995 resultados para influenza humana
A infecção por vírus influenza B é rara no período neonatal com uma incidência desconhecida. Relata-se o caso de uma recém-nascida de termo, reinternada ao nono dia de vida por quadro de má perfusão periférica, gemido, dificuldade alimentar e dificuldade respiratória com necessidade de ventila ção mecânica, óxido nítrico inalado e surfactante. A radiografia de tórax no primeiro dia apresentava infiltrado intersticial ligeiro, difuso. Esteve sob ventilação invasiva durante 11 dias e oxigenoterapia 15 dias, tendo tido alta ao 20º dia, clinicamente bem. É fundamental pensar em infecção por vírus influenza B quando existe história de possível contágio, e em mães sem imunização anti-influenza. Não há terapêutica aprovada neste grupo etário, devendo ser tomadas medidas de suporte, de contenção e prevenção da disseminação da infecção.
Background: Acute kidney injury in the pandemic swine origin influenza A virus (H1N1) infection has been reported as coursing with severe illness, although renal pathogenic mechanisms and histologic features are still being characterised. Case Report: We present two patients admitted with H1N1 pneumonia, sepsis, acute respiratory distress syndrome and need for invasive mechanical ventilation who developed acute kidney injury and became dialysis-dependent. In both cases a kidney biopsy was performed to establish a definitive diagnosis. Severe acute tubular necrosis was identified, with no further abnormalities. Conclusion: This report seems to confirm that the acute kidney injury in H1N1 infection is focused on the tubular cells. Our cases corroborate the renal histopathologic findings of other studies, highlighting the central role of the tubular cell. We bring new evidence of the histopathology of AKI in H1N1 infection since our data were collected in living patients and not via post-mortem studies.
Since 1999, Brazil has undertaken annual influenza vaccine campaigns, free of charge, targeting the elderly population, health professionals, and immune-deficient patients. We conducted a systematic review of literature in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the initiative. We used the keywords influenza, vaccine, Brazil and effectiveness to search the main databases. Thirty-one studies matched our inclusion and exclusion criteria. Influenza vaccine coverage among the elderly is high, though not as high as suggested by the official figures. Estimates on effectiveness are scarce. The majority come from ecological studies that show a modest reduction in mortality and hospital admissions due to influenza-related causes. Such reduction is not evident in the North and Northeastern states of Brazil, a finding that is probably related to the different seasonal pattern of influenza in equatorial and tropical regions. Brazilian epidemiologists still owe society better-designed studies addressing the effectiveness of influenza vaccine campaigns.
The aim of this cross-sectional study was to determine, among medical students at a public university in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, the acceptance of the pandemic influenza A/H1N1 vaccine during the 2010 mass immunization campaign and the vaccine safety in this group and, among unvaccinated students, the reasons for refusing vaccination. Of a total of 858 students, 678 (79%) participated in the study. Vaccination coverage was 60.4% among students aged 20 to 39 years (an age group targeted for vaccination) and 43.8% among those who did not belong to this age group. The most frequent adverse reactions to the vaccine were pain at the injection site (8.7%) and fever (7.9%). There were no serious adverse reactions. Among students aged 20 to 39 years, the most common reasons for refusing the vaccine were "lack of time" (42.4%), "fear of adverse reactions" (41.9%), and "difficult access to the vaccine" (11.5%). Other reasons for vaccine refusal were "uncertainties about vaccine safety and efficacy" and "vaccination was not needed". To increase the acceptance of the influenza vaccine, a comprehensive immunization program should be offered to these students.
In 1970, searching for the interspecies transmission of influenza viruses led to the first study on influenza viruses in domestic animals. Birds and mammals, including human beings, are their natural hosts; however, other animals may also play a role in the virus epidemiology. The objective was to investigate the incidence of influenza viruses in adult dogs raised in rural (9, 19.56%) and urban (37, 80.43%) areas in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. Dog serum samples were examined for antibodies to influenza viruses by the hemagglutination inhibition (HI) test using the corresponding antigens from the circulating viruses in Brazil. Dogs from rural areas presented antibodies to influenza A H3N2, and influenza A H7N7 and H3N8. In rural areas, dog sera displayed mean titers as 94.37, 227.88, 168.14, 189.62 HIU/25 µL for subtypes H1N1, H3N2, H7N7, H3N8, respectively. About 84% and 92% of dogs from urban areas exhibited antibodies to human influenza A H1N1 and H3N2, respectively, with statistical difference at p < 0.05 between the mean titers of antibodies to H1N1 and H3N2. About 92% and 100% were positive for H7N7 and H3N8, respectively. In dogs from urban areas, the mean titers of antibodies against influenza A H1N1, H3N2, H7N7 and H3N8, were 213.96, 179.42, 231.76, 231.35 HIU/25 µL respectively. The difference among them was not statistically significant at p > 0.05. In conclusion, these dogs were positive for both human and equine influenza viruses. The present study suggests the first evidence that influenza viruses circulate among dogs in Brazil.
