924 resultados para teaching-learning, symbolic resources, classroom interactions, everyday learning


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The aim of this workshop is to present the main methods of subsoil studies (namely mechanical and geophysical methods) to the Earth Sciences professorate. These methods frequently involve the use of specific material. The different methods are usually taught in the classroom where there is no real contact between the students and the equipment. Several activities, all of them taking place in surrounding areas of the university campus of Girona, will provide the assistants to the workshop with the opportunity of making measurements with different equipment. These activities will be made in the field so as to contribute to the resolution of a problem which will have been previously proposed. The problems presented are situations, most of them real, when subsoil investigation techniques are usually used. These cases have been employed as teaching-learning strategies with university and second grade students in the area of Girona. Finally, some examples of exercises involving the treatment of data obtained through subsoil investigation techniques are also presented to complement the workshop


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The thoughts of the philosopher Paul Karl Feyerabend brought important contributions to the debate on Science in the 20th century. Most recently his views about non-existence of a single method for doing science have been employed to rethink science education and propose the use of multiple methods for effective teaching-learning process. This article employs the theoretical framework of the author expressed in the book Against Method, 1977, about the epistemological anarchism and the methodological pluralism and uses it in the contemporary discussion of medical education.


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The purpose of the thesis is to study how mathematics is experienced and used in preschool children’s activities and how preschool teachers frame their teaching of mathematical content. The studies include analyses of children’s actions in different activities from a mathematical perspective and preschool teachers’ intentions with and their teaching of mathematics. Preschool teachers’ understanding of the knowledge required in this area is also scrutinised. The theoretical points of departure are variation theory and sociocultural theory. With variation theory the focus is directed towards how mathematical content is dealt with in teaching situations where preschool teachers have chosen the learning objects. The sociocultural perspective has been chosen because children’s mathematical learning in play often takes place in interactions with others and in the encounter with culturally mediated concepts. The theoretical framework also includes didactical points of departure. The study is qualitative, with videography and phenomenography as metholological research approaches. In the study, video observations and interviews with preschool teachers have been used as data collection methods. The results show that in children’s play mathematics consists of volume, geometrical shapes, gravity, quantity and positioning. The situations also include size, patterns, proportions, counting and the creation of pairs. The preschool teachers’ intentions, planning and staging of their goal-oriented work are that all children should be given the opportunity to discern a mathematical content. This also includes making learning objects visible in here-and-now-situations. Variation and a clear focus on the mathematical content are important in this context. One of the study’s knowledge contributions concerns the didactics of mathematics in the preschool. This relates to the teaching of mathematics and includes the knowledge that preschool teachers regard as essential for their teaching. This includes theoretical and practical knowledge about children and children’s learning and didactical issues and strategies. The conclusion is that preschool teachers need to have a basic knowledge of mathematics and the didactics of mathematics.


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The state of the object-oriented programming course in Lappeenranta University of Technology had reached the point, where it required changes to provide better learning opportunities and thus the learning outcomes. Based on the student feedback the course was partially dated and ineffective. The components of the course were analysed and the ineffective elements were removed and new methods were introduced to improve the course. The major changes included the change from traditional teaching methods to reverse classroom method and the use of Java as the programming language. The changes were measured by the student feedback, lecturer’s observations and comparison to previous years. The feedback suggested that the changes were successful; the course received higher overall grade than before.


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This exploratory, descriptive action research study is based on a survey of a sample of convenience consisting of 172 college and university marketing students, and 5 professors who were experienced in teaching in an internet based environment. The students that were surveyed were studying e-commerce and international business in 3^^ and 4*'' year classes at a leading imiversity in Ontario and e-commerce in 5^ semester classes at a leading college. These classes were taught using a hybrid teaching style with the contribution of a large website that contained pertinent text and audio material. Hybrid teaching employs web based course materials (some in the form of Learning Objects) to deliver curriculimi material both during the attended lectures and also for students accessing the course web page outside of class hours. The survey was in the form on an online questionnaire. The research questions explored in this study were: 1. What factors influence the students' ability to access and learn from web based course content? 2. How likely are the students to use selected elements of internet based curriculum for learning academic content? 3. What is the preferred physical environment to facilitate learning in a hybrid environment? 4. How effective are selected teaching/learning strategies in a hybrid environment? The findings of this study suggest that students are very interested in being part of the learning process by contributing to a course web site. Specifically, students are interested in audio content being one of the formats of online course material, and have an interest in being part of the creation of small audio clips to be used in class.


