996 resultados para intra-step quantum wells
A sufficiently complex set of molecules, if subject to perturbation, will self-organise and show emergent behaviour. If such a system can take on information it will become subject to natural selection. This could explain how self-replicating molecules evolved into life and how intelligence arose. A pivotal step in this evolutionary process was of course the emergence of the eukaryote and the advent of the mitochondrion, which both enhanced energy production per cell and increased the ability to process, store and utilise information. Recent research suggest that from its inception life embraced quantum effects such as “tunnelling” and “coherence” while competition and stressful conditions provided a constant driver for natural selection. We believe that the biphasic adaptive response to stress described by hormesis – a process that captures information to enable adaptability, is central to this whole process. Critically, hormesis could improve mitochondrial quantum efficiency, improving the ATP/ROS ratio, while inflammation, which is tightly associated with the aging process, might do the opposite. This all suggests that to achieve optimal health and healthy ageing, one has to sufficiently stress the system to ensure peak mitochondrial function, which itself could reflect selection of optimum efficiency at the quantum level.
Introdução: O adequado selamento do sistema de canais radiculatres (SCR) obtido através da obturação, evita a infiltração de micro-organismos entre as paredes do canal radicular e o material obturador, reduzindo a possibilidade de insucesso do tratamento endodôntico (TE). A falta de selamento coronal, o atraso da colocação da restauração permanente, a fratura da restauração coronal, assim como uma espessura inadequada da restauração provisória, inferior a 4mm, podem, entre outros factores, ser predisponentes para a recontaminação do SCR obturado. Sendo o selamento da entrada do SCR uma importante etapa do TE, neste estudo pretendeu-se avaliar diferentes materiais para tal procedimento, avaliando qual o material que proporciona menor infiltração. Materiais e métodos: Neste estudo foram utilizados 70 dentes humanos monocanalares, que foram divididos aleatoriamente em 6 grupos. Grupo I (15 dentes) foram selados com ionómero de vidro modificado por resina (Ionoseal - VOCO®), Grupo II (15 dentes) foram selados com ionómero de vidro modicifado por resina (GC Fuji II LC- GA America®), Grupo III (15 dentes) foram selados por um compósito fluído (GrandioSO Heavy Flow - VOCO®), Grupo IV (15 dentes) foram selados por um compósito nanohíbrido (GrandioSO - VOCO®). O Grupo V (5 dentes) e o Grupo VI (5 dentes) foram usados como controlo negativo e positivo, respectivamente. Os dentes foram submetidos a termociclagem de 500 ciclos, de 60 segundos de duração cada um, com variações de temperatura de 5°C - 55°C. Em seguida, foram imersos em corante azul de metileno a 2% para avaliação da infiltração dos materiais. Resultados: Em geral, Ionoseal® demonstrou maior infiltração de corante que os outros materiais, e quando comparado com os demais grupos a diferença foi significativa. Porem entre os grupos 1, 2 e 3 não houve diferença estatística significante. Conclusões: LC Fuji II®, GrandioSo® Nano partícula Flow e GrandioSo® Nano partícula podem ser usados como barreira intracanalar.
Our work focuses on experimental and theoretical studies aimed at establishing a fundamental understanding of the principal electrical and optical processes governing the operation of quantum dot solar cells (QDSC) and their feasibility for the realization of intermediate band solar cell (IBSC). Uniform performance QD solar cells with high conversion efficiency have been fabricated using carefully calibrated process recipes as the basis of all reliable experimental characterization. The origin for the enhancement of the short circuit current density (Jsc) in QD solar cells was carefully investigated. External quantum efficiency (EQE) measurements were performed as a measure of the below bandgap distribution of transition states. In this work, we found that the incorporation of self-assembled quantum dots (QDs) interrupts the lattice periodicity and introduce a greatly broadened tailing density of states extending from the bandedge towards mid-gap. A below-bandgap density of states (DOS) model with an extended Urbach tail has been developed. In particular, the below-bandgap photocurrent generation has been attributed to transitions via confined energy states and background continuum tailing states. Photoluminescence measurement is used to measure the energy level of the lowest available state and the coupling effect between QD states and background tailing states because it results from a non-equilibrium process. A basic I-V measurement reveals a degradation of the open circuit voltage (Voc) of QD solar cells, which is related to a one sub-bandgap photon absorption process followed by a direct collection of the generated carriers by the external circuit. We have proposed a modified Shockley-Queisser (SQ) model that predicts the degradation of Voc compared with a reference bulk device. Whenever an energy state within the forbidden gap can facilitate additional absorption, it can facilitate recombination as well. If the recombination is non-radiative, it is detrimental to solar cell performance. We have also investigated the QD trapping effects as deep level energy states. Without an efficient carrier extraction pathway, the QDs can indeed function as mobile carriers traps. Since hole energy levels are mostly connected with hole collection under room temperature, the trapping effect is more severe for electrons. We have tried to electron-dope the QDs to exert a repulsive Coulomb force to help improve the carrier collection efficiency. We have experimentally observed a 30% improvement of Jsc for 4e/dot devices compared with 0e/dot devices. Electron-doping helps with better carrier collection efficiency, however, we have also measured a smaller transition probability from valance band to QD states as a direct manifestation of the Pauli Exclusion