858 resultados para protein synthesis inhibition


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Il est à ce jour bien établi que la régulation de l’expression génique dépend en grande partie des évènements post-transcriptionnels et que la traduction des ARNm tient un rôle de premier plan dans ces processus. Elle est particulièrement importante pour définir le protéome, maintenir l’homéostasie et contrôler la croissance et la prolifération cellulaire. De nombreuses pathologies humaines telles que le cancer découlent de dérèglements de la synthèse protéique. Ceci souligne l’importance d’une meilleure compréhension des mécanismes moléculaires contribuant au contrôle de la traduction des ARNm. Le facteur d’initiation eIF4E est essentiel à la traduction et son activité est régulée par ses partenaires protéiques dont font partie les protéines 4E-BP et 4E-T. Les voies de signalisation PI3K/mTOR et MAPK qui sont fortement impliquées dans l’étiologie du cancer, contrôlent la traduction en modulant l’activité d’eIF4E via l’inhibition des protéines 4E-BP et la localisation de 4E-T. Afin d’améliorer notre compréhension des mécanismes régulant la traduction des ARNm, nous avons utilisé plusieurs approches. Tout d’abord, nous avons caractérisé les mécanismes par lesquels le complexe mTORC1 est activé en réponse aux facteurs de croissance et avons déterminé que la kinase RSK, en aval de la voie Ras/ERK, contrôle directement l’activité de mTORC1 en phosphorylant Raptor, la sous-unité régulatrice du complexe mTORC1. Par ailleurs, nous nous sommes intéressés au rôle joué par mTORC1 dans l’initiation de la traduction. Pour cela, nous avons réalisé un criblage protéomique dans le but d’identifier de nouveaux facteurs sous le contrôle de mTORC1 qui participent activement à la traduction. Ces travaux ont ainsi permis l’identification de la protéine de liaison à l’ARN LARP1 comme effecteur majeur de la traduction des ARNm et de la croissance cellulaire en aval de mTORC1. Finalement, notre étude de l’effet du stress oxydant dans la répression de la traduction nous a permis de montrer que la kinase JNK contrôle la localisation du répresseur 4E-T au sein des P-bodies, qui sont des granules cytoplasmiques concentrant des ARNm non traduits et des facteurs de la dégradation des ARNm. Nos travaux ont donc abouti à la découverte de mécanismes moléculaires cruciaux impliqués dans la régulation de la traduction des ARNm et de la synthèse protéique. Ces derniers étant largement impliqués dans la prolifération cellulaire et la croissance tumorale, nos recherches ouvrent sur un champ d’investigation plus large pour le développement de nouvelles molécules anti-cancéreuses.


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La voie de signalisation des phosphoinositides joue un rôle clé dans la régulation du tonus vasculaire. Plusieurs études rapportent une production endogène de l’angiotensin II (Ang II) et de l’endothéline-1 (ET-1) par les cellules musculaires lisses vasculaires (CMLVs) de rats spontanément hypertendus (spontaneously hypertensive rats : SHR). De plus, l’Ang II exogène induit son effet prohypertrophique sur les CMLVs selon un mécanisme dépendant de la protéine Gqα et de la PKCẟ. Cependant, le rôle de l’axe Gqα/PLCβ/PKCẟ dans l’hypertrophie des CMLVs provenant d’un modèle animal de l’hypertension artérielle n’est pas encore étudié. L’objectif principal de cette thèse est d’examiner le rôle de l’axe Gqα/PLCβ1 dans les mécanismes moléculaires de l’hypertrophie des CMLVs provenant d’un modèle animal d’hypertension artérielle essentielle (spontaneously hypertensive rats : SHR). Nos premiers résultats indiquent que contrairement aux CMLVs de SHR âgés de 12 semaines (absence d’hypertrophie cardiaque), les CMLVs de SHR âgés de 16 semaines (présence d’hypertrophie cardiaque) présentent une surexpression protéique endogène de Gqα et de PLCβ1 par rapport aux CMLVs de rats WKY appariés pour l’âge. L’inhibition du taux d’expression protéique de Gqα et de PLCβ1 par des siRNAs spécifiques diminue significativement le taux de synthèse protéique élevé dans les CMLVs de SHR. De plus, la surexpression endogène des Gqα et PLCβ1, l’hyperphosphorylation de la molécule ERK1/2 et le taux de synthèse protéique élevé dans les CMLVs de SHR de 16 semaines ont été atténués significativement par des antagonistes des récepteurs AT1 (losartan) et ETA (BQ123), mais pas par l’antagoniste du récepteur ETB (BQ788). L’inhibition pharmacologique des MAPKs par PD98059 diminue significativement la surexpression endogène de Gqα/PLCβ1 et le taux de synthèse protéique élevé dans les CMLVs de SHR. D’un côté, l’inhibition du stress oxydatif (par DPI, inhibiteur de la NAD(P)H oxidase, et NAC , molécule anti-oxydante), de la molécule c-Src (PP2) et des récepteurs de facteurs de croissance (AG1024 (inhibiteur de l’IGF1-R), AG1478 (inhibiteur de l’EGFR) et AG1295 (inhibiteur du PDGFR)) a permis d’atténuer significativement la surexpression endogène élevée de Gqα/PLCβ1 et l’hypertrophie des CMLVs de SHR. D’un autre côté, DPI, NAC et PP2 atténuent significativement l’hyperphosphorylation de la molécule c-Src, des RTKs (récepteurs à activité tyrosine kinase) et de la molécule ERK1/2. Dans une autre étude, nous avons aussi démontré que la PKCẟ montre une hyperphosphorylation en Tyr311 dans les CMLVs de SHR comparées aux CMLVs de WKY. La rottlerin, utilisée comme inhibiteur spécifique de la PKCẟ, inhibe significativement cette hyperphosphorylation en Tyr311 dépendamment de la concentration. L’inhibition de l’activité de la PKCẟ par la rottlerin a été aussi associée à une atténuation significative de la surexpression protéique endogène de Gqα/PLCβ1 et l’hypertrophie des CMLVs de SHR. De plus, l’inhibition pharmacologique de l’activité de la PKCẟ, en amont du stress oxydatif, a permis d’inhiber significativement l’activité de la NADPH, le taux de production élevée de l’ion superoxyde ainsi que l’hyperphosphorylation de la molécule ERK1/2, de la molécule c-Src et des RTKs. À notre surprise, nous avons aussi remarqué une surexpression protéique de l’EGFR et de l’IGF-1R dans les CMLVs de SHR à l’âge de 16 semaines. L’inhibition pharmacologique de l’activité de la PKCẟ, de la molécule c-Src et du stress oxydatif a permis d’inhiber significativement la surexpression protéique endogène de ces RTKs. De plus, l’inhibition de l’expression protéique de l’EGFR et de la molécule c-Src par des siRNA spécifiques atténue significativement le taux d’expression protéique élevé de Gqα et de PLCβ1 ainsi que le taux de synthèse protéique élevé dans les CMLVs de SHR. Des siRNAs spécifiques à la PKCẟ ont permis d’atténuer significativement le taux de synthèse protéique élevé dans les CMLVs de SHR et confirment le rôle important de la PKCẟ dans les mécanismes moléculaires de l’hypertrophie des CMLVs selon une voie dépendante du stress oxydatif. En conclusion, ces résultats suggèrent un rôle important de l’activation endogène de l’axe Gqα-PLCβ-PKCẟ dans le processus d’hypertrophie vasculaire selon un mécanisme impliquant une activation endogène des récepteurs AT1/ETa, de la molécule c-Src, du stress oxidatif, des RTKs et des MAPKs.


