962 resultados para tópico discursivo


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A partir da perspectiva da Análise de Discurso de linha francesa, este trabalho analisa os discursos especializados (científico, religioso, jurídico, jornalístico, político) presentes em artigos na mídia massiva sobre a cobertura da Lei de Biossegurança, sobretudo a partir do ajuizamento da ADI Nº 3510, pelo ex-procurador geral da República, Claudio Fontelles. Os dados são artigos opinativos publicados nos jornais Folha de S. Paulo e O Estado de S. Paulo, no primeiro semestre de 2005, bem como os documentos-fonte do Magistério Católico citados (Evangelium Vitae; Declaração sobre a Produção e o Uso Científico e Terapêutico das Células Estaminais Embrionárias Humanas; e a Instrução Donum Vitae,). Pretende-se verificar o modus operandi da linguagem nestes discursos, sobretudo os aspectos ideológicos de sua construção como elementos persuasivos. Os resultados da pesquisa permitem concluir a presença de elementos dogmáticos nestes discursos, alinhados com o posicionamento ideológico dos grupos aos quais pertencem os articulistas, bem como a presença de elementos mítico-filosófico-religiosos, conforme a noção de Discurso Fundador, de Eni Orlandi.(AU)


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We study the use of nominal suffixes of degree, such as -inho, -ão, -íssimo, -ílimo, -érrimo in written texts in Brazilian Portuguese, by focusing on semantic, cognitive, pragmatic and discourse aspects involved in using these suffixes. In general, we aim to identify semanticcognitive and discourse-pragmatic factors that motivate the usage of nominal suffixes of degree and to contribute for the study of degree in Portuguese class in Basic Education. The theoretical perspective underlying our research is the Linguística Funcional Centrada no Uso, as conceived by group of researchers of Discurso & Gramática (FURTADO DA CUNHA, BISPO, SILVA, 2013; MARTELOTTA, 2011). According to this theoretical model, language model uses the shape of the grammar of a language at the same time they are provisioned for it. In this sense, speech and grammar influence each other. In terms of methodology, we make an eminently qualitative research with quantitative support as evidence of use of trend. It is characterized also by descriptive and interpretive bias of the phenomenon under study. Empirical evidence from our analysis come from a corpus consisting of written texts from Veja magazine, January to June 2011 issues, particularly Carta do Leitor e Gente sections, the latter representative of the Coluna Social magazine. The results of our analysis showed that the use of nominal graders suffixes are related to semantic-cognitive factors (construction of certain text directions, the association more grounded aspects of concrete experience or the more abstract meanings, for example), the discourse-pragmatic issues (range certain communicative purposes, as critique, judge, mock, claim, involving the reader, seeking her membership of a particular point of view). In addition, we found that the use of these morphic elements in genres of the sample analyzed were related to the subjectivity of the writer and the inter-subjective issues involving writer and reader, as Traugott and Dasher (2002). Finally, we contemplate discussion about the approach of our object of study in Portuguese classes in Basic Education.


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The skin is one of the largest organs of the human body and accounts for about 16% of body weight. The body protection against the external environment microorganisms is one of its most important functions, however is necessary that the skin remain intact for this function be exercised, so that when there is an injury on the skin, the process of restructuring needs to be starts, however this restructuration may also be compromised due to some diseases, justifying even more the need for the development of topical products that promote or accelerate the skin healing. Thus the aim of this study was to extract bullfrog oil and to develop a suitable topical emulsion. Two different oil samples were extracted by hot or organic solvent process. Titration techniques and gas chromatography- mass spectrometry were used to characterize the bullfrog oil. The required hydrophile-lipophile balance (HLBr) of bullfrog oil was determined and a pseudo-ternary phase diagram was constructed. The stability of the topical emulsion was evaluated. Then, cellular viability was determined by MTT assay using normal fibroblasts (3T3) and melanoma (B16F10) cells lines. The hot extraction yield was 60.6%. The major polyunsaturated compounds found were Eicosapentaenoic acid (17.6%) and Arachidonic acid (8.4%). HLBr study demonstrated the presence of stable systems with HLB ranging from 12.1 to 13.5 and the pseudo-ternary phase diagram showed mainly emulsion systems (62%). Topical emulsion showed 390 nm, polydispersity 0.05, zeta potential -25 mV and remained stable for ninety days. The bullfrog oil and topical emulsion did not showed citotoxicity in normal fibroblasts cells. However, these systems showed significantly inhibition of melanoma cells growth. In conclusion, the bullfrog oil presented desirable chemical characteristics required to be used for the development of a pharmaceutical and cosmetic products.


