886 resultados para the process of becoming an entrepreneur


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Los documentos del Seminario fueron publicados por UNESCO en 1961 con el título: La urbanización en América Latina/Urbanization in Latin America


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Los documentos del Seminario fueron publicados por UNESCO en 1961 con el título: La urbanización en América Latina/Urbanization in Latin America


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Includes bibliography


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Includes bibliography


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Background: Depression and anxiety are psychiatric disorders that are related to tobacco use and associated with dependence, the process of cessation, lapses and relapses after quitting smoking. Objective: To analyze the association of nicotine dependence with the level of anxiety and depression in patients who are in the process of smoking cessation. Methods: Cross-sectional study conducted with patients who sought the smoking cessation program in Cuiabá/MT. All the smokers enrolled from May to August 2012, participated in this study. Four instruments were applied: Socio-demographic Questionnaire, Fagerstrom test, Beck Anxiety Inventory and Beck Depression Inventory. Following bivariate analysis, using the crude prevalence ratio, with level of significance lower than 5% (p < 0.05), having as variable outcome the nicotine dependence >= 5 (Fagerstrom). The associations with p < 0.20 were selected for robust Multiple Poisson Regression (RPa). Results: Associations of Fagerstrom >= 5 with the male sex (RP = 1.15 CI 95% 1.03-1.28); number of cigarettes/day (RP = 1,33; CI 95% 1.19-1.48); and moderate/severe level of depression (RP = 1.15; CI 95% 1.04-1.28) were found. In the final model (RPa), the following variables remained associated: male gender (RPa 1.12; CI 95% 1.01-1.24), number of cigarettes/day (RPa 1.28; CI 95% 1.15-1.43) and high level of depression (RPa 1.12; CI 95% 1.01-1.23). Discussion: High level of nicotine dependence was associated significantly with the level of depression, emphasizing the association between smoking and psychiatric comorbidities.


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This paper presents an extension of the Enestrom-Kakeya theorem concerning the roots of a polynomial that arises from the analysis of the stability of Brown (K, L) methods. The generalization relates to relaxing one of the inequalities on the coefficients of the polynomial. Two results concerning the zeros of polynomials will be proved, one of them providing a partial answer to a conjecture by Meneguette (1994)[6]. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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To evaluate whether a history of falls is directly related to the quadriceps muscular function and body sway, 26 elderly women were divided on the basis of the presence or absence of a history of falls. Evaluation of muscular power and anteroposterior and mediolateral displacements of center of pressure during consecutive stand and sit 5 times were performed. Fallers exhibited higher mediolateral displacement than nonfallers. No differences were observed for quadriceps power and for sit-to-stand time between groups (P<.05). The fall history was not related to the quadriceps muscular function or to the anteroposterior displacement during sit to stand.


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This article discusses the difficulties dairy farmers face when they decide to install a new type of production on their units. We intend to discuss the nature of the new competencies the farmers will construct in order to install new production ateliers, and to show the complexity of the means they used, the difficulties they face in this process, and the strategies farmers develop in consonance with the practical knowledge of their profession. The method used was Ergonomic Work Analysis, together with semi-structured interviews, done after sessions of observation and work analysis. The results show that it is possible to apprehend a part of the complexity of the process of constructing competencies among dairy farmers, the diversity of kinds of resources they mobilize, integrate and transfer in this construction process that materializes through their activities in the work context.


