824 resultados para learning disabilities, coping, resilience, support, psychosocial


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Objectives. In primary education the pupils form a basis for their writing skills. By assessing pupils writing skills the teacher gathers information about the development of their skills and notices possible learning disabilities. The assessment of writing skills requires both knowledge of different evaluation methods and the phonological system in Finnish language. The purpose of this study is to analyze the pupils writing skills and different assessment methods that help the teacher in writing evaluation. The pupils writing skills are viewed from spelling, composing and writing motivation s point of view. Methods. The research material consists of dictation exercises, written stories and writing motivation self-assessments of 19 pupils. Dictation exercises measured the spelling skills of pupils and they were written in the spring of the first grade and the autumn of the second grade. Dictation exercises were analyzed with two different methods: mistake analysis and word-structure analysis. Information of pupils spelling skills development was gathered by comparing their performance in autumn s dictation exercise to spring s dictation. Composing skills were measured with stories that the pupils wrote. Both the stories and the writing motivation s self-assessment were made in the autumn of the second grade. Composing skills were analyzed according to assessment criteria formed for this study. Results. The spelling skill of most of the pupils had developed from the first grade s spring to the second grade s autumn. The spelling skills of half of the pupils (N=9) had improved significantly. The composing skills of the pupils varied largely. Strongest part of the pupils composing skill was following instructions and the weakest part was the use of versatile vocabulary and clause structures. The girls outdid the boys in all segments of their composing skills. For most pupils their spelling skill reflected their composing skill: good spellers were also good story writers. The relation between writing motivation and general writing skill was not this simple: some pupils (N=5) writing motivation was much higher than what would have been expected based on their writing skills.


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Fast excitatory transmission between neurons in the central nervous system is mainly mediated by L-glutamate acting on ligand gated (ionotropic) receptors. These are further categorized according to their pharmacological properties to AMPA (2-amino-3-(5-methyl-3-oxo-1,2- oxazol-4-yl)propanoic acid), NMDA (N-Methyl-D-aspartic acid) and kainate (KAR) subclasses. In the rat and the mouse hippocampus, development of glutamatergic transmission is most dynamic during the first postnatal weeks. This coincides with the declining developmental expression of the GluK1 subunit-containing KARs. However, the function of KARs during early development of the brain is poorly understood. The present study reveals novel types of tonically active KARs (hereafter referred to as tKARs) which play a central role in functional development of the hippocampal CA3-CA1 network. The study shows for the first time how concomitant pre- and postsynaptic KAR function contributes to development of CA3-CA1 circuitry by regulating transmitter release and interneuron excitability. Moreover, the tKAR-dependent regulation of transmitter release provides a novel mechanism for silencing and unsilencing early synapses and thus shaping the early synaptic connectivity. The role of GluK1-containing KARs was studied in area CA3 of the neonatal hippocampus. The data demonstrate that presynaptic KARs in excitatory synapses to both pyramidal cells and interneurons are tonically activated by ambient glutamate and that they regulate glutamate release differentially, depending on target cell type. At synapses to pyramidal cells these tKARs inhibit glutamate release in a G-protein dependent manner but in contrast, at synapses to interneurons, tKARs facilitate glutamate release. On the network level these mechanisms act together upregulating activity of GABAergic microcircuits and promoting endogenous hippocampal network oscillations. By virtue of this, tKARs are likely to have an instrumental role in the functional development of the hippocampal circuitry. The next step was to investigate the role of GluK1 -containing receptors in the regulation of interneuron excitability. The spontaneous firing of interneurons in the CA3 stratum lucidum is markedly decreased during development. The shift involves tKARs that inhibit medium-duration afterhyperpolarization (mAHP) in these neurons during the first postnatal week. This promotes burst spiking of interneurons and thereby increases GABAergic activity in the network synergistically with the tKAR-mediated facilitation of their excitatory drive. During development the amplitude of evoked medium afterhyperpolarizing current (ImAHP) is dramatically increased due to decoupling tKAR activation and ImAHP modulation. These changes take place at the same time when the endogeneous network oscillations disappear. These tKAR-driven mechanisms in the CA3 area regulate both GABAergic and glutamatergic transmission and thus gate the feedforward excitatory drive to the area CA1. Here presynaptic tKARs to CA1 pyramidal cells suppress glutamate release and enable strong facilitation in response to high-frequency input. Therefore, CA1 synapses are finely tuned to high-frequency transmission; an activity pattern that is common in neonatal CA3-CA1 circuitry both in vivo and in vitro. The tKAR-regulated release probability acts as a novel presynaptic silencing mechanism that can be unsilenced in response to Hebbian activity. The present results shed new light on the mechanisms modulating the early network activity that paves the way for oscillations lying behind cognitive tasks such as learning and memory. Kainate receptor antagonists are already being developed for therapeutic use for instance against pain and migraine. Because of these modulatory actions, tKARs also represent an attractive candidate for therapeutic treatment of developmentally related complications such as learning disabilities.


