988 resultados para non-relativistic limit
Este trabajo analiza distintas inestabilidades en estructuras formadas por distintos materiales. En particular, se capturan y se modelan las inestabilidades usando el método de Riks. Inicialmente, se analiza la bifurcación en depósitos cilíndricos formados por material anisótropo sometidos a carga axial y presión interna. El análisis de bifurcación y post-bifurcación asociados con cilindros de pared gruesa se formula para un material incompresible reforzado con dos fibras que son mecánicamente equivalentes y están dispuestas simétricamente. Consideramos dos casos en la naturaleza de la anisotropía: (i) Fibras refuerzo que tienen una influencia particular sobre la respuesta a cortante del material y (ii) Fibras refuerzo que influyen sólo si la fibra cambia de longitud con la deformación. Se analiza la propagación de las inestabilidades. En concreto, se diferencia en el abultamiento (bulging) entre la propagación axial y la propagación radial de la inestabilidad. Distintos modelos sufren una u otra propagación. Por último, distintas inestabilidades asociadas al mecanismo de ablandamiento del material (material softening) en contraposición al de endurecimiento (hardening) en una estructura (viga) de a: hormigón y b: hormigón reforzado son modeladas utilizando una metodología paralela a la desarrollada en el análisis de inestabilidades en tubos sometidos a presión interna. This present work deals with the instability of structures made of various materials. It captures and models different types of instabilities using numerical analysis. Firstly, we consider bifurcation for anisotropic cylindrical shells subject to axial loading and internal pressure. Analysis of bifurcation and post bifurcation of inflated hyperelastic thick-walled cylinder is formulated using a numerical procedure based on the modified Riks method for an incompressible material with two preferred directions which are mechanically equivalent and are symmetrically disposed. Secondly, bulging/necking motion in doubly fiber-reinforced incompressible nonlinearly elastic cylindrical shells is captured and we consider two cases for the nature of the anisotropy: (i) reinforcing models that have a particular influence on the shear response of the material and (ii) reinforcing models that depend only on the stretch in the fiber direction. The different instability motions are considered. Axial propagation of the bulging instability mode in thin-walled cylinders under inflation is analyzed. We present the analytical solution for this particular motion as well as for radial expansion during bulging evolution. For illustration, cylinders that are made of either isotropic incompressible non-linearly elastic materials or doubly fiber reinforced incompressible non-linearly elastic materials are considered. Finally, strain-softening constitutive models are considered to analyze two concrete structures: a reinforced concrete beam and an unreinforced notch beam. The bifurcation point is captured using the Riks method used previously to analyze bifurcation of a pressurized cylinder.
A central feature in the Hilbert space formulation of classical mechanics is the quantisation of classical Lionville densities, leading to what may be termed Groenewold operators. We investigate the spectra of the Groenewold operators that correspond to Gaussian and to certain uniform Lionville densities. We show that when the classical coordinate-momentum uncertainty product falls below Heisenberg's limit, the Groenewold operators in the Gaussian case develop negative eigenvalues and eigenvalues larger than 1. However, in the uniform case, negative eigenvalues are shown to persist for arbitrarily large values of the classical uncertainty product.
