942 resultados para microgravity gas-liquid two-phase flow


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A hydraulic jump is the transition from a supercritical open channel flow to a subcritical regime. It is characterised by a highly turbulent flow with macro-scale vortices, some kinetic energy dissipation and a bubbly two-phase flow structure. New air-water flow measurements were performed in hydraulic jump flows for a range of inflow Froude numbers. The experiments were conducted in a large-size facility using two types of phase-detection intrusive probes: i.e., single-tip and double-tip conductivity probes. These were complemented by some measurements of free-surface fluctuations using ultrasonic displacement meters. The present study was focused on the turbulence characteristics of hydraulic jumps with partially-developed inflow conditions. The void fraction measurements showed the presence of an advective diffusion shear layer in which the void fractions profiles matched closely an analytical solution of the advective diffusion equation for air bubbles. The present results highlighted some influence of the inflow Froude number onto the air bubble entrainment process. At the largest Froude numbers, the advected air bubbles were more thoroughly dispersed vertically, and larger amount of air bubbles were detected in the turbulent shear layer. In the air-water mixing layer, the maximum void fraction and bubble count rate data showed some longitudinal decay function in the flow direction. Such trends were previously reported in the literature. The measurements of interfacial velocity and turbulence level distributions provided new information on the turbulent velocity field in the highly-aerated shear region. The present data suggested some longitudinal decay of the turbulence intensity. The velocity profiles tended to follow a wall jet flow pattern. The air–water turbulent time and length scales were deduced from some auto- and cross-correlation analyses based upon the method of CHANSON (2006,2007). The results provided the integral turbulent time and length scales of the eddy structures advecting the air bubbles in the developing shear layer. The experimental data showed that the auto-correlation time scale Txx was larger than the transverse cross-correlation time scale Txz. The integral turbulence length scale Lxz was a function of the inflow conditions, of the streamwise position (x-x1)/d1 and vertical elevation y/d1. Herein the dimensionless integral turbulent length scale Lxz/d1 was closely related to the inflow depth: i.e., Lxz/d1 = 0.2 to 0.8, with Lxz increasing towards the free-surface. The free-surface fluctuations measurements showed large turbulent fluctuations that reflected the dynamic, unsteady structure of the hydraulic jumps. A linear relationship was found between the normalized maximum free-surface fluctuation and the inflow Froude number.


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In an open channel, the transition from super- to sub-critical flow is a flow singularity (the hydraulic jump) characterised by a sharp rise in free-surface elevation, strong turbulence and air entrainment in the roller. A key feature of the hydraulic jump flow is the strong free-surface aeration and air-water flow turbulence. In the present study, similar experiments were conducted with identical inflow Froude numbers Fr1 using a geometric scaling ratio of 2:1. The results of the Froude-similar experiments showed some drastic scale effects in the smaller hydraulic jumps in terms of void fraction, bubble count rate and bubble chord time distributions. Void fraction distributions implied comparatively greater detrainment at low Reynolds numbers yielding some lesser aeration of the jump roller. The dimensionless bubble count rates were significantly lower in the smaller channel, especially in the mixing layer. The bubble chord time distributions were quantitatively close in both channels, and they were not scaled according to a Froude similitude. Simply the hydraulic jump remains a fascinating two-phase flow motion that is still poorly understood.


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Stepped cascades and spillways have been used for more than 3,500 years. The recent regain of interest for the stepped chute design is associated with the introduction of new construction techniques, the development of new design techniques and newer applications. Stepped chute flows are characterised by significant free-surface aeration that cannot be neglected. Two-phase flow measurements were conducted in a large-size model (h =0.10 m, α = 22o). Experimental observations demonstrate the existence of a transition flow regime for a relatively wide range of flow rates. Detailed air-water flow measurements were conducted for both skimming flows and transition flows. Skimming flows exhibit gradual variations of the air-water flow properties, whereas transition flows are characterised by rapid flow redistributions between adjacent steps.


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Water wetting is a crucial issue in carbon dioxide (CO.) corrosion of multiphase flow pipelines made from mild steel. This study demonstrates the use of a novel benchtop apparatus, a horizontal rotating cylinder, to study the effect of water wetting on CO2 corrosion of mild steel in two-phase flow. The setup is similar to a standard rotating cylinder except for its horizontal orientation and the presence of two phases-typically water and oil. The apparatus has been tested by using mass-transfer measurements and CO2 corrosion measurements in single-phase water flow. CO2 corrosion measurements were subsequently performed using a water/hexane mixture with water cuts varying between 5% and 50%. While the metal surface was primarily hydrophilic under stagnant. conditions, a variety of dynamic water wetting situations was encountered as the water cut and fluid velocity were altered. Threshold velocities were identified at various water cuts when the surface became oil-wet and corrosion stopped.


