangering the traditional national objective of an all-round pre-academic upper secondary education. This contribution provides an overview of Finnish upper secondary education and of the matriculation examination (cf. Klein, 2013) while studying three separate but related issues by using data from several years of Finnish matriculation results: the relation of the matriculation examination and the curriculum; the problems of comparability vis-à-vis university entry due to the increased choice within the examination; the relations between students’ examination choices and their course selection and achievement during upper secondary school. (DIPF/Orig.)
Each map is a floorplan showing amenities of the underground visitors' center open to tourists and the public.
The environmental impact caused by the disposal of non-biodegradable polymer packaging on the environment, as well as the high price and scarcity of oil, caused increase of searches in the area of biodegradable polymers from renewable resources were developed. The poly (lactic acid) (PLA) is a promising polymer in the market, with a large availability of raw material for the production of its monomer, as well as good processability. The aimed of this study was synthesis PLA by direct polycondesation of lactic acid, using the tool of experimental design (DOE) (central composite rotatable design (CCRD)) to optimize the conditions of synthesis. The polymer obtained was characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), viscosimetric analysis, differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) and size exclusion chromatography (SEC). The results confirmed the formation of a poly (lactic acid) semicrystalline in the syntheses performed. Through the central composite rotatable design was possible to optimize the crystallization temperature (Tc) and crystallinity degree (Xc). The crystallization temperature maximum was found for percentage of catalyst around the central point (0,3 (%W)) and values of time ranging from the central point (6h) to the upper level (+1) (8h). The crystallization temperature maximum was found for the total synthesis time of 4h (-1) and percentage of catalyst 0,1(W%) (-1). The results of size exclusion chromatography (SEC) showed higher molecular weights to 0,3 (W%) percent of catalyst and total time synthesis of 3,2h
Climate change is affecting pelagic ecosystems with repercussions on fish production. In particular, global change is increasing oceanic temperature and stratification with decrease in nutrient input in euphotic layer leading to a decline in primary production. The mesocosm-based project Ocean Art-Up, conducted in Gran Canaria, is aimed to increase fish production and to enhance carbon sequestration through an artificial upwelling system. Diatoms dominate the phytoplankton community in upwelling systems and they need to take up silicates to grow. The abundance and nutritional value of diatoms determine the fate of phytoplankton biomass with transport to the upper level of the pelagic food web or to the deeper layer of the ocean with potential carbon sequestration. Here, data about experiments performed in 2018 and 2019 are reported. The first mesocosm experiment investigated the differences between pulsed and continuous upwelling mode, while the second experiment was conducted with a gradient in Si:N ratio along the mesocosms. The phytoplankton community takes up and incorporate silica about at the same rate in continuous mode, while in pulsed mode its peak occurred only after the deep-water addition. The diatom silica content is not affected by mode and amount of water added but by the Si:N ratio. Diatoms grown in an environment with high Si:N ratio values show higher abundance, biogenic silica production, silica uptake and silica content than the ones that experienced low Si:N values. In addition from literature, euphotic zone rich in silicate may produce high silica containing-diatoms who will produce repercussions on copepods community regarding feeding, hatching and growth, thus continuous upwelling with high Si:N ratio favours diatoms who will tend to sink and to be converted by copepods into fecal pellet rich in silica with increasing in potential carbon sequestration. Fish production may increase with continuous artificial upwelling showing low Si:N values.
This study reports on an international project in which students taking the course Contemporary Issues in Turkish Politics in spring 2011 and fall 2011 at two institutions of higher education, ‘Gettysburg College’ in the United States and ‘Izmir University of Economics’ in Turkey, worked together in virtual learning environments to complete various tasks as part of their course work. The project employed a blend of traditional and technology-based teaching methods in order to introduce a technology like Skype in a bi-national learning environment in Turkey. Students collaborated and interacted with their international counterparts in two different virtual contexts. First, classrooms in the two countries were merged via Skype three times to conduct classroom-to-classroom discussion sessions on Turkish politics. Second, students were paired across locations to work on several assignments. In this paper, our goal is to present how Skype is used in a bi-national context as a blended teaching tool in an upper-level college course for instructors pursuing a similar exercise. In addition to outlining the process with a focus on Skype discussions and one-on-one student projects, we provide actual assignments and discussion questions. Students’ views elicited through surveys administered throughout the semester are presented alongside anecdotal evidence to reflect how the project was received.
