990 resultados para open-pit coal mining
This report is the fourth in a series to assess the availability of coal resources for future mining in Illinois.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 50-52)
Includes bibliographical references (p. 41-43).
Shipping list no.: 2002-0451-M.
Borecore samples from the Trap Gully pit at Callide have been assessed using the R-70 self-heating test. The highest R-70 self-heating rate value was 16.22 degrees C/h, which is consistent with the subbituminous rank of the coal. R-70 decreases significantly with increasing mineral matter content, as defined by the ash content of the coal. This effect is due to the mineral matter in the coal acting as a heat sink. A trendline equation has been fitted to the borecore data from the Trap Gully pit: R-70 = 0.0029 x ash(2) - 0.4889 x ash + 20.644, where all parameters are on a dry-basis. This relationship can be used to model the self-heating hazard of the pit, both vertically and laterally. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.
Strip samples from the Boundary Hill pit at Callide have been tested in an adiabatic oven to assess the effect of moisture on the R-70 self-heating rate of coal. The two strip samples tested had R-70 self-heating rate values of 10.23 and 8.61 degrees C/h. As the moisture content of the coal was progressively increased, from the dry state of the test, the R-70 value decreased dramatically. At approximately 40-50% of the moisture holding capacity of the coal, the self-heating rate becomes measurable. Above this critical level of moisture content, the heat produced by oxidation is dissipated by moisture evaporation and coal self-heating is significantly delayed. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.
This paper outlines the methodology of blast fragmentation modeling undertaken for a green field feasibility study at the Riska gold deposit in Indonesia. The favoured milling process for the feasibility study was dump leaching,with no crushing of the ore material extracted from the pit. For this reason,blast fragmentation was a critical issue to be addressed by the study. A range of blast designs were considered with bench heights and blasthole diameters ranging from 4 m to 7 m and 76 mm to 102 mm respectively. Rock mass data was obtained from 19 diamond drill cores across the deposit (total drill length approximately 2200 m). Intact rock strength was estimated from qualitative strength descriptors,while the in situ block size distribution of the rock mass was estimated from the Rock Quality Designation (RQD) of the core.
Coal ignited the industrial revolution. An organic sedimentary rock that energized the globe, transforming cities, landscapes and societies for generations, the importance of ‘King Coal’ to the development and consolidation of modernity has been well-recognised. And yet, as a critical factor in the production of modern architecture, coal—as well as other forms of energy—has been mostly overlooked.
From Appalachia to Lanarkshire, from the pits of northern France, Belgium and the Ruhr valley, to the monumental opencast excavations of Russia, China, Africa and Australia, mining operations have altered the immediate social and physical landscapes of coal-rich areas. But in contrast to its own underground conditions of production, the winning of coal, especially in the twentieth-century, has produced conspicuously enlightened and humane approaches to architecture and urbanism. In the twentieth century, educational buildings, holiday camps, hospitals, swimming pools, convalescent homes and housing prevailed alongside model collieries in mining settlements and areas connected to them. In 1930s Britain, pit head baths—funded by a levy on each ton produced—were often built in the International Style. Many won praise for architectural merit, appearing in Nicholas Pevsner’s guides to the buildings of England alongside cathedrals, village manors and Masonic halls as testimonies to the public good.
The deep relationships between coal and modernity, and the expressions of architecture it has articulated, in the collieries from which it was hewn, the landscape and towns it shaped, and the power stations and other infrastructure where it was used, offer innumerable opportunities to explore how coal produced architectures which embodied and expressed both social and technological conditions. While proposals on coal are preferred, we also welcome papers that interrogate the complexity, heterogeneity and hybridity of other forms of energy production and how these have also interceded into architectural form at a range of scales.
Following the workshop on new developments in daily licensing practice in November 2011, we brought together fourteen representatives from national consortia (from Denmark, Germany, Netherlands and the UK) and publishers (Elsevier, SAGE and Springer) met in Copenhagen on 9 March 2012 to discuss provisions in licences to accommodate new developments. The one day workshop aimed to: present background and ideas regarding the provisions KE Licensing Expert Group developed; introduce and explain the provisions the invited publishers currently use;ascertain agreement on the wording for long term preservation, continuous access and course packs; give insight and more clarity about the use of open access provisions in licences; discuss a roadmap for inclusion of the provisions in the publishers’ licences; result in report to disseminate the outcome of the meeting. Participants of the workshop were: United Kingdom: Lorraine Estelle (Jisc Collections) Denmark: Lotte Eivor Jørgensen (DEFF), Lone Madsen (Southern University of Denmark), Anne Sandfær (DEFF/Knowledge Exchange) Germany: Hildegard Schaeffler (Bavarian State Library), Markus Brammer (TIB) The Netherlands: Wilma Mossink (SURF), Nol Verhagen (University of Amsterdam), Marc Dupuis (SURF/Knowledge Exchange) Publishers: Alicia Wise (Elsevier), Yvonne Campfens (Springer), Bettina Goerner (Springer), Leo Walford (Sage) Knowledge Exchange: Keith Russell The main outcome of the workshop was that it would be valuable to have a standard set of clauses which could used in negotiations, this would make concluding licences a lot easier and more efficient. The comments on the model provisions the Licensing Expert group had drafted will be taken into account and the provisions will be reformulated. Data and text mining is a new development and demand for access to allow for this is growing. It would be easier if there was a simpler way to access materials so they could be more easily mined. However there are still outstanding questions on how authors of articles that have been mined can be properly attributed.
