938 resultados para inter-area oscillation frequency


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Design of high-frequency inductors for purposes like Active Front End (AFE) converter filters involves analytical calculations based on methods like area product approach and accurate graphical methods. Once a core with an area product is selected the subsequent calculations of inductance and peak operating flux requires the estimation of reluctance of the magnetic circuit. This in turn demands an estimate of the fringing that will happen in the air gap of the inductor. In this paper we have looked at analytical methods for evaluating fringing flux and compared it with results from finite element method. Different levels of details of modelling the inductor is first considered for this purpose. The end results are compared with experimental measurements of inductance. It is shown that simple fringing flux model can provide accurate models for the inductor design.


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Homogencous upper air data for 50 years (1949-1998) from the National Centers for Environmental Prediction/National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCEP/NCAR) reanalysis project, sea surface temperatures and sea level pressure are used to bring out the three dimensional structure of two dominant decadal/multi-decadal variations in the tropics. The global three dimensional modes represent generalized forms of inter-decadal modes studied earlier only with surface data. In the vertical, both modes show approximate first baroclinic structures over the tropics. The Walker circulation associated with the multidecadal mode has a wavenumber two structure in the zonal direction. It is shown that the magnitude of major ascending and descending motions associated with the multi-decadal Hadley and Walker circulations, are comparable to those associated with the dominant inter-annual mode. Implications of these large scale global circulations associated with the low frequency oscillations in modulating regional climate on a inter-annual time scale are discussed.


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A link between the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO) and multidecadal variability of the Indian summer monsoon rainfall is unraveled and a long sought physical mechanism linking Atlantic climate and monsoon has been identified. The AMO produces persistent weakening (strengthening) of the meridional gradient of tropospheric temperature (TT) by setting up negative (positive) TT anomaly over Eurasia during northern late summer/autumn resulting in early (late) withdrawal of the south west monsoon and persistent decrease (increase) of seasonal monsoon rainfall. On inter-annual time scales, strong North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) or North Annular mode (NAM) influences the monsoon by producing similar TT anomaly over Eurasia. The AMO achieves the interdecadal modulation of the monsoon by modulating the frequency of occurrence of strong NAO/NAM events. This mechanism also provides a basis for explaining the observed teleconnection between North Atlantic temperature and the Asian monsoon in paleoclimatic proxies. Citation: Goswami, B. N., M. S. Madhusoodanan, C. P. Neema, and D. Sengupta (2006), A physical mechanism for North Atlantic SST influence on the Indian summer monsoon


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In this paper, we present a comparison between the sensitivity of SC-FDMA and OFDMA schemes to large carrier frequency offsets (CFO) and timing offsets (TO) of different users on the uplink. Our study shows the following observations: 1) In the ideal case of zero CFOs and TOs (i.e., perfect synchronization), the uncoded BER performance of SC-FDMA with frequency domain MMSE equalizer is better than that of OFDMA due to the inherent frequency diversity that is possible in SCFDMA. Also, because of inter-symbol interference in SC-FDMA, the performance of SC-FDMA with MMSE equalizer can be further improved by using low-complexity interference cancellation (IC) techniques. 2) In the presence of large CFOs and TOs, significant multiuser interference (MUI) gets introduced, and hence the performance of SC-FDMA with MMSE equalizer can get worse than that of OFDMA. However, the performance advantage of SC-FDMA with MMSE equalizer over OFDMA (due to the potential for frequency diversity benefit in SC-FDMA) can be restored by adopting multistage IC techniques, using the knowledge of CFOs and TOs of different users at the receiver


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The role of convergence feedback on the stability of a coupled ocean‐atmosphere system is studied using model III of Hirst (1986). It is shown that the unstable coupled mode found by Hirst is greatly modified by the convergence feedback. If the convergence feedback strength exceeds a critical value, several new unstable intraseasonal modes are also introduced. These modes have very weak dependence on the wave number. These results may explain the behaviour of some coupled models and to some extent provide a mechanism for the observed aperiodicity of the El‐Nino and Southern Oscillation (ENSO) events.