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Cette thèse s'inscrit dans le cadre de l'harmonisation des langues africaines transfrontalières à tradition écrite émergente au moyen des Technologies de l’information et de la communication.


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Rapport de stage présenté à la Faculté des sciences infirmières en vue de l’obtention du grade de Maître ès sciences (M. Sc.) en sciences infirmières option formation en sciences infirmières


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In der gesamten Hochschullandschaft begleiten eLearning-Szenarien organisatorische Erneuerungsprozesse und stellen damit ein vielversprechendes Instrument zur Unterstützung und Verbesserung der klassischen Präsenzlehre dar. Davon ausgehend wurde von 2010 bis 2011 das Kasseler Sportspiel-Modell um die integrative Vermittlung der Einkontakt-Rückschlagspiele erweitert (Heyer, Albert, Scheid & Blömeke-Rumpf, 2011) und in einen modularisierten eLearning-Content, bestehend aus insgesamt 4 Modulen (17 Lernkurse, 171 Kursseiten, 73 Grafiken, 73 Videos, 38 Lernkontrollfragen), eingebunden. Dieser Content wurde im Rahmen einer Evaluationsstudie in Blended Learning Seminaren, welche die didaktischen Vorteile von Online- und Präsenzphasen zu einer Seminarform vereinen (Treumann, Ganguin & Arens, 2012), vergleichend zur klassischen Präsenzlehre im Sportstudium betrachtet. Die Studie gliedert sich in insgesamt drei Phasen: 1.) Pilotstudie am IfSS in Kassel (WS 2011/12; N=17, Lehramt), 2.) Hauptuntersuchung I am IfSS in Kassel (SS 2012; N=67, Lehramt) und 3.) Hauptuntersuchung II am IfS in Frankfurt a. M. (WS 2012/13; N=112, BA). Mittels varianzanalytischer Untersuchungsverfahren erfasst die Studie auf drei unterschiedlichen Qualitätsebenen folgende Aspekte der Lehr-Lernforschung: 1.) Ebene der Inputqualität: Bewertung der Seminarform (BS), 2.) Ebene der Prozessqualität: Motivation (SELLMO-ST), Lernstrategien (LIST) und computerbezogene Einstellung (FIDEC), 3.) Ebene der Outcomequalität: Lernleistung (Abschlusstest und Transferaufgabe). In der vergleichenden Betrachtung der beiden Hauptuntersuchungen erfolgt eine Gegenüberstellung von je einem Präsenzseminar zu zwei unterschiedlichen Varianten von Blended Learning Seminaren (BL-1, BL-2). Während der Online-Phasen bearbeiten die Sportstudierenden in BL-1 die Module in Lerngruppen. Die Teilnehmer in BL-2 führen in diesen Phasen zusätzlich persönliche Lerntagebücher. Dies soll zu einer vergleichsweise intensiveren Auseinandersetzung mit den Inhalten der Lernkurse sowie dem eigenen Lernprozess auf kognitiver und metakognitiver Ebene anregen (Hübner, Nückles & Renkl, 2007) und folglich zu besseren Ergebnissen auf den drei Qualitätsebenen führen. Die Ergebnisse der beiden Hauptuntersuchungen zeigen in der direkten, standortbezogenen Gegenüberstellung aller drei Seminarformen überwiegend keine statistisch signifikanten Unterschiede. Der erwartete positive Effekt durch die Einführung des Lerntagebuchs bleibt ebenfalls aus. Im standortübergreifenden Vergleich der Blended-Learning-Seminare ist bemerkenswert, dass die Probanden aus Frankfurt gegenüber ihrer Seminarform eine tendenziell kritischere Haltung einnehmen, was möglicherweise mit den vorherrschenden, unterschiedlichen Studiengängen – Lehramt und BA – korrespondiert. Zusammenfassend lässt sich somit für den untersuchten Bereich der Rückschlagspielvermittlung festhalten, dass Blended-Learning-Seminare eine qualitativ gleichwertige Alternative zur klassischen Präsenzlehre im Sportstudium darstellen.