The present study described about the interaction of a two level atom and squeezed field with time varying frequency. By applying a sinusoidal variation in the frequency of the field, the randomness in population inversion is reduced and the collapses and periodic revivals are regained. Quantum optics is an emerging field in physics which mainly deals with the interaction of atoms with quantised electromagnetic fields. Jaynes-Cummings Model (JCM) is a key model among them, which describes the interaction between a two level atom and a single mode radiation field. Here the study begins with a brief history of light, atom and their interactions. Also discussed the interaction between atoms and electromagnetic fields. The study suggest a method to manipulate the population inversion due to interaction and control the randomness in it, by applying a time dependence on the frequency of the interacting squeezed field.The change in behaviour of the population inversion due to the presence of a phase factor in the applied frequency variation is explained here.This study also describes the interaction between two level atom and electromagnetic field in nonlinear Kerr medium. It deals with atomic and field state evolution in a coupled cavity system. Our results suggest a new method to control and manipulate the population of states in two level atom radiation interaction,which is very essential for quantum information processing.We have also studied the variation of atomic population inversion with time, when a two level atom interacts with light field, where the light field has a sinusoidal frequency variation with a constant phase. In both coherent field and squeezed field cases, the population inversion variation is completely different from the phase zero frequency modulation case. It is observed that in the presence of a non zero phase φ, the population inversion oscillates sinusoidally.Also the collapses and revivals gradually disappears when φ increases from 0 to π/2. When φ = π/2 the evolution of population inversion is identical to the case when a two level atom interacts with a Fock state. Thus, by applying a phase shifted frequency modulation one can induce sinusoidal oscillations of atomic inversion in linear medium, those normally observed in Kerr medium. We noticed that the entanglement between the atom and field can be controlled by varying the period of the field frequency fluctuations. The system has been solved numerically and the behaviour of it for different initial conditions and different susceptibility values are analysed. It is observed that, for weak cavity coupling the effect of susceptibility is minimal. In cases of strong cavity coupling, susceptibility factor modifies the nature in which the probability oscillates with time. Effect of susceptibility on probability of states is closely related to the initial state of the system.
We consider arbitrary U (1) charged matter non-minimally coupled to the self-dual field in d = 2 + 1. The coupling includes a linear and a rather general quadratic term in the self-dual field. By using both Lagragian gauge embedding and master action approaches we derive the dual Maxwell Chern-Simons-type model and show the classical equivalence between the two theories. At the quantum level the master action approach in general requires the addition of an awkward extra term to the Maxwell Chern-Simons-type theory. Only in the case of a linear coupling in the self-dual field can the extra term be dropped and we are able to establish the quantum equivalence of gauge invariant correlation functions in both theories.
Using 2-body trees on a flat space background, it is shown that the actions A[g, φ] = (Latin small letter esh) d4x√-g [(R/2K) + (1/2)(gμν ∂μφ∂νφ + λRφ2)] and Ā[ḡ, φ̄] = (Latin small letter esh) d4x√ - ḡ [(R̄/2k) + (1/2) ḡμν∂μφ̄∂ νφ] describe the same theory at the tree-level in this case. We also demonstrate the quantum equivalence (at one-loop) of the barred and unbarred systems for λ == -1/6 (conformal coupling).
Fossil associations from the middle and upper Eocene (Bartonian and Priabonian) sedimentary succession of the Pamplona Basin are described. This succession was accumulated in the western part of the South Pyrenean peripheral foreland basin and extends from deep-marine turbiditic (Ezkaba Sandstone Formation) to deltaic (Pamplona Marl, Ardanatz Sandstone and Ilundain Marl formations) and marginal marine deposits (Gendulain Formation). The micropalaeontological content is high. It is dominated by foraminifera, and common ostracods and other microfossils are also present. The fossil ichnoasssemblages include at least 23 ichnogenera and 28 ichnospecies indicative of Nereites, Cruziana, Glossifungites and ?Scoyenia-Mermia ichnofacies. Body macrofossils of 78 taxa corresponding to macroforaminifera, sponges, corals, bryozoans, brachiopods, annelids, molluscs, arthropods, echinoderms and vertebrates have been identified. Both the number of ichnotaxa and of species (e. g. bryozoans, molluscs and condrichthyans) may be considerably higher. Body fossil assemblages are comparable to those from the Eocene of the Nord Pyrenean area (Basque Coast), and also to those from the Eocene of the west-central and eastern part of South Pyrenean area (Aragon and Catalonia). At the European scale, the molluscs assemblages seem endemic from the Pyrenean area, although several Tethyan (Italy and Alps) and Northern elements (Paris basin and Normandy) have been recorded. Palaeontological data of studied sedimentary units fit well with the shallowing process that throughout the middle and late Eocene occurs in the area, according to the sedimentological and stratigraphical data.