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In the present study, the initial phase was directed to confirm the effects of curcumin and vitamin D3 in preventing or delaying diabetes onset by studying the blood glucose and insulin levels in the pre-treated and diabetic groups. Behavioural studies were conducted to evaluate the cognitive and motor function in experimental rats. The major focus of the study was to understand the cellular and neuronal mechanisms that ensure the prophylactic capability of curcumin and vitamin D3. To elucidate the mechanisms involved in conferring the antidiabetogenesis effect, we examined the DNA and protein profiles using radioactive incorporation studies for DNA synthesis, DNA methylation and protein synthesis. Furthermore the gene expression studies of Akt-1, Pax, Pdx-1, Neuro D1, insulin like growth factor-1 and NF-κB were done to monitor pancreatic beta cell proliferation and differentiation. The antioxidant and antiapoptotic actions of curcumin and vitamin D3 were examined by studying the expression of antioxidant enzymes - SOD and GPx, and apoptotic mediators like Bax, caspase 3, caspase 8 and TNF-α. In order to understand the signalling pathways involved in curcumin and vitamin D3 action, the second messengers, cAMP, cGMP and IP3 were studied along with the expression of vitamin D receptor in the pancreas. The neuronal regulation of pancreatic beta cell maintenance, proliferation and insulin release was studied by assessing the adrenergic and muscarinic receptor functional regulation in the pancreas, brain stem, hippocampus and hypothalamus. The receptor number and binding affinity of total muscarinic, muscarinic M1, muscarinic M3, total adrenergic, α adrenergic and β adrenergic receptor subtypes were studied in pancreas, brain stem and hippocampus of experimental rats. The mRNA expression of muscarinic and adrenergic receptor subtypes were determined using Real Time PCR. Immunohistochemistry studies using confocal microscope were carried out to confirm receptor density and gene expression results. Cell signalling alterations in the pancreas and brain regions associated with diabetogenesis and antidiabetogenesis were assessed by examining the gene expression profiles of vitamin D receptor, CREB, phospholipase C, insulin receptor and GLUT. This study will establish the anti-diabetogenesis activity of curcumin and vitamin D3 pre-treatment and will attempt to understand the cellular, molecular and neuronal control mechanism in the onset of diabetes.Administration of MLD-STZ to curcumin and vitamin D3 pre-treated rats induced only an incidental prediabetic condition. Curcumin and vitamin D3 pretreated groups injected with MLD-STZ exhibited improved circulating insulin levels and behavioural responses when compared to MLD-STZ induced diabetic group. Activation of beta cell compensatory response induces an increase in pancreatic insulin output and beta cell mass expansion in the pre-treated group. Cell signalling proteins that regulate pancreatic beta cell survival, insulin release, proliferation and differentiation showed a significant increase in curcumin and vitamin D3 pre-treated rats. Marked decline in α2 adrenergic receptor function in pancreas helps to relent sympathetic inhibition of insulin release. Neuronal stimulation of hyperglycemia induced beta cell compensatory response is mediated by escalated signalling through β adrenergic, muscarinic M1 and M3 receptors. Pre-treatment mediated functional regulation of adrenergic and cholinergic receptors, key cell signalling proteins and second messengers improves pancreatic glucose sensing, insulin gene expression, insulin secretion, cell survival and beta cell mass expansion in pancreas. Curcumin and vitamin D3 pre-treatment induced modulation of adrenergic and cholinergic signalling in brain stem, hippocampus and hypothalamus promotes insulin secretion, beta cell compensatory response, insulin sensitivity and energy balance to resist diabetogenesis. Pre-treatment improved second messenger levels and the gene expression of intracellular signalling molecules in brain stem, hippocampus and hypothalamus, to retain a functional neuronal response to hyperglycemia. Curcumin and vitamin D3 protect pancreas and brain regions from oxidative stress by their indigenous antioxidant properties and by their ability to stimulate cellular free radical defence system. The present study demonstrates the role of adrenergic and muscarinic receptor subtypes functional regulation in curcumin and vitamin D3 mediated anti-diabetogenesis. This will have immense clinical significance in developing effective strategies to delay or prevent the onset of diabetes.