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Heat transfer, micro channel, single phase flow, two phase flow, boiling, boiling regions


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APROS (Advanced Process Simulation Environment) is a computer simulation program developed to simulate thermal hydraulic processes in nuclear and conventional power plants. Earlier research at VTT Technological Research Centre of Finland had found the current version of APROS to produce inaccurate simulation results for a certain case of loop seal clearing. The objective of this Master’s thesis is to find and implement an alternative method for calculating the rate of stratification in APROS, which was found to be the reason for the inaccuracies. Brief literature study was performed and a promising candidate for the new method was found. The new method was implemented into APROS and tested against experiments and simulations from two test facilities and the current version of APROS. Simulation results with the new version were partially conflicting; in some cases the new method was more accurate than the current version, in some the current method was better. Overall, the new method can be assessed as an improvement.


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Diplomityön tavoitteena oli selvittää Loviisan ydinvoimalaitoksen höyryturbiinin suoritus-kyvyn mittaamiseen käytettävissä olevia menetelmiä ja mittausjärjestelmiä. Tavoitteena oli selvittää mitkä tekijät aiheuttavat mittauksiin mittausvirheitä ja tutkia turbiineiden nykyisten mittalaitteiden epävarmuudet. Tässä diplomityössä selvitettiin millaisia standardinmukaisia testejä sekä muita varteenotettavia testejä turbiinin suorituskyvyn määrittämiseen on käytetty ja millaisia mittauksia ne vaativat. Lisäksi tutkittiin eri lähteistä millaisia mittalaitteita ja mittausjärjestelmiä voidaan käyttää turbiinin toiminnan mittauksiin. Soveltuvista mittausmenetelmistä esitettiin toimintaperiaatteet ja teoria. Kunnonvalvontaa varten esiteltiin värähtelyiden ja vääntö-momentin mittaamisen periaatteet. Epävarmuuksia arvioitiin mittalaitteiden teoreettisen epävarmuuden ja laitesijoittelun pohjalta. Työssä havaittiin, että suorituskyvyn arvioimiseksi on olemassa useita standardeja, mutta niiden mukaisiin mittauksiin tarvittaisiin nykyistä enemmän mittaustuloksia. Tarkkoja sekä luotettavia mittaustuloksia on haasteellista saada kaksifaasivirtauksesta. Mittalaitevalinnoilla ja mittalaitteiden määrää lisäämällä voidaan mittausten epävarmuutta pienentää. Loviisan ydinvoimalaitokselle ehdotettiin muutamia mittausjärjestelmiä turbiinin suoritus-kyvyn määrittämiseksi. Erityisesti turbiinin sisäiset olosuhteet tulisi määrittää nykyistä tarkemmin. Vääntömomentin mittaaminen olisi hyvä kunnonvalvonnan työkalu.


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Diplomityössä kartoitetaan mahdollisuuksia aukko-osuuden mittaamiseksi ydinvoimalaitosta mallintavan PWR PACTEL -koelaitteiston pystyhöyrystimen sekundääripuolella. Työ on toteutettu osana kansallista SAFIR2014-ydinturvallisuustutkimusohjelmaa. Diplomityön tavoitteena on löytää kustannuksiltaan mahdollisimman järkevä ja toimiva menetelmä aukko-osuuden määrittämiseksi. Aukko-osuuden mittaaminen on tärkeää sekundääripuolen kaksifaasivirtauksen käyttäytymisen paremman tuntemuksen lisäämiseksi. Aukko-osuusmittausdataa tarvitaan muun muassa laskentakoodien validointiin. Diplomityössä perehdytään kaksifaasivirtauksen ja aukko-osuuden fysiikkaan sekä esitellään erityyppisiä aukko-osuuden mittausmenetelmiä. Kunkin mittausmenetelmän soveltuvuutta PWR PACTEL -koelaitteistoon arvioidaan erikseen. Aukko-osuuden mittaaminen höyrystimen sekundääripuolella osoittautuu käytännössä erittäin hankalaksi. Pääasiassa tämä johtuu höyrystimen rakenteesta sekä mittausmenetelmien korkeista kustannuksista. Tämän vuoksi työssä tarkastellaan myös edellytyksiä aukko-osuuden mittaamiselle erillisessä höyrystintä mallintavassa koelaitteistossa. Mikäli aukko-osuutta haluttaisiin mitata erilliskoelaitteistossa, tulisi höyrystinmallin rakennetta, materiaaleja tai kiertoainetta muuttaa PWR PACTELin höyrystimeen verrattuna.


