711 resultados para professional based learning
[spa] El artículo se centra en la relevancia del conocimiento práctico para el aprendizaje del Derecho. Las facultades de Derecho en España padecen de una falta de programas específicos de formación en sus planes de estudio. Un análisis histórico muestra que el conocimiento práctico ha sufrido un fuerte retroceso en favor de un enfoque teórico siguiendo la pauta marcada por Alexander von Humboldt. El sistema español de provisión de los cargos públicos basado en unas oposiciones memorísticas con unos extensos temarios con centenares de conceptos refuerza este proceso y se convierte en un obstáculo para la renovación de los estudios y de la práctica jurídica. Como resultado de todo ello los estudiantes carecen de habilidades para el desarrollo profesional y el aprendizaje a lo largo de la vida.
[cast] La formulación magistral, una de las actividades profesionales más representativas del farmacéutico, consiste en la elaboración, de acuerdo con una prescripción médica, de un medicamento personalizado, adaptado a un paciente concreto, en un compromiso profesional de solucionar un problema de salud específico. La amplia oferta de medicamentos industriales ha reducido considerablemente esta actividad, que a pesar de todo, debe considerarse una herramienta de futuro en sintonía con la tendencia personalizadora actual de la medicina y las necesidades del paciente. Los conocimientos y competencias requeridas para dicha actividad profesional se introducen actualmente en la carrera de Farmacia mediante una asignatura optativa. En el presente trabajo se presenta el planteamiento metodológico diseñado por el Grupo de Innovación Docente de Tecnología Farmacéutica (GIDTF) y el grupo e-Galenica, ambos de la Universidad de Barcelona, para esta asignatura. Dicha metodología esta basada en el Aprendizaje Basado en Problemas (ABP) incluyendo tutorías y prácticas de campo, apoyada en estrategias no presenciales como foro de debate, recursos on-line, cuestionarios y tareas de autoevaluación a través de la plataforma Moodle del Campus Virtual de la UB. Se evalúan asimismo los resultados académicos y las respuestas de los estudiantes a las encuestas realizadas en relación al sistema de impartición de la asignatura. [eng] The pharmaceutical compounding, one of the most representative professional activities of pharmacists, involves the preparation of an individualized medicine tailored to a specific patient in a professional commitment to solve a specific health problem, according to a prescription. The wide range of industrial medicine has significantly reduced this activity, which nevertheless should be considered a tool of the future in line with the current trend of personalizing medicine and patient needs. The knowledge and competences required for this professional activity are introduced to the students of Pharmacy through an optional subject. In this paper we present the ethodological approach developed for this subject by the Teaching Innovation Group of pharmaceutical Technology (GIDTF) and e-Galenica group, both from the University of Barcelona. This methodology is based on Problem-Based Learning (PBL) including tutorials and practices in other centres, supported by out of class strategies as discussion forum, online resources, self-assessment questionnaires and work through the platform Moodle of Virtual Campus UB. The academic performance and student responses to surveys in relation to the didactic methodology are also assessed.
In this paper we identify the requirements for creating formal descriptions of learning scenarios designed under the European HigherEducation Area paradigm, using competences and learning activities as the basic pieces of the learning process, instead of contents and learning resources, pursuing personalization. Classical arrangements of content based courses are no longer enough to describe all the richness of this new learning process, where user profiles, competences and complex hierarchical itineraries need to be properly combined. We study the intersection with the current IMS Learning Design specification and theadditional metadata required for describing such learning scenarios. This new approach involves the use of case based learning and collaborativelearning in order to acquire and develop competences, following adaptive learning paths in two structured levels.
