326 resultados para stink bug


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First report and morphological redescription of Teleonemia morio (Stål) (Hemiptera, Tingidae) in Annona squamosa L. (Annonaceae) in Brazil. This is the first report of a severe attack of Teleonemia morio (Stål, 1855) (Hemiptera, Heteroptera, Tingidae) on Annona squamosa L. (custard apple), causing up to 80% of losses of infested trees. In order to facilitate the identification of this insect pest, the adult female of T. morio is redescribed based on specimens collected in Palmeira dos Índios, Alagoas, Brazil.


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Os sistemas de informação sempre fizeram parte da gestão empresarial, quer fossem sistemas de arquivos ou sistemas informatizados. Porém, a aposta actual das empresas são os sistemas informatizados e de preferência, aqueles que integram e gerem numa mesma plataforma tecnológica todas as informações da empresa, independentemente do nível de gestão ou departamento, são os ditos sistemas ERP. Neste cenário, propusemos com este trabalho, realizar um estudo exploratório dos principais aspectos ligados aos sistemas ERP, como funcionamento, estruturação, implementação, benefícios e problemas. Os sistemas ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) são sistemas cuja utilização expandiu na década de noventa, devido a um leque de factores, como bug do milénio, problemas de redundância e inconsistência dos dados armazenados e problemas originados pelo uso de sistemas isolados. As principais características desses sistemas podem ser resumidas da seguinte forma: sistemas modular, comercializadas e destinadas a integrar todos os dados da empresa numa única plataforma. Actualmente, existem no mercado mundial vários sistemas ERP, sendo que um deles é a PHC, objecto do nosso estudo de caso. O ERP PHC é produzido em Portugal, mas já é uma realidade no mercado cabo-verdiano. O supermercado Palácio Fenícia é um dos testemunhos de uso do sistema ERP PHC em Cabo Verde. Para clarificar o funcionamento dos sistemas ERP na gestão empresarial, propusemos com este trabalho estudar o funcionamento do ERP PHC no Supermercado Palácio Fenícia, pois conhecendo o funcionamento de um sistema ERP específico, fica-se a entender a lógica geral de qualquer ERP.


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Long-run economic growth arouses a great interest since it can shed light on the income-path of an economy and try to explain the large differences in income we observe across countries and over time. The neoclassical model has been followed by several endogenous growth models which, contrarily to the former, seem to predict that economies with similar preferences and technological level, do not necessarily tend to converge to similar per capita income levels. This paper attempts to show a possible mechanismthrough which macroeconomic disequilibria and inefficiencies, represented by budget deficits, may hinder human capital accumulation and therefore economic growth. Using a mixed education system, deficit is characterized as a bug agent which may end up sharply reducing the resources devoted to education and training. The paper goes a step further from the literature on deficit by introducing a rich dynamic analysis of the effects of a deficit reduction on different economic aspects.Following a simple growth model and allowing for slight changes in the law of human capital accumulation, we reach a point where deficit might sharply reduce human capital accumulation. On the other hand, a deficit reduction carried on for a long time, taking that reduction as a more efficient management of the economy, may prove useful in inducing endogenous growth. Empirical evidence for a sample of countries seems to support the theoretical assumptions in the model: (1) evidence on an inverse relationship betweendeficit and human capital accumulation, (2) presence of a strongly negative associationbetween the quantity of deficit in the economy and the rate of growth. They may prove a certain role for budget deficit in economic growth


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Long-run economic growth arouses a great interest since it can shed light on the income-path of an economy and try to explain the large differences in income we observe across countries and over time. The neoclassical model has been followed by several endogenous growth models which, contrarily to the former, seem to predict that economies with similar preferences and technological level, do not necessarily tend to converge to similar per capita income levels. This paper attempts to show a possible mechanismthrough which macroeconomic disequilibria and inefficiencies, represented by budget deficits, may hinder human capital accumulation and therefore economic growth. Using a mixed education system, deficit is characterized as a bug agent which may end up sharply reducing the resources devoted to education and training. The paper goes a step further from the literature on deficit by introducing a rich dynamic analysis of the effects of a deficit reduction on different economic aspects.Following a simple growth model and allowing for slight changes in the law of human capital accumulation, we reach a point where deficit might sharply reduce human capital accumulation. On the other hand, a deficit reduction carried on for a long time, taking that reduction as a more efficient management of the economy, may prove useful in inducing endogenous growth. Empirical evidence for a sample of countries seems to support the theoretical assumptions in the model: (1) evidence on an inverse relationship betweendeficit and human capital accumulation, (2) presence of a strongly negative associationbetween the quantity of deficit in the economy and the rate of growth. They may prove a certain role for budget deficit in economic growth