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This paper focuses on the construction of the narrative for elementary school students, searching to identify strategies they employed in the production of narrative texts representative of miniconto genre. Therefore, we take a sample forty texts produced by students of 6 and 9 years of basic education, twenty in the 6th year students (ten public school and ten private school) and twenty students in 9th grade (distributed similarly between public education and private). In general, we aim to understand the mechanisms by which producers build their narratives, as well as providing input for analysis of textual production of this genre. This research is based on Functional-Linguistic assumptions of the American side, inspired by Givón (2001), Thompson (2005), Hopper (1987), Bybee (2010), Traugott (2003), Martelotta (2008), Furtado da Cunha (2011), among others. In addition, from the theoretical framework presented by Labov (1972) about the narrative, coupled with Batoréo contribution (1998), we observed the recurring elements in the structure of narratives under study: abstract, orientation, complication, resolution, evaluation and coda. Also approached, but that in a complementary way, the notion of gender presented in Marcuschi (2002). This is a research quantitative and qualitative, with descriptive and analytical-interpretive bias. In corpus analysis, we consider the following categories: gender discourse miniconto; compositional structure of the narrative; informativeness (discursive progression, thematic coherence and narrative, topical-referential distribution); informative relevance (figure / ground). At the end of the work, our initial hypothesis of the better performance of students in 9th grade, compared to 6, and the particular context of education in relation to the public context, not confirmed, since, in the comparative study revealed that the groups have similar performance as the construction of the narrative, making use of the same strategies in its construction.


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This paper focuses on the construction of the narrative for elementary school students, searching to identify strategies they employed in the production of narrative texts representative of miniconto genre. Therefore, we take a sample forty texts produced by students of 6 and 9 years of basic education, twenty in the 6th year students (ten public school and ten private school) and twenty students in 9th grade (distributed similarly between public education and private). In general, we aim to understand the mechanisms by which producers build their narratives, as well as providing input for analysis of textual production of this genre. This research is based on Functional-Linguistic assumptions of the American side, inspired by Givón (2001), Thompson (2005), Hopper (1987), Bybee (2010), Traugott (2003), Martelotta (2008), Furtado da Cunha (2011), among others. In addition, from the theoretical framework presented by Labov (1972) about the narrative, coupled with Batoréo contribution (1998), we observed the recurring elements in the structure of narratives under study: abstract, orientation, complication, resolution, evaluation and coda. Also approached, but that in a complementary way, the notion of gender presented in Marcuschi (2002). This is a research quantitative and qualitative, with descriptive and analytical-interpretive bias. In corpus analysis, we consider the following categories: gender discourse miniconto; compositional structure of the narrative; informativeness (discursive progression, thematic coherence and narrative, topical-referential distribution); informative relevance (figure / ground). At the end of the work, our initial hypothesis of the better performance of students in 9th grade, compared to 6, and the particular context of education in relation to the public context, not confirmed, since, in the comparative study revealed that the groups have similar performance as the construction of the narrative, making use of the same strategies in its construction.


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The purpose of this systematic review was to compare the effectiveness of topical treatments to minimize post-radiotherapy xerostomia. PubMed, Cochrane Library (CENTRAL) and LILACS databases were searched without restriction on date or language until the 6thAugust, 2015. Key-wordsused for searching were radiotherapy, xerostomia and saliva. Two independent reviewers screened titles and abstracts, carried out data extraction and assessed risk of bias. The first search identified 429 articles. From these, 117 studies were selected for full-text reading, from which 18 were included in the qualitative synthesis. From the eighteen articles included, seven were non- controlled clinical trial, one article was controlled clinical trial and ten studies were randomized clinical trials (three clinical trials were placebo controlled and seven were crossover). By the assessment of the quality of the studies included, ten showed high risk of bias, four showed moderate risk of bias and four presented low risk of bias. All interventions were considered effective in treating xerostomia (mucin, polysaccharides, aloe vera, rape oil, linseed oil, carboxymethylcellulose, polyethylene oxide, pilocarpine and systems of care for xerostomia - gel, paste and mouthwash). Meta-analysis could not be performed due to heterogeneity between thestudiesand interventions. This systematic review showed that a single and general protocol for topical treatment of xerostomia post-radiotherapy does not exist and that follow-up visits should be performed to validate the individualized treatment plan.