Esta dissertação tem como principal objetivo a criação de uma interface humana, baseada na eletromiografia dos músculos orbicular do olho e frontalis. O algoritmo de programação do microcontrolador ATmega2560 deteta o piscar de olhos voluntário, conta o número de vezes que este acontece e verifica se preenche os requisitos necessários à execução de um comando. Para este efeito foram utilizados elétrodos para a captação do sinal eletromiográfico. O sinal analógico é condicionado pela Shield ECG/EMG da Olimex sendo enviado para o arduíno ATmega2560. Este microcontrolador administra todos os atuadores, dos quais o mais importante é um painel de comandos (quatro comandos diferentes), no qual existe um ponteiro motorizado que indica qual a ação a realizar. O código de execução é extremamente simples: se o utilizador piscar os olhos três vezes, o ponteiro movimenta-se para a secção do painel imediatamente à direita; e se o utilizador piscar os olhos quatro vezes, o ponteiro movimenta-se para a secção do painel imediatamente à esquerda. Os testes realizados com este dispositivo indicam que os utilizadores demoram menos de 10 minutos a aprender a utilizar e executar todos os comandos do painel. Apenas num dos testes realizados o dispositivo não funcionou. Dos utilizadores que realizaram o teste: vários usam óculos; um idoso com graves problemas auditivos, cegueira parcial e dificuldades locomotoras; nenhum foi incapaz de piscar, pelo menos, um dos olhos voluntariamente; e a maioria referiu que, com alguma concentração e principalmente se ouvirem o bip sonoro, a aprendizagem de utilização torna-se muito fácil. Apesar dos limites impostos à concretização de um projeto deste tipo (dos quais se evidenciam as dificuldades em conseguir voluntários com paralisia medular, bem como os limites orçamentais), pode-se afirmar que este dispositivo é eficaz e seria uma mais valia quando implementado num cenário de paralisia medular (total ou parcial). A melhoria de qualidade de vida de um utilizador com estes problemas físicos, ou outros que lhe comprometam a locomoção é garantida. O cenário em que vivem é tremendamente limitado sendo urgente criar soluções para tornar estas vidas mais cómodas. Com os devidos aplicativos, o utilizador poderia abrir portas ou janelas, acender ou apagar luzes, pedir ajuda, ajustar a posição da cama, controlar cadeiras de rodas, entre outros. É neste sentido que surge a minha motivação de criar algo que ajude estas pessoas.
RESUMO: O maraviroc (MVC) é o único anti-retroviral antagonista do co-receptor CCR5 licenciado e interage com as ansas transmembranares de CCR5, induzindo uma alteração da sua conformação e impedindo a interacção com gp120. O MVC é activo apenas contra estirpes R5 de HIV-1, sendo utilizado em terapia de recurso. Neste trabalho, foi estudada a diversidade genética da região C2V3C3 do gene env de estirpes de HIV-1 de oxicodependentes por via endovenosa da Grande Lisboa, pesquisando-se também a presença de polimorfismos genéticos naturais. Foram utilizadas 52 amostras de plasma e para 35 destas foi amplificado por RT-nested PCR um produto de 565 pb. A análise filogenética revelou a seguinte distribuição de genótipos: 23 B (incluindo, provavelmente, 2 CRF14_BG), 8 A, 3 G e 1 F1. Após tradução, e por comparação com a sequência consenso B, verificou-se uma elevada frequência de polimorfismos genéticos, sendo encontradas algumas “assinaturas de aminoácidos” relativas aos subtipos não-B. Realizou-se ainda uma pesquisa de locais de N-glicosilação e a previsão da utilização de co-receptores (abordagem genotípica), com recurso às regras 11/25 e da carga líquida da ansa V3 e aos programas PSSM e geno2pheno[coreceptor]. Observou-se uma conservação genérica do número de locais de N-glicosilação e foram identificadas 5 sequências com tropismo X4 ou duplo. Por fim, com base na literatura, realizou-se uma pesquisa de polimorfismos genéticos associados a resistência ao MVC presentes na ansa V3. Foi observado um número elevado destas mutações. A presença dos padrões 11S+26V e 20F+25D+26V, num total de 3 sequências, é relevante, visto estes estarem inequivocamente associados à resistência in vivo ao MVC. Apesar de não estar ainda definido um perfil de resistência para o MVC, a presença das mutações encontradas, em indivíduos sem contacto prévio com o fármaco, trará implicações relevantes na sua gestão clínica, considerando a introdução do MVC na terapia de recurso.