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Amb la finalitat d'aprofundir en les bases moleculars de la citotoxicitat de les ribonucleases pancreàtiques, es van construir variants derivades de l'HP-RNasa seguint dues estratègies. En la primera, es van generar variants de l'enzim resistents a l'acció de l'inhibidor proteic de les ribonucleases (hRI), substituint residus implicats en la interfície de contacte entre la ribonucleasa i l'hRI. En la segona, es va addicionar el motiu RGD en regions de superfície de la proteïna implicades en la formació del complex amb l'hRI, a fi de promoure la seva interacció amb la membrana plasmàtica de les cèl·lules i a la vegada disminuir l'afinitat de les variants per l'hRI. Es va comprovar que només les variants portadores de substitucions múltiples adquirien la capacitat de resistència a l'hRI. L'estudi del percentatge d'inhibició de la síntesi proteica en cèl·lules incubades amb cadascuna de les variants va mostrar que només dues de les variants construïdes havien adquirit propietats citotòxiques. La citotoxicitat més elevada la va presentar una variant que no era resistent a l'hRI, amb valors que eren només entre 5 i 15 vegades inferiors als de l'onconasa. Aquest resultat demostrà que la sensibilitat a l'hRI no és necessàriament un paràmetre limitant per a la citotoxicitat de les ribonucleases. Cap de les variants que incorporava un motiu RGD presentà citotoxicitat, evidenciant que aquest motiu no és efectiu a fi de dotar les ribonucleases pancreàtiques de propietats citotòxiques. Es van estudiar les bases moleculars de la citotoxicitat de la variant més citotòxica. En primer lloc, l'anàlisi de la internalització per marcatge radioactiu d'aquesta variant en relació amb l'onconasa i amb altres variants de l'HP-RNasa no citotòxiques, va posar en evidència que només l'onconasa era internalitzada eficientment. Es descartava així la possibilitat que l'acció citotòxica de l'enzim estudiat fos conseqüència d'una major eficiència d'endocitosi. També es va comprovar que l'addició del motiu RGD no era capaç de promoure la internalització de les proteïnes amb més eficàcia. Per microscòpia confocal de fluorescència, les variants humanes només es van començar a detectar a l'interior de la cèl·lula a partir de les 24 h d'incubació. Totes les variants generades van presentar una eficiència catalítica superior al 50 % de l'activitat de la seva proteïna parental, PM5, indicant que probablement l'estructura del centre actiu no havia estat afectada de manera dràstica per les substitucions introduïdes. No obstant, en tots els casos es va produir una disminució en la termoestabilitat respecte a PM5. Aquest resultat indicà que la correlació descrita a la bibliografia entre l'increment de termoestabilitat i l'increment de citotoxicitat per les ribonucleases no sempre es compleix. Per microscòpia confocal es va comprovar que tant la proteïna més citotòxica, com una variant no citotòxica resistent a l'hRI, així com la proteïna parental, seguien la via de degradació lisosomal. Aquesta ruta de trànsit no va ser afectada per l'addició de drogues que alteren les vies de trànsit retrògrad (monensina i brefeldina A), però sí per l'addició de la bafilomicina A1, una droga que neutralitza el pH endosomal i que va actuar alentint el trànsit de les proteïnes als lisosomes. D'acord amb aquests resultats, els valors de citotoxicitat de les variants es van incrementar de manera significativa només en presència de bafilomicina A1, suggerint que les ribonucleases transloquen al citoplasma a partir d'algun punt de la via de trànsit endosomal. Es va comprovar que l'acció de la variant més citotòxica era deguda a que l'addició d'un segon motiu de tres Arg en PE5 dota a aquesta proteïna amb un senyal de transport nuclear. La fracció d'enzim que aconsegueix translocar al citoplasma a partir d'algun punt de la via endosomal previ als lisosomes, és conduït ràpidament al nucli de la cèl·lula per mitjà del mecanisme clàssic de transport actiu. Per la seva afinitat amb l'rRNA, l'enzim es concentra en el nuclèol, on probablement duu a terme la seva activitat catalítica. La interacció d'aquesta variant amb els receptors nucleocitoplasmàtics, les importines, impediria per altra banda el bloqueig de l'enzim per part de l'hRI. Els resultats obtinguts presenten una nova estratègia de disseny de ribonucleases citotòxiques, basada en l'addició de segments NLS a fi de promoure el transport nuclear dels enzims. Aquesta estratègia podria permetre superar limitacions que fins al moment han estat descrites com a limitants de la citotoxicitat de les ribonucleases pancreàtiques, com la sensibilitat a l'hRI o la baixa eficiència d'internalització.


