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Neurobiological models support an involvement of white matter tracts in the pathophysiology of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), but there has been little systematic evaluation of white matter volumes in OCD using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). We investigated potential differences in the volume of the cingulum bundle (CB) and anterior limb of internal capsule (ALIC) in OCD patients (n = 19) relative to asymptomatic control subjects (n = 15). White matter volumes were assessed using a 1.5T MRI scanner. Between-group comparisons were carried out after spatial normalization and image segmentation using optimized voxel-based morphometry. Correlations between regional white matter volumes in OCD subjects and symptom severity ratings were also investigated. We found significant global white matter reductions in OCD patients compared to control subjects. The voxel-based search for regional abnormalities (with covariance for total white matter volumes) showed no specific white matter volume deficits in brain portions predicted a priori to be affected in OCD (CB and ALIC). However, large clusters of significant positive correlation with OCD severity scores were found bilaterally on the ALIC. These findings provide evidence of OCD-related ALIC abnormalities and suggest a connectivity dysfunction within frontal-striatal-thalamic-cortical circuits. Further studies are warranted to better define the role of such white matter alterations in the pathophysiology of OCD, and may provide clues for a more effectively targeting of neurosurgical treatments for OCD. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Alouatta guariba clamitans (brown howler monkey) is an endemic primate from the southeastern Brazil tropical forests, classified as near threatened by the IUCN Red List 2007. The genus Aloualta is one of the most difficult New World monkeys to breed and rear in captivity. In this study we examined the macroscopic and histological aspects of the female genital tract of wild brown howler monkeys to provide baseline information for future reproduction research. The anatomical relationship between the vagina, uterus, broad ligament, oviducts and ovaries are those of a typical primate reproductive tract. The fundic portion of the uterus is globoid, the cervix is well developed, which confers to the uterus an elongated shape, and the vagina is a long flattened channel. Histological analysis conducted in females in the follicular phase revealed large quantities of interstitial luteinized tissue in the ovaries, a stratified nonkeratinized vaginal epithelium, lack of glands in the vaginal mucosa and simple tubular endometrial glands. The observed anatomical features should be considered in the adaptation and application of assisted reproductive techniques aimed at improving captive reproduction for species conservation. Am. J. Primatol. 71:145-152, 2009. (C) 2008 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
The purpose of this research was to evaluate educational strategies applied to a tele-education leprosy course. The curriculum was for members of the Brazilian Family Health Team and was made available through the Sao Paulo Telehealth Portal. The course educational strategy was based on a constructivist learning model where interactivity was emphasized. Authors assessed motivational aspects of the course using the WebMAC Professional tool. Forty-eight healthcare professionals answered the evaluation questionnaire. Adequate internal consistency was achieved (Cronbach`s alpha = 0.79). More than 95% of queried items received good evaluations. Multidimensional analysis according to motivational groups of questions (STIMULATING, MEANINGFUL, ORGANIZED, EASY-TO-USE) showed high agreement. According to WebMAC`s criteria, it was considered an ""awesome course."" The tele-educational strategies implemented for leprosy disclosed high motivational scores.
