215 resultados para tasapuolinen pääsy
Background: Research suggests that forensic mental health services and staff can play an important role in the recognition and intervention with attachment-related behaviours to promote engagement and recovery. There is a lack of literature exploring whether the attachment needs of forensic service-users are recognised and, associations between attachment style and factors predictive of recovery. Aims: This study aimed to examine the extent to which service-users and keyworkers agree about service-users’ attachment and to identify whether attachment was associated with service attachment, working alliance, ward climate and recovery. Methods: Twenty-two service-users from low and medium secure forensic services, completed questionnaire measures of their attachment style, service attachment, working alliance, ward climate and experiences of recovery. Nineteen keyworkers completed measures of the service-users attachment style and working alliance. Results: There was strong agreement between service-users and staff for attachment anxiety (ICC=0.71) but poor agreement for attachment avoidance (ICC=0.39). Service attachment was associated with more positive perceptions of staff support (r=0.49) and avoidant attachment was associated with lower ratings of recovery (r=-0.51). Correlations between attachment style and service attachment, working alliance and ward climate were small and non-significant. Conclusions: A focus on staff training to support recognition of the nature and impact of avoidant attachment styles is indicated. The findings suggest that interventions to enhance staff - service-user relationships may be important for service attachment and indeed promotion of a recovery focused orientation amongst service-users high in avoidant attachment may improve wellbeing and outcomes.
“Enjoy your baby” Internet-based CBT for mothers with babies: a feasibility randomised control trial
Background: Postnatal depression is a global health problem with lasting effects on the family. Government policy is focussed on early intervention and increasing access to psychological therapies. There is a growing evidence base for the use of computerised CBT packages and this study investigated the feasibility of a CBT-based self-help internet intervention for new mothers. Objective: To assess the ability to recruit mothers, deliver an internet course, obtain follow-up data and evaluate what mothers think of the course. Design: A feasibility randomised control design was used to compare a waiting list control group (delayed access= DA) to the Enjoy Your Baby course (immediate access= IA). Measures were administered at baseline and 8 week follow-up. Methods: Adverts were placed in the Metro freesheet, on charity web pages, on social media, posters were put up in the community, and leaflets were handed out at mother and baby groups. Participants had to be 18 years old or over with a child less than 18 months old. The IA arm was given access to the course straight away. After 8 weeks all participants were asked to recomplete the original measures and those in the IA arm also gave feedback on the course. Participants in the DA arm were given access after recompleting the questionnaires. Due to a lack of follow-up data a small discussion group was conducted. Intervention: The course contains 4 core modules including helping mothers understand why they feel the way they do and helping them build closeness to their babies. Additional modules, worksheets and homework tasks were available. The DA group were given a list of additional support resources and services, and encouraged to seek additional help if required. All participants received weekly automated emails for 12 weeks as they worked through the course. It was not possible to deliver individualised support. 34 Results: Despite using a number of recruitment strategies, recruitment was lower and slower than anticipated, and attrition was high. 41 women, primarily recruited via the internet, were randomised (IA n=21, DA n=20). No significant differences were observed between participants in either arm at baseline and no statistically significant differences were identified when the demographics and baseline measures of participants who logged-on to the course were compared to those who did not, or when participants who completed follow-up measures were compared to those who did not. Pre and post intervention scores on the EPDS approached statistical significance (P=.059, r=.444) favouring the intervention arm. The discussion group suggested strengths of the course and recommended areas for improvement, including making the course more mobile friendly. Conclusion: Internet interventions show promise; however it is difficult to recruit mothers, engagement is low and attrition high. A number of recommendations are made and a further pilot or an internal pilot of a larger substantive study should be conducted to confirm recruitment and retention. Trial ID: ISRCTN90927910.
Objective: To explore the relationship between compulsive exercise and shame in a clinical sample of eating disorder patients. Method: In a cross-sectional study, individuals with an eating disorder (n=21) completed self-report measures of compulsive exercise, internal shame, external shame, bodily shame, anxiety and depression. Results: Internal shame was moderately associated with compulsive exercise (r=.496, p<.05). No further variables were significantly related to compulsive exercise. Individuals with Anorexia-Nervosa and Bulimia-Nervosa did not significantly differ on any of the study variables. Discussion: Hypotheses regarding the possible nature of the relationship between compulsive exercise and shame are suggested. For instance, that compulsive exercise may serve a role in the regulation of internal shame. That compulsive exercise may act as a compensatory behaviour and be a consequence of high levels of shame. Or that internal shame may result as a response to negative perceptions of one’s exercise habits. The results are discussed in line with current literature.
