954 resultados para stable-like processes
La actual configuración económica del mundo, que lo ha forzado a atravesar una era de restricción y contracción, acompañada de la evolución en campos como el diseño, el desarrollo de un conocimiento mucho más profundo por parte del consumidor y un ambiente mucho más competitivo ha generado que las empresas sean abiertas al cambio y adopten medidas para mantenerse vigentes en el mercado. La experiencia y el conocimiento que los socios iníciales tenían en el ámbito de los textiles, permitió que surgiera DOTAHERLOGO S.A. bajo un concepto de empresa familiar, siendo así como comenzaron a centrarse todos los esfuerzos en consolidarla dentro del mercado que buscaban explotar. DOTAHERLOGO S.A. es una empresa que se encuentra en un proceso de cambio, buscando obtener una mayor presencia en el mercado, es así como ha comenzado una estructuración de sus procesos que permitan un flujo de información más estable y continuo, además de comenzar el proceso para generar su propia producción y no tener que depender en este aspecto de terceros. El propósito de esta Tesis es realizar para DOTAHERLOGO S.A. un estudio de la empresa que permita generar un diagnostico de la situación de cada una de sus áreas, y concluir si está preparada para una internacionalización, de no estar preparada se le hará una recomendación para que en un futuro pueda llegar a participar en mercados internacionales. Finalmente esta Tesis permitirá confrontar la oportunidad de internacionalización de una Pyme con la realidad de DOTAHERLOGO S.A. De la misma manera los resultados aquí obtenidos servirán como un caso de estudio y guía para futuros proyectos de internacionalización de Pymes en el país.
El sueño, es indispensable para la recuperación, física, mental y de procesos como la consolidación de memoria, atención y lenguaje. La privación de sueño (PS) incide en la atención y concentración. La PS es inherente a la formación médica, pero no es claro el papel de los turnos nocturnos en estudiantes, porque no cumplen con un objetivo académico, pero hay relación con disminución de la salud, productividad, accidentes, y alteraciones en diversas actividades. Está descrito el impacto de la PS sobre la capacidad de aprendizaje y aspectos como el ánimo y las relaciones interpersonales. MÉTODOS: Se realizó un estudio analítico observacional de cohorte longitudinal, con tres etapas de medición a 180 estudiantes de Medicina de la Universidad del Rosario, que evaluó atención selectiva y concentración mediante la aplicación de la prueba d2, validada internacionalmente para tal fin. RESULTADOS: Se estudiaron 180 estudiantes, 115 mujeres, 65 hombres, entre los 18 y 26 años (promedio 21). Al inicio del estudio dormían en promedio 7,9 horas, cifra que se redujo a 5,8 y 6,3 en la segunda y tercera etapa respectivamente. El promedio de horas de sueño nocturno, disminuyó en el segundo y tercer momento (p<0,001); Además se encontró mediante la aplicación de la prueba d2, que hubo correlación significativa directa débil, entre el promedio de horas de sueño, y el promedio del desempeño en la prueba (r=0.168, p=0.029) CONCLUSIONES: La PS, con períodos de sueño menores a 7,2 horas, impactan de manera importante la atención selectiva, la concentración
This article presents a reflection about the Disability like a human phenomenon, which needs not only new definitions if not a criticism point of view as a Concept, with the end of indicate representations forms not only for people with disabilities if not for the citizens in general. Considers discourses that identify arguments from social sciences, appearing the Disability like a differentiate condition between human beings, mainly for an exclusion process that announce social behaviors in relations with the persons with disabilities.
Esta monografía pretende evaluar los efectos de la tradición exportadora minera y el TLC entre China y Chile desde las perspectivas de violencia estructural y desarrollo como libertad de Amartya Sen y Johan Galtung, respectivamente. A través del análisis de algunos procesos históricos que han configurado las actuales dinámicas mineras y comerciales en Chile, y de las libertades reales que poseían los chilenos antes y después de la entrada en vigor del acuerdo, se logra comprender la manera en la que los fenómenos estudiados logran constreñir o impulsar el desarrollo de las capacidades de los chilenos para llevar a cabo las vidas que desean.