Principle. The non-linear performance is of particular interest. With the availability of laser with on-resonance and off-resonance excitation energy, we have explored the photocurrent enhancement by a sequential two-photon absorption (2PA) process via the intermediate states. For the first time, we are able to distinguish the nonlinearity effect by 1PA and 2PA process. The observed 2PA current under off-resonant and on-resonant excitation comes from a two-step transition via the tailing states instead of the QD states. However, given the existence of an extended Urbach tail and the small number of photons available for the intermediate states to conduction band transition, the experimental results suggest that with the current material system, the intensity requirement for an observable enhancement of photocurrent via a 2PA process is much higher than what is available from concentrated sun light. In order to realize the IBSC model, a matching transition strength needs to be achieved between valance band to QD states and QD states to conduction band. However, we have experimentally shown that only a negligible amount of signal can be observed at cryogenic temperature via the transition from QD states to conduction band under a broadband IR source excitation. Based on the understanding we have achieved, we found that the existence of the extended tailing density of states together with the large mismatch of the transition strength from VB to QD and from QD to CB, has systematically put into question the feasibility of the IBSC model with QDs.
Decoherence models for discrete-time quantum walks and their application to neutral atom experiments
We discuss decoherence in discrete-time quantum walks in terms of a phenomenological model that distinguishes spin and spatial decoherence. We identify the dominating mechanisms that affect quantum-walk experiments realized with neutral atoms walking in an optical lattice. From the measured spatial distributions, we determine with good precision the amount of decoherence per step, which provides a quantitative indication of the quality of our quantum walks. In particular, we find that spin decoherence is the main mechanism responsible for the loss of coherence in our experiment. We also find that the sole observation of ballistic-instead of diffusive-expansion in position space is not a good indicator of the range of coherent delocalization. We provide further physical insight by distinguishing the effects of short- and long-time spin dephasing mechanisms. We introduce the concept of coherence length in the discrete-time quantum walk, which quantifies the range of spatial coherences. Unexpectedly, we find that quasi-stationary dephasing does not modify the local properties of the quantum walk, but instead affects spatial coherences. For a visual representation of decoherence phenomena in phase space, we have developed a formalism based on a discrete analogue of the Wigner function. We show that the effects of spin and spatial decoherence differ dramatically in momentum space.
Secret communication over public channels is one of the central pillars of a modern information society. Using quantum key distribution this is achieved without relying on the hardness of mathematical problems, which might be compromised by improved algorithms or by future quantum computers. State-of-the-art quantum key distribution requires composable security against coherent attacks for a finite number of distributed quantum states as well as robustness against implementation side channels. Here we present an implementation of continuous-variable quantum key distribution satisfying these requirements. Our implementation is based on the distribution of continuous-variable Einstein–Podolsky–Rosen entangled light. It is one-sided device independent, which means the security of the generated key is independent of any memoryfree attacks on the remote detector. Since continuous-variable encoding is compatible with conventional optical communication technology, our work is a step towards practical implementations of quantum key distribution with state-of-the-art security based solely on telecom components.
Successful implementation of fault-tolerant quantum computation on a system of qubits places severe demands on the hardware used to control the many-qubit state. It is known that an accuracy threshold Pa exists for any quantum gate that is to be used for such a computation to be able to continue for an unlimited number of steps. Specifically, the error probability Pe for such a gate must fall below the accuracy threshold: Pe < Pa. Estimates of Pa vary widely, though Pa ∼ 10−4 has emerged as a challenging target for hardware designers. I present a theoretical framework based on neighboring optimal control that takes as input a good quantum gate and returns a new gate with better performance. I illustrate this approach by applying it to a universal set of quantum gates produced using non-adiabatic rapid passage. Performance improvements are substantial comparing to the original (unimproved) gates, both for ideal and non-ideal controls. Under suitable conditions detailed below, all gate error probabilities fall by 1 to 4 orders of magnitude below the target threshold of 10−4. After applying the neighboring optimal control theory to improve the performance of quantum gates in a universal set, I further apply the general control theory in a two-step procedure for fault-tolerant logical state preparation, and I illustrate this procedure by preparing a logical Bell state fault-tolerantly. The two-step preparation procedure is as follow: Step 1 provides a one-shot procedure using neighboring optimal control theory to prepare a physical qubit state which is a high-fidelity approximation to the Bell state |β01⟩ = 1/√2(|01⟩ + |10⟩). I show that for ideal (non-ideal) control, an approximate |β01⟩ state could be prepared with error probability ϵ ∼ 10−6 (10−5) with one-shot local operations. Step 2 then takes a block of p pairs of physical qubits, each prepared in |β01⟩ state using Step 1, and fault-tolerantly prepares the logical Bell state for the C4 quantum error detection code.
