917 resultados para new food products


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Temora longicornis, a dominant calanoid copepod species in the North Sea, is characterised by low lipid reserves and high biomass turnover rates. To survive and reproduce successfully, this species needs continuous food supply and thus requires a highly flexible digestive system to exploit various food sources. Information on the capacity of digestive enzymes is scarce and therefore the aim of our study was to investigate the enzymatic capability to respond to quickly changing nutritional conditions. We conducted two feeding experiments with female T. longicornis from the southern North Sea off Helgoland. In the first experiment in 2005, we tested how digestive enzyme activities and enzyme patterns as revealed by substrate SDS-PAGE (sodium dodecylsulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis) responded to changes in food composition. Females were incubated for three days fed ad libitum with either the heterotrophic dinoflagellate Oxyrrhis marina or the diatom Thalassiosira weissflogii. At the beginning and at the end of the experiment, copepods were deep-frozen for analyses. The lipolytic enzyme activity did not change over the course of the experiment but the enzyme patterns did, indicating a distinct diet-induced response. In a second experiment in 2008, we therefore focused on the enzyme patterns, testing how fast changes occur and whether feeding on the same algal species leads to similar patterns. In this experiment, we kept the females for 4 days at surplus food while changing the algal food species daily. At day 1, copepods were offered O. marina. On day 2, females received the cryptophycean Rhodomonas baltica followed by T. weissflogii on day 3. On day 4 copepods were again fed with O. marina. Each day, copepods were frozen for analysis by means of substrate SDS-PAGE. This showed that within 24 h new digestive enzymes appeared on the electrophoresis gels while others disappeared with the introduction of a new food species, and that the patterns were similar on day 1 and 4, when females were fed with O. marina. In addition, we monitored the fatty acid compositions of the copepods, and this indicated that specific algal fatty acids were quickly incorporated. With such short time lags between substrate availability and enzyme response, T. longicornis can successfully exploit short-term food sources and is thus well adapted to changes in food availability, as they often occur in its natural environment due seasonal variations in phyto- and microzooplankton distribution.


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This paper analyzes factors associated with the rejection of products at ports of importer countries and remedial actions taken by producers in China. As an example, it uses one of the most competitive agro-food products of China: live and processed eels. This paper provides an overview of eel production and trade trends in China. In addition, it identifies the causes of port rejection of Chinese eel products as veterinary drug residues by examining the detailed case studies of export firms and the countermeasures taken by the government and firms.


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This paper analyzes the factors associated with the rejection of products at ports of importer countries and remedial actions taken by producers in China by taking as an example one of the most competitive agro-food products of China: frozen vegetables. This paper provides an overview of the vegetable production and distribution system in China and the way in which China has been participating in exports of these products. Later sections will examine in detail the frozen vegetable sector in China, identify the causes of port rejections, and the actions taken by the Chinese government and by producers, processors and exporters to improve the quality of frozen vegetable exports.


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Fresh-cut or minimally processed fruit and vegetables have been physically modified from its original form (by peeling, trimming, washing and cutting) to obtain a 100% edible product that is subsequently packaged (usually under modified atmosphere packaging –MAP) and kept in refrigerated storage. In fresh-cut products, physiological activity and microbiological spoilage, determine their deterioration and shelf-life. The major preservation techniques applied to delay spoilage are chilling storage and MAP, combined with chemical treatments antimicrobial solutions antibrowning, acidulants, antioxidants, etc.). The industry looks for safer alternatives. Consequently, the sector is asking for innovative, fast, cheap and objective techniques to evaluate the overall quality and safety of fresh-cut products in order to obtain decision tools for implementing new packaging materials and procedures. In recent years, hyperspectral imaging technique has been regarded as a tool for analyses conducted for quality evaluation of food products in research, control and industries. The hyperspectral imaging system allows integrating spectroscopic and imaging techniques to enable direct identification of different components or quality characteristics and their spatial distribution in the tested sample. The objective of this work is to develop hyperspectral image processing methods for the supervision through plastic films of changes related to quality deterioration in packed readyto-use leafy vegetables during shelf life. The evolutions of ready-to-use spinach and watercress samples covered with three different common transparent plastic films were studied. Samples were stored at 4 ºC during the monitoring period (until 21 days). More than 60 hyperspectral images (from 400 to 1000 nm) per species were analyzed using ad hoc routines and commercial toolboxes of MatLab®. Besides common spectral treatments for removing additive and multiplicative effects, additional correction, previously to any other correction, was performed in the images of leaves in order to avoid the modification in their spectra due to the presence of the plastic transparent film. Findings from this study suggest that the developed images analysis system is able to deal with the effects caused in the images by the presence of plastic films in the supervision of shelf-life in leafy vegetables, in which different stages of quality has been identified.


