828 resultados para robot mapping
En aquest projecte s’ha estudiat el disseny d’una plataforma robòtica mòbil per un PBL (Aprenentatge Basat en Problemes) en enginyeria informàtica. El principal objectiu és introduir aquest model en l’ensenyament universitari, com a complement de diferents assignatures de primer curs. Per arribar a aconseguir aquests objectius, s’ha dissenyat i construït una plataforma robòtica, dirigida per un microcontrolador i dotada de diversos sensors per interactuar amb l’entorn. El robot permet diferents tipus de programació i esta especialment dissenyada per ser una bona experiència educativa.
Rats were treated postnatally (PND 5-16) with BSO (l-buthionine-(S,R)-sulfoximine) in an animal model of schizophrenia based on transient glutathione deficit. The BSO treated rats were impaired in patrolling a maze or a homing table when adult, yet demonstrated preserved escape learning, place discrimination and reversal in a water maze task [37]. In the present work, BSO rats' performance in the water maze was assessed in conditions controlling for the available visual cues. First, in a completely curtained environment with two salient controlled cues, BSO rats showed little accuracy compared to control rats. Secondly, pre-trained BSO rats were impaired in reaching the familiar spatial position when curtains partially occluded different portions of the room environment in successive sessions. The apparently preserved place learning in a classical water maze task thus appears to require the stability and the richness of visual landmarks from the surrounding environment. In other words, the accuracy of BSO rats in place and reversal learning is impaired in a minimal cue condition or when the visual panorama changes between trials. However, if the panorama remains rich and stable between trials, BSO rats are equally efficient in reaching a familiar position or in learning a new one. This suggests that the BSO accurate performance in the water maze does not satisfy all the criteria for a cognitive map based navigation on the integration of polymodal cues. It supports the general hypothesis of a binding deficit in BSO rats.
This study presents a first attempt to extend the “Multi-scale integrated analysis of societal and ecosystem metabolism (MuSIASEM)” approach to a spatial dimension using GIS techniques in the Metropolitan area of Barcelona. We use a combination of census and commercial databases along with a detailed land cover map to create a layer of Common Geographic Units that we populate with the local values of human time spent in different activities according to MuSIASEM hierarchical typology. In this way, we mapped the hours of available human time, in regards to the working hours spent in different locations, putting in evidence the gradients in spatial density between the residential location of workers (generating the work supply) and the places where the working hours are actually taking place. We found a strong three-modal pattern of clumps of areas with different combinations of values of time spent on household activities and on paid work. We also measured and mapped spatial segregation between these two activities and put forward the conjecture that this segregation increases with higher energy throughput, as the size of the functional units must be able to cope with the flow of exosomatic energy. Finally, we discuss the effectiveness of the approach by comparing our geographic representation of exosomatic throughput to the one issued from conventional methods.
Treball de recerca realitzat per un alumne d'ensenyament secundari i guardonat amb un Premi CIRIT per fomentar l'esperit científic del Jovent l'any 2009. L'NXT és un robot creat per l'empresa Lego que disposa d'un controlador, de diversos servo motors i de sensors (tacte, llum, ultrasons, so...). Es programa mitjançant un programa especial, pensat per nois i noies de catorze anys, anomenat Lego Mindstorms. S'estudia el funcionament d'aquest programa i les parts del sistema de control del robot. L'estudi engloba el controlador, quatre sensors i els servomotors.
The molecular karyotypes for 20 reference strais of species complexes of Leishmania were determined by contour-clamped homogeneous eletric field (CHEF) electrosphoresis. Determination of number/position of chromosome-sized bands and chromosomal DNA locations of house-keeping genes were the two criteria used for differentiating and classifying the Leishmania species. We have established two gel running conditions of optimal separation of chromosomes, wich resolved DNA molecules as large as 2,500 kilobase pairs (kb). Chromosomes were polymorphic in number (22-30) and size (200-2,500 kb) of bands among members of five complexes of Leishmania. Although each stock had a distinct karyotype, in general the differences found between strains and/or species within each complex were not clear enough for parasite identification. However, each group showed a specific number of size-concordant DNA molecules, wich allowed distinction among the Leishmania complex parasites. Clear differences between the Old and New world groups of parasites or among some New World Leishmania species were also apparent in relation to the chromosome locations of beta-tubulin genes. Based on these results as well as data from other published studies the potencial of using DNA karyotype for identifying and classifying leishmanial field isolates is discussed.