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Työssä selvitetään kiertolaskennan periaatteita kuplapetikattilassa, esitetään lyhyesti kattilan toimintaperiaate ja paneudutaan alan laskentaohjelmistoihin. Luonnonkierto kattilan vesihöyrypiirissä on seurausta hydrostaattisesta paineesta, joka aiheutuu tiheyserosta nousu- ja laskuputkien välillä. Kiertolaskennassa on huomioitava kaksifaasivirtauksen ominaispiirteet. Höyry ja neste virtaavat putkistossa eri nopeuksilla, jolloin esimerkiksi painehäviön määrityksessä käytetään erilaisia korrelaatioita ja käyrästöjä. Kaksifaasivirtauksen laskennassa tarvitaan kolmea eri taseyhtälöä: energiatasetta, massatasetta ja liikemäärätasetta. Luonnonkiertokattiloissa höyrykierron suunnittelussa on kaksi pääasiallista ehtoa. Ensimmäiseksi tulee varmistaa riittävä kiertoveden massavirta, jotta vältetään höyrystinputkien puhki palaminen. Toiseksi tulee välttää höyrystinputken pinnan lämpötilavaihteluita ja värähtelyitä. Alustavassa luonnonkierron mitoituksessa turvaudutaan kokemusperäiseen tietoon. Myöhemmässä tarkemmassa mitoituksessa käytettäviä ohjelmistoja ovat NOWA sekä kaupalliset PPSD ja Apros. Laskenta lähtee liikkeelle siitä, että lasketaan ensin vesihöyrykierron massavirrat erilaisilla lämpökuormilla ja höyryntuotanto määritellään painehäviöiden perusteella. NOWA- ja PPSD- ohjelmistoilla tehtyjen esimerkkilaskelmien perusteella voidaan sanoa, että tulokset riippuvat käytetystä laskentamallista.


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A small break loss-of-coolant accident (SBLOCA) is one of problems investigated in an NPP operation. Such accident can be analyzed using an experiment facility and TRACE thermal-hydraulic system code. A series of SBLOCA experiments was carried out on Parallel Channel Test Loop (PACTEL) facility, exploited together with Technical Research Centre of Finland VTT Energy and Lappeenranta University of Technology (LUT), in order to investigate two-phase phenomena related to a VVER-type reactor. The experiments and a TRACE model of the PACTEL facility are described in the paper. In addition, there is the TRACE code description with main field equations. At the work, calculations of a SBLOCA series are implemented and after the calculations, the thesis discusses the validation of TRACE and concludes with an assessment of the usefulness and accuracy of the code in calculating small breaks.


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This thesis addresses the coolability of porous debris beds in the context of severe accident management of nuclear power reactors. In a hypothetical severe accident at a Nordic-type boiling water reactor, the lower drywell of the containment is flooded, for the purpose of cooling the core melt discharged from the reactor pressure vessel in a water pool. The melt is fragmented and solidified in the pool, ultimately forming a porous debris bed that generates decay heat. The properties of the bed determine the limiting value for the heat flux that can be removed from the debris to the surrounding water without the risk of re-melting. The coolability of porous debris beds has been investigated experimentally by measuring the dryout power in electrically heated test beds that have different geometries. The geometries represent the debris bed shapes that may form in an accident scenario. The focus is especially on heap-like, realistic geometries which facilitate the multi-dimensional infiltration (flooding) of coolant into the bed. Spherical and irregular particles have been used to simulate the debris. The experiments have been modeled using 2D and 3D simulation codes applicable to fluid flow and heat transfer in porous media. Based on the experimental and simulation results, an interpretation of the dryout behavior in complex debris bed geometries is presented, and the validity of the codes and models for dryout predictions is evaluated. According to the experimental and simulation results, the coolability of the debris bed depends on both the flooding mode and the height of the bed. In the experiments, it was found that multi-dimensional flooding increases the dryout heat flux and coolability in a heap-shaped debris bed by 47–58% compared to the dryout heat flux of a classical, top-flooded bed of the same height. However, heap-like beds are higher than flat, top-flooded beds, which results in the formation of larger steam flux at the top of the bed. This counteracts the effect of the multi-dimensional flooding. Based on the measured dryout heat fluxes, the maximum height of a heap-like bed can only be about 1.5 times the height of a top-flooded, cylindrical bed in order to preserve the direct benefit from the multi-dimensional flooding. In addition, studies were conducted to evaluate the hydrodynamically representative effective particle diameter, which is applied in simulation models to describe debris beds that consist of irregular particles with considerable size variation. The results suggest that the effective diameter is small, closest to the mean diameter based on the number or length of particles.