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Los alimentos son sistemas complejos, formados por diversas estructuras a diferentes escalas: macroscópica y microscópica. Muchas propiedades de los alimentos, que son importantes para su procesamiento, calidad y tratamiento postcosecha, están relacionados con su microestructura. La presente tesis doctoral propone una metodología completa para la determinación de la estructura de alimentos desde un punto de vista multi-escala, basándose en métodos de Resonancia Magnética Nuclear (NMR). Las técnicas de NMR son no invasivas y no destructivas y permiten el estudio tanto de macro- como de microestructura. Se han utilizado distintos procedimientos de NMR dependiendo del nivel que se desea estudiar. Para el nivel macroestructural, la Imagen de Resonancia Magnética (MRI) ha resultado ser muy útil para la caracterización de alimentos. Para el estudio microestructural, la MRI requiere altos tiempos de adquisición, lo que hace muy difícil la transferencia de esta técnica a aplicaciones en industria. Por tanto, la optimización de procedimientos de NMR basados en secuencias relaxometría 2D T1/T2 ha resultado ser una estrategia primordial en esta tesis. Estos protocolos de NMR se han implementado satisfactoriamente por primera vez en alto campo magnético. Se ha caracterizado la microestructura de productos alimentarios enteros por primera vez utilizando este tipo de protocolos. Como muestras, se han utilizado dos tipos de productos: modelos de alimentos y alimentos reales (manzanas). Además, como primer paso para su posterior implementación en la industria agroalimentaria, se ha mejorado una línea transportadora, especialmente diseñada para trabajar bajo condiciones de NMR en trabajos anteriores del grupo LPF-TAGRALIA. Se han estudiado y seleccionado las secuencias más rápidas y óptimas para la detección de dos tipos de desórdenes internos en manzanas: vitrescencia y roturas internas. La corrección de las imágenes en movimiento se realiza en tiempo real. Asimismo, se han utilizado protocolos de visión artificial para la clasificación automática de manzanas potencialmente afectadas por vitrescencia. El presente documento está dividido en diferentes capítulos: el Capítulo 2 explica los antecedentes de la presente tesis y el marco del proyecto en el que se ha desarrollado. El Capítulo 3 recoge el estado del arte. El Capítulo 4 establece los objetivos de esta tesis doctoral. Los resultados se dividen en cinco sub-secciones (dentro del Capítulo 5) que corresponden con los trabajos publicados bien en revistas revisadas por pares, bien en congresos internacionales o bien como capítulos de libros revisados por pares. La Sección 5.1. es un estudio del desarrollo de la vitrescencia en manzanas mediante MRI y lo relaciona con la posición de la fruta dentro de la copa del árbol. La Sección 5.2 presenta un trabajo sobre macro- y microestructura en modelos de alimentos. La Sección 5.3 es un artículo en revisión en una revista revisada por pares, en el que se hace un estudio microestrcutural no destructivo mediante relaxometría 2D T1/T2. la Sección 5.4, hace una comparación entre manzanas afectadas por vitrescencia mediante dos técnicas: tomografía de rayos X e MRI, en manzana. Por último, en la Sección 5.5 se muestra un trabajo en el que se hace un estudio de secuencias de MRI en línea para la evaluación de calidad interna en manzanas. Los siguientes capítulos ofrecen una discusión y conclusiones (Capítulo 6 y 7 respectivamente) de todos los capítulos de esta tesis doctoral. Finalmente, se han añadido tres apéndices: el primero con una introducción de los principios básicos de resonancia magnética nuclear (NMR) y en los otros dos, se presentan sendos estudios sobre el efecto de las fibras en la rehidratación de cereales de desayuno extrusionados, mediante diversas técnicas. Ambos trabajos se presentaron en un congreso internacional. Los resultados más relevantes de la presente tesis doctoral, se pueden dividir en tres grandes bloques: resultados sobre macroestructura, resultados sobre microestructura y resultados sobre MRI en línea. Resultados sobre macroestructura: - La imagen de resonancia magnética (MRI) se aplicó satisfactoriamente para la caracterización de macroestructura. En particular, la reconstrucción 3D de imágenes de resonancia magnética permitió identificar y caracterizar dos tipos distintos de vitrescencia en manzanas: central y radial, que se caracterizan por el porcentaje de daño y la conectividad (número de Euler). - La MRI proveía un mejor contraste para manzanas afectadas por vitrescencia que las imágenes de tomografía de rayos X (X-Ray CT), como se pudo verificar en muestras idénticas de manzana. Además, el tiempo de adquisición de la tomografía de rayos X fue alrededor de 12 veces mayor (25 minutos) que la adquisición de las imágenes de resonancia magnética (2 minutos 2 segundos). Resultados sobre microestructura: - Para el estudio de microestructura (nivel subcelular) se utilizaron con éxito secuencias de relaxometría 2D T1/T2. Estas secuencias se usaron por primera vez en alto campo y sobre piezas de alimento completo, convirtiéndose en una forma no destructiva de llevar a cabo estudios de microestructura. - El uso de MRI junto con relaxometría 2D T1/T2 permite realizar estudios multiescala en alimentos de forma no destructiva. Resultados sobre MRI en línea: - El uso de imagen de resonancia magnética en línea fue factible para la identificación de dos tipos de desórdenes internos en manzanas: vitrescencia y podredumbre interna. Las secuencias de imagen tipo FLASH resultaron adecuadas para la identificación en línea de vitrescencia en manzanas. Se realizó sin selección de corte, debido a que la vitrescencia puede desarrollarse en