833 resultados para moral expectations
Abstract¦This thesis examines through three essays the role of the social context and of people concern for justice in explaining workplace aggressive behaviors.¦In the first essay, I argue that a work group instrumental climate - a climate emphasizing respect of organizational procedures -deters employees to manifest counterproductive work behaviors through informal sanctions (i.e., socio-emotional disapproval) they anticipate from it for misbehaving. A contrario, a work group affective climate - a climate concerned about others' well-being - leads employees to infer less informal sanctions and thus indirectly facilitates counterproductive work behaviors. I additionally expect these indirect effects to be conditional on employees' level of conscientiousness and agreeableness. Cross-level structural equations on cross-sectional data obtained from 158 employees in 26 work groups supported my expectations. By promoting collective responsibility for the respect of organizational rules and by knowing what their work group considers threatening their well-being, leaders may be able to prevent counterproductive work behaviors.¦Adopting an organizational justice perspective, the second essay provides a theoretical explanation of why and how collective deviance can emerge in a collective. In interdependent situations, employees use justice perceptions to infer others' cooperative intent. Even if moral transgressions (e.g., injustice) are ambiguous, their repetition and configuration within a team can lead employees to assign blame and develop collective cynicism toward the transgressor. Over time, collective cynicism - a shared belief about the transgressor's intentional lack of integrity - progressively constrains the diversity of employees' response to blame and leads collective deviance to emerge. This essay contributes to workplace deviance research by offering a theoretical framework for investigations of the phenomenon at the collective level. It organizations effort to manage and prevent deviance should consider.¦In the third essay, I solve an apparent contradiction in the literature showing that justice concerns sometimes lead employees to react aggressively to injustice and sometimes to refrain from it. Drawing from just-world theory, a cross-sectional field study and an experiment provide evidence that retaliatory tendencies following injustice are moderated by personal and general just-world beliefs. Whereas a high personal just-world belief facilitates retaliatory reactions to injustice, a high general just-world belief attenuates such reactions. This essay uncovers a dark side of personal just-world belief and a bright one of general just-world belief, and participates to extend just-world theory to the working context.
Background: Primary care physicians are often requested to assess their patients' fitness to drive. Little is however known on their needs to help them in this task. Aims: The aim of this study is to develop theories on needs, expectations, and barriers for clinical instruments helping physicians assess fitness to drive in primary care. Methods: This qualitative study used semi-structured interviews to investigate needs and expectations for instruments used to assess fitness to drive. From August 2011 to April 2013, we recorded opinions from five experts in traffic medicine, five primary care physicians, and five senior drivers. All interviews were integrally transcribed. Two independent researchers extracted, coded, and stratified categories relying on multi-grounded theory. All participants validated the final scheme. Results: Our theory suggests that for an instruments assessing fitness to drive to be implemented in primary care, it need to contribute to the decisional process. This requires at least five conditions: 1) it needs to reduce the range of uncertainty, 2) it needs to be adapted to local resources and possibilities, 3) it needs to be accepted by patients, 4) choices of tasks need to adaptable to clinical conditions, 5) and interpretation of results need to remain dependant of each patient's context. Discussion and conclusions: Most existing instruments assessing fitness to drive are not designed for primary care settings. Future instruments should also aim to support patient-centred dialogue, help anticipate driving cessation, and offer patients the opportunity to freely take their own decision on driving cessation as often as possible.
Collection : Archives et documents
pH monitoring has been used as a diagnostic tool in gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GERD) for many years. Recent studies have shown that wireless capsule pH monitoring is better tolerated and interferes less with daily activities as compared to traditional catheter-based pH monitoring. Moreover, prolonged recording time (48 h instead of 24 h) is possible with wireless pH monitoring. The main secondary effect of wireless capsule pH monitoring is induction of thoracic discomfort in 10-65% of the patients, which can vary from mild foreign body sensation to severe chest pain. Sensitivity and specificity of wireless capsule monitoring is comparable to that of traditional pH monitoring. It has not been proven yet that better tolerability and a longer recording time increases the diagnostic yield of wireless capsule monitoring in GERD.
