932 resultados para temporal lip information


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This paper addresses the pose recovery problem of a particular articulated object: the human body. In this model-based approach, the 2D-shape is associated to the corresponding stick figure allowing the joint segmentation and pose recovery of the subject observed in the scene. The main disadvantage of 2D-models is their restriction to the viewpoint. To cope with this limitation, local spatio-temporal 2D-models corresponding to many views of the same sequences are trained, concatenated and sorted in a global framework. Temporal and spatial constraints are then considered to build the probabilistic transition matrix (PTM) that gives a frame to frame estimation of the most probable local models to use during the fitting procedure, thus limiting the feature space. This approach takes advantage of 3D information avoiding the use of a complex 3D human model. The experiments carried out on both indoor and outdoor sequences have demonstrated the ability of this approach to adequately segment pedestrians and estimate their poses independently of the direction of motion during the sequence. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A novel non-linear dimensionality reduction method, called Temporal Laplacian Eigenmaps, is introduced to process efficiently time series data. In this embedded-based approach, temporal information is intrinsic to the objective function, which produces description of low dimensional spaces with time coherence between data points. Since the proposed scheme also includes bidirectional mapping between data and embedded spaces and automatic tuning of key parameters, it offers the same benefits as mapping-based approaches. Experiments on a couple of computer vision applications demonstrate the superiority of the new approach to other dimensionality reduction method in term of accuracy. Moreover, its lower computational cost and generalisation abilities suggest it is scalable to larger datasets. © 2010 IEEE.


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This paper describes a data model for content representation of temporal media in an IP based sensor network. The model is formed by introducing the idea of semantic-role from linguistics into the underlying concepts of formal event representation with the aim of developing a common event model. The architecture of a prototype system for a multi camera surveillance system, based on the proposed model is described. The important aspects of the proposed model are its expressiveness, its ability to model content of temporal media, and its suitability for use with a natural language interface. It also provides a platform for temporal information fusion, as well as organizing sensor annotations by help of ontologies.


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Objectives: A common behavioural symptom of Parkinson’s disease (PD) is reduced step length (SL). Whilst sensory cueing strategies can be effective in increasing SL and reducing gait variability, current cueing strategies conveying spatial or temporal information are generally confined to the use of either visual or auditory cue modalities, respectively. We describe a novel cueing strategy using ecologically-valid ‘action-related’ sounds (footsteps on gravel) that convey both spatial and temporal parameters of a specific action within a single cue.
Methods: The current study used a real-time imitation task to examine whether PD affects the ability to re-enact changes in spatial characteristics of stepping actions, based solely on auditory information. In a second experimental session, these procedures were repeated using synthesized sounds derived from recordings of the kinetic interactions between the foot and walking surface. A third experimental session examined whether adaptations observed when participants walked to action-sounds were preserved when participants imagined either real recorded or synthesized sounds.
Results: Whilst healthy control participants were able to re-enact significant changes in SL in all cue conditions, these adaptations, in conjunction with reduced variability of SL were only observed in the PD group when walking to, or imagining the recorded sounds.
Conclusions: The findings show that while recordings of stepping sounds convey action information to allow PD patients to re-enact and imagine spatial characteristics of gait, synthesis of sounds purely from gait kinetics is insufficient to evoke similar changes in behaviour, perhaps indicating that PD patients have a higher threshold to cue sensorimotor resonant responses.


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Numbers of Tufted Ducks Aythya fuligula wintering at Lough Neagh declined dramatically following the winter of 2000/01. The abundance and biomass of benthic macroinvertebrates, their main food source, declined significantly between the winters of 1997/98 and 2010. Therefore, information on recent diet was required to determine if there had been any significant changes before and after the observed declines in numbers of both macroinvertebrates and birds. Here, we used oesophageal content analysis to characterise the contemporary diet of Tufted Ducks at Lough Neagh during 2010-12. Out of 75 shot ducks, only three individuals had prey items in their oesophagi while all four ducks that accidentally drowned in gill nets contained prey items. Oesophageal contents were then compared with data collected during a study conducted in the late 1990s. Contemporary diet of Tufted Ducks was dominated by Asellus aquaticus (48%), but molluscs (14%), grain (13%) and chironomid larvae (11%) were also consumed. Between 1998-99 and 2010-12, the contribution of Asellus aquaticus to the diet significantly decreased while the proportions of chironomid larvae, grain, Gammarus spp. and Mysis spp. increased. Alternative methods of dietary analysis, for example stable isotope analysis, are recommended in future studies of diving duck diet at Lough Neagh.


