539 resultados para neglect


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In the past decades since Schumpeter’s influential writings economists have pursued research to examine the role of innovation in certain industries on firm as well as on industry level. Researchers describe innovations as the main trigger of industry dynamics, while policy makers argue that research and education are directly linked to economic growth and welfare. Thus, research and education are an important objective of public policy. Firms and public research are regarded as the main actors which are relevant for the creation of new knowledge. This knowledge is finally brought to the market through innovations. What is more, policy makers support innovations. Both actors, i.e. policy makers and researchers, agree that innovation plays a central role but researchers still neglect the role that public policy plays in the field of industrial dynamics. Therefore, the main objective of this work is to learn more about the interdependencies of innovation, policy and public research in industrial dynamics. The overarching research question of this dissertation asks whether it is possible to analyze patterns of industry evolution – from evolution to co-evolution – based on empirical studies of the role of innovation, policy and public research in industrial dynamics. This work starts with a hypothesis-based investigation of traditional approaches of industrial dynamics. Namely, the testing of a basic assumption of the core models of industrial dynamics and the analysis of the evolutionary patterns – though with an industry which is driven by public policy as example. Subsequently it moves to a more explorative approach, investigating co-evolutionary processes. The underlying questions of the research include the following: Do large firms have an advantage because of their size which is attributable to cost spreading? Do firms that plan to grow have more innovations? What role does public policy play for the evolutionary patterns of an industry? Are the same evolutionary patterns observable as those described in the ILC theories? And is it possible to observe regional co-evolutionary processes of science, innovation and industry evolution? Based on two different empirical contexts – namely the laser and the photovoltaic industry – this dissertation tries to answer these questions and combines an evolutionary approach with a co-evolutionary approach. The first chapter starts with an introduction of the topic and the fields this dissertation is based on. The second chapter provides a new test of the Cohen and Klepper (1996) model of cost spreading, which explains the relationship between innovation, firm size and R&D, at the example of the photovoltaic industry in Germany. First, it is analyzed whether the cost spreading mechanism serves as an explanation for size advantages in this industry. This is related to the assumption that the incentives to invest in R&D increase with the ex-ante output. Furthermore, it is investigated whether firms that plan to grow will have more innovative activities. The results indicate that cost spreading serves as an explanation for size advantages in this industry and, furthermore, growth plans lead to higher amount of innovative activities. What is more, the role public policy plays for industry evolution is not finally analyzed in the field of industrial dynamics. In the case of Germany, the introduction of demand inducing policy instruments stimulated market and industry growth. While this policy immediately accelerated market volume, the effect on industry evolution is more ambiguous. Thus, chapter three analyzes this relationship by considering a model of industry evolution, where demand-inducing policies will be discussed as a possible trigger of development. The findings suggest that these instruments can take the same effect as a technical advance to foster the growth of an industry and its shakeout. The fourth chapter explores the regional co-evolution of firm population size, private-sector patenting and public research in the empirical context of German laser research and manufacturing over more than 40 years from the emergence of the industry to the mid-2000s. The qualitative as well as quantitative evidence is suggestive of a co-evolutionary process of mutual interdependence rather than a unidirectional effect of public research on private-sector activities. Chapter five concludes with a summary, the contribution of this work as well as the implications and an outlook of further possible research.


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The diffusion of highly productive breeds across developing countries goes along with a neglect of indigenous breeds, which are well suited to their environment but often show low yields. Thus, in Niger, the flock of Koundoum sheep are rapidly decreasing. The Koundoum is one of the few wool sheep breeds of Africa and shows important adaptive feature to its native environment, i.e. the humid pastures on the banks of the Niger River. To characterise the breed and to understand its production context, a survey has been conducted in 104 herds in four communes along the Niger River (Kollo, Tillabery, Say and Tera). Nine body measurements, including live weight, were taken on 180 adult sheep (101 females and 79 males). The herds varied from 2 to 60 heads, with a median size of eight animals and two thirds of the herds having less than 10 animals. Mainly fed on natural pastures, 85.6% of the herds received crop residues. Only natural mating was practiced. Veterinary care was restricted to anti-helminthic and some indigenous treatments. The frequent affiliation of breeders to professional unions appeared as favourable to the implementation of a collective conservation program. The Koundoum sheep were white or black coated, with the black colour being most frequent (75.6%). Wattles were present in both sexes at similar frequencies of around 14%. All biometric variables were significantly and positively correlated between them. The thoracic perimeter showed the best correlation with live weight in both males and females. Three variables were selected for live weight prediction: thoracic perimeter, height at withers and rump length. From the present study, it is expected that the in situ conservation of the Koundoum sheep will be highly problematic, due to lack of market opportunities for wool and the willingness of smallholders to get involved in pure Koundoum rearing.