Diffusive isotopic fractionation factors are important in order to understand natural processes and have practical application in radioactive waste storage and carbon dioxide sequestration. We determined the isotope fractionation factors and the effective diffusion coefficients of chloride and bromide ions during aqueous diffusion in polyacrylamide gel. Diffusion was determined as functions of temperature, time and concentration. The effect of temperature is relatively large on the diffusion coefficient (D) but only small on isotope fractionation. For chlorine, the ratio, D-35cl/D-37cl varied from 1.00128 +/- 0.00017 (1 sigma) at 2 degrees C to 1.00192 +/- 0.00015 at 80 degrees C. For bromine, D-79Br/D-81Br varied from 1.00098 +/- 0.00009 at 2 degrees C to 1.0064 +/- 0.00013 at 21 degrees C and 1.00078 +/- 0.00018 (1 sigma) at 80 degrees C. There were no significant effects on the isotope fractionation due to concentration. The lack of sensitivity of the diffusive isotope fractionation to anything at the most common temperatures (0 to 30 C) makes it particularly valuable for application to understanding processes in geological environments and an important natural tracer in order to understand fluid transport processes. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The delineation of Geomorphic Process Units (GPUs) aims to quantify past, current and future geomorphological processes and the sediment flux associated with them. Five GPUs have been identified for the Okstindan area of northern Norway and these were derived from the combination of Landsat satellite imagery (TM and ETM+) with stereo aerial photographs (used to construct a Digital Elevation Model) and ground survey. The Okstindan study area is sub-arctic and mountainous and is dominated by glacial and periglacial processes. The GPUs exclude the glacial system (some 37% of the study area) and hence they are focussed upon periglacial and colluvial processes. The identified GPUs are: 1. solifluction and rill erosion; 2. talus creep, slope wash and rill erosion; 3. accumulation of debris by rock and boulder fall; 4. rockwalls; and 5. stable ground with dissolved transport. The GPUs have been applied to a ‘test site’ within the study area in order to illustrate their potential for mapping the spatial distribution of geomorphological processes. The test site within the study area is a catchment which is representative of the range of geomorphological processes identified.
Mineralised organic remains (including apple pips and cereal grains) collected during the ongoing excavations of Insula IX at the Roman town of Silchester, Hampshire have been analysed by a combination of SEM-EDX, powder XRD and IR spectroscopy. The experiments included mapping experiments using spatially resolved versions of each technique. IR and powder XRD mapping have been carried out utilising the synchrotron source at The Daresbury Laboratory oil stations 11.1 and 9.6. It is concluded that these samples are preserved by rapid mineralisation in the carbonate-substituted calcium phosphate mineral, dahllite. The rapid mineralisation leads to excellent preservation of the samples and a small crystal size. The value of IR spectroscopy in studying materials like this where the crystal size is small is demonstrated. A comparison is made between the excellent preservation seen in this context and the much poorer preservation of mineralised remains seen in Context 5276 or Cesspit 5251. Comments on the possible mechanism of mineralisation of these samples are made. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V.. All rights reserved.
An investigation is made of the impact of a full linearized physical (moist) parameterization package on extratropical singular vectors (SVs) using the ECMWF integrated forecasting system (IFS). Comparison is made for one particular period with a dry physical package including only vertical diffusion and surface drag. The crucial extra ingredient in the full package is found to be the large-scale latent heat release. Consistent with basic theory, its inclusion results in a shift to smaller horizontal scales and enhanced growth for the SVs. Whereas, for the dry SVs, T42 resolution is sufficient, the moist SVs require T63 to resolve their structure and growth. A 24-h optimization time appears to be appropriate for the moist SVs because of the larger growth of moist SVs compared with dry SVs. Like dry SVs, moist SVs tend to occur in regions of high baroclinicity, but their location is also influenced by the availability of moisture. The most rapidly growing SVs appear to enhance or reduce large-scale rain in regions ahead of major cold fronts. The enhancement occurs in and ahead of a cyclonic perturbation and the reduction in and ahead of an anticyclonic perturbation. Most of the moist SVs for this situation are slightly modified versions of the dry SVs. However, some occur in new locations and have particularly confined structures. The most rapidly growing SV is shown to exhibit quite linear behavior in the nonlinear model as it grows from 0.5 to 12 hPa in 1 day. For 5 times this amplitude the structure is similar but the growth is about half as the perturbation damps a potential vorticity (PV) trough or produces a cutoff, depending on its sign.