Background and aims: Head injury (HI) is a cause of cognitive impairment within the homeless population (Hwang et al, 2008). One study reported that over a 30-year period, the prevalence of hospitalised HI was 5.4 times higher in the homeless than in the general population (McMillan et al, 2015). This study explores the perceptions of homeless adults who have sustained a HI and their views regarding the relevance of HI to their homeless status. Methods: Participants were seven homeless adults with a moderate or severe HI. They were asked to talk about their journey to homelessness and in particular, to reflect on any perceived links between HI and their homeless status. The data were analysed using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA). Results and conclusions: Emerging themes included: impairment following HI; substance misuse, feeling let down by services and difficult relationships with family. Evidence for the role of HI in precipitating and maintaining homelessness was found. Despite this, co-morbid difficulties complicate the picture. Four out of seven participants viewed substance misuse as their primary difficulty. This illustrates the need for in-depth assessment within this population in order to ensure that difficulties are fully understood and that the correct supports/ interventions are offered.
The goal of environmental education is ultimately to enable a person to strive for and to attain a more ecological way of life. In this article, we begin by distinguishing three forms of environmental knowledge and go on to predict that people's attitude toward nature represents the force that drives their ecological behavioral engagement. Based on data from 1,907 students, we calibrated previously established instruments to measure ecological behavior, environmental knowledge, and attitude toward nature with Rasch-type models. Using path modeling, we corroborated our theoretically anticipated competence structure. While environmental knowledge revealed a modest behavioral effect, attitude toward nature turned out to be, as expected, the stronger determinant of behavior. Overall, we propose a competence model that has the potential to guide us into more evidence-based ways of promoting the overall ecological engagement of individuals. (DIPF/Orig.)
The treatments involved in cancers of the blood and bone marrow can be physically and psychologically challenging and be associated with adverse secondary effects, including cognitive impairment. The incidence and severity of treatment-related cognitive impairment varies widely, however it can significantly impact quality of life by interfering with patients’ activities of daily living, relationships and future plans. It can also pose challenges for the patients’ caregivers, an area which has received comparatively less research attention. The aim of this study was to investigate caregivers’ experiences of treatment-related cognitive impairment in patients who have undergone Haematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant (HSCT); how they coped, both practically and emotionally, and what supports they believe could help them. Participants were caregivers to individuals who had undergone HSCT within the past 20 years and who had reported cognitive changes at the HSCT Late Effects Clinic, Beatson West of Scotland Cancer Centre. Five participants completed a single semi-structured interview. The data was then analysed using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA). Results of this analysis illustrated four super-ordinate themes: noticing change; managing expectations, managing personal feelings and commitment. Findings from the current study highlighted the importance of caregiver education regarding post HSCT cognitive and behavioural changes and providing caregiver emotional support. Future research should explore the mutual needs of both care recipient and caregiver.
[Der Beitrag nähert sich der Frage], ob die aktuelle JeKi-Praxis günstige Voraussetzungen für die erweiterte Einführung inklusiver Settings bietet und wie die bestehenden Ansätze eines inklusiven JeKi-Unterrichts in Grundschulen mit gemeinsamem Unterricht eingeschätzt werden können. [...] Für jede dieser Ebenen wurden in der Studie „JeKi und gemeinsamer Unterricht" ausgewählte Fragestellungen untersucht, in der vorliegenden Darstellung sollen zwei Aspekte im Vordergrund stehen, die der innerpsychischen und der institutionellen Ebene zugeordnet werden können. (DIPF/Orig.)
Teaching music theory is an essential, yet a barely researched part of music education in secondary schools. This paper examines the expert knowledge of Bavarian teachers regarding this subject After discussing the background and the methodology of this study the differences among the music teachers' understanding of "music theory" are illustrated with three examples: While all three interviewees agree that music theory is a set of specific knowledge, they differ by a) locating it in the non-practical, b) connecting it with practical applications or c) isolating it as knowledge, that, at first, has to be learned in isolation. These conceptions of music theory can be understood as intrinsically connected with didactic assumptions and are founded in the teachers' biographies. (DIPF/Orig.)