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Texture provides one cue for identifying the physical cause of an intensity edge, such as occlusion, shadow, surface orientation or reflectance change. Marr, Julesz, and others have proposed that texture is represented by small lines or blobs, called 'textons' by Julesz [1981a], together with their attributes, such as orientation, elongation, and intensity. Psychophysical studies suggest that texture boundaries are perceived where distributions of attributes over neighborhoods of textons differ significantly. However, these studies, which deal with synthetic images, neglect to consider two important questions: How can these textons be extracted from images of natural scenes? And how, exactly, are texture boundaries then found? This thesis proposes answers to these questions by presenting an algorithm for computing blobs from natural images and a statistic for measuring the difference between two sample distributions of blob attributes. As part of the blob detection algorithm, methods for estimating image noise are presented, which are applicable to edge detection as well.


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Desde la inauguración del Portal Suba de TransMilenio, han sido evidentes los cambios físico-espaciales en el sector donde fue implementado, materializándose en nuevos proyectos residenciales de alta densidad, centros comerciales, supermercados de grandes superficies, espacios públicos, y vías locales y principales, en un sector que antes de la aparición del portal se caracterizaba principalmente por ser una zona agro-industrial dedicada al cultivo de flores. No obstante, tales intervenciones parecen estar desarticuladas entre si. Por ejemplo, el centro comercial y el supermercado siguen un patrón de construcción cerrada, sin interacción abierta con el espacio público exterior y sin establecer otro tipo de dinámicas urbanas. Por otra parte, puede decirse que gracias a la implementación del portal, la estructura ecológica principal ha sufrido un deterioro importante siendo observable en la disminución significativa de zonas verdes así como en el descuido de los humedales localizados en esta localidad. Por lo tanto, es importante hacer hincapié en la relación sistemas de transporte – desarrollo urbano en tanto que son agentes transformadores del entorno, generadores de desarrollo y bienestar social, y catalizadores de espacios públicos mejor diseñados y más amables, de ser bien planificados y ejecutados, ya que, caso contrario, podrían acarrear efectos contraproducentes en cuanto a la articulación física de la ciudad, accesibilidad, segregación social y el impacto negativo sobre el medio ambiente.


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Resumen El objetivo de este estudio fue el de diseñar un modelo de intervención para la prevención del suicidio en la población escolar de niños y adolescentes, con 72 participantes de un colegio público y un colegio privado de la ciudad de Bogotá. Se caracterizó el suicidio en la ciudad de Bogotá en los últimos nueve años, los aspectos legales, se analizaron algunos modelos de prevención, se identificaron los principales factores de riesgo y factores protectores y se propusieron estrategias para su prevención. Este modelo está basado en la administración social del riesgo y los factores protectores y de riesgo, susceptibles de modificación. Se realizó una prueba de tamizaje y fueron utilizados: el Inventario de depresión infantil (CDI de Kovacs), la escala de desesperanza de Beck y la escala de ansiedad para niños y adolescentes de Spence, validadas a nivel internacional. Se observó una correlación positiva (0.490) mediante el coeficiente de rangos de Spearman, con una significación de 0,01 (bilateral) para los tres factores de riesgo. Se hace entrega de un manual de instrucción para la intervención temprana del suicidio en esta población y un folleto informativo dirigido a padres de familia sobre los factores de riesgo y factores protectores. A partir de esto se plantean implicaciones futuras.