We describe the construction and characterization of a new apparatus that can produce degenerate quantum gases of strontium. The realization of degenerate gases is an important first step toward future studies of quantum magnetism. Three of the four stable isotopes of strontium have been cooled into the degenerate regime. The experiment can make nearly pure Bose-Einstein condensates containing approximately 1x10^4 atoms, for strontium-86, and approximately 4x10^5 atoms, for strontium-84. We have also created degenerate Fermi gases of strontium-87 with a reduced temperature, T/T_F of approximately 0.2. The apparatus will be able to produce Bose-Einstein condensates of strontium-88 with straightforward modifications. We also report the first experimental and theoretical results from the strontium project. We have developed a technique to accelerate the continuous loading of strontium atoms into a magnetic trap. By applying a laser addressing the 3P1 to 3S1 transition in our magneto-optical trap, the rate at which atoms populate the magnetically-trapped 3P2 state can be increased by up to 65%. Quantum degenerate gases of atoms in the metastable 3P0 and 3P2 states are a promising platform for quantum simulation of systems with long-range interactions. We have performed an initial numerical study of a method to transfer the ground state degenerate gases that we can currently produce into one of the metastable states via a three-photon transition. Numerical simulations of the Optical Bloch equations governing the three-photon transition indicate that >90% of a ground state degenerate gas can be transferred into a metastable state.
Activation functions within neural networks play a crucial role in Deep Learning since they allow to learn complex and non-trivial patterns in the data. However, the ability to approximate non-linear functions is a significant limitation when implementing neural networks in a quantum computer to solve typical machine learning tasks. The main burden lies in the unitarity constraint of quantum operators, which forbids non-linearity and poses a considerable obstacle to developing such non-linear functions in a quantum setting. Nevertheless, several attempts have been made to tackle the realization of the quantum activation function in the literature. Recently, the idea of the QSplines has been proposed to approximate a non-linear activation function by implementing the quantum version of the spline functions. Yet, QSplines suffers from various drawbacks. Firstly, the final function estimation requires a post-processing step; thus, the value of the activation function is not available directly as a quantum state. Secondly, QSplines need many error-corrected qubits and a very long quantum circuits to be executed. These constraints do not allow the adoption of the QSplines on near-term quantum devices and limit their generalization capabilities. This thesis aims to overcome these limitations by leveraging hybrid quantum-classical computation. In particular, a few different methods for Variational Quantum Splines are proposed and implemented, to pave the way for the development of complete quantum activation functions and unlock the full potential of quantum neural networks in the field of quantum machine learning.
Amphibians have been declining worldwide and the comprehension of the threats that they face could be improved by using mark-recapture models to estimate vital rates of natural populations. Recently, the consequences of marking amphibians have been under discussion and the effects of toe clipping on survival are debatable, although it is still the most common technique for individually identifying amphibians. The passive integrated transponder (PIT tag) is an alternative technique, but comparisons among marking techniques in free-ranging populations are still lacking. We compared these two marking techniques using mark-recapture models to estimate apparent survival and recapture probability of a neotropical population of the blacksmith tree frog, Hypsiboas faber. We tested the effects of marking technique and number of toe pads removed while controlling for sex. Survival was similar among groups, although slightly decreased from individuals with one toe pad removed, to individuals with two and three toe pads removed, and finally to PIT-tagged individuals. No sex differences were detected. Recapture probability slightly increased with the number of toe pads removed and was the lowest for PIT-tagged individuals. Sex was an important predictor for recapture probability, with males being nearly five times more likely to be recaptured. Potential negative effects of both techniques may include reduced locomotion and high stress levels. We recommend the use of covariates in models to better understand the effects of marking techniques on frogs. Accounting for the effect of the technique on the results should be considered, because most techniques may reduce survival. Based on our results, but also on logistical and cost issues associated with PIT tagging, we suggest the use of toe clipping with anurans like the blacksmith tree frog.
One of the great challenges of the scientific community on theories of genetic information, genetic communication and genetic coding is to determine a mathematical structure related to DNA sequences. In this paper we propose a model of an intra-cellular transmission system of genetic information similar to a model of a power and bandwidth efficient digital communication system in order to identify a mathematical structure in DNA sequences where such sequences are biologically relevant. The model of a transmission system of genetic information is concerned with the identification, reproduction and mathematical classification of the nucleotide sequence of single stranded DNA by the genetic encoder. Hence, a genetic encoder is devised where labelings and cyclic codes are established. The establishment of the algebraic structure of the corresponding codes alphabets, mappings, labelings, primitive polynomials (p(x)) and code generator polynomials (g(x)) are quite important in characterizing error-correcting codes subclasses of G-linear codes. These latter codes are useful for the identification, reproduction and mathematical classification of DNA sequences. The characterization of this model may contribute to the development of a methodology that can be applied in mutational analysis and polymorphisms, production of new drugs and genetic improvement, among other things, resulting in the reduction of time and laboratory costs.