Consumers are increasingly seeking credence characteristics in the goods they buy and some production processes such as organic or animal welfare friendly systems can be successfully embedded in them. However when ethical considerations are involved, voluntary labeling may not be enough and in such cases a political response emerges such as a ban on unacceptable production as well as the consumption of the 'like products' in question, to confirm the credibility of the World Trade Organization (WTO).
Mineralised organic remains (including apple pips and cereal grains) collected during the ongoing excavations of Insula IX at the Roman town of Silchester, Hampshire have been analysed by a combination of SEM-EDX, powder XRD and IR spectroscopy. The experiments included mapping experiments using spatially resolved versions of each technique. IR and powder XRD mapping have been carried out utilising the synchrotron source at The Daresbury Laboratory oil stations 11.1 and 9.6. It is concluded that these samples are preserved by rapid mineralisation in the carbonate-substituted calcium phosphate mineral, dahllite. The rapid mineralisation leads to excellent preservation of the samples and a small crystal size. The value of IR spectroscopy in studying materials like this where the crystal size is small is demonstrated. A comparison is made between the excellent preservation seen in this context and the much poorer preservation of mineralised remains seen in Context 5276 or Cesspit 5251. Comments on the possible mechanism of mineralisation of these samples are made. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V.. All rights reserved.
Krüppel-like transcription factors (Klfs) modulate fundamental cell processes. Cardiac myocytes are terminally-differentiated, but hypertrophy in response to stimuli such as endothelin-1. H2O2 or cytokines promote myocyte apoptosis. Microarray studies of neonatal rat myocytes identified several Klfs as endothelin-1-responsive genes. We used quantitative PCR for further analysis of Klf expression in neonatal rat myocytes. In response to endothelin-1, Klf2 mRNA expression was rapidly increased ( approximately 9-fold; 15-30 min) with later increases in expression of Klf4 and Klf6 ( approximately 5-fold; 30-60 min). All were regulated as immediate early genes (cycloheximide did not inhibit the increases in expression). Klf5 expression was increased at 1-2 h ( approximately 13-fold) as a second phase response (cycloheximide inhibited the increase). These increases were transient and attenuated by U0126. H2O2 increased expression of Klf2, Klf4 and Klf6, but interleukin-1beta or tumor necrosis factor alpha downregulated Klf2 expression with no effect on Klf4 or Klf6. Of the Klfs which repress transcription, endothelin-1 rapidly downregulated expression of Klf3, Klf11 and Klf15. The dynamic regulation of expression of multiple Klf family members in cardiac myocytes suggests that, as a family, they are actively involved in regulating phenotypic responses (hypertrophy and apoptosis) to extracellular stimuli.
