880 resultados para thermoplastic extrusion
Polyethylene (a 1:1 blend of m-LLDPE and z-LLDPE) double layer silicate clay nanocomposites were prepared by melt extrusion using a twin screw extruder. Maleic anhydride grafted polyethylene (PEgMA) was used as a compatibiliser to enhance the dispersion of two organically modified monmorilonite clays (OMMT): Closite 15A (CL15) and nanofill SE 3000 (NF), and natural montmorillonite (NaMMT). The clay dispersion and morphology obtained in the extruded nanocomposite samples were fully characterised both after processing and during photo-oxidation by a number of complementary analytical techniques. The effects of the compatibiliser, the organoclay modifier (quartenary alkyl ammonium surfactant) and the clays on the behaviour of the nanocomposites during processing and under accelerated weathering conditions were investigated. X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy (TEM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), rheometry and attenuated reflectance spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR) showed that the nanocomposite structure obtained is dependent on the type of clay used, the presence or absence of a compatibiliser and the environment the samples are exposed to. The results revealed that during processing PE/clay nanocomposites are formed in the presence of the compatibiliser PEgMA giving a hybrid exfoliated and intercalated structures, while microcomposites were obtained in the absence of PEgMA; the unmodified NaMMT-containing samples showed encapsulated clay structures with limited extent of dispersion in the polymer matrix. The effect of processing on the thermal stability of the OMMT-containing polymer samples was determined by measuring the additional amount of vinyl-type unsaturation formed due to a Hoffman elimination reaction that takes place in the alkyl ammonium surfactant of the modified clay at elevated temperatures. The results indicate that OMMT is responsible for the higher levels of unsaturation found in OMMT-PE samples when compared to both the polymer control and the NaMMT-PE samples and confirms the instability of the alkyl ammonium surfactant during melt processing and its deleterious effects on the durability aspects of nanocomposite products. The photostability of the PE/clay nanocomposites under accelerated weathering conditions was monitored by following changes in their infrared signatures and mechanical properties. The rate of photo-oxidation of the compatibilised PE/PEgMA/OMMT nanocomposites was much higher than that of the PE/OMMT (in absence of PEgMA) counterparts, the polymer controls and the PE–NaMMT sample. Several factors have been observed that can explain the difference in the photo-oxidative stability of the PE/clay nanocomposites including the adverse role played by the thermal decomposition products of the alkyl ammonium surfactant, the photo-instability of PEgMA, unfavourable interactions between PEgMA and products formed in the polymer as a consequence of the degradation of the surfactant on the clay, as well as a contribution from a much higher extent of exfoliated structures, determined by TEM, formed with increasing UV-exposure times.
Metallocene ethylene-1-octene copolymers having different densities and comonomer content ranging from 11 to 36 wt% (m-LLDPE), and a Ziegler copolymer (z-LLDPE) containing the same level of short-chain branching (SCB) corresponding to one of the m-LLDPE polymers, were subjected to extrusion. The effects of temperature (210-285 °C) and multi-pass extrusions (up to five passes) on the rheological and structural characteristics of these polymers were investigated using melt index and capillary rheometry, along with spectroscopic characterisation of the evolution of various products by FTIR, C-NMR and colour measurements. The aim is to develop a better understanding of the effects of processing variables on the structure and thermal degradation of these polymers. Results from rheology show that both extrusion temperature and the amount of comonomer have a significant influence on the polymer melt thermo-oxidative behaviour. At low to intermediate processing temperatures, all m-LLDPE polymers exhibited similar behaviour with crosslinking reactions dominating their thermal oxidation. By contrast, at higher processing temperatures, the behaviour of the metallocene polymers changed depending on the level of comonomer content: higher SCB gave rise to predominantly chain scission reactions whereas polymers with lower level of SCB continued to be dominated by crosslinking. This temperature dependence was attributed to changes in the different evolution of carbonyl and unsaturated compounds including vinyl, vinylidene and trans-vinylene. © 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Preparation and property testing of compatibilized poly(l-lactide)/thermoplastic polyurethane blends
Poly(l-lactide) (PLL) has been blended with a polycaprolactone-based thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) elastomer as a toughening agent and a poly(l-lactide-co-caprolactone) (PLLCL) copolymer as a compatibilizer. Both 2-component (PLL/TPU) and 3-component (PLL/TPU/PLLCL) blends were prepared by melt mixing, characterized, hot-pressed into thin sheets and their tensile properties tested. The results showed that, although the TPU could toughen the PLL, the blends were largely immiscible leading to phase separation. However, addition of the PLLCL copolymer improved blend compatibility. The best all-round properties were found for the 3-component blend of composition PLL/TPU/PLLCL = 90/10/10 parts by weight.