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The purpose of this thesis is to study the scalability of small break LOCA experiments. The study is performed on the experimental data, as well as on the results of thermal hydraulic computation performed on TRACE code. The SBLOCA experiments were performed on PACTEL facility situated at LUT. The temporal scaling of the results was done by relating the total coolant mass in the system with the initial break mass flow and using the quotient to scale the experiment time. The results showed many similarities in the behaviour of pressure and break mass flow between the experiments.


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Lors du phénomène d’hémostase primaire ou de thrombose vasculaire, les plaquettes sanguines doivent adhérer aux parois afin de remplir leur fonction réparatrice ou pathologique. Pour ce faire, certains facteurs rhéologiques et hémodynamiques tels que l’hématocrite, le taux de cisaillement local et les contraintes de cisaillement pariétal, entrent en jeu afin d’exclure les plaquettes sanguines de l’écoulement principal et de les transporter vers le site endommagé ou enflammé. Cette exclusion pourrait aussi être influencée par l’agrégation de globules rouges qui est un phénomène naturel présent dans tout le système cardiovasculaire selon les conditions d’écoulement. La dérive de ces agrégats de globules rouges vers le centre des vaisseaux provoque la formation de réseaux d’agrégats dont la taille et la complexité varient en fonction de l’hématocrite et des conditions de cisaillement présentes. Il en résulte un écoulement bi-phasique avec un écoulement central composé d’agrégats de globules rouges avoisinés par une région moins dense en particules où l’on peut trouver des globules rouges singuliers, des petits rouleaux de globules rouges et une importante concentration en plaquettes et globules blancs. De ce fait, il est raisonnable de penser que plus la taille des agrégats qui occupent le centre du vaisseau augmente, plus il y aura de plaquettes expulsées vers les parois vasculaires. L'objectif du projet est de quantifier, in vitro, la migration des plaquettes sanguines en fonction du niveau d’agrégation érythrocytaire présent, en faisant varier l’hématocrite, le taux de cisaillement et en promouvant l’agrégation par l’ajout d’agents tels que le dextran à poids moléculaire élevé. Cependant, le comportement non Newtonien du sang dans un écoulement tubulaire peut être vu comme un facteur confondant à cause de son impact sur l’organisation spatiale des agrégats de globules rouges. De ce fait, les études ont été réalisées dans un appareil permettant de moduler, de façon homogène, la taille et la structure de ces agrégats et de quantifier ainsi leur effet sur la migration axiale des plaquettes. Du sang de porc anti coagulé a été ajusté à différents taux d’hématocrite et insérer dans un appareil à écoulement de Couette, à température ambiante. Les plaquettes sanguines, difficilement isolables in vitro sans en activer certains ligands membranaires, ont été remplacées par des fantômes en polystyrène ayant un revêtement de biotine. La quantification de la migration de ces fantômes de plaquettes a été réalisée grâce à l’utilisation de membranes biologiques fixées sur les parois internes de l’entrefer du rhéomètre de Couette. Ces membranes ont un revêtement de streptavidine assurant une très forte affinité d’adhésion avec les microparticules biotynilées. À 40% d’hématocrite, à un cisaillement de 2 s-1, 566 ± 53 microparticules ont été comptées pour un protocole préétabli avec du sang non agrégeant, comparativement à 1077 ± 229 pour du sang normal et 1568 ± 131 pour du sang hyper agrégeant. Les résultats obtenus suggèrent une nette participation de l’agrégation érythrocytaire sur le transport des fantômes de plaquettes puisque l’adhésion de ces derniers à la paroi du rhéomètre de Couette augmente de façon quasi exponentielle selon le niveau d’agrégation présent.