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Questa tesi ha come oggetto di studio i problemi riscontrati nelle trascrizioni di testi orali in lingua inglese prodotte da 39 studenti della laurea magistrale in Interpretazione. Nel Capitolo 1 viene presentato l’ascolto, che viene definito prima da un punto di vista storico, poi analizzato come processo composto da quattro fasi, come sostiene Michael Rost (2011). Il capitolo si conclude con l’ascolto nell’ambito dell’interpretazione. Nel Capitolo 2 viene analizzato in maniera contrastiva l’apprendimento dell’ascolto nella prima e nella seconda lingua. I primi due capitoli forniscono le basi per comprendere il caso di studio. Il Capitolo 3 concerne la metodologia dello studio. Vengono presentati il metodo di analisi delle trascrizioni, la categorizzazione dei problemi riscontrati e il processo di creazione del sistema di analisi utilizzato. Nel Capitolo 4 vengono presentati i dati ottenuti seguendo il metodo esposto nel Capitolo 3. Si presentano i problemi riscontrati, che vengono suddivisi in categorie in base a ciò che può averli causati. Il Capitolo 5 è dedicato alle conclusioni. Qui vengono suggerite possibili strategie mirate ad aiutare gli studenti di Interpretazione a migliorare le proprie capacità di ascolto in lingua inglese. Esta tesis quiere analizar los problemas encontrados en transcripciones de textos orales en inglés hechas por 39 estudiantes del máster en Interpretación. En el Capítulo 1 se presenta la escucha, que se define primero desde una perspectiva histórica, y luego como un proceso formado por cuatro fases, como argumenta Michael Rost (2011). El capítulo se cierra con la escucha en el ámbito de la interpretación. En el Capítulo 2 se analizan de forma contrastiva el aprendizaje de la escucha en la primera y segunda lengua. Los primeros dos capítulos constituyen la base para comprender el caso de estudio. El Capítulo 3 atañe a la metodología del estudio. Se presentan el método de análisis de las transcripciones, la categorización de los problemas encontrados y el proceso de creación del sistema de análisis que se ha empleado. En el Capítulo 4 se proporcionan los datos obtenidos gracias al método presentado en el Capítulo 3. Se presentan los problemas encontrados, que han sido divididos en categorías según qué puede haberlos ocasionado. El Capítulo 5 está dedicado a las conclusiones. Aquí se sugieren posibles estrategias cuyo objetivo es ayudar a los estudiantes de Interpretación a mejorar sus capacidades de escucha en inglés.


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BACKGROUND: Mechanical pain sensitivity is assessed in every patient with pain, either by palpation or by quantitative pressure algometry. Despite widespread use, no studies have formally addressed the usefulness of this practice for the identification of the source of pain. We tested the hypothesis that assessing mechanical pain sensitivity distinguishes damaged from healthy cervical zygapophysial (facet) joints. METHODS: Thirty-three patients with chronic unilateral neck pain were studied. Pressure pain thresholds (PPTs) were assessed bilaterally at all cervical zygapophysial joints. The diagnosis of zygapophysial joint pain was made by selective nerve blocks. Primary analysis was the comparison of the PPT between symptomatic and contralateral asymptomatic joints. The secondary end points were as follows: differences in PPT between affected and asymptomatic joints of the same side of patients with zygapophysial joint pain; differences in PPT at the painful side between patients with and without zygapophysial joint pain; and sensitivity and specificity of PPT for 2 different cutoffs (difference in PPT between affected and contralateral side by 1 and 30 kPa, meaning that the test was considered positive if the difference in PPT between painful and contralateral side was negative by at least 1 and 30 kPa, respectively). The PPT of patients was also compared with the PPT of 12 pain-free subjects. RESULTS: Zygapophysial joint pain was present in 14 patients. In these cases, the difference in mean PPT between affected and contralateral side (primary analysis) was −6.2 kPa (95% confidence interval: −19.5 to 7.2, P = 0.34). In addition, the secondary analyses yielded no statistically significant differences. For the cutoff of 1 kPa, sensitivity and specificity of PPT were 67% and 16%, respectively, resulting in a positive likelihood ratio of 0.79 and a diagnostic confidence of 38%. When the cutoff of 30 kPa was considered, the sensitivity decreased to only 13%, whereas the specificity increased to 95%, resulting in a positive likelihood ratio of 2.53 and a diagnostic confidence of 67%. The PPT was significantly lower in patients than in pain-free subjects (P < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Assessing mechanical pain sensitivity is not diagnostic for cervical zygapophysial joint pain. The finding should stimulate further research into a diagnostic tool that is widely used in the clinical examination of patients with pain.


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This article brings to light a debate on tragic fiction in eighteenth-century France, and more specifically, on whether or not tragedy has the power to transform individuals intellectually and emotionally. Through analysis of abbé Dubos’s Reflexions critiques sur la poésie et sur la peinture and Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s Lettre à d’Alembert sur les spectacles, I contend that Dubos’s overwhelmingly positive conception of fiction—and especially his contention that we learn through the emotions when we engage with tragic fiction—can serve as an admirable pedagogical model for today’s fiction-focused foreign language classrooms.