The dispersion of a point-source release of a passive scalar in a regular array of cubical, urban-like, obstacles is investigated by means of direct numerical simulations. The simulations are conducted under conditions of neutral stability and fully rough turbulent flow, at a roughness Reynolds number of Reτ = 500. The Navier–Stokes and scalar equations are integrated assuming a constant rate release from a point source close to the ground within the array. We focus on short-range dispersion, when most of the material is still within the building canopy. Mean and fluctuating concentrations are computed for three different pressure gradient directions (0◦ , 30◦ , 45◦). The results agree well with available experimental data measured in a water channel for a flow angle of 0◦ . Profiles of mean concentration and the three-dimensional structure of the dispersion pattern are compared for the different forcing angles. A number of processes affecting the plume structure are identified and discussed, including: (i) advection or channelling of scalar down ‘streets’, (ii) lateral dispersion by turbulent fluctuations and topological dispersion induced by dividing streamlines around buildings, (iii) skewing of the plume due to flow turning with height, (iv) detrainment by turbulent dispersion or mean recirculation, (v) entrainment and release of scalar in building wakes, giving rise to ‘secondary sources’, (vi) plume meandering due to unsteady turbulent fluctuations. Finally, results on relative concentration fluctuations are presented and compared with the literature for point source dispersion over flat terrain and urban arrays. Keywords Direct numerical simulation · Dispersion modelling · Urban array
Starting from the classical Saltzman two-dimensional convection equations, we derive via a severe spectral truncation a minimal 10 ODE system which includes the thermal effect of viscous dissipation. Neglecting this process leads to a dynamical system which includes a decoupled generalized Lorenz system. The consideration of this process breaks an important symmetry and couples the dynamics of fast and slow variables, with the ensuing modifications to the structural properties of the attractor and of the spectral features. When the relevant nondimensional number (Eckert number Ec) is different from zero, an additional time scale of O(Ec−1) is introduced in the system, as shown with standard multiscale analysis and made clear by several numerical evidences. Moreover, the system is ergodic and hyperbolic, the slow variables feature long-term memory with 1/f3/2 power spectra, and the fast variables feature amplitude modulation. Increasing the strength of the thermal-viscous feedback has a stabilizing effect, as both the metric entropy and the Kaplan-Yorke attractor dimension decrease monotonically with Ec. The analyzed system features very rich dynamics: it overcomes some of the limitations of the Lorenz system and might have prototypical value in relevant processes in complex systems dynamics, such as the interaction between slow and fast variables, the presence of long-term memory, and the associated extreme value statistics. This analysis shows how neglecting the coupling of slow and fast variables only on the basis of scale analysis can be catastrophic. In fact, this leads to spurious invariances that affect essential dynamical properties (ergodicity, hyperbolicity) and that cause the model losing ability in describing intrinsically multiscale processes.
We perturb the SC, BCC, and FCC crystal structures with a spatial Gaussian noise whose adimensional strength is controlled by the parameter a, and analyze the topological and metrical properties of the resulting Voronoi Tessellations (VT). The topological properties of the VT of the SC and FCC crystals are unstable with respect to the introduction of noise, because the corresponding polyhedra are geometrically degenerate, whereas the tessellation of the BCC crystal is topologically stable even against noise of small but finite intensity. For weak noise, the mean area of the perturbed BCC and FCC crystals VT increases quadratically with a. In the case of perturbed SCC crystals, there is an optimal amount of noise that minimizes the mean area of the cells. Already for a moderate noise (a>0.5), the properties of the three perturbed VT are indistinguishable, and for intense noise (a>2), results converge to the Poisson-VT limit. Notably, 2-parameter gamma distributions are an excellent model for the empirical of of all considered properties. The VT of the perturbed BCC and FCC structures are local maxima for the isoperimetric quotient, which measures the degre of sphericity of the cells, among space filling VT. In the BCC case, this suggests a weaker form of the recentluy disproved Kelvin conjecture. Due to the fluctuations of the shape of the cells, anomalous scalings with exponents >3/2 is observed between the area and the volumes of the cells, and, except for the FCC case, also for a->0. In the Poisson-VT limit, the exponent is about 1.67. As the number of faces is positively correlated with the sphericity of the cells, the anomalous scaling is heavily reduced when we perform powerlaw fits separately on cells with a specific number of faces.
The case is made for a more careful analysis of the large time asymptotic of infinite particle systems in the thermodynamic limit beyond zero density. The insufficiency of current analysis even in the model case of free particles is demonstrated. Recent advances based on more sophisticated analytical tools like functions of mean variation and Hardy spaces are sketched.