cualquier punto del volumen de la manzana. Se consiguió reducir el tiempo de adquisición, de modo que se llegaron a adquirir 1.3 frutos por segundos (758 ms por fruto). Las secuencias de imagen tipo UFLARE fueron adecuadas para la detección en línea de la podredumbre interna en manzanas. En este caso, se utilizó selección de corte, ya que se trata de un desorden que se suele localizar en la parte central del volumen de la manzana. Se consiguió reducir el tiempo de adquisicón hasta 0.67 frutos por segundo (1475 ms por fruto). En ambos casos (FLASH y UFLARE) fueron necesarios algoritmos para la corrección del movimiento de las imágenes en tiempo real. ABSTRACT Food is a complex system formed by several structures at different scales: macroscopic and microscopic. Many properties of foods that are relevant to process engineering or quality and postharvest treatments are related to their microstructure. This Ph.D Thesis proposes a complete methodology for food structure determination, in a multiscale way, based on the Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) phenomenon since NMR techniques are non-invasive and non-destructive, and allow both, macro- and micro-structure study. Different NMR procedures are used depending on the structure level under study. For the macrostructure level, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) revealed its usefulness for food characterization. For microstructure insight, MRI required high acquisition times, which is a hindrance for transference to industry applications. Therefore, optimization of NMR procedures based on T1/T2 relaxometry sequences was a key strategy in this Thesis. These NMR relaxometry protocols, are successfully implemented in high magnetic field. Microstructure of entire food products have been characterized for the first time using these protocols. Two different types of food products have been studied: food models and actual food (apples). Furthermore, as a first step for the food industry implementation, a grading line system, specially designed for working under NMR conditions in previous works of the LPF-TAGRALIA group, is improved. The study and selection of the most suitable rapid sequence to detect two different types of disorders in apples (watercore and internal breakdown) is performed and the real time image motion correction is applied. In addition, artificial vision protocols for the automatic classification of apples potentially affected by watercore are applied. This document is divided into seven different chapters: Chapter 2 explains the thesis background and the framework of the project in which it has been worked. Chapter 3 comprises the state of the art. Chapter 4 establishes de objectives of this Ph.D thesis. The results are divided into five different sections (in Chapter 5) that correspond to published peered reviewed works. Section 5.1 assesses the watercore development in apples with MRI and studies the effect of fruit location in the canopy. Section 5.2 is an MRI and 2D relaxometry study for macro- and microstructure assessment in food models. Section 5.3 is a non-destructive microstructural study using 2D T1/T2 relaxometry on watercore affected apples. Section 5.4 makes a comparison of X-ray CT and MRI on watercore disorder of different apple cultivars. Section 5.5, that is a study of online MRI sequences for the evaluation of apple internal quality. The subsequent chapters offer a general discussion and conclusions (Chapter 6 and Chapter 7 respectively) of all the works performed in the frame of this Ph.D thesis (two peer reviewed journals, one book chapter and one international congress).Finally, three appendices are included in which an introduction to NMR principles is offered and two published proceedings regarding the effect of fiber on the rehydration of extruded breakfast cereal are displayed. The most relevant results can be summarized into three sections: results on macrostructure, results on microstructure and results on on-line MRI. Results on macrostructure: - MRI was successfully used for macrostructure characterization. Indeed, 3D reconstruction of MRI in apples allows to identify two different types of watercore (radial and block), which are characterized by the percentage of damage and the connectivity (Euler number). - MRI provides better contrast for watercore than X-Ray CT as verified on identical samples. Furthermore, X-Ray CT images acquisition time was around 12 times higher (25 minutes) than MRI acquisition time (2 minutes 2 seconds). Results on microstructure: - 2D T1/T2 relaxometry were successfully applied for microstructure (subcellular level) characterization. 2D T1/T2 relaxometry sequences have been applied for the first time on high field for entire food pieces, being a non-destructive way to achieve microstructure study. - The use of MRI together with 2D T1/T2 relaxometry sequences allows a non-destructive multiscale study of food. Results on on-line MRI: - The use of on-line MRI was successful for the identification of two different internal disorders in apples: watercore and internal breakdown. FLASH imaging was a suitable technique for the on-line detection of watercore disorder in apples, with no slice selection, since watercore is a physiological disorder that may be developed anywhere in the apple volume. 1.3 fruits were imaged per second (768 ms per fruit). UFLARE imaging is a suitable sequence for the on-line detection of internal breakdown disorder in apples. Slice selection was used, as internal breakdown is usually located in the central slice of the apple volume. 0.67 fruits were imaged per second (1475 ms per fruit). In both cases (FLASH and UFLARE) motion correction was performed in real time, during the acquisition of the images.