We propose that the Baxter's Q-operator for the quantum XYZ spin chain with open boundary conditions is given by the j -> infinity limit of the corresponding transfer matrix with spin-j (i.e., (2j + I)-dimensional) auxiliary space. The associated T-Q relation is derived from the fusion hierarchy of the model. We use this relation to determine the Bethe Ansatz solution of the eigenvalues of the fundamental transfer matrix. The solution yields the complete spectrum of the Hamiltonian. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
FRET (fluorescence resonance energy transfer) and co-immunoprecipitation studies confirmed the capacity of beta-arrestin 2 to self-associate. Amino acids potentially involved in direct protein-protein interaction were identified via combinations of spot-immobilized peptide arrays and mapping of surface exposure. Among potential key amino acids, Lys(285), Arg(286) and Lys(295) are part of a continuous surface epitope located in the polar core between the N- and C-terminal domains. Introduction of K285A/R286A mutations into beta-arrestin 2-eCFP (where eCFP is enhanced cyan fluorescent protein) and beta-arrestin 2-eYFP (where eYFP is enhanced yellow fluorescent protein) constructs substantially reduced FRET, whereas introduction of a K295A mutation had a more limited effect. Neither of these mutants was able to promote beta2-adrenoceptor-mediated phosphorylation of the ERK1/2 (extracellular-signal-regulated kinase 1/2) MAPKs (mitogen-activated protein kinases). Both beta-arrestin 2 mutants displayed limited capacity to co-immunoprecipitate ERK1/2 and further spot-immobilized peptide arrays indicated each of Lys(285), Arg(286) and particularly Lys(295) to be important for this interaction. Direct interactions between beta-arrestin 2 and the beta2-adrenoceptor were also compromised by both K285A/R286A and K295A mutations of beta-arrestin 2. These were not non-specific effects linked to improper folding of beta-arrestin 2 as limited proteolysis was unable to distinguish the K285A/R286A or K295A mutants from wild-type beta-arrestin 2, and the interaction of beta-arrestin 2 with JNK3 (c-Jun N-terminal kinase 3) was unaffected by the K285A/R286A or L295A mutations. These results suggest that amino acids important for self-association of beta-arrestin 2 also play an important role in the interaction with both the beta2-adrenoceptor and the ERK1/2 MAPKs. Regulation of beta-arrestin 2 self-association may therefore control beta-arrestin 2-mediated beta2-adrenoceptor-ERK1/2 MAPK signalling.
We study memory effects in a kinetic roughening model. For d=1, a different dynamic scaling is uncovered in the memory dominated phases; the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang scaling is restored in the absence of noise. dc=2 represents the critical dimension where memory is shown to smoothen the roughening front (a=0). Studies on a discrete atomistic model in the same universality class reconfirm the analytical results in the large time limit, while a different scaling behavior shows up for t
We study the dynamics of a growing crystalline facet where the growth mechanism is controlled by the geometry of the local curvature. A continuum model, in (2+1) dimensions, is developed in analogy with the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) model is considered for the purpose. Following standard coarse graining procedures, it is shown that in the large time, long distance limit, the continuum model predicts a curvature independent KPZ phase, thereby suppressing all explicit effects of curvature and local pinning in the system, in the "perturbative" limit. A direct numerical integration of this growth equation, in 1+1 dimensions, supports this observation below a critical parametric range, above which generic instabilities, in the form of isolated pillared structures lead to deviations from standard scaling behaviour. Possibilities of controlling this instability by introducing statistically "irrelevant" (in the sense of renormalisation groups) higher ordered nonlinearities have also been discussed.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 60G70, 60F05.
2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 60J80.
MSC 2010: 26A33, 34D05, 37C25
The utilization of solar energy by photovoltaic (PV) systems have received much research and development (R&D) attention across the globe. In the past decades, a large number of PV array have been installed. Since the installed PV arrays often operate in harsh environments, non-uniform aging can occur and impact adversely on the performance of PV systems, especially in the middle and late periods of their service life. Due to the high cost of replacing aged PV modules by new modules, it is appealing to improve energy efficiency of aged PV systems. For this purpose, this paper presents a PV module reconfiguration strategy to achieve the maximum power generation from non-uniformly aged PV arrays without significant investment. The proposed reconfiguration strategy is based on the cell-unit structure of PV modules, the operating voltage limit of gird-connected converter, and the resulted bucket-effect of the maximum short circuit current. The objectives are to analyze all the potential reorganization options of the PV modules, find the maximum power point and express it in a proposition. This proposition is further developed into a novel implementable algorithm to calculate the maximum power generation and the corresponding reconfiguration of the PV modules. The immediate benefits from this reconfiguration are the increased total power output and maximum power point voltage information for global maximum power point tracking (MPPT). A PV array simulation model is used to illustrate the proposed method under three different cases. Furthermore, an experimental rig is built to verify the effectiveness of the proposed method. The proposed method will open an effective approach for condition-based maintenance of emerging aging PV arrays.
This work introduces a model in which agents of a network act upon one another according to three different kinds of moral decisions. These decisions are based on an increasing level of sophistication in the empathy capacity of the agent, a hierarchy which we name Piaget's ladder. The decision strategy of the agents is non-rational, in the sense they are arbitrarily fixed, and the model presents quenched disorder given by the distribution of its defining parameters. An analytical solution for this model is obtained in the large system limit as well as a leading order correction for finite-size systems which shows that typical realisations of the model develop a phase structure with both continuous and discontinuous non-thermal transitions.