Context. Although several studies have evaluated the frequency of adverse drug reactions (ADRs) and drug-drug interactions (DDIs) in general medicine, few studies have looked at the epidemiology of adverse drug events (ADEs) in oncology. Objectives. We sought to investigate how many hospital admissions in oncology are related to a DDI or an ADR. Methods. All cancer patients admitted to an oncology ward during an eight-month period had their charts retrospectively evaluated for reasons of hospitalization, using a 4-point scale (definitely, probably, possibly, or unlikely associated) to classify admissions by their probability of being associated with either a DDI or an ADR. Results. From September 2007 to May 2008, there were 550 hospital admissions and 458 were eligible. Among unplanned admissions (n = 298), 39 (13.0%, 95% confidence interval [CI] 9.4%-17.4%) were considered to be associated with an ADE, 33 (11.0%, 95% CI 7.7%-15.2%) with an ADR, and six (2.0%, 95% CI 0.7%-4.3%) with a DDI. The most common DDIs involved warfarin, captopril, and anti-inflammatory agents, and the most frequent ADR was neutropenic fever post-chemotherapy. Most patients were discharged completely recovered, but two patients died. Conclusion. Approximately one in 10 unplanned hospitalizations of cancer patients is associated with an ADE. Prospective and population-based studies are warranted to evaluate their magnitude in oncology. J Pain Symptom Manage 2011;42:342-353. (C) 2011 U.S. Cancer Pain Relief Committee. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Objective: The purpose of this study was to investigate the reliability and validity of photogrammetry in measuring the lateral spinal inclination angles. Methods: Forty subjects (32 female and 8 males) with a mean age of 23.4 +/- 11.2 years had their scoliosis evaluated by radiographs of their trunk, determined by the Cobb angle method, and by photogrammetry. The statistical methods used included Cronbach alpha, Pearson/Spearman correlation coefficients, and regression analyses. Results: The Cronbach a values showed that the photogrammetric measures showed high internal consistency, which indicated that the sample was bias free. The radiograph method showed to be more precise with intrarater reliabilities of 0.936, 0.975, and 0.945 for the thoracic, lumbar, and thoracolumbar curves, respectively, and interrater reliabilities of 0.942 and 0.879 for the angular measures of the thoracic and thoracolumbar segments, respectively. The regression analyses revealed a high determination coefficient although limited to the adjusted linear model between the radiographic and photographic measures. It was found that with more severe scoliosis, the lateral curve measures obtained with the photogrammetry were for the thoracic and lumbar regions (R = 0.619 and 0.551). Conclusions: The photogrammetric measures were found to be reproducible in this study and could be used as Supplementary information to decrease the number of radiographs necessary for the monitoring of scoliosis. (J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2009;32:423-430)
Objective: The Purpose of this study was to determine whether handedness influences bilateral shoulder range of motion in nonathlete adult women. Methods: This was an observational Study. Shoulder range of motion (flexion, abduction, horizontal adduction, extension, external and internal rotation) was passively and bilaterally measured in 50 female, right-handed, and healthy university students, ranging from 20 to 29 years of age, who were not practicing repetitive activities with the upper limbs at the time Of this study. The assessment was performed with a universal goniometer, twice for each subject by the same examiner. irst and second measurements were correlated using the intraclass correlation coefficient, which was high for all movements and ranged from 0.80 to 0.97. The Student t test and Wilcoxon test were used to compare the range of motion between the dominant and nondominant shoulders and the mean differences between the 2 sides. The effect of size vias alpha = .05. Results: There is statistically significance difference between the 2 sides when the rotational range of motion is compared the dominant shoulder presented increased external rotation (mean, 4.74 degrees; 95% confidence interval, 1.61-7.87) and decreased internal rotation (mean, 3.52 degrees; 95% confidence interval, 1.64-5.4) compared to the opposite Shoulder. Conclusion: Dominance should be considered when shoulder rotation is evaluated even in nonathlete adult women. (J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2009;32:149-153)
