792 resultados para essay writing
Learning to write is a daunting task for many young children. The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of a combined approach to writing instruction and assessment on the writing performance of students in two grade 3 classes. Five forms and traits of writing were purposefully connected during writing lessons while exhibiting links to the four strands of the grade 3 Ontario science curriculum. Students then had opportunities to engage in the writing process and to self-assess their compositions using either student-developed (experimental group/teacher-researcher's class) or teachercreated (control group/teacher-participant's class) rubrics. Paired samples t-tests revealed that both the experimental and control groups exhibited statistically significant growth from pretest to posttest on all five integrated writing units. Independent samples t-tests showed that the experimental group outperformed the control group on the persuasive + sentence fluency and procedure + word choice writing tasks. Pearson product-moment correlation r tests revealed significant correlations between the experimental group and the teacher-researcher on the recount + ideas and report + organization tasks, while students in the control group showed significant correlations with the teacher-researcher on the narrative + voice and procedure + word choice tasks. Significant correlations between the control group and the teacher-participant were evident on the persuasive + sentence fluency and procedure + word choice tasks. Qualitative analyses revealed five themes that highlighted how students' self-assessments and reflections can be used to guide teachers in their instructional decision making. These findings suggest that educators should adopt an integrated writing program in their classrooms, while working with students to create and utilize purposeful writing assessment tools.
This qualitative research study explores how teachers who write social justicefocused curriculum support resources conceptualize curriculum and social justice. Curriculum used in schools reflects underlying assumptions and choices about what knowledge is valuable. Class-based, cultural, racial, and religious stereotypes are reinforced in schooling contexts. Are the resources teachers create, select, and use to promote social justice reproducing and reinforcing forms of oppression? Why do teachers pursue social justice through curriculum writing? What are their hopes for this work? Exploring how Teachers' beliefs and values influence cy.rriculum writing engages the teachers writing and using curriculum support resources in critical reflective thought about their experiences and efforts to promote social justice. Individual and focus group interviews were conducted with four teacher-curriculum writers from Ontario schools. In theorizing my experiences as a teacher-curriculum writer, I reversed roles and participated in individual interviews. I employed a critical feminist lens to analyze the qualitati ve data. The participants' identities influenced how they understand social justice and write curriculum. Their understandings of injustices, either personal or gathered through students, family members, or oth.e. r teachers, influenced their curriculum writing . The teacher-curriculum writers in the study believed all teachers need critical understandings of curriculum and social justice. The participants made a case for representation from historically disadvantaged and underrepresented groups on curriculum writing teams. In an optimistic conclusion, the possibility of a considerate curriculum is proposed as a way to engage the public in working with teachers for social justice.
Handwriting is a functional task that is used to communicate thoughts using a written code. Research findings have indicated that handwriting is related to learning to read and learning to write. The purposes of this research project were to determine if a handwriting intervention would increase abilities in reading and writing skills, in graphomotor and visual-motor integration skills, and improve the participants’ self-perceptions and self-descriptions pertaining to handwriting enjoyment, competence, and effort. A single-subject research design was implemented with four struggling high school students who each received 10.5 to 15.5 hours of cursive handwriting intervention using the ez Write program. In summary, the findings indicated that the students showed significant improvements in aspects of reading and writing; that they improved significantly in their cursive writing abilities; and that their self-perceptions concerning their handwriting experience and competence improved. The contribution of handwriting to academic achievement and vocational success can no longer be neglected.
a mixed-method investigation of undergraduate and graduate international students' proficiencies in both information literacy and academic writing to see if a relationship exists between them
An essay submitted to Professor J.E. Anderson by Sean O'Sullivan, 10 November 1975. The essay entitled, The Chateau Cabinet: A Case Study in Intra-Party Conflict, studies how "internal discontent---be it based on philosophical or personality difference---leads to intra-party conflict---and the roots of such discontent are indeed strong within the Progressive Conservative Party."
An essay submitted by Sean O'Sullivan to Professor W.A. Matheson, 25 April 1977. The focus of the essay is stable government, "As one of the chief, if not the predominant, force in giving Confederation its political shape, Ontario helped bring about a central government designed to promote, and dedicated to preserve, stability. In the governing of their own province, the people of Ontario have been faithful to that same goal of stability. Perhaps that steadfast attitude says more than anything else about the political culture of Ontario."
An article in The Evening Tribune that discusses a second place win in an aviation writing competition. She had also won previously in 1953. The article states that the "newest award comes on the heels of the granting of an airline transport licence to Mrs. Rungeling." Dorothy Rungeling has written a small note next to the article that reads: "Getting an Airline transport Licence was my proudest achievement. I was number 1 woman in Canada."