Debris flow susceptibility mapping at a regional scale has been the subject of various studies. The complexity of the phenomenon and the variability of local controlling factors limit the use of process-based models for a first assessment. GISbased approaches associating an automatic detection of the source areas and a simple assessment of the debris flow spreading may provide a substantial basis for a preliminary susceptibility assessment at the regional scale. The use of a digital elevation model, with a 10 m resolution, for the Canton de Vaud territory (Switzerland), a lithological map and a land use map, has allowed automatic identification of the potential source areas. The spreading estimates are based on basic probabilistic and energy calculations that allow to define the maximal runout distance of a debris flow.
The aim of this study is to perform a thorough comparison of quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM) techniques and their dependence on the assumptions made. The compared methodologies were: two iterative single orientation methodologies minimizing the l2, l1TV norm of the prior knowledge of the edges of the object, one over-determined multiple orientation method (COSMOS) and anewly proposed modulated closed-form solution (MCF). The performance of these methods was compared using a numerical phantom and in-vivo high resolution (0.65mm isotropic) brain data acquired at 7T using a new coil combination method. For all QSM methods, the relevant regularization and prior-knowledge parameters were systematically changed in order to evaluate the optimal reconstruction in the presence and absence of a ground truth. Additionally, the QSM contrast was compared to conventional gradient recalled echo (GRE) magnitude and R2* maps obtained from the same dataset. The QSM reconstruction results of the single orientation methods show comparable performance. The MCF method has the highest correlation (corrMCF=0.95, r(2)MCF =0.97) with the state of the art method (COSMOS) with additional advantage of extreme fast computation time. The l-curve method gave the visually most satisfactory balance between reduction of streaking artifacts and over-regularization with the latter being overemphasized when the using the COSMOS susceptibility maps as ground-truth. R2* and susceptibility maps, when calculated from the same datasets, although based on distinct features of the data, have a comparable ability to distinguish deep gray matter structures.
Els sistemes multi-robot de reconeixement de superfícies es poden utilitzar tant per a l'exploració de llocs remots, de difícil accés o perillosos. Normalment, els robots no són autònoms, depenen d'operadors humans per dirigir-los. La informació que capten ha de ser processada i mostrada a l'usuari o usuària del sistema de forma intel·ligible. Un exemple d'aplicació seria el d'un sistema multirobot format per diversos helicòpters no tripulats que proporciona informació d'una àrea que ha patit algun desastre. El sistema informàtic recolliria la informació i la transmetria al coordinador de l'operatiu d'assistència de l'emergència. La idea del projecte és la de combinar la informació proporcionada pel sistema multi-robot amb la de la zona disponible a Google Earth i fer d'aquesta eina l'interfície d'usuari de l'aplicació.
Aquest projecte presenta el disseny, construcció i programació d’un robot autònom, com a base per una proposta educativa. Per aconseguir aquest objectiu s’ha dotat el robot d’una unitat de procés, un sistema de locomoció i un seguit de sensors que proporcionaran a la unitat informació respecte l’entorn. Per gestionar totes aquestes funcionalitats, s’ha fet servir un sistema operatiu en temps real capaç de gestionar amb efectivitat les tasques que puguin ser executades pel robot. Finalment, s’ha exposat una detallada descripció dels costos per una producció de volum mig i de caire merament educatiu.
Estudi de l'arquitectura i prestacions del microcontrolador LPC2119 tot implementant la proposta d’un cas pràctic. En la besant teòrica, es fa una anàlisi acurada del dispositiu LPC2119, enumerant les principals característiques i exposant les seves parts, aprofundint sobretot en l’arquitectura i core ARM que incorpora. En l'àmbit pràctic, s'introdueix el problema del pèndul invertit com a proposta per a ser integrada sobre un robot que exploti les funcionalitats del dispositiu integrat presentades a l'estudi teòric.
Advanced mapping of environmental data: Geostatistics, Machine Learning and Bayesian Maximum Entropy
This book combines geostatistics and global mapping systems to present an up-to-the-minute study of environmental data. Featuring numerous case studies, the reference covers model dependent (geostatistics) and data driven (machine learning algorithms) analysis techniques such as risk mapping, conditional stochastic simulations, descriptions of spatial uncertainty and variability, artificial neural networks (ANN) for spatial data, Bayesian maximum entropy (BME), and more.