Introduction. Diabetes is a risk factor for female sexual dysfunction (FSD). FSD has several etiologies, including a vasculogenic component that could be exacerbated in diabetes. The internal pudendal artery supplies blood to the vagina and clitoris and diabetes-associated functional abnormalities in this vascular bed may contribute to FSD. Aim. The Goto-Kakizaki (GK) rat is a non-obese model of type 2 diabetes with elevated endothelin-1 (ET-1) activity. We hypothesize that female GK rats have diminished sexual responses and that the internal pudendal arteries demonstrate increased ET-1 constrictor sensitivity. Methods. Female Wistar and GK rats were used. Apomorphine (APO)-mediated genital vasocongestive arousal (GVA) was measured. Functional contraction (ET-1 and phenylephrine) and relaxation (acetylcholine, ACh) in the presence or absence of the ETA receptor antagonist (ET(A)R; atrasentan) or Rho-kinase inhibitor (Y-27632) were assessed in the internal pudendal and mesenteric arteries. Protein expression of ET-1 and RhoA/Rho-kinase signaling pathway was determined in the internal pudendal and mesenteric arteries. Main Outcome Measure. APO-mediated GVAs; contraction and relaxation of internal pudendal and mesenteric arteries; ET-1/RhoA/Rho-kinase protein expression. Results. GK rats demonstrated no APO-induced GVAs. Internal pudendal arteries, but not mesenteric arteries, from GK rats exhibited greater contractile sensitivity to ET-1 compared with Wistar arteries. ETAR blockade reduced ET-1-mediated constriction in GK internal pudendal and mesenteric arteries. Rho-kinase inhibition reduced ET-1-mediated constriction of GK internal pudendal but not mesenteric arteries; however, it had no effect on arteries from Wistar rats. RhoA protein expression was elevated in GK internal pudendal arteries. At the highest concentrations, ACh-mediated relaxation was greater in the GK internal pudendal artery; however, no difference was observed in the mesenteric artery. Conclusions. Female GK rats demonstrate decreased sexual responses that may be because of increased constrictor sensitivity to the ET-1/RhoA/Rho-kinase signaling in the internal pudendal artery. Allahdadi KJ, Hannan JL, Ergul A, Tostes RC, and Webb RC. Internal pudendal artery from type 2 diabetic female rats demonstrate elevated endothelin-1-mediated constriction. J Sex Med 2011;8:2472-2483.
Introduction. Endothelin-1 (ET-1), a potent vasoconstrictor peptide, acts mainly through the Gprotein-coupled ET(A) receptor (ET(A)R). Increased vascular ET-1 production and constrictor sensitivity have been observed in various cardiovascular diseases, including hypertension, as well as erectile dysfunction. The internal pudendal artery (IPA) supplies blood to the vagina and clitoris. Inadequate blood flow through the IPA may lead to insufficient vaginal engorgement and clitoral tumescence. Aim. Characterize the effects of ET-1 on the IPA and clitoral artery (CA). Methods. IPA and CA from female Sprague Dawley rats (225-250 g) were mounted in myograph chambers. Arterial segments were submitted to increasing concentrations of ET-1 (10-10-10-6 M). Segments were incubated with the ET(A)R antagonist, atrasentan (10-8 M) or the Rho-kinase inhibitor, Y-27632 (10-6 M) 30 minutes prior to agonist exposure. All E(max) values are expressed as % KCl-induced maximal contraction. ET(A)R, RhoA, and Rho-kinase expression from IPA was evaluated by Western blot. mRNA of preproET-1, ET(A)R, ET(B)R, RhoA, and Rho-kinase were measured by real time PCR. Main Outcome Measures. ET-1 constrictor sensitivity in IPA and CA, protein expression and messenger RNA levels of ET-1-mediated constriction components. Results. ET-1 concentration-dependently contracted IPA (% Contraction and pD2, respectively: 156 +/- 18, 8.2 +/- 0.1) and CA (163 +/- 12, 8.8 +/- 0.08), while ET(A)R antagonism reduced ET-1-mediated contraction (IPA: 104 +/- 23, 6.4 +/- 0.2; CA: 112 +/- 17, 6.6 +/- 0.08). Pretreatment with Y-27632 significantly shifted ET-1 pD2 in IPA (108 +/- 24, 7.9 +/- 0.1) and CA (147 +/- 58 and 8.0 +/- 0.25). Protein expression of ET(A)R, ET(B)R, RhoA, and Rho-kinase were detected in IPA. IPA and CA contained preproET-1, ET(A)R, ET(B)R, RhoA, and Rho-kinase message. Conclusion. We observed that the IPA and CA are sensitive to ET-1, signaling through the ET(A)R and Rho-kinase pathway. These data indicate that ET-1 may play a role in vaginal and clitoral blood flow and may be important in pathologies where ET-1 levels are elevated. Allahdadi KJ, Hannan JL, Tostes RC, and Webb RC. Endothelin-1 induces contraction of female rat internal pudendal and clitoral arteries through ETA receptor and Rho-kinase activation. J Sex Med 2010;7:2096-2103.