929 resultados para interest on judgment for damages for personal injuries


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Interest on using teams of mobile robots has been growing, due to their potential to cooperate for diverse purposes, such as rescue, de-mining, surveillance or even games such as robotic soccer. These applications require a real-time middleware and wireless communication protocol that can support an efficient and timely fusion of the perception data from different robots as well as the development of coordinated behaviours. Coordinating several autonomous robots towards achieving a common goal is currently a topic of high interest, which can be found in many application domains. Despite these different application domains, the technical problem of building an infrastructure to support the integration of the distributed perception and subsequent coordinated action is similar. This problem becomes tougher with stronger system dynamics, e.g., when the robots move faster or interact with fast objects, leading to tighter real-time constraints. This thesis work addressed computing architectures and wireless communication protocols to support efficient information sharing and coordination strategies taking into account the real-time nature of robot activities. The thesis makes two main claims. Firstly, we claim that despite the use of a wireless communication protocol that includes arbitration mechanisms, the self-organization of the team communications in a dynamic round that also accounts for variable team membership, effectively reduces collisions within the team, independently of its current composition, significantly improving the quality of the communications. We will validate this claim in terms of packet losses and communication latency. We show how such self-organization of the communications can be achieved in an efficient way with the Reconfigurable and Adaptive TDMA protocol. Secondly, we claim that the development of distributed perception, cooperation and coordinated action for teams of mobile robots can be simplified by using a shared memory middleware that replicates in each cooperating robot all necessary remote data, the Real-Time Database (RTDB) middleware. These remote data copies, which are updated in the background by the selforganizing communications protocol, are extended with age information automatically computed by the middleware and are locally accessible through fast primitives. We validate our claim showing a parsimonious use of the communication medium, improved timing information with respect to the shared data and the simplicity of use and effectiveness of the proposed middleware shown in several use cases, reinforced with a reasonable impact in the Middle Size League of RoboCup.


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The main purpose of this thesis is to investigate the potential of ionic liquids (ILs) as a new class of extractive solvents for added-value products from biomass. These include phenolic compounds (vanillin, gallic, syringic and vanillic acids), alkaloids (caffeine) and aminoacids (L-tryptophan). The interest on these natural compounds relies on the wide variety of relevant properties shown by those families and further application in the food, cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries. Aiming at developping more benign and effective extraction/purification techniques than those used, a comprehensive study was conducted using aqueous biphasic systems (ABS) composed of ILs and inorganic/organic salts. In addition, ILs were characterized by a polarity scale, using solvatochromic probes, aiming at providing prior indications on the ILs affinity for particular added-value products. Solid-liquid (S-L) extractions from biomass and using aqueous solution of ILs were also investigated. In particular, and applying and experimental factorial design to optimize the operational conditions, caffeine was extracted from guaraná seeds and spent coffee. With both types of extractions it was found that it is possible to recover the high-value compounds and to recycle the IL and salt solutions. Finally, aiming at exploring the recovery of added-value compounds from biomass using a simpler and more suistainable technique, the solubility of gallic acid, vanillin and caffeine was studied in aqueous solutions of several ILs and common salts. With the gathered results it was possible to demonstrate that ILs act as hydrotropes and that water can be used as an adequate antisolvent. This thesis describes the use of ILs towards the development of more effective and sustainable processes.