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The focus of the present review is to assimilate current knowledge concerning the differing signalling transduction cascades that control muscle mass development and affect skeletal muscle phenotype following exercise or nutritional uptake. Effects of mechanical loading on protein synthesis are discussed. Muscle growth control is regulated by the interplay of growth promoting and growth suppressing factors, which act in concert. Much emphasis has been placed on understanding how increases in the rate of protein synthesis are induced in skeletal muscle during the adaptive process. One key point to emerge is that protein synthesis following resistance exercise or increased nutrient availability is mediated through changes in signal transduction involving the phosphorylation of mTOR and sequential activation of downstream targets. On the other hand, AMPK activation plays an important role in the inhibition of protein synthesis by suppressing the function of multiple translation regulators of the mTOR signalling pathway in response to cellular energy depletion and low metabolic conditions. The effects of exercise and/or nutritional uptake on the activation of signalling molecules that regulate protein synthesis are highlighted, providing a better understanding of the molecular changes in the cell.


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Sixteen early to mid lactation Finnish Ayrshire dairy cows were used in a cyclic change-over experiment with four 21-day experimental periods and a 4 5 2 factorial arrangement of treatments to evaluate the effects of heat-treated rapeseed expeller and solvent-extracted soya-bean meal protein supplements on animal performance. Dietary treatments consisted of grass silage offered ad libitum supplemented with a fixed amount of a cereal based concentrate (10 kg/day on a fresh weight basis) containing 120, 150, 180 or 210 g crude protein (CP) per kg dry matter (DM). Concentrate CP content was manipulated by replacement of basal ingredients (g/kg) with either rapeseed expeller (R; 120, 240 and 360) or soya-bean meal (S; 80, 160 and 240). Increases in concentrate CP stimulated linear increases (P < 0.05) in silage intake (mean 22.5 and 23.8 g DM per g/kg increase in dietary CP content, for R and S, respectively) and milk production. Concentrate inclusion of rapeseed expeller elicited higher (P < 0.01) milk yield and milk protein output responses (mean 108 and 3.71 g/day per g/kg DM increase in dietary CP content) than soya-bean meal (corresponding values 62 and 2.57). Improvements in the apparent utilization of dietary nitrogen for milk protein synthesis (mean 0.282 and 0.274, for R and S, respectively) were associated with higher (P < 0.05) plasma concentrations of histidine, branched-chain, essential and total amino acids (35, 482, 902 and 2240 and 26, 410, 800 and 2119 mu mol/l, respectively) and lower (P < 0.01) concentrations of urea (corresponding values 4.11 and 4.52 mmol/l). Heat-treated rapeseed expeller proved to be a more effective protein supplement than solvent-extracted soya-bean meal for cows offered grass silage-based diets.