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O desenvolvimento da consciência fonológica vem ganhando muito destaque quando se discute o processo de aquisição da leitura e da escrita de jovens com dificuldades de aprendizagem. Distinguir os sons das palavras, compreender e manipular as sílabas parece afetar a capacidade para ler e escrever qualquer palavra. O presente estudo tem como objetivos verificar os efeitos de um programa de ensino para favorecer o desenvolvimento da consciência fonológica. Esse programa de ensino foi elaborado com base em estudos e nas atividades realizadas por Capovilla e Capovilla (2000), Valério (1998), Moussatché (2002), Nunes (2009), dentre outros. A pesquisa está composta por dois estudos: estudo piloto e esstudo 1. O estudo piloto, iniciado em 2012 ? foi formado por dois jovens com deficiência intelectual que frequentavam uma escola regular e apresentavam dificuldade na leitura e escrita. Um estava no início e o outro já havia passado pelo processo de alfabetização. O estudo 1 iniciado em 2013, foi formado por quatro jovens com deficiência intelectual que estavam no processo de alfabetização e frequentavam uma escola especial. A pesquisa foi realizada nas escolas onde esses alunos estavam matriculados. A análise dos testes de Prova de Consciência Fonológica proposta por Capovilla e Capovilla (2000) o pré-teste - mostrou que os sujeitos do estudo piloto apresentavam na primeira testagem bom rendimento em tarefas como aliteração e rima, mas demonstraram dificuldade na parte de segmentação, síntese e manipulação fonêmica.Com a segunda testagem, o pós-teste - realizada após a implementação de um programa para favorecer o desenvolvimento de habilidades de consciência fonológica pode-se observar uma melhora no desempenho dessas habilidades. No estudo 1, o pré-teste mostrou que os alunos apresentavam dificuldades nas atividades que envolviam as habilidades de adição, subtração e transposição fonêmica e um melhor desempenho em atividades de rima e aliteração. Na prova de leitura oral de palavras e pseudopalavras, observou-se maior dificuldade na leitura das pseudopalavras. No pós-teste, aplicado após o período de intervenção com o programa supracitado, observou-se que nas questões de rima, adição e subtração silábica, adição e subtração fonêmica e transposição silábica, os sujeitos apresentaram aumento na porcentagem de acerto das atividades. Nas atividades de aliteração, transposição fonêmica e trocadilho os sujeitos mantiveram os mesmos resultados do pré-teste ou apresentaram queda na porcentagem de acertos. Nas provas de leitura de palavras e pseudopalavras os sujeitos não demonstraram aumento na porcentagem de leitura correta, com exceção apenas de Ana Clara, que apresentou pequeno aumento no seu resultado. Na parte de compreensão de leitura, os participantes apresentaram pequena alteração no resultado, mas não temos como associar essa melhora ao desempenho nas provas de consciência fonológica. Na avaliação de ditado de palavras e pseudopalavras os alunos demonstraram aumento nos resultados