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Previous research has shown that Parkinson's disease (PD) patients can increase the speed of their movement when catching a moving ball compared to when reaching for a static ball (Majsak et al., 1998). A recent model proposed by Redgrave et al. (2010) explains this phenomenon with regard to the dichotomic organization of motor loops in the basal ganglia circuitry and the role of sensory micro-circuitries in the control of goal-directed actions. According to this model, external visual information that is relevant to the required movement can induce a switch from a habitual control of movement toward an externally-paced, goal-directed form of guidance, resulting in augmented motor performance (Bienkiewicz et al., 2013). In the current study, we investigated whether continuous acoustic information generated by an object in motion can enhance motor performance in an arm reaching task in a similar way to that observed in the studies of Majsak et al. (1998, 2008). In addition, we explored whether the kinematic aspects of the movement are regulated in accordance with time to arrival information generated by the ball's motion as it reaches the catching zone. A group of 7 idiopathic PD (6 male, 1 female) patients performed a ball-catching task where the acceleration (and hence ball velocity) was manipulated by adjusting the angle of the ramp. The type of sensory information (visual and/or auditory) specifying the ball's arrival at the catching zone was also manipulated. Our results showed that patients with PD demonstrate improved motor performance when reaching for a ball in motion, compared to when stationary. We observed how PD patients can adjust their movement kinematics in accordance with the speed of a moving target, even if vision of the target is occluded and patients have to rely solely on auditory information. We demonstrate that the availability of dynamic temporal information is crucial for eliciting motor improvements in PD. Furthermore, these effects appear independent from the sensory modality through-which the information is conveyed. 


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The crowned sifaka (Propithecus coronatus) and Decken’s sifaka (Propithecus deckenii) are Endangered lemurs endemic to west and central Madagascar. Both have suffered habitat loss and fragmentation throughout their ranges. The goal
of this study, conducted in the Mahavavy-Kinkony Wetland Complex (MKWC) in northwestern Madagascar, was to assess the effects of historical change in the species’ habitats, and to model the potential impact of further land-use change on their habitats. The IDRISI Andes Geographical Information System and image-processing software was used for satellite-image classifiation, and the Land Change Modeler was used to compare the natural habitat of the species from 1973 to 2005, and to predict available habitat for 2050. We analyzed two forests in the MKWC occupied by P. coronatus (Antsilaiza and Anjohibe), and three forests occupied by P. deckenii (Tsiombikibo, Marofandroboka and Andohaomby). The two forests occupied by P. coronatus contracted during the period 1949–1973, but then expanded to exceed their 1949 area by 28% in 2005. However, the land change model predicted that they will contract again to match their 1949 area by 2050, and will again lose their corridor connection, meaning that the conservation gains for this species in the complex are at risk of being reversed. The three forests occupied by P. deckenii have declined in area steadily since 1949, losing 20% of their original area by 2005, and are predicted to lose a further 15% of their original area by 2050. Both species are therefore at risk of becoming even more threatened if land-use change continues within the complex. Improved conservation of the remaining forest is recommended to avoid further loss, as well as ecological restoration and reforestation to promote connectivity between the forests. A new strategy for controlling agriculture and forest use is required in order to avoid further destruction of the forest.


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During the 1950s and 1960s, excavations by the Sarawak Museum at Niah Cave in northwest Borneo produced an enormous archive of records and artefacts, including in excess of 750,000 macro- and micro-vertebrate remains. The excellent state of preservation of the animal bone, dating from the Late Pleistocene (c. 40 kya) to as recently as c. 500 years ago had the potential to provide unparalleled zooarchaeological information about early hunter-gatherer resource procurement, temporal changes in subsistence patterning, and the impact of peoples on the local and regional environment in Island Southeast Asia. However, the coarse-grained methods of excavation employed during the original investigations and the sheer scale of the archaeological record and bone assemblages dissuaded many researchers from attempting to tackle the Niah archives. This paper outlines how important information on the nature of the archaeological record at Niah has now finally been extracted from the archive using a combination of zooarchaeological analysis and reference to the extensive archaeological records from the site. Copyright (C) 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Massive amount of data that are geo-tagged and associated with text information are being generated at an unprecedented scale. These geo-textual data cover a wide range of topics. Users are interested in receiving up-to-date tweets such that their locations are close to a user specified location and their texts are interesting to users. For example, a user may want to be updated with tweets near her home on the topic “food poisoning vomiting.” We consider the Temporal Spatial-Keyword Top-k Subscription (TaSK) query. Given a TaSK query, we continuously maintain up-to-date top-k most relevant results over a stream of geo-textual objects (e.g., geo-tagged Tweets) for the query. The TaSK query takes into account text relevance, spatial proximity, and recency of geo-textual objects in evaluating its relevance with a geo-textual object. We propose a novel solution to efficiently process a large number of TaSK queries over a stream of geotextual objects. We evaluate the efficiency of our approach on two real-world datasets and the experimental results show that our solution is able to achieve a reduction of the processing time by 70-80% compared with two baselines.