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Systems equipped with multiple antennas at the transmitter and at the receiver, known as MIMO (Multiple Input Multiple Output) systems, offer higher capacities, allowing an efficient exploitation of the available spectrum and/or the employment of more demanding applications. It is well known that the radio channel is characterized by multipath propagation, a phenomenon deemed problematic and whose mitigation has been achieved through techniques such as diversity, beamforming or adaptive antennas. By exploring conveniently the spatial domain MIMO systems turn the characteristics of the multipath channel into an advantage and allow creating multiple parallel and independent virtual channels. However, the achievable benefits are constrained by the propagation channel’s characteristics, which may not always be ideal. This work focuses on the characterization of the MIMO radio channel. It begins with the presentation of the fundamental results from information theory that triggered the interest on these systems, including the discussion of some of their potential benefits and a review of the existing channel models for MIMO systems. The characterization of the MIMO channel developed in this work is based on experimental measurements of the double-directional channel. The measurement system is based on a vector network analyzer and a two-dimensional positioning platform, both controlled by a computer, allowing the measurement of the channel’s frequency response at the locations of a synthetic array. Data is then processed using the SAGE (Space-Alternating Expectation-Maximization) algorithm to obtain the parameters (delay, direction of arrival and complex amplitude) of the channel’s most relevant multipath components. Afterwards, using a clustering algorithm these data are grouped into clusters. Finally, statistical information is extracted allowing the characterization of the channel’s multipath components. The information about the multipath characteristics of the channel, induced by existing scatterers in the propagation scenario, enables the characterization of MIMO channel and thus to evaluate its performance. The method was finally validated using MIMO measurements.


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Psychological symptoms are common among burn survivors. However, knowledge about epidemiology and predictors of psychopathology has shown great heterogeneity in this population. The Fenix-II Project was the first epidemiological study on the psychopathological consequences of burn injuries developed in Spain, providing a detailed analysis of the progression of psychological symptoms during the first six months after injury. Three hundred and thirty-three patients were monitored and 183 were included in this study. Posttraumatic, depression and anxiety symptoms showed a general decreasing tendency across time. At 6 months, 34 patients showed clinically significant Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) symptoms (20.5% of 166 patients reached at 6 months) as measured with the MINI Neuropsychiatric Interview. Within this group of patients, anxiety, depression and hyperarousal increased at 30 days, and avoidance 90 days after injury. The most accurate predictors of PTSD were found to be being burned in a Motor Vehicle Accident, risk of social exclusion, low body-image adjustment, anterior trunk location of the burn injury and life threat perception during the burn-shock period. Considering these factors, clinicians may identify patients at risk of PTSD development, allowing an adequate follow up and preventive interventions which may minimize the psychological consequences of burn injuries.


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Vector sensors measure both the acoustic pressure and the three components of particle velocity. Because of this, a vector sensor array (VSA) has the advantage of being able to provide substantially higher directivity with a much smaller aperture than an array of traditional scalar (pressure only) hydrophones. Although several, most of them theoretic, works were published from early nineties, only in the last years due to improvements and availability of vector sensor technology, the interest on field experiments with VSA increased in the scientific community. During the Makai Experiment, that took place off the coast of Kauai I., Hawaii, in September 2005, real data were collected with a 4 element vertical VSA. These data will be discussed in the present paper. The acoustic signals were emitted from a near source (low frequency ship noise) and two high frequency controlled acoustic sources located within a range of 2km from the VSA. The advantages of the VSA over traditional scalar hydrophone arrays in source localization will be addressed using conventional beamforming.


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Dissertação de mestrado, Hortofruticultura, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2015


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Dissertação de mestrado, Biologia Marinha, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2015


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Relatório da Prática de Ensino Supervisionada, Mestrado em Ensino de História e de Geografia no 3º Ciclo do Ensino Básico e Ensino Secundário, Universidade de Lisboa, 2011


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Film is a highly attractive teaching instrument for the study of different terminal diseases, exploring bioethics (Beauchamp and Childress, 2009) and is a preferred medium over traditional lectures (Edmunds, 2013) to provide realistic examples for adult learners. It can tap into ethical issues; facilitate decision-making; and examine underlying issues such as euthanasia; assisted suicide; and professional responsibility. Contrast this with standard means of teaching, such as scenarios- although a useful pedagogic tool, these are limited because students must imagine the clinical scenario. Film can fill that imaginative gap (Volandes, 2007). It can be utilised as an active teaching strategy for a variety of topics in nursing (Edmunds, 2013) providing a unique way to promote active learning in nursing education (Herrman, 2006). The objectives of the study, aim to help pre registration student nurses from each year of study to engage with their role as health care professionals; provide open discussion and debate on how they view the personal experience of illness/disease/disability/death and to reflect on their role and provision of patient care. It is delivered in 3 tiers to provide a range of data for thematic analysis; 1) Film screening followed by a ‘5 minute reaction’ discussion and post screening questionnaire; 2) Pre screening guided activities for reflection and discussion; 3) Focus groups. This project meets identified aims from the UK Professional Standards Framework (UKPSF) by fostering creative and innovative approaches to teaching and learning; facilitating and supporting the design and delivery of continuing education development programmes and activities; and demonstrates professionalism that staff and institutions bring to teaching. Preliminary feedback and themes will be presented.