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[Abstract] Verbal communication strategy (VCS) refers to a programmed knowledge applied by individuals to understand and express intentions via language symbols in their realization of communicative objectives according to social conventions. As an important index of social development, verbal communication strategy has provided a new perspective for social skill studies. However, more work has to be done in the investigation of LD children’s VCS developmental pattern and affecting mechanism. Through contextual test, structured interview and role-play, the present study, by adopting integrated measurements of instrumental and interpersonal effectiveness, explored the developmental characteristics of Chinese learning-disabled primary school children across 3-6th grades at both comprehension and application levels. Then, their social perspective-taking performance and verbal retelling competence of each participant were examined, on the basis of which, path analysis was conducted, with social perspective-taking, verbal retelling and verbal communication strategy comprehension as independent variables, to reveal the inner mechanism affecting LD children’s application of verbal communication strategy. Finally, an intervention study was carried out through a combination of polite request strategy understanding lessons and social perspective-taking training dramas. The results indicate that:(1) No significant grade differences were found in LD group for polite request strategy, while significant differences were reported across different grades of non-LD children. For indirect reply strategy, significant grade and gender differences were found among LD children, but the developmental trajectory between the two groups was different. For both polite request and indirect reply strategies, the strategy comprehension level of LD children was significantly lower than those without learning disabilities. (2) No significant grade and gender differences were found in LD group in their application of polite request strategy, while for non-LD children, significant differences were reported across different grades. For indirect reply strategy, both LD and non-LD groups exhibited similar developmental characteristics. Significant group differences only exist in the over-all application level of polite request strategies, not in indirect reply strategies. However, the differences of the latter between the two groups were found at significant level only among the 11-12 year olds. (3) LD children’s perspective-taking and verbal retelling competence were significantly lower than those of non-LD group. For polite request strategy, the influence of social perspective-taking to strategy application was indirect and must be via strategy comprehension, while for indirect reply strategy, strategy comprehension was found to play as a partial mediator between social perspective-taking and strategy application. The influence of verbal retelling to strategy application was indirect on both types of strategies. (4) LD children’s strategy comprehension and social perspective-taking level can be improved, and the improvement of these two competences has significant positive impact on the increase of their strategy application level. Key Words: learning disabilities, verbal communication strategy, social perspective- taking


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Metacognitive illusions or metacognitive bias is a concept that is a homologous with metacognitve monitor accuracy. In the dissertation, metacognitive illusions mainly refers to the absolute differences between judgment of learning (JOL) and recall because individuals are misguided by some invalid cues or information. JOL is one kind of metacognitive judgments, which is the prediction about the future performance of learned materials. Its mechanism and accuracy are the key issues in the study of JOL. Cue-utilization framework proposed by Koriat (1997) summarized the previous findings and provided a significant advance in understanding how people make JOL. However, the model is not able to explain individual differences in the accuracy of JOL. From the perspective of people’s cognitive bound, our study use posterior associative word pairs easy to produce metacognitive bias to explore the deeper psychological mechanism of metacontive bias. Moreover, we plan to investigate the cause to result in higher metacognitive illusions of children with LD. Based on these, the study tries to look for the method of mending metacognitive illusions. At the same time, we will summarize the findings of this study and previous literatures, and propose a revesied theory for explaining children’s with LD cue selection and utilization according to Koriat’s cue-utilization model. The results of the present study indicated that: (1) Children showed stable metacognitive illusions for the weak associative and posterior associative word pairs, it was not true for strong associative word pairs. It was higher metacognitive illusions for children with LD than normal children. And it was significant grade differences for metacognitive illusions. A priori associative strength exerted a weaker effect on JOL than it did on recall. (2) Children with LD mainly utilized retrieval fluency to make JOL across immediate and delay conditions. However, for normal children, it showed some distinction between encoding fluency and retrieval fluency as potential cues for JOL across immediate and delay conditions. Obviously, children with LD lacked certain flexibility for cue selection and utilization. (3)When word pairs were new list, it showed higher metacognitve transfer effects for analytic inferential group than heuristic inferential group for normal children in the second block. And metacognitive relative accuracy got increased for both children with and without LD across the experimental conditions. However, it was significantly improved only for normal children in analytic inferential group.