The processes involved in coal preparation produce harmful effects for the environment, mainly by the quantity and nature Of wastes that are generated, These tailings generally called ""pyritic"", even though not presenting a high pyrite content, are an acid material harmful to the environment. These tailings are usually disposed of in tailings dams. The tailings, studied in this work come from a process involving dense-medium cyclones and spirals. They have an ash content of 56% and a calorific value of 5,800 BTU/Lb, the sulfur content is 1.2%. In terms of size, the material is considered as ultrafine, as 63% of it is less than 0,014 mm. The coal matter content of these tailings is easily recovered by froth flotation, as evidenced in this work. It possible to recover 74% of the coal matter and to obtain a product with 7.3% ash and calorific value of 14,225 BTU/lb in dry basis.
This article presents a kinetic evaluation of froth flotation of ultrafine coal contained in the tailings from a Colombian coal preparation plant. The plant utilizes a dense-medium cyclones and spirals circuit. The tailings contained material that was 63% finer than 14 mu m. Flotation tests were performed with and without coal ""promoters"" (diesel oil or kerosene) to evaluate the kinetics of flotation of coal. It was found that flotation rates were higher when no promoter was added. Different kinetic models were evaluated for the flotation of the coal from the tailings, and it was found that the best fitted model was the classical first-order model.
Instantaneous outbursts in underground coal mines have occurred in at least 16 countries, involving both methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2). The precise mechanisms of an instantaneous outburst are still unresolved but must consider the effects of stress, gas content and physico-mechanical properties of the coal. Other factors such as mining methods (e.g., development heading into the coal seam) and geological features (e.g., coal seam disruptions from faulting) can combine to exacerbate the problem. Prediction techniques continue to be unreliable and unexpected outburst incidents resulting in fatalities are a major concern for underground coal operations. Gas content thresholds of 9 m(3)/t for CH4 and 6 m(3)/t for CO2 are used in the Sydney Basin, to indicate outburst-prone conditions, but are reviewed on an individual mine basis and in mixed as situations. Data on the sorption behaviour of Bowen Basin coals from Australia have provided an explanation for the conflicting results obtained by coal face desorption indices used for outburst-proneness assessment. A key factor appears to be different desorption rates displayed by banded coals, which is supported by both laboratory and mine-site investigations. Dull coal bands with high fusinite and semifusinite contents tend to display rapid desorption from solid coal, for a given pressure drop. The opposite is true for bright coal bands with high vitrinite contents and dull coal bands with high inertodetrinite contents. Consequently, when face samples of dull, fusinite-or semifusinite-rich coal of small particle size are taken for desorption testing, much gas has already escaped and low readings result. The converse applies for samples taken from coal bands with high vitrinite and/or inertodetrinite contents. In terms of outburst potential, it is the bright, vitrinite-rich and the dull, inertodetrinite-rich sections of a coal seam that appear to be more outburst-prone. This is due to the ability of the solid coal to retain gas, even after pressure reduction, creating a gas content gradient across the coal face sufficient to initiate an outburst. Once the particle size of the coal is reduced, rapid gas desorption can then take place. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science.
Gas sorption by coal is closely related to its physical and chemical properties, which are, in turn, governed by coal type and rank. The role of coal type (sensu maceral composition) is not fully established but it is clear that coal type may affect both adsorption capacity and desorption rate. Adsorption capacity is closely related to micropore (pores <2 nm) development, which is rank and maceral dependent. Adsorption isotherms indicate that in most cases bright (vitrinite-rich) coals have a greater adsorption capacity than their dull (often inertinite-rich) equivalents. However, no differences, or even the opposing trend, may be observed in relation to coal type. Desorption rate investigations have been performed using selected bright and dull coal samples in a high pressure microbalance. Interpretation of results using unipore spherical and bidisperse pore models indicate the importance of the pore structure. Bright, vitrinite-rich coals usually have the slowest desorption rates which is associated with their highly microporous structure. However, rapid desorption in bright coals may be related to development of extensive, unmineralised fracture systems. Both macro-and micro-pore systems are implicated in the more rapidly desorbing dull coals. Some dull, inertinite-rich coals may rapidly desorb due to a predominance of large, open cell lumina. Mineral matter is essentially nonadsorbent to coal gases and acts as a simple diluent. However, mineral-rich coals may be associated with more rapid desorption. Coal rank and type (maceral composition) per se do not appear to be the critical factors in controlling gas sorption, but rather the influence they exert over pore structure development. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V.