Peroxide-mediated reactive extrusion of linear isotactic polypropylene (L-PP) was conducted in the presence of trimethylolpropane trimethacrylate (TMPTMA) and triallyl trimesate (TAM) coagents, using a twin screw extruder. The resulting coagent-modified polypropylenes (CM-PP) had higher viscosities and elasticities, as well as increased crystallization temperature compared to PP reacted only with peroxide (DCP-PP). Additionally, deviations from terminal flow, and strain hardening were observed in PP modified with TAM, signifying the presence of long chain branching (LCB). The CM-PP formulations retained the modulus and tensile strength of the parent L-PP, in spite of their lower molar mass and viscosities, whereas their elongation at break and the impact strength were better. This was attributed to the finer spherulitic structure of these materials, and to the disappearance of the skin-core layer in the injection molded specimens.
The predictive capability of high fidelity finite element modelling, to accurately capture damage and crush behaviour of composite structures, relies on the acquisition of accurate material properties, some of which have necessitated the development of novel approaches. This paper details the measurement of interlaminar and intralaminar fracture toughness, the non-linear shear behaviour of carbon fibre (AS4)/thermoplastic Polyetherketoneketone (PEKK) composite laminates and the utilisation of these properties for the accurate computational modelling of crush. Double-cantilever-beam (DCB), four-point end-notched flexure (4ENF) and Mixed-mode bending (MMB) test configurations were used to determine the initiation and propagation fracture toughness in mode I, mode II and mixed-mode loading, respectively. Compact Tension (CT) and Compact Compression (CC) test samples were employed to determine the intralaminar longitudinal tensile and compressive fracture toughness. V-notched rail shear tests were used to measure the highly non-linear shear behaviour, associated with thermoplastic composites, and fracture toughness. Corresponding numerical models of these tests were developed for verification and yielded good correlation with the experimental response. This also confirmed the accuracy of the measured values which were then employed as input material parameters for modelling the crush behaviour of a corrugated test specimen.
Engineered cocrystals offer an alternative solid drug form with tailored physicochemical properties. Interestingly, although cocrystals provide many new possibilities, they also present new challenges, particularly in regard to their design and large-scale manufacture. Current literature has primarily focused on the preparation and characterization of novel cocrystals typically containing only the drug and coformer, leaving the subsequent formulation less explored. In this paper we propose, for the first time, the use of hot melt extrusion for the mechanochemical synthesis of pharmaceutical cocrystals in the presence of a meltable binder. In this approach, we examine excipients that are amenable to hot melt extrusion, forming a suspension of cocrystal particulates embedded in a pharmaceutical matrix. Using ibuprofen and isonicotinamide as a model cocrystal reagent pair, formulations extruded with a small molecular matrix carrier (xylitol) were examined to be intimate mixtures wherein the newly formed cocrystal particulates were physically suspended in a matrix. With respect to formulations extruded using polymeric carriers (Soluplus and Eudragit EPO, respectively), however, there was no evidence within PXRD patterns of either crystalline ibuprofen or the cocrystal. Importantly, it was established in this study that an appropriate carrier for a cocrystal reagent pair during HME processing should satisfy certain criteria including limited interaction with parent reagents and cocrystal product, processing temperature sufficiently lower than the onset of cocrystal Tm, low melt viscosity, and rapid solidification upon cooling.
