992 resultados para situation awareness,


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[ES] El incremento del consumo de ropa provoca que año a año aumente el volumen de ropa desechada, y con éste, la conciencia sobre la necesidad de reutilizar dicho recurso. Berohi S. Coop. es una de las empresas dedicadas a la recuperación y reciclaje del textil usado, con origen en Bizkaia. La concepción inicial y desarrollo del proyecto empresarial Berohi S. Coop. constituyen el eje central del caso.


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To investigate the practice of inclusive design in an industrial context and to gain an insight into the industrial perspectives, eight UK design consultancies' participation of the DBA design Challenges were reviewed through formal interviews. It is found that progress has been made in raising inclusive design awareness. However, some useful practices such as the user involvement in the design process is found not feasible in real situation, largely because of the often tight schedule and the complexity of the task. Consequently effective ways of capturing user information needs exploration and accessible design support tools need to be provided, through working with designers.


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Case study on Leeds City College and how they are using Texthelp Read&Write to support learners at all levels and abilities in their written work.


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There is an increasing demand for fish in the world due to a growing population, better economic situation in some sectors, and greater awareness of health issues in relation to food. Since capture fisheries have stagnated, fish farming has become a very fast growing food production system. In this presentation, the author gives an overview of the technologies that are available for genetic improvement of fish, and briefly discuss their merit in the context of a sustainable development. He also discusses the essential prerequisites for effective dissemination of improved stock to farmers. It is concluded that genetic improvement programs based on selective breeding can substantially contribute to sustainable fish production systems. Furthermore, if such genetic improvement programs are followed up with effective dissemination strategies, they can result in a positive impact on farmers' incomes.


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The aims of this paper are twofold. Firstly to characterise rural poverty and to give a broad overview of the agro-ecological, climatic and socio-economic conditions in Sri Lanka which shape poverty. Secondly to present the methodology employed to screen suitable field research areas and the techniques subsequently used to carry out Rapid Rural Appraisal in two upper-watersheds villages. Also presented are details of a concurrent stakeholder analysis that aimed to investigate the capacity of secondary stakeholders to promote sustainable aquatic resource development and to invite their participation in the formulation of a participatory research agenda.[PDF contains 58 pages]


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The question has not yet been completely solved whether or not the mackerel and horse mackerel stocks in the waters from the Bay of Biscay to the Atlantic off the Norwegian coast are independent unit stocks or must be regarded rather as one stock with distinct stock components. The stock definition, however, is the basis for fishery management and is fundamental for the exploitation of the stocks. For this reason the extensive mackerel and horse mackerel egg survey carried out in 1998, is of high importance and significance for the fishery management of the two species. The survey has begun in January in Iberian waters and will eventually end in the autumn north of Scotland. To cope with this task research vessels of eight European nations are participating.


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It is a common knowledge that there exists a wide gap between domestic fish production and demand in Nigeria. Government recognizes this situation and has in recent years encouraged fish production through fishing inputs subsidies, DFRRI assisted fingerlings production among others. Despite these efforts, impact at the grassroots has been low. One of the major reasons for the failure could be attributable to inadequate involvement of rural communities in fish production. This missing link appears to be ignorance of local communities in harnessing this potential to stimulate fish production. There is therefore the need to educate the rural dwellers through effective extension services. Strategies to achieve the required awareness have been discussed


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The pressures placed on the natural, environmental, economic, and cultural sectors from continued growth, population shifts, weather and climate, and environmental quality are increasing exponentially in the southeastern U.S. region. Our growing understanding of the relationship of humans with the marine environment is leading us to explore new ecosystem-based approaches to coastal management, marine resources planning, and coastal adaptation that engages multiple state jurisdictions. The urgency of the situation calls for coordinated regional actions by the states, in conjunction with supporting partners and leveraging a diversity of resources, to address critical issues in sustaining our coastal and ocean ecosystems and enhancing the quality of life of our citizens. The South Atlantic Alliance (www.southatlanticalliance.org) was formally established on October 19, 2009 to “implement science-based policies and solutions that enhance and protect the value of coastal and ocean resources of the southeastern United States which support the region's culture and economy now and for future generations.” The Alliance, which includes North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida, will provide a regional mechanism for collaborating, coordinating, and sharing information in support of resource sustainability; improved regional alignment; cooperative planning and leveraging of resources; integrated research, observations, and mapping; increased awareness of the challenges facing the South Atlantic region; and inclusiveness and integration at all levels. Although I am preparing and presenting this overview of the South Atlantic Alliance and its current status, there are a host of representatives from agencies within the four states, universities, NGOs, and ongoing southeastern regional ocean and coastal programs that are contributing significant time, expertise, and energy to the success of the Alliance; information presented herein and to be presented in my oral presentation was generated by the collaborative efforts of these professionals. I also wish to acknowledge the wisdom and foresight of the Governors of the four states in establishing this exciting regional ocean partnership. (PDF contains 4 pages)


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Assessments on NE-arctic stocks of cod, haddock, saith, redfish and Greenland halibut were carried out by the ICES 'Arctic Fisheries Working Group' in August 1996. Whereas stocks of cod, haddock, and saithe are presently in fairly good and stable condition the assessments show the stocks of beaked redfish and Greenland hailibut to be just the opposite. The status of the golden redfish stock seems to be stable. More detailed information is given in this report.