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Large-area PVDF thin films have been prepared and characterized for quasi-static and high frequency dynamic strain sensing applications. These films are prepared using hot press method and the piezoelectric phase (beta-phase) has been achieved by thermo-mechanical treatment and poling under DC field. The fabricated films have been characterized for quasi-static strain sensing and the linear strain-voltage relationship obtained is promising. In order to evaluate the ultrasonic sensing properties, a PZT wafer has been used to launch Lamb waves in a metal beam on which the PVDF film sensor is bonded at a distance. The voltage signals obtained from the PVDF films have been compared with another PZT wafer sensor placed on the opposite surface of the beam as a reference signal. Due to higher stiffness and higher thickness of the PZT wafer sensors, certain resonance patterns significantly degrade the sensor sensitivity curves. Whereas, the present results show that the large-area PVDF sensors can be superior with the signal amplitude comparable to that of PZT sensors and with no resonance-induced effect, which is due to low mechanical impedance, smaller thickness and larger area of the PVDF film. Moreover, the developed PVDF sensors are able to capture both A(0) and S-0 modes of Lamb wave, whereas the PZT sensors captures only A(0) mode in the same scale of voltage output. This shows promises in using large-area PVDF films with various surface patterns on structures for distributed sensing and structural health monitoring under quasi-static, vibration and ultrasonic situations. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Equatorial Indian Ocean is warmer in the east, has a deeper thermocline and mixed layer, and supports a more convective atmosphere than in the west. During certain years, the eastern Indian Ocean becomes unusually cold, anomalous winds blow from east to west along the equator and southeastward off the coast of Sumatra, thermocline and mixed layer lift up and the atmospheric convection gets suppressed. At the same time, western Indian Ocean becomes warmer and enhances atmospheric convection. This coupled ocean-atmospheric phenomenon in which convection, winds, sea surface temperature (SST) and thermocline take part actively is known as the Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD). Propagation of baroclinic Kelvin and Rossby waves excited by anomalous winds, play an important role in the development of SST anomalies associated with the IOD. Since mean thermocline in the Indian Ocean is deep compared to the Pacific, it was believed for a long time that the Indian Ocean is passive and merely responds to the atmospheric forcing. Discovery of the IOD and studies that followed demonstrate that the Indian Ocean can sustain its own intrinsic coupled ocean-atmosphere processes. About 50% percent of the IOD events in the past 100 years have co-occurred with El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and the other half independently. Coupled models have been able to reproduce IOD events and process experiments by such models – switching ENSO on and off – support the hypothesis based on observations that IOD events develop either in the presence or absence of ENSO. There is a general consensus among different coupled models as well as analysis of data that IOD events co-occurring during the ENSO are forced by a zonal shift in the descending branch of Walker cell over to the eastern Indian Ocean. Processes that initiate the IOD in the absence of ENSO are not clear, although several studies suggest that anomalies of Hadley circulation are the most probable forcing function. Impact of the IOD is felt in the vicinity of Indian Ocean as well as in remote regions. During IOD events, biological productivity of the eastern Indian Ocean increases and this in turn leads to death of corals over a large area.Moreover, the IOD affects rainfall over the maritime continent, Indian subcontinent, Australia and eastern Africa. The maritime continent and Australia suffer from deficit rainfall whereas India and east Africa receive excess. Despite the successful hindcast of the 2006 IOD by a coupled model, forecasting IOD events and their implications to rainfall variability remains a major challenge as understanding reasons behind an increase in frequency of IOD events in recent decades.