A photograph and caption for the Aviation Writing Award winners of 1953. There are eleven winners pictured and Dorothy Rungeling is the only female.
Receipt from John Turrill manufacturer of Desks, London, England for a writing desk, June, 29, 1817.
Entre 1853 et 1870, de multiples quartiers de la ville sont éventrés pour permettre la mise en place de nouveaux boulevards par le baron Haussmann, préfet de Paris sous Napoléon III. Ces travaux majeurs ont frappé l’imaginaire social et constitué un objet de fascination pour la littérature. Le mémoire se situe sur le terrain de la sociocritique. La chercheuse cherche à comprendre comment des textes de Verne, Hugo et Zola lisent la nouvelle configuration urbaine parisienne. Dans Paris au XXe siècle (1863), Jules Verne projette la destruction dans le futur et, en retour, imagine les rémanences d’un passé étrangement constructif. Bien qu’il soit en exil, Victor Hugo est très au courant des changements urbains et sociaux en cours. Dans Paris (1867), son écriture travaille à rendre compatibles les idées de ruine et de progrès. Émile Zola, avec Paris (1898), exprime les contradictions accompagnant le changement urbain par le biais de métaphores médicales et organiques proches de « l’esprit de décadence » qui caractérise la fin du siècle. En conformité avec les visées de l’approche sociocritique, c’est à partir d’une lecture interne des oeuvres, mettant à profit les ressources de l’analyse de texte, de la poétique et de la narratologie, que la recherche se développe. L’étude mobilise également les ressources des travaux consacrés aux relations de la littérature et de la ville, ainsi que celles des ouvrages de synthèse produits dans les champs de l’histoire générale et de l’histoire de l’urbanisme.
[O]uvrir fermer / les portes, la première partie de ce mémoire, est un projet de poésie, divisé en cinq sections, qui allie le vers libre et la prose. Le sujet poétique essaie d'animer et de ranimer son "récit", son "histoire", entre autres par le rappel fragmentaire d'événements ou de lieux, la redite de paroles déjà échangées et, par l'adresse et l'apostrophe rétroactives. Derrière une énonciation piétinante, une tendance à la répétition, derrière une rythmique à la fois fuyante et brisée se trouve un questionnement: que dire et comment le dire? Que nommer et comment le nommer? Si le ton du projet est lyrique et intimiste, il veut aussi chercher à se positionner face aux variations existantes du lyrisme. La seconde partie, Les pouvoirs mémoriels de l'objet dans Le saut de l'ange de Denise Desautels, est un essai qui s'intéresse aux rapports auratiques et mémoriels (G. Didi-Huberman) entre l'écriture et les objets d'art (six sculptures de la série Island de Martha Townsend) qui accompagnent le recueil Le saut de l'ange de la poète québécoise Denise Desautels.
Nous nous proposons, dans le cadre de cette étude, de démontrer que les Essais de Montaigne contiennent bel et bien, en dépit d’une forme éclatée et d’un propos non systématique, ce qu’il convient d’appeler une morale. Non seulement cette morale ne s’oppose-t-elle pas au scepticisme des Essais, mais elle lui est même d’une certaine façon coextensive : la morale de Montaigne est une morale de l’essai, lequel constitue l’expression la plus achevée de son scepticisme. Ce dernier, pour être bien compris, doit préalablement être mis en parallèle avec la « voie » (ἀγωγή) que propose Sextus Empiricus dans ses Hypotyposes pyrrhoniennes, dont l’influence sur Montaigne pourrait être bien plus importante que ne le laissent croire plusieurs travaux récents.
Thèse de doctorat effectuée en cotutelle au Département de philosophie Faculté des arts et des sciences de l’Université de Montréal et au département de philosophie école doctorale V de l’Université de la Sorbonne – Paris IV. Soutenue à Paris le 8 avril 2010.
La première partie de ce mémoire, intitulée « Paradis crépusculaire », est un roman dont la narratrice, une jeune femme, est hantée par les pensées suicidaires. S’exprimant à la première personne, elle décrit elle-même son évolution psychologique provoquée par la rencontre d’un homme et les débuts d’une relation amoureuse. L’amour ravive les tentations suicidaires du personnage principal et l’entraîne dans un univers de peur qui côtoie la folie. L’histoire s’ancre dans la réalité quotidienne des deux personnages. La deuxième partie, « Impostures : Examen d’une démarche créatrice », est un essai qui traite de ma propre démarche d’écriture. Mes réflexions, tout d’abord personnelles, s’ouvrent vers le monde de la création littéraire, plus particulièrement romanesque, et sont reliées aux conceptions de différents critiques. L’essai s’élabore à partir du sentiment de l’imposteur qui m’a hantée durant tout le processus de création.