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Although interactions between seaweeds and sponges have been studied in detail, general information concerning the whole epibiontic algal assemblage associated with a sponge species is virtually non-existent. We present here the first study in which the macroalgal community associated with a sponge, Haliclona indistincta (Bowerbank), was examined in detail. In the period October 2009-September 2010, the seaweed assemblage epibiontic on H. indistincta at a site of the Irish West coast was composed of 66 algal taxa (48 red algae, 7 green algae, 11 brown algae). The red algae Gelidium spinosum and Rhodothamniella floridula were the only epibionts associated with H. indistincta for the whole annual cycle. Most of the algal epibionts were filamentous species, which colonized the surface of the sponge and did not penetrate deeply into it. The algal assemblage was most abundant and species-diverse in the period late winter-spring; multivariate analyses revealed a significant variation of the community on the temporal scale of season and sampling date (weeks to months). The results indicate that the algal communities associated with sponges may be very diverse, showing that this type of assemblage deserves further detailed studies. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.


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Se evaluó el uso actual del suelo, mediante la creación de mapas de uso/cobertura y capacidad de acogida; la problemática consiste en el crecimiento agropecuario; se validó esta información obteniendo que la expansión agropecuaria y las actividades antrópicas, aportan a la fragmentación del hábitat del bosque en detrimento de la biodiversidad existente.


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Apesar das recentes inovações tecnológicas, o setor dos transportes continua a exercer impactes significativos sobre a economia e o ambiente. Com efeito, o sucesso na redução das emissões neste setor tem sido inferior ao desejável. Isto deve-se a diferentes fatores como a dispersão urbana e a existência de diversos obstáculos à penetração no mercado de tecnologias mais limpas. Consequentemente, a estratégia “Europa 2020” evidencia a necessidade de melhorar a eficiência no uso das atuais infraestruturas rodoviárias. Neste contexto, surge como principal objetivo deste trabalho, a melhoria da compreensão de como uma escolha de rota adequada pode contribuir para a redução de emissões sob diferentes circunstâncias espaciais e temporais. Simultaneamente, pretende-se avaliar diferentes estratégias de gestão de tráfego, nomeadamente o seu potencial ao nível do desempenho e da eficiência energética e ambiental. A integração de métodos empíricos e analíticos para avaliação do impacto de diferentes estratégias de otimização de tráfego nas emissões de CO2 e de poluentes locais constitui uma das principais contribuições deste trabalho. Esta tese divide-se em duas componentes principais. A primeira, predominantemente empírica, baseou-se na utilização de veículos equipados com um dispositivo GPS data logger para recolha de dados de dinâmica de circulação necessários ao cálculo de emissões. Foram percorridos aproximadamente 13200 km em várias rotas com escalas e características distintas: área urbana (Aveiro), área metropolitana (Hampton Roads, VA) e um corredor interurbano (Porto-Aveiro). A segunda parte, predominantemente analítica, baseou-se na aplicação de uma plataforma integrada de simulação de tráfego e emissões. Com base nesta plataforma, foram desenvolvidas funções de desempenho associadas a vários segmentos das redes estudadas, que por sua vez foram aplicadas em modelos de alocação de tráfego. Os resultados de ambas as perspetivas demonstraram que o consumo de combustível e emissões podem ser significativamente minimizados através de escolhas apropriadas de rota e sistemas avançados de gestão de tráfego. Empiricamente demonstrou-se que a seleção de uma rota adequada pode contribuir para uma redução significativa de emissões. Foram identificadas reduções potenciais de emissões de CO2 até 25% e de poluentes locais até 60%. Através da aplicação de modelos de tráfego demonstrou-se que é possível reduzir significativamente os custos ambientais relacionados com o tráfego (até 30%), através da alteração da distribuição dos fluxos ao longo de um corredor com quatro rotas alternativas. Contudo, apesar dos resultados positivos relativamente ao potencial para a redução de emissões com base em seleções de rotas adequadas, foram identificadas algumas situações de compromisso e/ou condicionantes que devem ser consideradas em futuros sistemas de eco navegação. Entre essas condicionantes importa salientar que: i) a minimização de diferentes poluentes pode implicar diferentes estratégias de navegação, ii) a minimização da emissão de poluentes, frequentemente envolve a escolha de rotas urbanas (em áreas densamente povoadas), iii) para níveis mais elevados de penetração de dispositivos de eco-navegação, os impactos ambientais em todo o sistema podem ser maiores do que se os condutores fossem orientados por dispositivos tradicionais focados na minimização do tempo de viagem. Com este trabalho demonstrou-se que as estratégias de gestão de tráfego com o intuito da minimização das emissões de CO2 são compatíveis com a minimização do tempo de viagem. Por outro lado, a minimização de poluentes locais pode levar a um aumento considerável do tempo de viagem. No entanto, dada a tendência de redução nos fatores de emissão dos poluentes locais, é expectável que estes objetivos contraditórios tendam a ser minimizados a médio prazo. Afigura-se um elevado potencial de aplicação da metodologia desenvolvida, seja através da utilização de dispositivos móveis, sistemas de comunicação entre infraestruturas e veículos e outros sistemas avançados de gestão de tráfego.


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Dissertação de mestrado, Biologia Marinha, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2015


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Tese de doutoramento, Informática (Engenharia Informática), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2014


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Tese de doutoramento, Informática (Ciências da Computação), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2015