Thermoplastic composites are likely to emerge as the preferred solution for meeting the high-volume production demands of passenger road vehicles. Substantial effort is currently being directed towards the development of new modelling techniques to reduce the extent of costly and time consuming physical testing. Developing a high-fidelity numerical model to predict the crush behaviour of composite laminates is dependent on the accurate measurement of material properties as well as a thorough understanding of damage mechanisms associated with crush events. This paper details the manufacture, testing and modelling of self-supporting corrugated-shaped thermoplastic composite specimens for crashworthiness assessment. These specimens demonstrated a 57.3% higher specific energy absorption compared to identical specimen made from thermoset composites. The corresponding damage mechanisms were investigated in-situ using digital microscopy and post analysed using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). Splaying and fragmentation modes were the 2 primary failure modes involving fibre breakage, matrix cracking and delamination. A mesoscale composite damage model, with new non-linear shear constitutive laws, which combines a range of novel techniques to accurately capture the material response under crushing, is presented. The force-displacement curves, damage parameter maps and dissipated energy, obtained from the numerical analysis, are shown to be in a good qualitative and quantitative agreement with experimental results. The proposed approach could significantly reduce the extent of physical testing required in the development of crashworthy structures.
Face à la diminution des ressources énergétiques et à l’augmentation de la pollution des énergies fossiles, de très nombreuses recherches sont actuellement menées pour produire de l’énergie propre et durable et pour réduire l’utilisation des sources d’énergies fossiles caractérisées par leur production intrinsèque des gaz à effet de serre. La pile à combustible à membrane échangeuse de protons (PEMFC) est une technologie qui prend de plus en plus d’ampleur pour produire l’énergie qui s’inscrit dans un contexte de développement durable. La PEMFC est un dispositif électrochimique qui fonctionne selon le principe inverse de l’électrolyse de l’eau. Elle convertit l’énergie de la réaction chimique entre l’hydrogène et l’oxygène (ou l’air) en puissance électrique, chaleur et eau; son seul rejet dans l’atmosphère est de la vapeur d’eau. Une pile de type PEMFC est constituée d’un empilement Électrode-Membrane-Électrode (EME) où la membrane consiste en un électrolyte polymère solide séparant les deux électrodes (l’anode et la cathode). Cet ensemble est intégré entre deux plaques bipolaires (BP) qui permettent de collecter le courant électrique et de distribuer les gaz grâce à des chemins de circulation gravés sur chacune de ses deux faces. La plupart des recherches focalisent sur la PEMFC afin d’améliorer ses performances électriques et sa durabilité et aussi de réduire son coût de production. Ces recherches portent sur le développement et la caractérisation des divers éléments de ce type de pile; y compris les éléments les plus coûteux et les plus massifs, tels que les plaques bipolaires. La conception de ces plaques doit tenir compte de plusieurs paramètres : elles doivent posséder une bonne perméabilité aux gaz et doivent combiner les propriétés de résistance mécanique, de stabilité chimique et thermique ainsi qu’une conductivité électrique élevée. Elles doivent aussi permettre d’évacuer adéquatement la chaleur générée dans le cœur de la cellule. Les plaques bipolaires métalliques sont pénalisées par leur faible résistance à la corrosion et celles en graphite sont fragiles et leur coût de fabrication est élevé (dû aux phases d’usinage des canaux de cheminement des gaz). C’est pourquoi de nombreuses recherches sont orientées vers le développement d’un nouveau concept de plaques bipolaires. La voie la plus prometteuse est de remplacer les matériaux métalliques et le graphite par des composites à matrice polymère. Les plaques bipolaires composites apparaissent attrayantes en raison de leur facilité de mise en œuvre et leur faible coût de production mais nécessitent une amélioration de leurs propriétés électriques et mécaniques, d’où l’objectif principal de cette thèse dans laquelle on propose: i) un matériau nanocomposite développé par extrusion bi-vis qui est à base de polymères chargés d’additifs solides conducteurs, incluant des nanotubes de carbone. ii) fabriquer un prototype de plaque bipolaire à partir de ces matériaux en utilisant le procédé de compression à chaud avec un refroidissement contrôlé. Dans ce projet, deux polymères thermoplastiques ont été utilisés, le polyfluorure de vinylidène (PVDF) et le polyéthylène téréphtalate (PET). Les charges électriquement conductrices sélectionnées sont: le noir de carbone, le graphite et les nanotubes de carbones. La combinaison de ces charges conductrices a été aussi étudiée visant à obtenir des formulations optimisées. La conductivité électrique à travers l’épaisseur des échantillons développés ainsi que leurs propriétés mécaniques ont été soigneusement caractérisées. Les résultats ont montré que non seulement la combinaison entre les charges conductrices influence les propriétés électriques et mécaniques des prototypes développés, mais aussi la distribution de ces charges (qui de son côté dépend de leur nature, leur taille et leurs propriétés de surface), avait aidé à améliorer les propriétés visées. Il a été observé que le traitement de surface des nanotubes de carbone avait aidé à l’amélioration de la conductivité électrique et la résistance mécanique des prototypes. Le taux de cristallinité généré durant le procédé de moulage par compression des prototypes de plaques bipolaires ainsi que la cinétique de cristallisation jouent un rôle important pour l’optimisation des propriétés électriques et mécaniques visées.