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It has reported that individuals with nonverbal learning disabilities (NLD) have deficits in visual-spatial organization and strengths in rote language abilities. At present, there are few studies on higher order cognitive abilities of adolescents with NLD, such as the reasoning about spatial relations. The study sampled three groups: a normal group (a control group, C), a nonverbal learning disabilities group (NLD), and a verbal learning disabilities group (VLD). The aim of this study was to examine spatial and nonspatial relation reasoning abilities in adolescents with NLD under figure and word conditions, and assessed the relative involvement of different working memory components in four types of reasoning tasks: reasoning about figure-spatial, figure-nonspatial, verbal-spatial, and verbal-nonspatial relations. Using the double-tasks methodology, visual, spatial, central-executive, and phonological loads were realized. We tried to find how working memory components impact on adolescents with NLD spatial and nonspatial reasoning. The main results of present research are as follows. (1) The NLD group didn’t differ from normal group on reasoning about figure-nonspatial relations. The NLD group scored lower than the C group in spatial problems. So, adolescents with NLD showed a dissociation between spatial and non-spatial relation reasoning. They scored higher in non-spatial problems than in spatial ones. Adolescents with VLD developed well in reasoning about figure-nonspatial relations, but showed deficits in other three tasks. (2) For each reasoning task, the difficult of four types of reasoning problem had different changing trend. For figure and verbal spatial problems, mental model approach can interpret performance of the four problems well. For verbal nonspatial problems, a logical rule approach can interpret performance of the four problems well. (3) Adolescents with NLD did not differ from adolescents with VLD and normal adolescents in phonological, central-executive, and visual dual tasks. But the NLD group had lower performance than the other two groups in spatial dual task. The results showed a dissociation between visual and spatial working memory in NLD group. The VLD group only experienced deficits in central-executive subsystem. (4) The studies found that spatial reasoning mainly loaded spatial working memory, whist the involvement of spatial resources in nonspatial reasoning was little. Visual working memory mainly involved in reasoning about spatial and figure-nonspatial relations, especially in figure-nonspatial problems, and had few impacts on verbal-nonspatial reasoning. Central executive system was involved in all reasoning tasks. The role of phonological loop in the reasoning tasks required further explored. (5) According to the findings, we concluded that the deficits in spatial working memory resulted in poor spatial reasoning abilities for teenagers with NLD, whist because of the limited central executive capability, teenagers with VLD showed poor reasoning abilities. (6) The three groups can used multiple strategies during the reasoning process. They didn’t differ from each other in reasoning strategies. They all used mental model strategy to solve figure and verbal spatial problems, and used logic rule strategy to solve verbal nonspatial problems.