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Scitable is an open online teaching/learning portal combining high quality educational articles authored by editors at NPG with technology-based community features to fuel a global exchange of scientific insights, teaching practices, and study resources. Scitable currently contains articles in the field of genetics, and is intended for college undergraduate faculty and students. Future plans involve extension of Scitable to other fields within the life sciences, as well as to other audiences. Scitable brings together a library of scientific overviews with a worldwide community of scientists, researchers, teachers and students. Nature Education is a new division of Nature Publishing Group devoted to facilitating high quality, innovative, accessible science education in all countries of the world.


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An article from the New York Times, 16 April 2010, by Katie Hafner. This article summarises recent significant projects for creating open educational resources in the United States and UK.


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This article describes an intervention process undertaken in a training program for preschool and first grade teachers from public schools in Cali, Colombia. The objective of this process is to provide a space for teachers to reflect on pedagogical practices which allow them to generate educational processes that foster children’s understanding of mathematical knowledge in the classroom. A set of support strategies was presented for helping teachers in the design, analysis and implementation of learning environments as meaningful educational spaces. Furthermore, participants engaged in an analysis of their own intervention modalities to identify which modalities facilitate the development of mathematical abilities in children. In order to ascertain the transformations in the teachers’ learning environments, the mathematical competences and cognitive processes underlying the activities proposed in the classroom, as well as teacher intervention modalities and the types of student participation in classroom activities were examined both before and after the intervention process. Transformations in the teachers’ conceptions about the children’s abilities and their own practices in teaching mathematics in the classroom were evidenced.


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Twitter y otras redes sociales de microblogging ofrecen la posibilidad de comunicarse con todo el planeta, haciendo uso de tan sólo 140 caracteres, esta aparente limitación obliga al usuario a compartir lo esencial, a mostrar los enlaces del mundo con el que interactúa. El eje principal de este trabajo se basa en que las redes sociales de microblogging suponen una ventana al conocimiento informal, al autoaprendizaje y a la creación de redes aplicadas al conocimiento, útiles para la orientación en las aulas. Estas y otras plataformas poseen la característica de motivar a los estudiantes reduciendo las distancias físicas y psicológicas entre alumno y profesor, incrementando la confianza en el alumno e implicándolo en su propio aprendizaje. Para ello implementamos el uso de estas redes sociales, antes, durante y después de cada clase de tipo teórico-práctico. El material de presentación utilizado para las clases posee la posibilidad de transmitir y seguir en directo la actividad realizada durante las clases, tanto del docente como del alumnado. El uso de etiquetas que permitan clasificar, indexar y finalmente recuperar lo expuesto o generado en clase mediante búsquedas, convierten las clases convencionales de tipo unidireccional, en una conversación más interactiva de todos a todos, que permite generar ideas, repasar contenidos y sobretodo recuperar esta información siempre que se desee. El uso de redes sociales y más concretamente redes sociales de microblogging tienen un gran potencial, por ser algo novedoso, que implica la participación y la conversación con el alumnado, rompiendo barreras y generando aprendizaje informal y sobre todo permite ayudar a la autogestión del aprendizaje. Varios millones de personas en todo el mundo utilizan y comparten información en estas plataformas. Al ser herramientas nacidas en entornos TIC permiten ser integradas, agregadas y controladas por parte del docente con mucha flexibilidad y su carácter de ubicuidad espacio-temporal las hacen idóneas para resumir lo expuesto en clase, aportar ejemplos, conversar, compartir, consultar y sobretodo implicar al alumno en la dinámica de aprendizaje y en la creación de su propio material de trabajo. Además resulta relativamente fácil integrar redes sociales de microblogging en el aula, sólo es necesaria una conexión a internet y hacer uso de los servicios generales gratuitos ya existentes. Su facilidad de consulta e integración con servicios como la telefonía móvil o entornos de e-Learning, convirtiendo a estas redes sociales en la conversación que dinamizará las aulas. En este contexto, el presente trabajo parte del modelo de aceptación tecnológica (TAM) de Davis et al. (1989) al que se incorporan algunos de los constructos más utilizados en la literatura científica. Estos constructos son el papel relevante de las normas subjetivas (NS) y de la imagen social (IMAGE) en el uso de tecnologías de la información estructuradas en redes sociales. Para ello un cuestionario fue aplicado a 135 alumnos de diversas titulaciones de Grado y Diplomatura de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales de la Universidad de Granada. Los datos obtenidos permitieron desarrollar un modelo de Ecuaciones Estructurales con los anteriores constructos. Del análisis resulta un modelo de comportamiento de uso de las redes sociales muy robusto y parsimonioso que demuestra las hipótesis de investigación planteadas, poniendo de manifiesto que la adecuación del uso de modelos TAM ampliados (como el presente) para explicar la aceptación de instrumentos metodológicos basados en tecnologías de la información