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Translationally controlled tumour protein (TCTP) is a highly conserved protein present in all eukaryotic organisms. Various cellular functions and molecular interactions have been ascribed to this protein, many related to its growth-promoting and antiapoptotic properties. TCTP levels are highly regulated in response to various cellular stimuli and stresses. We have shown recently that the double-stranded RNA-dependent protein kinase, PKR, is involved in translational regulation of TCTP. Here we extend these studies by demonstrating that TCTP is downregulated in response to various proapoptotic treatments, in particular agents that induce Ca++ stress, in a PKR-dependent manner. This regulation requires phosphorylation of protein synthesis factor eIF2α. Since TCTP has been characterized as an antiapoptotic and Ca++-binding protein, we asked whether it is involved in protecting cells from Ca++-stress-induced apoptosis. Overexpression of TCTP partially protects cells against thapsigargin-induced apoptosis, as measured using caspase-3 activation assays, a nuclear fragmentation assay, using fluorescence-activated cell sorting analysis, and time-lapse video microscopy. TCTP also protects cells against the proapoptotic effects of tunicamycin and etoposide, but not against those of arsenite. Our results imply that cellular TCTP levels influence sensitivity to apoptosis and that PKR may exert its proapoptotic effects at least in part through downregulation of TCTP via eIF2α phosphorylation.


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Phenylephrine and noradrenaline (alpha-adrenergic agonism) or isoprenaline (beta-adrenergic agonism) stimulated protein synthesis rates, increased the activity of the atrial natriuretic factor gene promoter and activated mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK). The EC50 for MAPK activation by noradrenaline was 2-4 microM and that for isoprenaline was 0.2-0.3 microM. Maximal activation of MAPK by isoprenaline was inhibited by the beta-adrenergic antagonist, propranolol, whereas the activation by noradrenaline was inhibited by the alpha1-adrenergic antagonist, prazosin. FPLC on a Mono-Q column separated two peaks of MAPK (p42MAPK and p44MAPK) and two peaks of MAPK-activating activity (MEK) activated by isoprenaline or noradrenaline. Prolonged phorbol ester exposure partially down-regulated the activation of MAPK by noradrenaline but not by isoprenaline. This implies a role for protein kinase C in MAPK activation by noradrenaline but not isoprenaline. A role for cyclic AMP in activation of the MAPK pathway was eliminated when other agonists that elevate cyclic AMP in the cardiac myocyte did not activate MAPK. In contrast, MAPK was activated by exposure to ionomycin, Bay K8644 or thapsigargin that elevate intracellular Ca2+. Furthermore, depletion of extracellular Ca2+ concentrations with bis-(o-aminophenoxy)ethane-NNN'N'-tetra-acetic acid (BAPTA) or blocking of the L-type Ca2+ channel with nifepidine or verapamil inhibited the response to isoprenaline without inhibiting the responses to noradrenaline. We conclude that alpha- and beta-adrenergic agonists can activate the MEK/MAPK pathway in the heart by different signalling pathways. Elevation of intracellular Ca2+ rather than cyclic AMP appears important in the activation of MAPK by isoprenaline in the cardiac myocyte.


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Cardiac myocyte hypertrophy involves changes in cell structure and alterations in protein expression regulated at both the transcriptional and translational levels. Hypertrophic G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) agonists such as endothelin-(ET-1) and phenylephrine stimulate a number of protein kinase cascades in the heart. Mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) cascades stimulated include the extracellularly regulated kinase cascade, the stress-activated protein kinase/c-Jun N-terminal kinase cascade, and the p38 MAPK cascade. All 3 pathways have been implicated in hypertrophy, but recent ex vivo evidence also suggests that there may be additional effects on cell survival. ET-1 and phenylephrine also stimulate the protein kinase B pathway, and this may be involved in the regulation of protein synthesis by these agonists. Thus, protein kinase-mediated signaling may be important in the regulation of the development of myocyte hypertrophy.