This chapter provides a short review of quantum dots (QDs) physics, applications, and perspectives. The main advantage of QDs over bulk semiconductors is the fact that the size became a control parameter to tailor the optical properties of new materials. Size changes the confinement energy which alters the optical properties of the material, such as absorption, refractive index, and emission bands. Therefore, by using QDs one can make several kinds of optical devices. One of these devices transforms electrons into photons to apply them as active optical components in illumination and displays. Other devices enable the transformation of photons into electrons to produce QDs solar cells or photodetectors. At the biomedical interface, the application of QDs, which is the most important aspect in this book, is based on fluorescence, which essentially transforms photons into photons of different wavelengths. This chapter introduces important parameters for QDs' biophotonic applications such as photostability, excitation and emission profiles, and quantum efficiency. We also present the perspectives for the use of QDs in fluorescence lifetime imaging (FLIM) and Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET), so useful in modern microscopy, and how to take advantage of the usually unwanted blinking effect to perform super-resolution microscopy.
Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy (FCS) is an optical technique that allows the measurement of the diffusion coefficient of molecules in a diluted sample. From the diffusion coefficient it is possible to calculate the hydrodynamic radius of the molecules. For colloidal quantum dots (QDs) the hydrodynamic radius is valuable information to study interactions with other molecules or other QDs. In this chapter we describe the main aspects of the technique and how to use it to calculate the hydrodynamic radius of quantum dots (QDs).
Atomic charge transfer-counter polarization effects determine most of the infrared fundamental CH intensities of simple hydrocarbons, methane, ethylene, ethane, propyne, cyclopropane and allene. The quantum theory of atoms in molecules/charge-charge flux-dipole flux model predicted the values of 30 CH intensities ranging from 0 to 123 km mol(-1) with a root mean square (rms) error of only 4.2 km mol(-1) without including a specific equilibrium atomic charge term. Sums of the contributions from terms involving charge flux and/or dipole flux averaged 20.3 km mol(-1), about ten times larger than the average charge contribution of 2.0 km mol(-1). The only notable exceptions are the CH stretching and bending intensities of acetylene and two of the propyne vibrations for hydrogens bound to sp hybridized carbon atoms. Calculations were carried out at four quantum levels, MP2/6-311++G(3d,3p), MP2/cc-pVTZ, QCISD/6-311++G(3d,3p) and QCISD/cc-pVTZ. The results calculated at the QCISD level are the most accurate among the four with root mean square errors of 4.7 and 5.0 km mol(-1) for the 6-311++G(3d,3p) and cc-pVTZ basis sets. These values are close to the estimated aggregate experimental error of the hydrocarbon intensities, 4.0 km mol(-1). The atomic charge transfer-counter polarization effect is much larger than the charge effect for the results of all four quantum levels. Charge transfer-counter polarization effects are expected to also be important in vibrations of more polar molecules for which equilibrium charge contributions can be large.
A temperature pause introduced in a simple single-step thermal decomposition of iron, with the presence of silver seeds formed in the same reaction mixture, gives rise to novel compact heterostructures: brick-like Ag@Fe3O4 core-shell nanoparticles. This novel method is relatively easy to implement, and could contribute to overcome the challenge of obtaining a multifunctional heteroparticle in which a noble metal is surrounded by magnetite. Structural analyses of the samples show 4 nm silver nanoparticles wrapped within compact cubic external structures of Fe oxide, with curious rectangular shape. The magnetic properties indicate a near superparamagnetic like behavior with a weak hysteresis at room temperature. The value of the anisotropy involved makes these particles candidates to potential applications in nanomedicine.
Condensation processes are of key importance in nature and play a fundamental role in chemistry and physics. Owing to size effects at the nanoscale, it is conceptually desired to experimentally probe the dependence of condensate structure on the number of constituents one by one. Here we present an approach to study a condensation process atom-by-atom with the scanning tunnelling microscope, which provides a direct real-space access with atomic precision to the aggregates formed in atomically defined 'quantum boxes'. Our analysis reveals the subtle interplay of competing directional and nondirectional interactions in the emergence of structure and provides unprecedented input for the structural comparison with quantum mechanical models. This approach focuses on-but is not limited to-the model case of xenon condensation and goes significantly beyond the well-established statistical size analysis of clusters in atomic or molecular beams by mass spectrometry.