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Introdução: A Sistematização da Assistência de Enfermagem (SAE) é reconhecida enquanto metodologia organizadora do trabalho da enfermagem. Todavia, apesar de ter sua obrigatoriedade no Brasil instituída pelo Conselho Federal de Enfermagem, sua consolidação ainda é inconsistente. Nesse contexto se reconhece que uma possibilidade de avanço para a implementação da SAE constitui o aspecto formativo da equipe de enfermagem, sobretudo dos técnicos de enfermagem, classe que costuma ser esquecida quando se aborda a SAE (Cruz & Almeida, 2010; Salvador & Santos, 2013). Objetivos: Desvelar a tipificação de docentes sobre o ensino da sistematização da assistência de enfermagem em nível técnico. Metodologia: Estudo descritivo, de abordagem qualitativa. Participaram sete docentes do Curso Técnico em Enfermagem de uma universidade pública do Nordeste do Brasil. A coleta de dados ocorreu em fevereiro de 2015, a partir da técnica do grupo focal. As falas foram transcritas e o conteúdo textual decorrente das entrevistas foi submetido à análise lexicográfica, com auxílio do software Interface de R pour Analyses Multidimensionnelles de Textes et de Questionneires (IRAMUTEQ). A análise dos dados foi realizada a partir do referencial teórico de Alfred Schutz (2012). Os preceitos éticos foram atendidos. Resultados: Participaram sete docentes com formação mínima de mestrado, experientes no ensino técnico. Por meio da Classificação Hierárquica Descendente, cinco classes advieram das três partições de conteúdo. As classes 1 e 2 denotaram por um lado experiências e possibilidades que afirmam a necessidade de inserir a SAE no nível técnico e por outro dúvidas quanto ao momento certo para este ensino. As classes 3 e 4 elucidaram os motivos-porque ensinar a SAE aos técnicos de enfermagem, ao destacar que os docentes devem enfrentar os receios em busca de alternativas para que o ensino da SAE em nível técnico se consolide, a partir da reflexão acerca do papel da universidade na mudança da prática e na superação da cisão entre o fazer e o pensar no mundo da vida da enfermagem. A classe 5 possibilitou a compreensão dos motivos-para ensinar a SAE em nível técnico, com destaque para as contribuições que o técnico de enfermagem pode efetivar ao se integrar à SAE. Conclusões: Os docentes do curso técnico de enfermagem tipificam a importância de efetivar o ensino da SAE aos técnicos de enfermagem. Para tanto, enfatizam a necessidade de incluir tal temática na formação em nível técnico. Assim, ao mesmo tempo em que denotam dúvidas e receios em não saber como e quando efetivar o ensino da SAE aos técnicos de enfermagem, refletem acerca das possibilidades e necessidade de consolidar tal ensino.


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Two cheese formulations made from raw milk and endogenous yeasts with 30, 60 and 180 days of maturation in two dairy Paraná Southwest were studied to evaluate their quality through physical, physical-chemical, microbiological and sensorial characteristics, as one of the stages of development of a typical regional cheese. The production was accompanied from designing the flowchart processing, where the samples were collected to perform the analysis of proteins, lipids, moisture, ash, carbohydrates, total solids, fat in dry matter, calories; water activity, instrumental texture (hardness, adhesiveness, springiness, cohesiveness, resiliency and chewiness), instrumental color (CIE Lab); microbiological quality was assessed searching for total and thermotolerant coliforms, coagulase positive staphylococci and Salmonella spp.; the acceptance related to sensory characteristics of color, appearance, flavor, texture, taste and purchase intent was evaluated through the structured hedonic scale. This research contributed information relevant to the production process, such as the realization of the viability in freeze-drying lactic acid bacteria yeast isolated from milk in the Southwestern Mesoregion of Parana and the results of the analysis of the cheese showed similarity between formulations, regarding the physical, physical-chemical characterization, moreover good microbiological quality, where the differences between samples of dairy products were not perceived by sensory panelists. Adjustments in standardization related to technological quality control is an extremely important factor for the success of dairy companies and small producers involved in the project and that they have the option of producing the Santo Giorno, a fine cheese, with the great advantage of adding features of region, with high standard of sanitary conditions and with great consumer acceptance of indicative.