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Active packaging is becoming an emerging food technology to improve quality and safety of food products. One of the most common approaches is based on the release of antioxidant/antimicrobial compounds from the packaging material. In this work an antifungal active packaging system based on the release of carvacrol and thymol was optimized to increase the post-harvest shelf life of fresh strawberries and bread during storage. Thermal properties of the developed packaging material were determined by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). Volatile compounds in food samples contained in active packaging systems were monitored by using headspace solid phase microextraction followed by gas chromatography analysis (HS-SPME-GC-MS) at controlled conditions. The obtained results provided evidences that exposure to carvacrol and thymol is an effective way to enlarge the quality of strawberries and bread samples during distribution and sale.


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Active packaging is becoming an emerging food technology to improve quality and safety of food products. One of the most common approaches is based on the release of antioxidant/antimicrobial compounds from the packaging material. In this work an antifungal active packaging system based on the release of carvacrol and thymol was optimized to increase the post-harvest shelf life of fresh strawberries and bread during storage. Thermal properties of the developed packaging material were determined by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). Volatile compounds in food samples contained in active packaging systems were monitored by using headspace solid phase microextraction followed by gas chromatography analysis (HS-SPMEGC-MS) at controlled conditions. The obtained results provided evidences that exposure to carvacrol and thymol is an effective way to enlarge the quality of strawberries and bread samples during distribution and sale.