This study investigates the transformation of practical teaching in a Catalan school, connected to the design, implementation and development of project-based learning, and focusing on dialogic learning to investigate its limits and possibilities. Qualitative and design-based research (DBR) methods are applied. These methods are based on empirical educational research with the theory-driven of learning environments. DBR is proposed and applied using practical guidance for the teachers of the school. It can be associated with the current proposals for Embedding Social Sciences and Humanities in the Horizon 2020 Societal Challenges. This position statement defends the social sciences and the humanities as the most fundamental and important ideas to face all societal challenges. The results of this study show that before the training process, teachers apply dialogic learning in specific moments (for example, when they speak about the weekend); however, during the process and after the process, they work systematically with dialogic learning through the PEPT: they start and finish every activity with a individual and group reflection about their own processes, favouring motivation, reasoning and the implication of all the participants. These results prove that progressive transformations of teaching practice benefit cooperative work in class
En aquest article presentem una experiència docent dins de l’àmbit de la Psicologia del Pensament. Es tracta d’una activitat d’aprenentatge basat en problemes en la qual els estudiants han de reflexionar sobre com determinats continguts de l’assignatura, els de resolució de problemes, estan fortament relacionats amb la seva futura pràctica professional i amb el desenvolupament del seu aprenentatge des de psicòlegs novells a psicòlegs experts. En este artículo presentamos una experiencia docente en el ámbito de la Psicología del Pensamiento. Se trata de una actividad de aprendizaje basado en problemas en la que los estudiantes han de reflexionar sobre cómo determinados contenidos de la asignatura, los de resolución de problemas, estan fuertemente relacionados con su futura práctica profesional y con el desarrollo de su aprendizaje desde psicólogos novatos a psicólogos expertos
The purpose of the study was to describe the experiences of received support of aging employees and their work related self-image in changing working environments. Firstly, theaim was to discover how the support from organisations and leaders was verified. Secondly, the aim was to get answers how employees experienced themselves as workers and as learners in the current work context. Thirdly, the aim was to compare different knowledge information stages and company cultures and how they have influenced the experiences of professional competence development among aging employees. In addition the education- and career backgrounds were investigated to gain more understanding of their role in experiencing support and relation to the occupational self-image. The theoretical frame of reference of this researchis multidisciplinary. The theoretical part focuses on the meaning of work for human being from a sociological, late-modern perspective. On the other hand it examines the ageing process from a physiological and also from a perspective of age discrimination and life control. The occupational selfimage and the strength of motivation has an effect on learning in working life which is crucial and firmpart individual trajectories. According to the theoretical review company culture, leadership and especially the managers' role as a creator of a learning atmosphere are increasingly critical for aging adults' learning when the role of informal work-based learning is increasing. The empirical data was collected with aquestionnaire and interviews, which were carried out in May to October 2001. The data consists of 263 respondents of which further eight persons were interviewed. All respondents were over the age of 45 and represented all levels of their organisations in an IT-technology firm and a chemical industry plant. The central findings in this research show that the aging adults have experienced that theemployers do care about the development of their occupational skills. On the other hand there are fewer concrete activities to reveal this support. There is anobvious disproportion between the expressed aims and the realisation of the activities. Signs of age discrimination are few. The style of management has becomemore supporting for self directed activities which are seen to support adults learning. Higher education and individual activity to seek possibilities to learnwere encouraging the development of occupational skills. Age itself was not a crucial aspect when comparing the experiences among younger (45-54 years) and older (55-64 years) groups. Job satisfaction and professional self esteem seemed tobe considerably strong. The individual characteristics were more important elements in developing occupational skills than the age. The degree of anxiety at work was low. In addition among the older group the strong feeling of coherence and the occupational self image were significant for supporting the professional competence. The motivation to learn was also stable. Among the seniors there was some slight evidence of declining motivation. In the IT-firm the support was experienced stronger for aging employees than in the chemical industry plant. Thosewho had experienced support in the chemical industry plant had higher educational background than the others. In IT-firm they also experienced more support from the manager than in the chemical industry plant. The results show that it is more likely that the differences are caused mostly by the stage of information intensity and the character of company culture which is determined by the activities. IT-business demands constantly accommodation to changes and the chemical industry plant which is representing more traditional business field, where the atmosphere of learning is determined by the traditions of company culture, the changes are carried out slowly.