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Tese de doutoramento, História (Dinâmicas do Mundo Contemporâneo), Universidade de Lisboa, com a participação do ISCTE- Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Universidade de Évora, 2015


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Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao Instituto de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Auditoria, sob orientação do Profº Especialista Carlos Quelhas Martins


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Medicamentos órfãos destinam-se ao diagnóstico, prevenção ou tratamento de doenças muito graves ou que causem risco de vida, que são raras e não afetam mais do que 5 em cada 10.000 pessoas na União Europeia. Estes medicamentos são apelidados de órfãos, já que em condições normais de mercado, não existe interesse para as empresas farmacêuticas desenvolver tais medicamentos, devido ao baixo retorno financeiro causado pela raridade. O objetivo deste trabalho consiste em avaliar a utilização de medicamentos órfãos em Portugal e analisar o impacto económico destes medicamentos na região da Beira Interior. Os dados recolhidos permitiram avaliar retrospetivamente o consumo de medicamentos no período de janeiro a dezembro de 2013 em Portugal e em particular nos hospitais: Centro Hospitalar Cova da Beira, Unidade Local de Saúde da Guarda e Unidade Local de Saúde de Castelo Branco. A informação dos dados refere-se ao consumo dos Hospitais e Instituições do Serviço Nacional de Saúde, reportada mensalmente ao INFARMED (Autoridade Nacional do Medicamento e Produtos de Saúde, I.P.). Foram identificados 48 medicamentos órfãos com Autorização de Introdução no Mercado na Europa, 47 são medicamentos com Autorização de Introdução no Mercado português, sendo a Mercaptopurina o único medicamento órfão que necessita de Autorização de Utilização Especial. O Tafamidis foi o medicamento que envolveu maior custo económico a nível nacional no tratamento destas doenças. O valor total de consumo no Centro Hospitalar Cova da Beira é de 11% em relação ao consumo total de medicamentos nesta unidade. As doenças Lisossomais são o grupo mais representativo, do qual faz parte a doença de Pompe. No entanto, a doença com uma prevalência mais elevada é a Hipertensão Arterial Pulmonar. Esta e as doenças oncológicas são as doenças comuns nas três unidades hospitalares. Na Unidade Local de Saúde da Guarda a doença com maior consumo de medicamentos órfãos é a Hipertensão Arterial Pulmonar e na Unidade Local de Saúde de Castelo Branco são as doenças oncológicas. O valor acumulado de medicamentos órfãos na região da Beira Interior no ano de 2013 representa1% do valor global de consumo destes medicamentos em Portugal. A representatividade de consumo destes medicamentos em Portugal em relação ao consumo total de medicamentos em meio hospitalar é de cerca de 7,7%.Em conclusão, o consumo de medicamentos órfãos é bastante elevado em relação aos restantes medicamentos, tanto na Beira Interior como no resto do país, apesar disso é bastante importante que continuem a existir medidas no sentido de incentivar os fabricantes e melhorar o acesso a estes medicamentos.