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The main directions in food packaging research are targeted toward improvements in food quality and food safety. For this purpose, food packaging providing longer product shelf-life, as well as the monitoring of safety and quality based upon international standards, is desirable. New active packaging strategies represent a key area of development in new multifunctional materials where the use of natural additives and/or agricultural wastes is getting increasing interest. The development of new materials, and particularly innovative biopolymer formulations, can help to address these requirements and also with other packaging functions such as: food protection and preservation, marketing and smart communication to consumers. The use of biocomposites for active food packaging is one of the most studied approaches in the last years on materials in contact with food. Applications of these innovative biocomposites could help to provide new food packaging materials with improved mechanical, barrier, antioxidant, and antimicrobial properties. From the food industry standpoint, concerns such as the safety and risk associated with these new additives, migration properties and possible human ingestion and regulations need to be considered. The latest innovations in the use of these innovative formulations to obtain biocomposites are reported in this review. Legislative issues related to the use of natural additives and agricultural wastes in food packaging systems are also discussed.


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The aim of the conference is to bring together academia and industry to discuss the safety of food packaging as well as the development of new food packaging materials, including active, intelligent and nano concepts. Bio-based materials will be also discussed due to be a growing area of food packaging. Topics: Food Safety & Quality (Physical and chemical hazards: measurement and assessment; Biological hazards: risk and prevention; Mathematical modelling of risk assessment; Evaluation of food spoilage, food quality and shelf life; Food packaging laws and regulations; Food package interactions: migration measurement methods, models and food safety risk assessment; Food Packaging innovation (Active and intelligent packaging; Nano-packaging; New packaging materials and material development; Bio based and edible packaging; Food package testing; Sustainable food contact materials; Recycling and Life Cycle Assessment).


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Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre no Instituto Superior de Ciências da Saúde Egas Moniz


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We present a new approach accounting for the nonadditivity of attractive parts of solid-fluid and fluidfluid potentials to improve the quality of the description of nitrogen and argon adsorption isotherms on graphitized carbon black in the framework of non-local density functional theory. We show that the strong solid-fluid interaction in the first monolayer decreases the fluid-fluid interaction, which prevents the twodimensional phase transition to occur. This results in smoother isotherm, which agrees much better with experimental data. In the region of multi-layer coverage the conventional non-local density functional theory and grand canonical Monte Carlo simulations are known to over-predict the amount adsorbed against experimental isotherms. Accounting for the non-additivity factor decreases the solid-fluid interaction with the increase of intermolecular interactions in the dense adsorbed fluid, preventing the over-prediction of loading in the region of multi-layer adsorption. Such an improvement of the non-local density functional theory allows us to describe experimental nitrogen and argon isotherms on carbon black quite accurately with mean error of 2.5 to 5.8% instead of 17 to 26% in the conventional technique. With this approach, the local isotherms of model pores can be derived, and consequently a more reliab * le pore size distribution can be obtained. We illustrate this by applying our theory against nitrogen and argon isotherms on a number of activated carbons. The fitting between our model and the data is much better than the conventional NLDFT, suggesting the more reliable PSD obtained with our approach.