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Funções de pedotransferência são regressões utilizadas para estimar atributos edáficos dependentes a partir de atributos independentes e de fácil determinação. Nesse sentido, são propostas na literatura diversas funções de pedotransferência que visam predizer a resistência do solo à penetração. Objetivou-se, portanto, com este trabalho, desenvolver e comparar a eficiência de cinco funções de pedotransferência para a curva de resistência do solo à penetração, presentes na literatura, por meio do ajuste de dados obtidos tanto com o penetrômetro de impacto (campo) quanto com o penetrômetro eletrônico (laboratório), em um Latossolo manejado sob diferentes modos (convencional e plantio direto). Foram coletadas amostras indeformadas de solo na entrelinha das culturas, nas camadas de 0-0,10, 0,10-0,20 e 0,20-0,30 m, logo após a semeadura, no florescimento e na colheita, para determinação dos atributos físico-hídricos do solo e também da resistência do solo à penetração, com o uso do penetrômetro eletrônico. A resistência do solo à penetração, obtida com o penetrômetro de impacto, foi determinada conforme a variação do conteúdo de água no solo ao longo do ciclo das culturas. As curvas ajustadas de resistência do solo à penetração tiveram a precisão e a acurácia testadas por meio de parâmetros estatísticos e foram comparadas pelo teste F. Houve sobreposição dos valores estimados pelo ajuste das curvas, evidenciando que a maneira de obtenção da resistência do solo à penetração (campo ou laboratório) não influenciou a relação entre a resistência à penetração e os atributos do solo. As equações RP = aUg b; RP = a(1-Ug)b; RP = ae bUg e RP = a + be não diferiram e foram as mais precisas e acuradas na predição da resistência do solo à penetração.


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We propose a new approach and related indicators for globally distributed software support and development based on a 3-year process improvement project in a globally distributed engineering company. The company develops, delivers and supports a complex software system with tailored hardware components and unique end-customer installations. By applying the domain knowledge from operations management on lead time reduction and its multiple benefits to process performance, the workflows of globally distributed software development and multitier support processes were measured and monitored throughout the company. The results show that the global end-to-end process visibility and centrally managed reporting at all levels of the organization catalyzed a change process toward significantly better performance. Due to the new performance indicators based on lead times and their variation with fixed control procedures, the case company was able to report faster bug-fixing cycle times, improved response times and generally better customer satisfaction in its global operations. In all, lead times to implement new features and to respond to customer issues and requests were reduced by 50%.


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This thesis studies evaluation of software development practices through an error analysis. The work presents software development process, software testing, software errors, error classification and software process improvement methods. The practical part of the work presents results from the error analysis of one software process. It also gives improvement ideas for the project. It was noticed that the classification of the error data was inadequate in the project. Because of this it was impossible to use the error data effectively. With the error analysis we were able to show that there were deficiencies in design and analyzing phases, implementation phase and in testing phase. The work gives ideas for improving error classification and for software development practices.


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Software faults are expensive and cause serious damage, particularly if discovered late or not at all. Some software faults tend to be hidden. One goal of the thesis is to figure out the status quo in the field of software fault elimination since there are no recent surveys of the whole area. Basis for a structural framework is proposed for this unstructured field, paying attention to compatibility and how to find studies. Bug elimination means are surveyed, including bug knowhow, defect prevention and prediction, analysis, testing, and fault tolerance. The most common research issues for each area are identified and discussed, along with issues that do not get enough attention. Recommendations are presented for software developers, researchers, and teachers. Only the main lines of research are figured out. The main emphasis is on technical aspects. The survey was done by performing searches in IEEE, ACM, Elsevier, and Inspect databases. In addition, a systematic search was done for a few well-known related journals from recent time intervals. Some other journals, some conference proceedings and a few books, reports, and Internet articles have been investigated, too. The following problems were found and solutions for them discussed. Quality assurance is testing only is a common misunderstanding, and many checks are done and some methods applied only in the late testing phase. Many types of static review are almost forgotten even though they reveal faults that are hard to be detected by other means. Other forgotten areas are knowledge of bugs, knowing continuously repeated bugs, and lightweight means to increase reliability. Compatibility between studies is not always good, which also makes documents harder to understand. Some means, methods, and problems are considered method- or domain-specific when they are not. The field lacks cross-field research.