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Ikerketa honek, Gizarte Hezkuntzaren garrantzia nabarmentzeko helburua izanik, profesio honen eta ezgaitasuna duten pertsonen eboluzio historikoa aztertzen du. Horretarako, aspalditik Gizarte Hezitzaileak diren pertsonen testigantzak bildu (lehengo eta gaur egungo egoera konparatzeko asmoz) eta Gizarte Hezitzaileen profesionalizazioa lortzeko jarraitutako ibilbidea ikertu da. Horrez gain, Gizarte Hezitzaileen Euskadiko Elkargoaren nondik norakoak aztertu eta sortutako dokumentu profesionalizatzaileak landu dira. Halaber, honekin, Hezitzaileen etorkizuneko erronkak plazaratzeaz gain, egungo egoera ikertu eta, mobilizazioaren bitartez, gizartearen kontzientziazioa lortu behar dela ondorioztatu da, lanbideak merezi duen errekonozimendua lortzeko asmoarekin.


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Seit der letzten speziellen Situationsbeschreibung des Kabeljaubestandes in dieser Zeitschrift sind 4 Jahre vergangen (EHRICH, 1988). In der Zwischenzeit ist besonders den Fischern durch weitere Fangeinbußen bewußt geworden, daß sich der Zustand des Bestandes nicht verbessert, sondern im Gegenteil weiter verschlechtert hat. Die Schonmaßnahmen wie stufenweise Erhöhung der vorgeschriebenen Mindestmaschenweite auf 100 mmm und eine Reduzierung des Fischereiaufwandes in den Jahren 1991 und 1992 auf 70 % des Aufwandes in 1989 (Mindesthafenliegezeit: durchgehend 8 Tage pro Monat oder alternativ Erhöhung der Mindestmaschenweite auf 110 mm für die direkte Fischerei auf Kabeljau und Schellfisch) haben keine positive Wirkung gezeigt.


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Über die positive Entwicklung des Kabeljaubestandes unter Westgrönland, ab Mitte der 80iger Jahre wurde bereits im Vorjahr berichtet. Die mit FFS "Walther Herwig" im Herbst 1987 erzielten Surveyergebnisse dokumentieren einen steilen Anstieg der Bestandsgröße sowohl hinsichtlich der Individuenzahl (Abundanz) als auch des Bestandsgewichts (Biomasse) um das 4-fache auf 583 Millionen Fische bzw. um das 6-fache auf 464000 Tonnen. Diese Bestandszunahme war zahlenmäßig zu 88% und gewichtsmäßig zu 85% auf die Rekrutierung der 3 jährigen Kabeljau des starken Nachwuchsjahrganges 1984 zurückzuführen.


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Pesquisa de natureza descritiva e abordagem quantitativa de dados sobre a Aplicabilidade da Norma Regulamentadora-32 (NR 32) do Ministério do Trabalho e Emprego (MTE), visando mobilizar os trabalhadores de enfermagem para reduzir a exposição aos riscos inerentes do trabalho em estabelecimentos de saúde. Problema de pesquisa: Quais os fatores que interferem na implantação da Norma Regulamentadora-32 nas enfermarias de um Hospital Público Estadual do Rio de Janeiro, na visão dos trabalhadores de enfermagem? Teve como objetivo geral analisar os fatores que interferem na aplicabilidade da NR 32 pela enfermagem, em um hospital público do Rio de Janeiro. A população foi composta de 138 trabalhadores de enfermagem das enfermarias de clínica médica, cirúrgica e ortopédica. Utilizou-se para a coleta de dados um questionário estruturado com perguntas fechadas. Os dados foram coletados no período de 28 de janeiro a 14 de fevereiro de 2009, e analisados através do Programa Statical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) versão 13 for Windows e Microsoft Office Excel 2003. Os resultados apontaram que os trabalhadores de enfermagem desse hospital estão, em sua maioria, na faixa etária de 30-49 anos, com pelo menos 1 ano de atuação no mesmo setor e formaram-se há 15 anos ou mais, além disso, 68,1% são estatutários. Constatou-se que há recomendações da NR-32 e precauções-padrão não são seguidas pelos participantes da pesquisa. Os fatores que interferem no cumprimento da atual legislação vão desde o desconhecimento dos riscos ocupacionais e comportamento dos trabalhadores, até a falta de uma ação efetiva de Educação Continuada e da Comissão de Controle de Infecção Hospitalar (CCIH). Destacaram-se, entre outros, o uso de adornos (51,8%); calçado aberto (48,9%); alimentação no posto de trabalho (46,3%); uso da pia para outras finalidades (44,9%), reencape ou desconexão manual de agulhas (36,4%); sair do local de trabalho com uniforme ou Equipamento de Proteção Individual - EPI (21%); limite de recipiente de descarte de perfurocortantes não respeitado (11,8%), falta de uso de EPI quando auxilia no exame com Raios-X (32,6%) e na manipulação de quimioterápicos (7,8%). A instituição não fornece uniformes nem calçados. Outros fatores institucionais foram a falta de equipamentos, a falta de um política de prevenção e promoção da saúde, inexistência de serviço de saúde ocupacional e instalações físicas inadequadas. Tal descumprimento expõe, de forma excessiva, os trabalhadores de enfermagem aos mais variados fatores de riscos ocupacionais, podendo refletir na sua saúde e no processo de trabalho. Recomenda-se um trabalho efetivo e integrado dos Programas de Educação Continuada e CCIH para esclarecimento dos trabalhadores de enfermagem, e implantação do Serviço de Saúde do Trabalhador. Sugere-se aos gestores expandirem este estudo para os demais setores das unidades hospitalares e outras instituições públicas de saúde para o conhecimento da situação de trabalho, bem como a criação de espaços de discussão para a busca de soluções dos problemas com a participação dos trabalhadores.