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Self-conscious emotions (guilt, shame, embarrassment, pride, etc) are social emotions, and involve complex appraisals of how one’s behavior has been evaluated by the self and other people according to some value standards. Self-conscious emotions play an important role in human life by arousing and regulating human action tendencies, feeling and thoughts, which can promote people to work hard in achievement and task fields, maintain good interpersonal relationship according with social morality and expectation. The present study aimed to examine complex self-conscious emotional understanding capabilities in junior middle school students with and without learning disabilities, how the self-conscious emotions generate, and relationship between self-conscious emotions and self-representation in academic and interpersonal fields. Situational experimental methods were used in this research, and the results would give further supports for learning disabilities intervention. The main results of present research are as follows. 1. The study included 4 parts and 6 experiments. The aim of study 1 was to explore whether juveniles with learning disabilities understood complex self-conscious emotions differently from juveniles without learning disabilities. We surveyed the self-conscious emotions understanding of 37 learning disabilities and 45 non-learning disabilities with the emotional situation stories. The results indicated that the self-conscious emotional recognition in others for learning disabilities was lower than that of non-learning disabilities in different emotional recognition tasks. Moreover, children with learning disabilities were more inclined to recognize emotions in themselves as elemental emotions, however, children without learning disabilities were more inclined to recognize emotions in themselves as self-conscious emotions. 2. The aim of study 2 was to explore the generative mechanism of self-conscious emotions in academic and interpersonal fields with the method of situational experiments, namely to examine whether the self-discrepancy could cause self-conscious emotions for learning disabilities. 84 learning disabilities (in experiment 1) and 80 learning disabilities (in experiment 2) participated in the research, and the results were as follows. (1) Self discrepancy caused participants’ self-conscious emotions effectively in academic and interpersonal fields. One’s own and parents’ perspercive on the actual-ideal self-discrepancy both produced dejection-related emotions (shame、embarrassment) and agitation-related emotions (guilt). (2)In academic fields, children with learning disabilities caused higher level negative self-conscious emotions (embarrassment, shame, and guilt) and lower level positive self-conscious emotion (pride). However, there were no differences of self-conscious emotions for children with and without learning disabilities in non-academic fields. 3. The aim of study 3 was to explore what influence had self-conscious emotions on self-representation for learning disabilities with the method of situational experiments. 57 learning disabilities (in experiment 1) and 67 learning disabilities (in experiment 2) participated in the research, and the results were as follows. (1)The negative self-conscious for learning disabilities could influence their positive or negative academic and positive interpersonal self-representation stability, the ways in which self-evaluation of ability mediate these effects. However, there was no significant effect for the negative self-conscious and self-evaluation of ability predicting negative interpersonal self-representation stability. (2)The stability level of positive academic and interpersonal self-representation for learning disabilities was lower than that of non-learning disabilities. There was no significant difference of the negative interpersonal self-representation stability for children with and without learning disabilities in the positive self-conscious valence condition. However, the stability level of negative interpersonal self-representation for learning disabilities was lower than that of non-learning disabilities in the negative self-conscious valence condition. 4. The aim of study 4 was to explore the intervention effects for self-conscious emotions training course on emotional comprehension cability. 65 learning disabilities (34 in experimental group, and 31 in control group) participated in the research. The results showed that self-conscious emotions course boosted the self-conscious emotions apprehensive level for children with learning disabilities.


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Stigma is defined as a sign of disgrace or discredit that sets a person apart from others. Stigmatized individuals had been significantly influenced by their group-based stigma. Through the methods of laboratory experiment and questionnaire surveys, the current study started with examining the attitudes of middle school students to the students with learning disabilities (LD), systemly explored the characteristics of perceived stigma and self-stigma of LD students, the mechanism that the influences of stigma on students with LD, and the mental control required to cope with the stigma. The results of the present studies had significant implications for the understanding of the LD phenomenon and the intervention of LD adolescents. The results indicate that: 1. Generally, middle school students had negative implicit attitude and negative explicit attitudes towards the LD students. The effect size of the phenomenon of this study is large. The LD students showed a more positive attitude than others on the explicit attitude measure; all students consistently had negative attitudes toward LD students on the implicit attitude indices, in addition, no group differences and gender differences were observed in the implicit attitude. 2. Eight hundred and seventy two students were surveyed to test the reliability and validity of the new developed perceived stigma scale and self-stigma scale. Both questionnaires showed sufficient content validity, construct validity, criterion-related validity and adequate internal consistency reliability. Then, both questionnaires were administered to student with high academic achievement (high achiever), students with middle academic achievement (middle achiever), and LD students. Results revealed that the LD students mildly stigmatized by the social culture. The LD students had more stigma perception and self-stigma than the middle achievers and high achievers. The results also indicated that there were more stigma perception and self-stigma for LD students in grade two than that of LD students in grade one and grade three; meanwhile, male LDstudent hade more stigma perception and self-stigma than female LD students in all grades. 3. A latent variable path analysis was conducted to investigate how the stigma affect the academic goals using the data collected from 186 LD students. The results suggested that the LD-related stigma did not have direct influence on academic goals. The LD-related stigma indirectly influenced the academic goals through mediating effects of self-stigma and academic efficacy. 4. Stereotype threat could have some influences on the relationship between the task feedback and self-esteem. The results of study using eighty-four LD students showed that: when the negative stereotype was not primed, the self-esteem of the LD students was significantly influenced by the feedback of the task: an enhance self-esteem following a positive feedback and a lower self-esteem following a negative feedback. When the negative stereotype was primed, there was no significantly difference between the positive feedback group and negative feedback group. All the results showed that priming the negative stereotype could weaken the influence of feedback to the self-esteem of LD students. 5. There was more cognitive and behavioral control when LD students tried to cope with the stigma by concealing negative academic achievement during an individual interview with an unfamilar expert. The LD students whose academic achievements could be concealed had more thought suppression and thought intrusion and reported more self-monitoring behavior than the participants in the other experimental conditions.