The electronic learning has become crucial in higher education with increased usage of learning management systems as a key source of integration on distance learning. The objective of this study is to understand how university teachers are influenced to use and adopt web-based learning management systems. Blackboard, as one of the systems used internationally by various universities is applied as a case. Semi-structured interviews were made with professors and lecturers who are using Blackboard at Lappeenranta University of Technology. The data collected were categorized under constructs adapted from Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) and interpretation and discussion were based on reviewed literature. The findings suggest that adoption of learning management systems by LUT teachers is highly influenced by perceived usefulness, facilitating conditions and gained experience. The findings also suggest that easiness of using the system and social influence appear as medium influence of adoption for teachers at LUT.
Artikkeli luettavissa osassa: Part 2. - ISBN 9789522163172(PDF). - Liitteenä työpaperi
Il y a quelques décennies, l’émergence du discours de la promotion de la santé infléchissait un nouveau tournant à la santé publique, orientant sa pratique vers l’action communautaire, participative et intersectorielle. Parallèlement, au Québec, la réforme du système de santé de 2004 réorganisait le niveau de gouverne locale à travers la création des centres de santé et de services sociaux (CSSS). Ceux-ci doivent articuler les secteurs des soins et de la santé publique à travers un continuum de services qui va de la promotion de la santé aux soins palliatifs. Ces changements ont des implications majeures pour les acteurs de la santé et de la santé publique, qui doivent composer avec de nouveaux rôles professionnels et de nouvelles stratégies d’action. Le développement professionnel est considéré comme un levier potentiel pour soutenir ces changements. En 2009, une équipe de la Direction de la santé publique de l’Agence de santé et des services sociaux de Montréal concevait un programme de développement professionnel appelé le Laboratoire de promotion de la santé. Ce programme mise sur une approche d’apprentissage de groupe pour permettre aux professionnels des CSSS de développer de nouvelles compétences, une pratique réflexive ainsi que de nouvelles pratiques de promotion de la santé. Basée sur une méthodologie générale qualitative et une approche d’évaluation collaborative, cette thèse utilise plusieurs stratégies d’investigation afin d’évaluer le Laboratoire de promotion de la santé sous trois angles, qui renvoient à sa conceptualisation, à son implantation et à ses effets. Plus spécifiquement, elle vise à : (1) examiner la plausibilité de la théorie d’intervention du programme; (2) décrire et comprendre les processus d’apprentissage d’équipe ainsi que les facteurs qui les influencent; et (3) explorer, du point de vue des participants, les effets réflexifs du Laboratoire. Afin de répondre à ces objectifs, la thèse mobilise diverses perspectives théoriques liées à l’apprentissage individuel, d’équipe et organisationnel. Les résultats des analyses démontrent que : (1) malgré quelques améliorations possibles, le modèle du programme est généralement bien conçu pour parvenir aux résultats visés; (2) l’implantation de ce modèle dans deux sites a donné lieu à des processus d’apprentissage d’équipe différents, bien que conditionnés par des facteurs communs liés aux participants, à l’équipe, au contexte organisationnel et à l’implantation du programme; (3) tel que visé, les participants des deux sites ont développé de la réflexivité vis-à-vis leur pratique et leur rôle professionnel – cette réflexivité adoptant une fonction formative ou critique en regard de l’expérience professionnelle. Ces résultats soulignent le potentiel que représente l’évaluation de la théorie d’intervention pour améliorer la conceptualisation d’un programme de développement professionnel, ainsi que l’intérêt et la pertinence d’évaluer les processus d’apprentissage au niveau de l’équipe dans le cadre d’une approche collective de développement professionnel. De plus, ils appuient l’importance de l’apprentissage réflexif pour l’amélioration des pratiques et l’engagement social des professionnels. En ce sens, ils proposent différentes avenues qui ont le potentiel de consolider les capacités de la main-d’œuvre de santé publique et d’influer conséquemment sur son efficacité à améliorer la santé des collectivités dans le prochain siècle.
Rapport de stage présenté à la Faculté des sciences infirmières en vue de l'obtention du grade de Maître ès sciences (M.Sc.) en sciences infirmières option formation en soins infirmiers