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Agile methods have become increasingly popular in the field of software engineering. While agile methods are now generally considered applicable to software projects of many different kinds, they have not been widely adopted in embedded systems development. This is partly due to the natural constraints that are present in embedded systems development (e.g. hardware–software interdependencies) that challenge the utilization of agile values, principles and practices. The research in agile embedded systems development has been very limited, and this thesis tackles an even less researched theme related to it: the suitability of different project management tools in agile embedded systems development. The thesis covers the basic aspects of many different agile tool types from physical tools, such as task boards and cards, to web-based agile tools that offer all-round solutions for application lifecycle management. In addition to these two extremities, there is also a wide range of lighter agile tools that focus on the core agile practices, such as backlog management. Also other non-agile tools, such as bug trackers, can be used to support agile development, for instance, with plug-ins. To investigate the special tool requirements in agile embedded development, the author observed tool related issues and solutions in a case study involving three different companies operating in the field of embedded systems development. All three companies had a distinct situation in the beginning of the case and thus the tool solutions varied from a backlog spreadsheet built from scratch to plug-in development for an already existing agile software tool. Detailed reports are presented of all three tool cases. Based on the knowledge gathered from agile tools and the case study experiences, it is concluded that there are tool related issues in the pilot phase, such as backlog management and user motivation. These can be overcome in various ways epending on the type of a team in question. Finally, five principles are formed to give guidelines for tool selection and usage in agile embedded systems development.


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Presentation at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014


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Verkkopalveluiden ylläpitovaiheessa halutaan varmistua, etteivät palveluun tehdyt muutokset aiheuta verkkopalvelussa virhetilanteita ja palvelu toimii moitteetta. Muutoksen hyväksyntätestaus voidaan tehdä regressiotestauksena vertaamalla palvelun tilaa ennen ja jälkeen muutoksen. Sisältöpainotteisessa verkkopalvelussa testaaminen keskittyy loppukäyttäjälle esitetyn sivun semanttiseen sekä visuaaliseen oikeellisuuteen sekä erilaisiin toiminnallisiin testeihin. Työssä tarkastellaan etenkin suositulla WordPress-julkaisujärjestelmällä toteutettujen verkkopalveluiden ylläpitoa. Keskeisenä osana julkaisujärjestelmillä toteutettujen verkkopalveluiden ylläpitoa on julkaisujärjestelmän ja sitä täydentävien lisäosien päivittämistä ajantasaisiin versioihin. Nämä päivitykset paitsi tuovat uusia ominaisuuksia verkkopalvelun kehittäjille, myös paikkaavat järjestelmän tietoturvahaavoittuvuuksia sekä korjaavat aiemmissa versioissa esiintyneitä virheitä. Tässä työssä kehitettiin kohdeyrityksen aiempia verkkopalveluiden ylläpitoprosesseja niissä tunnistettujen kehityskohteiden perusteella. Uudistettu kokonaisuus jakautuu kahteen kokonaisuuteen: päivitystarpeen seurantaan sekä päivitysten tekemiseen. Päivitystarpeen seurantaa varten kehitettiin uusi työkalu helpottamaan kokonaiskuvan hahmottamista. Päivitysten tekemisen osalta työssä keskityttiin automatisoidun regressiotestauksen kehittämiseen, missä tärkeimpänä testauskeinona käytetään verkkopalvelusta tallennettujen kuvankaappausten vertailuun perustuvaa visuaalista testausta. Uusien ylläpitoprosesseille määriteltiin myös seurannan kohteet uudistuksen onnistumisen ja jatkokehityksen arviointia varten.


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Les logiciels sont de plus en plus complexes et leur développement est souvent fait par des équipes dispersées et changeantes. Par ailleurs, de nos jours, la majorité des logiciels sont recyclés au lieu d’être développés à partir de zéro. La tâche de compréhension, inhérente aux tâches de maintenance, consiste à analyser plusieurs dimensions du logiciel en parallèle. La dimension temps intervient à deux niveaux dans le logiciel : il change durant son évolution et durant son exécution. Ces changements prennent un sens particulier quand ils sont analysés avec d’autres dimensions du logiciel. L’analyse de données multidimensionnelles est un problème difficile à résoudre. Cependant, certaines méthodes permettent de contourner cette difficulté. Ainsi, les approches semi-automatiques, comme la visualisation du logiciel, permettent à l’usager d’intervenir durant l’analyse pour explorer et guider la recherche d’informations. Dans une première étape de la thèse, nous appliquons des techniques de visualisation pour mieux comprendre la dynamique des logiciels pendant l’évolution et l’exécution. Les changements dans le temps sont représentés par des heat maps. Ainsi, nous utilisons la même représentation graphique pour visualiser les changements pendant l’évolution et ceux pendant l’exécution. Une autre catégorie d’approches, qui permettent de comprendre certains aspects dynamiques du logiciel, concerne l’utilisation d’heuristiques. Dans une seconde étape de la thèse, nous nous intéressons à l’identification des phases pendant l’évolution ou pendant l’exécution en utilisant la même approche. Dans ce contexte, la prémisse est qu’il existe une cohérence inhérente dans les évènements, qui permet d’isoler des sous-ensembles comme des phases. Cette hypothèse de cohérence est ensuite définie spécifiquement pour les évènements de changements de code (évolution) ou de changements d’état (exécution). L’objectif de la thèse est d’étudier l’unification de ces deux dimensions du temps que sont l’évolution et l’exécution. Ceci s’inscrit dans notre volonté de rapprocher les deux domaines de recherche qui s’intéressent à une même catégorie de problèmes, mais selon deux perspectives différentes.