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Urquhart, C., Durbin, J. & Spink, S. (2004). Training needs analysis of healthcare library staff, undertaken for South Yorkshire Workforce Development Confederation. Aberystwyth: Department of Information Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth. Sponsorship: South Yorkshire WDC (NHS)


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Dissertação apresentada à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Psicologia Clínica e da Saúde.


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Dissertação apresentada à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências da Educação: Educação Especial, área de especialização em Domínio Cognitivo e Motor


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A neural network model of synchronized oscillator activity in visual cortex is presented in order to account for recent neurophysiological findings that such synchronization may reflect global properties of the stimulus. In these recent experiments, it was reported that synchronization of oscillatory firing responses to moving bar stimuli occurred not only for nearby neurons, but also occurred between neurons separated by several cortical columns (several mm of cortex) when these neurons shared some receptive field preferences specific to the stimuli. These results were obtained not only for single bar stimuli but also across two disconnected, but colinear, bars moving in the same direction. Our model and computer simulations obtain these synchrony results across both single and double bar stimuli. For the double bar case, synchronous oscillations are induced in the region between the bars, but no oscillations are induced in the regions beyond the stimuli. These results were achieved with cellular units that exhibit limit cycle oscillations for a robust range of input values, but which approach an equilibrium state when undriven. Single and double bar synchronization of these oscillators was achieved by different, but formally related, models of preattentive visual boundary segmentation and attentive visual object recognition, as well as nearest-neighbor and randomly coupled models. In preattentive visual segmentation, synchronous oscillations may reflect the binding of local feature detectors into a globally coherent grouping. In object recognition, synchronous oscillations may occur during an attentive resonant state that triggers new learning. These modelling results support earlier theoretical predictions of synchronous visual cortical oscillations and demonstrate the robustness of the mechanisms capable of generating synchrony.


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[Letter to the editor of BJLD]


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The education of children with speical educational needs is often accompanied by a requirement for medical or healthcare provision. If this cannot be done safely then the child's access to education may be limited. No standardised template for the delivery of a healthacre input to children in special schools is apparent. This study sought to explore through the use of an indepth needs assessment exercise and focus group interviews, what the most appropriate healthcare roelewas for delivering heathcare in a special school catering for children with a broad range of severe learning disabilities. While an overwhelming viewpoint of participants in focus gorups perceived that a nurse was the only suitable person to undertake the role, the evidence gathered promoted the research steering group to suggest to the contrary, i.e. that the role of a healthcare with a national vocational qualification (NVQ) level 3 in care was more the appropriate person to maximise both the role of the nurse and the quality of care provided to these children.