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Prior work on modeling interconnects has focused on optimizing the wire and repeater design for trading off energy and delay, and is largely based on low level circuit parameters. Hence these models are hard to use directly to make high level microarchitectural trade-offs in the initial exploration phase of a design. In this paper, we propose INTACTE, a tool that can be used by architects toget reasonably accurate interconnect area, delay, and power estimates based on a few architecture level parameters for the interconnect such as length, width (in number of bits), frequency, and latency for a specified technology and voltage. The tool uses well known models of interconnect delay and energy taking into account the wire pitch, repeater size, and spacing for a range of voltages and technologies.It then solves an optimization problem of finding the lowest energy interconnect design in terms of the low level circuit parameters, which meets the architectural constraintsgiven as inputs. In addition, the tool also provides the area, energy, and delay for a range of supply voltages and degrees of pipelining, which can be used for micro-architectural exploration of a chip. The delay and energy models used by the tool have been validated against low level circuit simulations. We discuss several potential applications of the tool and present an example of optimizing interconnect design in the context of clustered VLIW architectures. Copyright 2007 ACM.


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This paper presents the results of seismic response analysis of layered ground in Ahmedabad City during the earthquake in Bhuj on 26(th) January 2001. An attempt has been made to understand the reasons for the failure of multistoreyed buildings founded on soft alluvial deposits in Ahmedabad. Standard Penetration test at a site very close to the Sabarmati river belt was carried out for geotechnical investigations. The program SHAKE91, widely used in the field of earthquake engineering for computing the seismic response of horizontally layered soil deposits, was used to analyse the soil profile at the selected site considering the ground as one dimensional layered elastic system. The ground accelerations recorded at the ground floor of the Regional Passport Staff Quarters building, which is very close to the investigated site, was used as input motion. Also, Finite Element Analysis was carried out for different configurations of multistorey building frames for evaluating their natural frequencies and is compared with the predominant frequency of the layered soil system. The results reveal that the varying degree of damage to multistorey buildings in the close proximity of Sabarmati river area was essentially due to the large amplification of the ground and the near resonance condition.


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Chemical signaling is a prominent mode of male-female communication among elephants, especially during their sexually active periods. Studies on the Asian elephant in zoos have shown the significance of a urinary pheromone (Z7-12:Ac) in conveying the reproductive status of a female toward the opposite sex. We investigated the additional possibility of an inter-sexual chemical signal being conveyed through dung. Sixteen semi-captive adult male elephants were presented with dung samples of three female elephants in different reproductive phases. Each male was tested in 3 separate trials, within an interval of 1-3 days. The trials followed a double-blind pattern as the male and female elephants used in the trials were strangers, and the observer was not aware of the reproductive status of females during the period of bioassays. Males responded preferentially (P < 0.005), in terms of higher frequency of sniff, check and place behavior toward the dung of females close to pre-ovulatory period (follicular-phase) as compared to those in post-ovulatory period (luteal-phase). The response toward the follicular phase samples declined over repeated trials though was still significantly higher than the corresponding response toward the non-ovulatory phase in each of the trials performed. This is the first study to show that male Asian elephants were able to distinguish the reproductive phase of the female by possibly detecting a pre-ovulatory pheromone released in dung. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, we consider low-complexity turbo equalization for multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) cyclic prefixed single carrier (CPSC) systems in MIMO inter-symbol interference (ISI) channels characterized by large delay spreads. A low-complexity graph based equalization is carried out in the frequency domain. Because of the reduction in correlation among the noise samples that happens for large frame sizes and delay spreads in frequency domain processing, improved performance compared to time domain processing is shown to be achieved. This improved performance is attractive for equalization in severely delay spread ISI channels like ultrawideband channels and underwater acoustic channels.