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O presente trabalho de projeto resulta de um estudo na área da Avaliação Institucional, realizado num agrupamento de escolas com educação pré-escolar e ensinos básico e secundário. O objetivo principal relacionou-se com a construção de um Plano de Ação, que promova o desenvolvimento de uma cultura de avaliação, procurando envolver todos os ‘atores’ educativos no processo de mudança e melhoria do agrupamento, com principal incidência na articulação da Equipa de Autoavaliação do Agrupamento, com as Lideranças Intermédias, de forma a implementar o processo de Autoavaliação do Agrupamento. A avaliação das escolas deve basear-se em dispositivos simples e exequíveis e nesse sentido é importante que a avaliação respeite critérios de pertinência, de coerência, de eficácia, de eficiência e de oportunidade. As Equipas de Autoavaliação, em articulação com as Lideranças Intermédias, assumem cada vez mais importância, nas organizações escolares, podendo ser potenciadoras da melhoria da eficácia e eficiência das organizações escolares. Um dos instrumentos de recolha de dados foi o inquérito por questionário, aplicado a 89 professores e educadores, que representam 51,2 % dos docentes do agrupamento em estudo. Outro instrumento de recolha de dados foi o focus group, constituído por 11 professores, dos departamentos curriculares existentes no agrupamento. Os resultados mostraram que o processo de autoavaliação é já uma prática comum no agrupamento, com uma certa consolidação. No entanto, ao nível da estrutura que lidera, apesar de integrar representantes de toda a comunidade educativa, ainda se verifica uma participação muito centrada nos docentes. Esta estrutura deve tornar-se mais abrangente, de forma a permitir a incorporação de outros pontos de vista. Os resultados mostraram ainda, diferentes tipos de abordagem aos assuntos relacionados com a autoavaliação, nos distintos departamentos curriculares. O incentivo das Lideranças Intermédias e a sua implicação na tarefa de motivar os professores para a participação no processo, a articulação com a Equipa de Autoavaliação e a comunicação serão determinantes para a melhoria da eficácia e eficiência da organização. No plano de ação, é apresentado um conjunto de propostas, que pretendem colmatar estas debilidades.


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In this thesis, we will treat the discrimination based on age, more specifically of older workers. In recent years, there was an increasing interest on the part of doctrine and jurisprudence on this subject. In fact, in a world in which you live a real economic crisis, older workers tend to have difficulties finding jobs or are targets of the discrimination based on age, at the time of hiring or during the contract. Thus, we will focus on discrimination. We will examine, first, the difference between direct and indirect discrimination, taking into account the importance of the burden of proof, then we will study the figures of positive action measures. Then, treat the legislative framework of the discrimination based on age, that is, in relation to the Labor Code and the Directive 2000/78/EC of November 27, 2000. Eventually, we will determine the cases in which they may accept the discrimination based on age. In fact, these differences in treatment based on age are justified, but must be aimed at a legitimate objective with appropriate and necessary means.


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Although the relationship between serum uric acid (SUA) and adiposity is well established, the direction of the causality is still unclear in the presence of conflicting evidences. We used a bidirectional Mendelian randomization approach to explore the nature and direction of causality between SUA and adiposity in a population-based study of Caucasians aged 35 to 75 years. We used, as instrumental variables, rs6855911 within the SUA gene SLC2A9 in one direction, and combinations of SNPs within the adiposity genes FTO, MC4R and TMEM18 in the other direction. Adiposity markers included weight, body mass index, waist circumference and fat mass. We applied a two-stage least squares regression: a regression of SUA/adiposity markers on our instruments in the first stage and a regression of the response of interest on the fitted values from the first stage regression in the second stage. SUA explained by the SLC2A9 instrument was not associated to fat mass (regression coefficient [95% confidence interval]: 0.05 [-0.10, 0.19] for fat mass) contrasting with the ordinary least square estimate (0.37 [0.34, 0.40]). By contrast, fat mass explained by genetic variants of the FTO, MC4R and TMEM18 genes was positively and significantly associated to SUA (0.31 [0.01, 0.62]), similar to the ordinary least square estimate (0.27 [0.25, 0.29]). Results were similar for the other adiposity markers. Using a bidirectional Mendelian randomization approach in adult Caucasians, our findings suggest that elevated SUA is a consequence rather than a cause of adiposity.