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Para esta investigaci?n el arte pict?rico se presenta desde la dimensi?n dial?gica intersubjetiva bajtiniana, en donde la obra de arte se compone de un objeto est?tico (contenido) y forma art?stica (forma), en la cual se evidencia como la posici?n en el mundo que asume el artista, en relaci?n con las valoraciones, el conocimiento y el hecho ?tico que plasma en la obra, determina su discurso. La posesi?n en el mundo del autor-artista y de su tarea art?stica pueden y deben entenderse en relaci?n con todos los valores del conocimiento y del hecho ?tico: no es el material el que se unifica, se individualiza, se completa, se a?sla y se concluye. (Bajt?n, 1992, p. 37). De igual manera, el arte pict?rico, desde la perspectiva de la semi?tica en Lotman (2011), se considera como un tipo de lenguaje con el cual se explicitan diferentes juicios de valor, en los cuales el artista y el espectador demuestran la organizaci?n de un sistema de comunicaci?n que emplea signos para su materializaci?n. Lotman (2011) contempla que el estudio de la cultura, del arte mismo pierde sentido si se separa del problema del contenido, en la medida en que la significaci?n proviene de la relaci?n que sostiene la estructura del texto con nociones puramente intuitivas de los significados que ?ste refleja. Toda estructura o sistema de codificaci?n en el que est? definido el texto observado requiere de las valoraciones de quien las produce y quien las interpreta.


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O artigo tem como propósito contribuir com a discussão sobre a relevância do plano de marketing no contexto das atividades de marketing. O trabalho foi estruturado sob a modalidade de ensaio, e compõe-se de uma revisão do referencial teórico, mediante uma análise conceitual crítica de alguns aspectos pertinentes ao assunto. O tema é tratado sob uma perspectiva de um sistema hierárquico de decisões, pondo-se em destaque o marketing como uma função da troca e o papel do marketing no direcionamento da gestão estratégica. É estudada, ainda, a importância do plano de marketing e principais equívocos. O trabalho conclui com a afirmação de que o plano de marketing não é uma solução para todos os problemas de uma empresa. Entretanto, ele auxilia na antecipação dos estados futuros desejados, direcionando o caminho a ser trilhado. É sobre tudo, um instrumento facilitador, integrador e “potencializador” das estratégias empresariais, em cenários competitivos caracterizados por crescente complexidade, volatilidade e incerteza.


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Dissertação de mestrado, Energia e Climatização de Edifícios, Instituto Superior de Engenharia, Universidade do Algarve, 2015


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Esta dissertação investiga os efeitos do desenvolvimento da linguagem ‒ típico (DTL) e atípico (ADL) ‒ e da escolarização na forma como as crianças compreendem e produzem as orações adjectivas restritivas de SU e de OD (ao centro e à direita), de Ind e de Loc (Ind e Loc apenas testadas na tarefa de repetição). A amostra foi constituída por 3 grupos de crianças – dos quais16 têm DTL do Pré-escolar; 13 são do 2.º ano básico com DTL e 7 têm ADL ‒ e por 1 grupo de adultos (o grupo de controlo) com 10 indivíduos. Através da aplicação das tarefas de representação e de repetição de Vasconcelos (1991) e da narrativa ‘A história do gato’, de Hickmann (1982), os resultados mostram a maior acessibilidade das adjectivas SU e OD à direita; elucidam-nos também sobre a importância que o processo de desenvolvimento linguístico e a escolarização têm para a temática. /ABSTRACT: This dissertation research the effects of typical (DTL) and atypical language development (LI), and the formal education system itself on the manner in which children understand and produce restrictive relative clauses of subject (SU) and direct object (DO) (center and right embedded), indirect object (Ind) and locative (Loc); Ind and Loc atested merely on construction tasks. The complete sample includes 3 groups of children - 16 pre-school with DTL; 13 in 2nd grade with DTL and 7 children diagnosed with LI - and 1 group of adults (control group)10 individuals. The results of representation and repetition exercises by Vasconcelos (1991) and the narrative of Hickmann’s ‘Cat story’ (1982) revealed that the majority of the participating children master more easily SU and OD clauses relative clauses with right association; and also important role of the language development process and of School for the matter.