Multiscale reinforcement, using carbon microfibers and multi-walled carbon nanotubes, of polymer matrix composites manufactured by twin-screw extrusion is investigated for enhanced mechanical and thermal properties with an emphasis on the use of a diverging flow in the die for fluid mechanical fiber manipulation. Using fillers at different length scales (microscale and nanoscale), synergistic combinations have been identified to produce distinct mechanical and thermal behavior. Fiber manipulation has been demonstrated experimentally and computationally, and has been shown to enhance thermal conductivity significantly. Finally, a new physics driven predictive model for thermal conductivity has been developed based on fiber orientation during flow, which is shown to successfully capture composite thermal conductivity.
Experimental Modeling of Twin-Screw Extrusion Processes to Predict Properties of Extruded Composites
Twin-screw extrusion is used to compound fillers into a polymer matrix in order to improve the properties of the final product. The resultant properties of the composite are determined by the operating conditions used during extrusion processing. Changes in the operating conditions affect the physics of the melt flow, inducing unique composite properties. In the following work, the Residence Stress Distribution methodology has been applied to model both the stress behavior and the property response of a twin-screw compounding process as a function of the operating conditions. The compounding of a pigment into a polymer melt has been investigated to determine the effect of stress on the degree of mixing, which will affect the properties of the composite. In addition, the pharmaceutical properties resulting from the compounding of an active pharmaceutical ingredient are modeled as a function of the operating conditions, indicating the physical behavior inducing the property responses.
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The natural raw materials acquired special importance beside the mineral raw materials with the need for using alternative sources to oil, because they can be used to produce biopolymers. Gelatin, produced from the denaturation of collagen, and starch, an abundant polysaccharide in various plants, are examples of biopolymers which have several technological applications, especially in films. The objective of this work is to produce polymeric bioblends with gelatin and corn starch using two types of gelatin: commercial bovine gelatin and gelatin produced from mechanically separated flesh of tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). For the extraction of tilapia gelatin 3 distinct pretreatments, followed by extraction in distilled water under heating were performed. The properties of gelatin extracted were similar to bovine gelatin, and the differences can be explained by the difference in extraction processes and sources. Blends of commercial gelatin and starch were produced in an internal mixer from a Haake torque rheometer, to study the behavior of the gelatin mixture with starch, thus, the same compositions were processed by twin screw extrusion, to define the mixing parameters. Subsequently, the extrusion of blends of tilapia gelatin and corn starch was carried out in the same twin screw extruder. The physico-chemical, rheological and morphological properties of the blends with thermoplastic starch and gelatin were studied. It was found that various properties vary linearly with increasing concentration of the components. The blends produced are immiscible, and among the two gelatins, tilapia gelatin showed a better interfacial adhesion with the corn starch. Regarding the morphology, gelatins formed the dispersed phase in all compositions studied, even in compositions rich in starch. Can be concluded that the procedure for tilapia gelatin extraction is feasible and advantageous, and the increasing in its scale to a reactor of 30 liters is possible, with a satisfactory yield. The bioblends of bovine gelatin/corn starch and tilapia gelatin/corn starch were successfully produced, and the processing conditions were appropriate