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The aim of this workshop is to present the main methods of subsoil studies (namely mechanical and geophysical methods) to the Earth Sciences professorate. These methods frequently involve the use of specific material. The different methods are usually taught in the classroom where there is no real contact between the students and the equipment. Several activities, all of them taking place in surrounding areas of the university campus of Girona, will provide the assistants to the workshop with the opportunity of making measurements with different equipment. These activities will be made in the field so as to contribute to the resolution of a problem which will have been previously proposed. The problems presented are situations, most of them real, when subsoil investigation techniques are usually used. These cases have been employed as teaching-learning strategies with university and second grade students in the area of Girona. Finally, some examples of exercises involving the treatment of data obtained through subsoil investigation techniques are also presented to complement the workshop


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Se trata de una investigación que se realizó en la Universidad Nacional Experimental Politécnica "Antonio José de Sucre" (UNEXPO), Vicerrectorado Puerto Ordaz, Venezuela, referida al estudio e intervención educativa en el programa de preparadurías (mecanismo de asesoramiento académico entre estudiantes de ingeniería), en el ámbito de matemática I (asignatura crítica), que desarrolló procesos participativos de enseñanza-aprendizaje en aula fundamentados en una metodología colaborativa, de cara a la promoción de un cambio educativo. La investigación tiene como propósito promover la mejora de los procesos de enseñanza aprendizaje que se desarrollan en este programa, facilitando la participación de los preparadores en un proceso de intervención. Las acciones que orientaron la intervención en el aula, se fundamentan en una concepción constructivista y sociocultural de los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje, que otorgan un papel preponderante a la actividad del alumno mediada por factores de su contexto educativo. Desde el punto de vista metodológico, estamos frente a un tipo de investigación interpretativa, sustentada operacionalmente por la metodología cualitativa. Para llevarla a cabo, se definieron tres fases interconectadas en el proceso investigativo: descriptiva, de intervención y valoración; destacando que la fase intervención en el aula, se inspiró en la investigación-acción, como mecanismo indagatorio y propulsor de la transformación en la práctica. En estas fases, fue predominante la identificación de informantes clave de acuerdo a momentos y ámbitos de actuación y combinaciones que relacionaban técnicas narrativas como los grupos de discusión, entrevistas cualitativas y la observación, entre otras. Los resultados más resaltantes, tienden a realizar una caracterización exhaustiva de las preparadurías, describir de forma pormenorizada la experiencia vivida con los preparadores, la cual trata de aportar una estrategia pedagógica en matemática I, traducida en el aprovechamiento de las relaciones simétricas entre alumnos en ambientes colaborativos. La investigación permite a la UNEXPO, otras universidades y a la comunidad educativa, evaluar la posibilidades que ofrece una propuesta innovadora de enseñanza-aprendizaje en matemática I, que puede orientar las acciones pedagógicas en una de las asignaturas con más bajo porcentaje de promoción; combinando la colaboración, participación; explorando y aprovechando las relaciones entre iguales en ambientes alternativos de aprendizaje como las preparadurías.