Collection : Nouvelle encyclopédie théologique ; 26
Tutkielman tavoite ja tutkimusmenetelmät Tutkielman päätavoitteena oli selvittää millaisia stereotyyppisiä odotuksia ihmisillä liike-elämässä on saksalaisista. Tutkimusmenetelmä oli laadullinen tutkimus ja aineistonkeruumenetelmänä käytettiin teemahaastatteluja. Haastatteluilla saatua materiaalia täydennettiin ja peilatiin managementkirjallisuudesta poimituilla kuvauksilla saksalaisista. Johtopäätökset Tutkielman empiriaosassa muodostettiin kolme erillistä stereotyyppiä saksalaisista. Suomalaisten kuva saksalaisista oli suhteellisen yhtenäinen, kun taas kansainvälisissä mielikuvissa oli enemmän hajontaa. Rehellisyys, järjestelmällisyys, muodollisuus ja laadun tuottaminen olivat yleisesti hyväksyttyjä "saksalaisia ominaisuuksia". Toisin kuin auto-stereotypiat yleensä, vaikutti saksalaisten kuva omasta kansallisuudestaan suhteellisen negatiiviselta.
A continuació, pretenem valorar en quina mesura l’home és responsable a la malaltia mental, sabent que és una pregunta de difícil solució i, en certa manera, incontestable. La normalitat serà el nostre punt de partida. Amb aquest objectiu, analitzarem el terme, l’essència, els tipus i les limitacions de la llibertat així com la seva utilització. Donarem espai també a l’exposició de la consciència moral ja que és objecte d’estudi en afers de responsabilitat moral. En aquest cas, volem apropar-nos als fonaments antropològics i ètics de l’home amb la voluntat d’entendre, tot el que sigui possible, el significat de la responsabilitat moral i la voluntarietat de l’acció humana.
Tämän tutkielman tavoitteena on tutkia peso-ongelmaa sekä devalvaatio-odotuksia seuraavissa Latinalaisen Amerikan maissa: Argentiina, Brasilia, Costa Rica, Uruguay ja Venezuela. Lisäksi tutkitaan, onko peso-ongelmalla mahdollista selittää korkojen epäsäännöllistä käyttäytymistä ennen todellisen devalvaation tapahtumista. Jotta näiden tutkiminen olisi mahdollista, lasketaan markkinoiden odotettu devalvaation todennäköisyys tutkittavissa maissa. Odotettu devalvaation todennäköisyys lasketaan aikavälillä tammikuusta 1996 joulukuuhun 2006 käyttäen kahta erilaista mallia. Korkoero-mallin mukaan maiden välisestä korkoerosta on mahdollista laskea markkinoiden devalvaatio-odotukset. Toiseksi, Probit-mallissa käytetään useita makrotaloudellisia tekijöitä selittävinä muuttujina laskettaessa odotettua devalvaation todennäköisyyttä. Lisäksi tutkitaan, miten yksittäisten makrotaloudellisten muuttujien kehitys vaikuttaa odotettuun devalvaation todennäköisyyteen. Empiiriset tulokset osoittavat, että tutkituissa Latinalaisen Amerikan maissa oli peso-ongelma aikavälillä tammikuusta 1996 joulukuuhun 2006. Korkoero-mallin tulosten mukaan peso-ongelma löytyi kaikista muista tutkituista maista lukuun ottamatta Argentiinaa. Vastaavasti Probit-mallin mukaan peso-ongelma löytyi kaikista tutkituista maista. Tulokset osoittavat myös, että korkojen epäsäännöllinen kehitys ennen varsinaista devalvaatiota on mahdollista selittää peso-ongelmalla. Probit-mallin tulokset osoittavat lisäksi, että makrotaloudellisten muuttujien kehityksellä ei ole mitään tiettyä kaavaa liittyen siihen, kuinka ne vaikuttavat markkinoiden devalvaatio-odotuksiin Latinalaisessa Amerikassa. Pikemmin vaikutukset näyttävät olevan maakohtaisia.
This publication deals with various aspects of European Union enlargement effects faced by the companies from EU15 and especially from Finland when doing business in the ten transitional economies which joined European Union in 2004 and 2007
This paper analyzes repeated procurement of services as a four-stage game divided into two periods. In each period there is (1) a contest stage à la Tullock in which the principal selects an agent and (2) a service stage in which the selected agent provides a service. Since this service effort is non-verifiable, the principal faces a moral hazard problem at the service stages. This work considers how the principal should design the period-two contest to mitigate the moral hazard problem in the period-one service stage and to maximize total service and contest efforts. It is shown that the principal must take account of the agent's past service effort in the period-two contest success function. The results indicate that the optimal way to introduce this `bias' is to choose a certain degree of complementarity between past service and current contest efforts. This result shows that contests with `additive bias' (`multiplicative bias') are optimal in incentive problems when effort cost is low (high). Furthermore, it is shown that the severity of the moral hazard problem increases with the cost of service effort (compared to the cost of contest effort) and the number of agents. Finally, the results are extended to more general contest success functions. JEL classification: C72; D82 Key words: Biased contests; Moral Hazard; Repeated Game; Incentives.