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The venom gland of viperid snakes has a central lumen where the venom produced by secretory cells is stored. When the venom is lost from the gland, the secretory cells are activated and new venom is produced. The production of new venom is triggered by the action of noradrenaline on both alpha(1)- and beta-adrenoceptors in the venom gland. In this study, we show that venom removal leads to the activation of transcription factors NF kappa B and AP-1 in the venom gland. In dispersed secretory cells, noradrenaline activated both NF kappa B and AP-1. Activation of NF kappa B and AP-1 depended on phospholipase C and protein kinase A. Activation of NF kappa B also depended on protein kinase C. Isoprenaline activated both NF kappa B and AP-1, and phenylephrine activated NF kappa B and later AP-1. We also show that the protein composition of the venom gland changes during the venom production cycle. Striking changes occurred 4 and 7 days after venom removal in female and male snakes, respectively. Reserpine blocks this change, and the administration of alpha(1)- and beta-adrenoceptor agonists to reserpine-treated snakes largely restores the protein composition of the venom gland. However, the protein composition of the venom from reserpinized snakes treated with alpha(1)- or beta-adrenoceptor agonists appears normal, judging from SDS-PAGE electrophoresis. A sexual dimorphism in activating transcription factors and activating venom gland was observed. Our data suggest that the release of noradrenaline after biting is necessary to activate the venom gland by regulating the activation of transcription factors and consequently regulating the synthesis of proteins in the venom gland for venom production.


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Blastocrithidia culicis is a protozoan of the family Trypanosomatidae. It is a parasite of insects, but the presence of bacteriumlike endosymbionts in its cytoplasm led some investigators to study this protozoan. This trypanosomatid does not infect humans and although it is phylogenetically distant from Trypanosoma cruzi, it presents many morphological characteristics, which are similar. In previous studies our group showed the presence of a L27 ribosomal protein in T cruzi (named TcrL27) using a RT-PCR, which also resulted in the cloning, sequencing and expression of an unexpected ribosomal protein, L17, in Blastocrithidia culicis (BcL17). In this paper, Western blot analysis demonstrated that the anti-BcL17 antibody recognizes the presence of the same ribosomal protein either in Blastochritidia culicis and T. cruzi nuclear extracts. Besides, two similar bands (40 and 47 kDa) appeared also in T. cruzi isolated ribosomal proteins and B. culicis nuclear extract corroborating with the findings showed in the phylogenetic reconstruction. With respect to their localization within the ribosome, both the L17 and L27 ribosomal proteins appear to belong to the peptidyl-transferase site, and are therefore part of the key step in protein synthesis. Both ribosomal proteins bind spiramycin derivatives, being therefore compounds of the macrolides connection sites in the ribosome. These findings would open a possibility to better evaluate this issue.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Este estudo foi conduzido para avaliar os efeitos da substituição do fosfato bicálcico pelo fosfato de rocha na dieta de bovinos em crescimento. Foram determinados a digestibilidade aparente das dietas, a absorção aparente do fósforo, cálcio e flúor, o pH ruminal, a concentração de amônia ruminal, a eficiência microbiana e o fósforo no plasma utilizando-se cinco bovinos da raça Holandesa Preto-e-Branco, fistulados, pesando entre 275 e 283 kg. O delineamento estatístico foi um quadrado latino 5 × 5 e as dietas consistiram de 0, 25, 50, 75 e 100% de substituição do fosfato bicálcico pelo fosfato de rocha no suplemento mineral. A adição de fosfato de rocha nas dietas ocasionou aumento linear na ingestão, no fluxo omasal, no fluxo fecal e no desaparecimento total do flúor. As dietas não diferiram quanto à absorção aparente do cálcio, assim como em relação à ingestão, excreção, digestão e digestibilidades aparentes parcial e total da matéria seca, matéria orgânica, proteína bruta, fibra em detergente neutro e carboidratos não-fibrosos. O fósforo no plasma não foi influenciado pelos tratamentos e a média foi de 5,93 mg/dL. Não houve diferença para o pH ruminal e concentração de amônia ruminal. A substituição do fosfato bicálcico não afetou a síntese microbiana aparente e verdadeira de proteína. A total substituição do fosfato bicálcico pelo fosfato de rocha em suplementos minerais em bovinos em crescimento não afetou o ambiente ruminal e a síntese de proteína no rúmen. Assim, a substituição do fosfato bicálcico em dietas para bovinos em crescimento diminui a absorção de fósforo e deveria ser vista com cuidado dependendo dos requerimentos.