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En Colombia ha existido un gran problema en cuanto al reconocimiento de minorías étnicas, ya que por décadas han sufrido el abandono y la exclusión por parte del Estado. Estos Pueblos han tenido que luchar durante mucho tiempo para subsistir y mantener sus formas de vida, lo cual ha sido más difícil en los últimos tiempos, en la mediad en que el papel del Estado como garantizador del bienestar de la población ha cambiado su función, ahora su fin último consisten en garantizar la continuidad del sistema capitalista, razón por la cual se generan confrontaciones entre el Estado colombiano y aquellos que tiene concepciones distintas frente al mundo.


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Exposure to traumatic stress during childhood, in the form of abuse or neglect, is related to an increased vulnerability resulting in the development of several pathologies, this relation has been confi rmed by epidemiological studies; however, the neural mechanisms underlying such abnormalities are still unknown. Most of the research done has focused on the effects in the infant, and only recently it has begun to focus on the neurobiological changes in the abusive parents. In this article, I review some of the studies using animal models of early adverse trauma and present some of the data on neural changes. Further studies of brain abnormalities in abusive parents are still needed.


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La trata de niños es un fenómeno cada vez más relevante en el sistema internacional y ha generado importantes esfuerzos de cooperación de agencias internacionales como UNICEF y ECPAT. En ese sentido, ambos organismos han enfocado su actividad en las regiones donde se han registrado los mayores índices de violación de los Derechos Humanos. Este Estudio de Caso se ha centrado en el Sudeste Asiático continental conformado por Tailandia, Laos, Camboya, Vietnam, Singapur, Myanmar y Malasia; con el fin de determinar de qué manera han trabajado ambos organismos en la región y de qué forma han contribuido a la solución de esta problemática por medio de la firma de acuerdos internacionales, implementación de legislación nacional y programas de cooperación. A pesar del trabajo realizado no solo por entidades internacionales sino también por autoridades gubernamentales, no se ha observado una disminución real de las cifras.


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Desde hace mucho tiempo una de las integrantes de este equipo de trabajo ha querido profundizar sobre la grave situación de maltrato infantil que viven un grupo vulnerable de niños y niñas colombianos. La revisión bibliográfica de este trabajo nos permite tener una visión general sobre los diferentes tipos de maltrato infantil, determinar las características individuales, familiares y sociales y las consecuencias a nivel del desarrollo psicológico, cognitivo y social de los menores.


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We study economic conflicts using a game theoretical approach. We model a conflict between two agents where each one has two possible strategies: cease-fire or neglect the truce. Under this setting, we use the concept of pre-donations, namely, a redefinition of the game where agents commit to transfer a share of their output to the other agent (Sertel, 1992), and explain under which conditions a system of pre-donations can facilitate a truce. We find that for conflicts involving high costs there is a distributive mechanism, acceptable for both parties, such that, the best strategy for both parties is Cease-Fire. However, in many cases there are no sufficient conditions for the scheme or pre-donations to be effective. We also analyze some limitations of this framework and extend the model in order to deal with some of these flaws. Finally, in order to illustrate the relevance of the theoretical results we briefly describe some of the circumstances that characterized the negotiation processes between the Colombian government and different illegal groups.


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Esta investigación se preocupa por dilucidar la función de la diplomacia cultural como herramienta para mejorar la relación económica de Colombia con Corea del Sur y Australia. Así, se analiza a la diplomacia cultural y lo que hace Colombia en esta materia en ambos países; así como el estado de la relación económica de Colombia en un periodo de ocho años con dichos países, y cómo las acciones culturales colombianas podrían llegar a mejorar dicha relación económica. De esta manera además del desarrollo conceptual de diplomacia cultural y los indicadores económicos, a saber; exportaciones; Inversión Extranjera Directa y turismo; se corrió un modelo de regresión lineal para saber si efectivamente hay relación entre ambas variables y una contribución final que consiste en una propuesta de generación de indicadores de gestión a utilizarse al momento de implementar la diplomacia cultural como herramienta en política exterior.