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Invasive species, local plant communities and invaded ecosystems change over space and time. Quantifying this change may lead to a better understanding of the ecology and the effective management of invasive species. We used data on density of the highly invasive shrub Lantana camara (lantana) for the period 1990-2008 from a 50 ha permanent plot in a seasonally dry tropical forest of Mudumalai in southern India. We used a cumulative link mixed-effects regression approach to model the transition of lantana from one qualitative density state to another as a function of biotic factors such as indicators of competition from local species (lantana itself, perennial grasses, invasive Chromolaena odorata, the native shrub Helicteres isora and basal area of native trees) and abiotic factors such as fire frequency, inter-annual variability of rainfall and relative soil moisture. The density of lantana increased substantially during the study period. Lantana density was negatively associated with the density of H. isora, positively associated with basal area of native trees, but not affected by the presence of grasses or other invasive species. In the absence of fire, lantana density increased with increasing rainfall. When fires occurred, transitions to higher densities occurred at low rainfall values. In drier regions, lantana changed from low to high density as rainfall increased while in wetter regions of the plot, lantana persisted in the dense category irrespective of rainfall. Lantana seems to effectively utilize resources distributed in space and time to its advantage, thus outcompeting local species and maintaining a population that is not yet self-limiting. High-risk areas and years could potentially be identified based on inferences from this study for facilitating management of lantana in tropical dry forests.


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Sessile droplets on a vibrating substrate are investigated focusing on axisymmetric oscillations with pinned contact line. Proper orthogonal decomposition is employed to identify the different modes of droplet shape oscillation and quantitatively assess the droplet oscillation and spectral response. We offer the first experimental evidence for the analogy of an oscillating sessile droplet with a non-linear spring mass damper system. The qualitative and quantitative agreement of amplitude response and phase response curves and limit cycles of the model dynamical system with that observed experimentally suggest that the bulk oscillations in the fundamental mode of a sessile droplet can be very well modeled by a Duffing oscillator with a hard spring, especially near the resonance. The red shift of the resonance peak with an increase in the glycerol concentration is clearly evidenced by both the experimental and predicted amplitude response curves. The influence of various operational parameters such as excitation frequency and amplitude and fluid properties on the droplet oscillation characteristics is adequately captured by the model. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Significant changes are reported in extreme rainfall characteristics over India in recent studies though there are disagreements on the spatial uniformity and causes of trends. Based on recent theoretical advancements in the Extreme Value Theory (EVT), we analyze changes in extreme rainfall characteristics over India using a high-resolution daily gridded (1 degrees latitude x 1 degrees longitude) dataset. Intensity, duration and frequency of excess rain over a high threshold in the summer monsoon season are modeled by non-stationary distributions whose parameters vary with physical covariates like the El-Nino Southern Oscillation index (ENSO-index) which is an indicator of large-scale natural variability, global average temperature which is an indicator of human-induced global warming and local mean temperatures which possibly indicate more localized changes. Each non-stationary model considers one physical covariate and the best chosen statistical model at each rainfall grid gives the most significant physical driver for each extreme rainfall characteristic at that grid. Intensity, duration and frequency of extreme rainfall exhibit non-stationarity due to different drivers and no spatially uniform pattern is observed in the changes in them across the country. At most of the locations, duration of extreme rainfall spells is found to be stationary, while non-stationary associations between intensity and frequency and local changes in temperature are detected at a large number of locations. This study presents the first application of nonstationary statistical modeling of intensity, duration and frequency of extreme rainfall over India. The developed models are further used for rainfall frequency analysis to show changes in the 100-year extreme rainfall event. Our findings indicate the varying nature of each extreme rainfall characteristic and their drivers and emphasize the necessity of a comprehensive framework to assess resulting risks of precipitation induced flooding. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A logic gate-based digital frequency multiplication technique for low-power frequency synthesis is presented. The proposed digital edge combining approach offers broadband operation with low-power and low-area advantages and is a promising candidate for low-power frequency synthesis in deep submicrometer CMOS technologies. Chip prototype of the proposed frequency multiplication-based 2.4-GHz binary frequency-shift-keying (BFSK)/amplitude shift keying (ASK) transmitter (TX) was fabricated in 0.13-mu m CMOS technology. The TX achieves maximum data rates of 3 and 20 Mb/s for BFSK and ASK modulations, respectively, consuming a 14-mA current from 1.3 V supply voltage. The corresponding energy efficiencies of the TX are 3.6 nJ/bit for BFSK and 0.91 nJ/bit for ASK modulations.