---------- ABSTRACT: Maraviroc (MVC) is the only CCR5 inhibitor licensed today. This drug interacts with the transmembrane helices of CCR5 co-receptor, inducing a conformation change of its extracellular loops and preventing the interaction with gp120. MVC is only active against R5 strains of HIV-1 and is currently used in salvage therapy. The genetic diversity of the env C2V3C3 region of HIV-1 strains from injecting drug users in the Greater Lisbon was studied, along with the presence of natural genetic polymorphisms. 52 plasma samples were used and the amplification by RT-nested PCR of a 565 bp-product was possible in 35 of them. The phylogenetic analysis revealed 23 sequences classified as subtype B (probably including 2 CRF14_BG), 8 A, 3 G and 1 F1. After translation, the presence of natural genetic polymorphisms was studied by comparison to a subtype B consensus. A high frequency of genetic polymorphisms was observed and significant “amino acid signatures” were found in association with non-B subtypes. A full characterization of the N-glycosylation sites was also performed and a coreceptor prediction (genotypic approach) was accomplished using the 11/25 and the V3 net charge rules and the programs PSSM and geno2pheno[coreceptor]. The number of N-glycosylation sites was generically preserved. Five sequences were defined as X4 or dual-tropic. Based on published data, a search for genetic polymorphisms, present in V3loop, associated to MVC resistance was finally undertaken. Several of such mutations were observed, being particularly interesting the presence of the patterns 11S+26V and 20F+25D+26V, in a total of 3 sequences, since these patterns have unequivocally been associated with MVC resistance in vivo. Although a resistance profile for MVC is not yet defined, the presence of these mutations in MVC-naïve populations may have significant impact in their clinical management in the future, especially considering the introduction of this drug in salvage therapy.
In February 2012, an outbreak of respiratory illness occurred on the cruise ship MSC Armonia in Brazil. A 31-year-old female crew member was hospitalized with respiratory failure and subsequently died. To study the etiology of the respiratory illness, tissue taken at necropsy from the deceased woman and respiratory specimens from thirteen passengers and crew members with respiratory symptoms were analyzed. Influenza real-time RT-PCR assays were performed, and the full-length hemagglutinin (HA) gene of influenza-positive samples was sequenced. Influenza B virus was detected in samples from seven of the individuals, suggesting that it was the cause of this respiratory illness outbreak. The sequence analysis of the HA gene indicated that the virus was closely related to the B/Brisbane/60/2008-like virus, Victoria lineage, a virus contained in the 2011-12 influenza vaccine for the Southern Hemisphere. Since the recommended composition of the influenza vaccine for use during the 2013 season changed, an intensive surveillance of viruses circulating worldwide is crucial. Molecular analysis is an important tool to characterize the pathogen responsible for an outbreak such as this. In addition, laboratory disease surveillance contributes to the control measures for vaccine-preventable influenza.
The prevalence of antibodies against Equine Influenza Virus (EIV) was determined in 529 equines living on ranches in the municipality of Poconé, Pantanal area of Brazil, by means of the hemagglutination inhibition test, using subtype H3N8 as antigen. The distribution and possible association among positive animal and ranches were evaluated by the chi-square test, spatial autoregressive and multiple linear regression models. The prevalence of antibodies against EIV was estimated at 45.2% (95% CI 30.2 - 61.1%) with titers ranging from 20 to 1,280 HAU. Seropositive equines were found on 92.0% of the surveyed ranches. Equine from non-flooded ranches (66.5%) and negativity in equine infectious anemia virus (EIAV) (61.7%) were associated with antibodies against EIV. No spatial correlation was found among the ranches, but the ones located in non-flooded areas were associated with antibodies against EIV. A negative correlation was found between the prevalence of antibodies against EIV and the presence of EIAV positive animals on the ranches. The high prevalence of antibodies against EIV detected in this study suggests that the virus is circulating among the animals, and this statistical analysis indicates that the movement and aggregation of animals are factors associated to the transmission of the virus in the region.
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Genética Molecular e Biomedicina