Background: The Flexibility of Responses to Self-Critical Thoughts Scale (FoReST) is a questionnaire that was developed to assess whether people can be psychologically flexible when experiencing critical thoughts about themselves. This measure could have important application for evaluating third wave therapies such as Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and Compassion Focused therapy (CFT). This study investigated the validity (concurrent, predictive and incremental), internal consistency and factor structure of the FoReST in a sample of people experiencing mental health difficulties. Method: A total of 132 individuals attending Primary Care and Community Mental Health Teams within NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde (NHS GGC) and Psychological Therapy Teams within NHS Lanarkshire participated in this study. Participants completed a battery of assessments that included the FoReST and related measures of similar constructs (psychological flexibility, self-compassion and self-criticism) and measures of mental health and well-being. A cross-sectional correlational design was used. Results: An Exploratory factor analysis described an interpretable 2-factor structure within the items of the FoReST: unworkable action and experiential avoidance. The FoReST demonstrated good internal consistency ( = .89). Concurrent validity was supported through moderate to strong correlations with similar measures and moderate correlations with other mental health and well-being outcomes. Conclusions: The FoReST appears to be a valid assessment measure for using with individuals experiencing mental health difficulties. This new measure will be of use for practitioners using ACT, CFT and those integrating both, to help monitor the process of change in flexibility and self-critical thinking across therapy. Further longitudinal studies are required to assess the test-retest reliability of the FoReST.
Statewide exit exams are often believed to have a positive impact on school effectiveness and the alignment between instructional practice and state standards because of their mandatory nature and the stakes attached for students and teachers. They may also, however, lead to teaching to the test and to a perceived de-professionalization of the teaching role. While some studies suggest a narrowing of contents and an increase in teacher-centered instruction, little is known about how the impact on instructional practices and teacher cognitions varies between different exam systems. This study compares the strategies teachers use to prepare their students for the exams at the end of upper secondary education in Finland, Ireland, and the Netherlands using a standardized questionnaire survey with responses from 385 teachers. The goal was to develop hypotheses about the relationship between differences in the exam procedures and the stakes attached, and the differences in teacher preparation strategies. The results suggest country-specific variations regarding teacher beliefs as to how much time should be spent on exam preparation; however, there were smaller differences in the strategies applied. Regression analyses indicated that the way in which preparation intensity was associated with the stakes for students and schools, and the attitudes towards the exams themselves varied across the three countries. The different exam systems appeared to affect preparation in markedly different ways, but nevertheless led to the exercise of comparable strategies. (DIPF/Orig.)
Memes stellen ein modernes Bildmedium dar. Im Beitrag wird die Frage verfolgt, ob Memes mit ihrem inhärenten Humor innerhalb des Unterrichts auch als Bildungsmedium dienen und didaktisch genutzt werden können. Dazu wird Humor als generalisiertes Kommunikationsmedium pädagogischer Interaktion beschrieben, um Memes als moderne Bildmedien - in ihrer Wirkung als humorvolle Form der affektiven und kognitiven Inkongruenzstiftung - zur Entwicklung von Fachkonzepten im Physikunterricht fassen zu können. (DIPF/Orig.)
This paper presents the results of a study conducted among pre-service home economics teachers from the Faculty of Education of the University of Ljubljana with different levels of practical experience in teaching. The pre-service Home Economics teachers in the 3rd year of their studies had just completed their first class of teaching experience in contrast to the pre-service teachers from the 4th year of their faculty studies, who had conducted more teaching lessons. The results showed that the 4th-year pre-service teachers had fewer doubts and problems concerning the planning and conducting of a lesson. They also statistically significantly agreed that they are sufficiently prepared to teach than the 3rd-year pre-service teachers are. The results showed that the majority of the pre-service teachers agreed that the feedback from their colleagues was helpful for their professional development. The results suggest the importance of practical teaching experience in the context of professional development and the intention to continue a career in education. However, the results also revealed some critical points in the teacher’s development of competency. The results suggest problems related to the application of theoretical knowledge on the children’s development in practice and pro problems related to classroom management in specific situations. (DIPF/Orig.)
Essai doctoral présenté à la Faculté des études supérieures en vue de l’obtention du grade de Docteur en psychologie (D.Psy.), option clinique
Essai doctoral présenté à la Faculté des études supérieures en vue de l'obtention du grade de Docteur en psychologie (D. Psy,), option clinique
Essai doctoral présenté à la Faculté des études supérieures en vue de l’obtention du grade de Docteur en psychologie (D.Psy.), option clinique