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Adsorption of binary mixtures onto activated carbon Norit R1 for the system nitrogen-methane-carbon dioxide was investigated over the pressure range up to 15 MPa. A new model is proposed to describe the experimental data. It is based on the assumption that an activated carbon can be characterized by the distribution function of elements of adsorption volume (EAV) over the solid-fluid potential. This function may be evaluated from pure component isotherms using the equality of the chemical potentials in the adsorbed phase and in the bulk phase for each EAV. In the case of mixture adsorption a simple combining rule is proposed, which allows determining the adsorbed phase density and its composition in the EAV at given pressure and compositions of the bulk phase. The adsorbed concentration of each adsorbate is the integral of its density over the set of EAV. The comparison with experimental data on binary mixtures has shown that the approach works reasonably well. In the case of high-pressure binary mixture adsorption, when only total amount adsorbed was measured, the proposed model allows reliably determining partial amounts of the adsorbed components. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Eight phenolic acids and two abscisic acid isomers in Australian honeys from five botanical species (Melaleuca, Guioa, Lophostemon, Banksia and Helianthus) have been analyzed in relation to their botanical origins. Total phenolic acids present in these honeys range from 2.13 mg/100 g sunflower (Helianthus annuus) honey to 12.11 mg/100 g tea tree (Melaleuca quinquenervia) honey, with amounts of individual acids being various. Tea tree honey shows a phenolic profile of gallic, ellagic, chlorogenic and coumaric acids, which is similar to the phenolic profile of an Australian Eucalyptus honey (bloodwood or Eucalyptus intermedia honey). The main difference between tea tree and bloodwood honeys is the contribution of chlorogenic acid to their total phenolic profiles. In Australian crow ash (Guioa semiglauca) honey, a characteristic phenolic profile mainly consisting of gallic acid and abscisic acid could be used as the floral marker. In brush box (Lophostemon conferta) honey, the phenolic profile, comprising mainly gallic acid and ellagic acid, could be used to differentiate this honey not only from the other Australian non-Eucalyptus honeys but also from a Eucalyptus honey (yellow box or Eucalyptus melliodora honey). However, this Eucalyptus honey could not be differentiated from brush box honey based only on their flavonoid profiles. Similarly, the phenolic profile of heath (Banksia ericifolia) honey, comprising mainly gallic acid, an unknown phenolic acid (Phl) and coumaric acid, could also be used to differentiate this honey from tea tree and bloodwood honeys, which have similar flavonoid profiles. Coumaric acid is a principal phenolic acid in Australian sunflower honey and it could thus be used together with gallic acid for the authentication. These results show that the HPLC analysis of phenolic acids and abscisic acids in Australian floral honeys Could assist the differentiation and authentication of the honeys. © 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Virus-like particles (VLPs) are of interest in vaccination, gene therapy and drug delivery, but their potential has yet to be fully realized. This is because existing laboratory processes, when scaled, do not easily give a compositionally and architecturally consistent product. Research suggests that new process routes might ultimately be based on chemical processing by self-assembly, involving the precision manufacture of precursor capsomeres followed by in vitro VLP self-assembly and scale-up to required levels. A synergistic interaction of biomolecular design and bioprocess engineering (i.e. biomolecular engineering) is required if these alternative process routes and, thus, the promise of new VLP products, are to be realized.


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Designer peptides have recently been developed as building blocks for novel self-assembled materials with stimuli-responsive properties. To date, such materials have been based on self-assembly in bulk aqueous solution or at solid-fluid interfaces. We have designed a 21-residue peptide, AM1, as a stimuli-responsive surfactant that switches molecular architectures at a fluid-fluid interface in response to changes in bulk aqueous solution composition. In the presence of divalent zinc at neutral pH, the peptide forms a mechanically strong 'film state'. In the absence of metal ions or at acid pH, the peptide adsorbs to form a mobile 'detergent state'. The two interfacial states can be actively and reversibly switched. Switching between the two states by a change in pH or the addition of a chelating agent leads to rapid emulsion coalescence or foam collapse. This work introduces a new class of surfactants that offer an environmentally friendly approach to control the stability of interfaces in foams, emulsions and fluid-fluid interfaces more generally.