At the jamming transition, amorphous packings are known to display anomalous vibrational modes with a density of states (DOS) that remains constant at low frequency. The scaling of the DOS at higher packing fractions remains, however, unclear. One might expect to find a simple Debye scaling, but recent results from effective medium theory and the exact solution of mean-field models both predict an anomalous, non-Debye scaling. Being mean-field in nature, however, these solutions are only strictly valid in the limit of infinite spatial dimension, and it is unclear what value they have for finite-dimensional systems. Here, we study packings of soft spheres in dimensions 3 through 7 and find, away from jamming, a universal non-Debye scaling of the DOS that is consistent with the mean-field predictions. We also consider how the soft mode participation ratio evolves as dimension increases.
The first objective of this research was to develop closed-form and numerical probabilistic methods of analysis that can be applied to otherwise conventional methods of unreinforced and geosynthetic reinforced slopes and walls. These probabilistic methods explicitly include random variability of soil and reinforcement, spatial variability of the soil, and cross-correlation between soil input parameters on probability of failure. The quantitative impact of simultaneously considering the influence of random and/or spatial variability in soil properties in combination with cross-correlation in soil properties is investigated for the first time in the research literature. Depending on the magnitude of these statistical descriptors, margins of safety based on conventional notions of safety may be very different from margins of safety expressed in terms of probability of failure (or reliability index). The thesis work also shows that intuitive notions of margin of safety using conventional factor of safety and probability of failure can be brought into alignment when cross-correlation between soil properties is considered in a rigorous manner. The second objective of this thesis work was to develop a general closed-form solution to compute the true probability of failure (or reliability index) of a simple linear limit state function with one load term and one resistance term expressed first in general probabilistic terms and then migrated to a LRFD format for the purpose of LRFD calibration. The formulation considers contributions to probability of failure due to model type, uncertainty in bias values, bias dependencies, uncertainty in estimates of nominal values for correlated and uncorrelated load and resistance terms, and average margin of safety expressed as the operational factor of safety (OFS). Bias is defined as the ratio of measured to predicted value. Parametric analyses were carried out to show that ignoring possible correlations between random variables can lead to conservative (safe) values of resistance factor in some cases and in other cases to non-conservative (unsafe) values. Example LRFD calibrations were carried out using different load and resistance models for the pullout internal stability limit state of steel strip and geosynthetic reinforced soil walls together with matching bias data reported in the literature.
Coherent quantum-state manipulation of trapped ions using classical laser fields is a trademark of modern quantum technologies. In this work, we study aspects of work statistics and irreversibility in a single trapped ion due to sudden interaction with the impinging laser. This is clearly an out-of-equilibrium process where work is performed through illumination of an ion by the laser. Starting with the explicit evaluation of the first moments of the work distribution, we proceed to a careful analysis of irreversibility as quantified by the nonequilibrium lag. The treatment employed here is not restricted to the Lamb-Dicke limit, what allows us to investigate the interplay between nonlinearities and irreversibility. We show, for instance, that in the resolved carrier and sideband regimes, variation of the Lamb-Dicke parameter may cause a non-monotonic behavior of the irreversibility indicator. Counterintuitively, we find a working point where nonlinearity helps reversibility, making the sudden quench of the Hamiltonian closer to what would have been obtained quasistatically and isothermally.
Droplet digital PCR (ddPCR) can be used to detect low frequency mutations in oncogene-driven lung cancer. The range of KRAS point mutations observed in NSCLC necessitates a multiplex approach to efficient mutation detection in circulating DNA. Here we report the design and optimisation of three discriminatory ddPCR multiplex assays investigating nine different KRAS mutations using PrimePCR™ ddPCR™ Mutation Assays and the Bio-Rad QX100 system. Together these mutations account for 95% of the nucleotide changes found in KRAS in human cancer. Multiplex reactions were optimised on genomic DNA extracted from KRAS mutant cell lines and tested on DNA extracted from fixed tumour tissue from a cohort of lung cancer patients without prior knowledge of the specific KRAS genotype. The multiplex ddPCR assays had a limit of detection of better than 1 mutant KRAS molecule in 2,000 wild-type KRAS molecules, which compared favourably with a limit of detection of 1 in 50 for next generation sequencing and 1 in 10 for Sanger sequencing. Multiplex ddPCR assays thus provide a highly efficient methodology to identify KRAS mutations in lung adenocarcinoma.