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La révision du code est un procédé essentiel quelque soit la maturité d'un projet; elle cherche à évaluer la contribution apportée par le code soumis par les développeurs. En principe, la révision du code améliore la qualité des changements de code (patches) avant qu'ils ne soient validés dans le repertoire maître du projet. En pratique, l'exécution de ce procédé n'exclu pas la possibilité que certains bugs passent inaperçus. Dans ce document, nous présentons une étude empirique enquétant la révision du code d'un grand projet open source. Nous investissons les relations entre les inspections des reviewers et les facteurs, sur les plans personnel et temporel, qui pourraient affecter la qualité de telles inspections.Premiérement, nous relatons une étude quantitative dans laquelle nous utilisons l'algorithme SSZ pour détecter les modifications et les changements de code favorisant la création de bogues (bug-inducing changes) que nous avons lié avec l'information contenue dans les révisions de code (code review information) extraites du systéme de traçage des erreurs (issue tracking system). Nous avons découvert que les raisons pour lesquelles les réviseurs manquent certains bogues était corrélées autant à leurs caractéristiques personnelles qu'aux propriétés techniques des corrections en cours de revue. Ensuite, nous relatons une étude qualitative invitant les développeurs de chez Mozilla à nous donner leur opinion concernant les attributs favorables à la bonne formulation d'une révision de code. Les résultats de notre sondage suggèrent que les développeurs considèrent les aspects techniques (taille de la correction, nombre de chunks et de modules) autant que les caractéristiques personnelles (l'expérience et review queue) comme des facteurs influant fortement la qualité des revues de code.


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This is a rough 1 take demo on basic editing - but I managed to replicate a bug so uploaded for Developers to view. Please download the video for better quality.


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Introducción: Las estadísticas de siniestralidad laboral son el negativo de las condiciones de trabajo de la economía de un país. Las indeseables condiciones de trabajo que predominan en la actualidad probablemente sean consecuencia de las crecientes contrataciones temporales lo cual conduce a que se incrementen los accidentes de trabajo, debido a la pobre inversión en el área de riesgos laborales. Objetivo: Evaluación de la siniestralidad en pequeñas y medianas empresas de los sectores económicos de la regional centro en una aseguradora de riesgos laborales, Colombia, 2014. Materiales y métodos: Estudio tipo observacional descriptivo, retrospectivo, realizado a 14.994 eventos calificados como accidentes de trabajo en una aseguradora de riesgos laborales dela regional centro durante Enero a Diciembre del años 2014. Resultados: La mayor incidencia de accidentalidad fue en el sector económico de establecimientos financieros, seguros, actividades inmobiliarias y servicios a las empresas, con un 36.9%. Se encontró que el riesgo que genero mayor accidentalidad fue caída a nivel con un 17.2%. El grupo diagnostico que predomino fue el de heridas superficiales y heridas abiertas con un 77.4%. El tipo de atención que genero mayores atenciones fue la atención ambulatoria con 93.1%. Conclusión: El sector económico que se vio mayormente afectado en accidentalidad laboral fue el de establecimientos financieros, seguros, actividades inmobiliarias y servicios a las empresas. Al asociar dicho sector económico con el tipo de riesgo se determinó que el riesgo por lesión en accidente deportivo fue de un 61%, predisponiendo este al desarrollo de accidentalidad laboral. Por lo anterior se deben hacerr estrategias de intervención de prevención y promoción en las pequeñas y medianas empresas y como consecuencia disminuir las tasas de siniestralidad e impactar de manera positiva en la salud de los trabajadores, en las tasas de ausentismo laboral y el costo asistencial.