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O problema que se circunscreve no presente estudo é o sistema de relações entre a confiança organizacional, o comprometimento organizacional e a estratégia comportamental negligência. As principais hipóteses são de que o Construto Confiança influencia a estratégia Comportamental Negligência e que esta relação é mediada pelo Comprometimento Organizacional perspetivado no Modelo das Três Componentes de Allen e Meyer (1991). Foi elaborado um questionário com base em três escalas – Escala de Confiança de Robinson (1996), Escala de Comprometimento Organizacional desenvolvida por Allen e Meyer (1997) e validada para a população portuguesa por Nascimento, Lopes e Salgueiro (2008) e a Escala do Modelo EVLN com plataforma de construção em três escalas utilizadas: uma por Rusbult et al (1998), outra por Withey e Cooper (1989) e outra por Hagedoorn et al (1999), que foi aplicado a uma amostra aleatória. A revisão de literatura do presente artigo teve base em artigos e livros da área organizacional. Identificaram-se como principais evidências que a Confiança influencia a Negligência e de que o Comprometimento Afetivo é moderador desta relação.


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Measurements of the top‐of‐the‐atmosphere outgoing longwave radiation (OLR) for July 2003 from Meteosat‐7 are used to assess the performance of the numerical weather prediction version of the Met Office Unified Model. A significant difference is found over desert regions of northern Africa where the model emits too much OLR by up to 35 Wm−2 in the monthly mean. By cloud‐screening the data we find an error of up to 50 Wm−2 associated with cloud‐free areas, which suggests an error in the model surface temperature, surface emissivity, or atmospheric transmission. By building up a physical model of the radiative properties of mineral dust based on in situ, and surface‐based and satellite remote sensing observations we show that the most plausible explanation for the discrepancy in OLR is due to the neglect of mineral dust in the model. The calculations suggest that mineral dust can exert a longwave radiative forcing by as much as 50 Wm−2 in the monthly mean for 1200 UTC in cloud‐free regions, which accounts for the discrepancy between the model and the Meteosat‐7 observations. This suggests that inclusion of the radiative effects of mineral dust will lead to a significant improvement in the radiation balance of numerical weather prediction models with subsequent improvements in performance.


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Although the potential importance of scattering of long-wave radiation by clouds has been recognised, most studies have concentrated on the impact of high clouds and few estimates of the global impact of scattering have been presented. This study shows that scattering in low clouds has a significant impact on outgoing long-wave radiation (OLR) in regions of marine stratocumulus (-3.5 W m(-2) for overcast conditions) where the column water vapour is relatively low. This corresponds to an enhancement of the greenhouse effect of such clouds by 10%. The near-global impact of scattering on OLR is estimated to be -3.0 W m(-2), with low clouds contributing -0.9 W m(-2), mid-level cloud -0.7 W m(-2) and high clouds -1.4 W m(-2). Although this effect appears small compared to the global mean OLR of 240 W m(-2), it indicates that neglect of scattering will lead to an error in cloud long-wave forcing of about 10% and an error in net cloud forcing of about 20%.


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The annual and interannual variability of idealized, linear, equatorial waves in the lower stratosphere is investigated using the temperature and velocity fields from the ECMWF 15-year re-analysis dataset. Peak Kelvin wave activity occurs during solstice seasons at 100 hPa, during December-February at 70 hPa and in the easterly to westerly quasi-biennial oscillation (QBO) phase transition at 50 hPa. Peak Rossby-gravity wave activity occurs during equinox seasons at 100 hPa, during June-August/September-November at 70 hPa and in the westerly to easterly QBO phase transition at 50 hPa. Although neglect of wind shear means that the results for inertio-gravity waves are likely to be less accurate, they are still qualitatively reasonable and an annual cycle is observed in these waves at 100 hPa and 70 hPa. Inertio-gravity waves with n = 1 are correlated with the QBO at 50 hPa, but the eastward inertio-gravity n = 0 wave is not, due to its very fast vertical group velocity in all background winds. The relative importance of different wave types in driving the QBO at 50 hPa is also discussed. The strongest acceleration appears to be provided by the Kelvin wave while the acceleration provided by the Rossby-gravity wave is negligible. Of the higher-frequency waves, the westward inertio-gravity n = 1 wave appears able to contribute more to the acceleration of the 50 hPa mean zonal wind than the eastward inertio-gravity n = 1 wave.