978 resultados para enthalpy of vaporization
Voltammetric technique was used to study the binary and ternary complexes of cadmium with L-amino acids and vitamin-C (L-ascorbic acid) at pH =7.30 ± 0.01, µ = 1.0M KNO3 at 25ºC and 35ºC. Cd (II) formed 1:1:1, 1:1:2 and 1:2:1 complexes with L-lysine, L-ornithine, L-threonine, L-serine, L-phenylglycine, L-phenylalanine, L-glutamic acid and L-aspartic acid used as primary ligands and L-ascorbic acid used as secondary ligand. The trend of stability constant of complexes was L-lysine < L-ornithine < L-threonine < L-serine < L-phenylglycine < L-phenylalanine < L-glutamic acid < L-aspartic acid which can be explained on the basis of size, basicity and steric hindrance of ligands. The values of stability constant (log β) varied from 2.23 to11.33 confirm that these drugs i.e. L-amino acids or in combination with L-ascorbic acid or their complexes could be used against Cd (II) toxicity. The study has been carried out at 35ºC also to determine the thermodynamic parameters such as enthalpy change (ΔH), Free energy change (ΔG) and entropy change (ΔS) respectively.
Unprocessed native starches are structurally too weak and functionally too restricted for application in today's advanced food technologies. Processing is necessary to engender a range of functionality. Naturals or natives starches can be modified by using several methods physical, chemical, enzymatic or combined, according industrial purposes. In this work, native corn starch was hydrolyzed by hydrochloric acid solution and investigated by using thermoanalytical techniques (thermogravimetry - TG, differential thermal analysis - DTA and differential scanning calorimetry - DSC), as well as optical microscopy and X-ray diffractometry. After acid treatment at 30 and 50°C, a decrease of gelatinization enthalpy (ΔHgel) was verified. Optical microscopy and X-ray diffractometry allowed us to verify the granules contorn and rugosity typical of cereal starches.
Based on published thermodynamic quantities for solution, partitioning and sublimation of acetanilide (ACN), acetaminophen (ACP) and Phenacetin (PNC), the thermodynamic quantities for drugs solvation in octanol-saturated water (W(ROH)) and water-saturated octanol (ROH(W)) as well as the drugs dilution in ROH(W) were calculated. The Gibbs energies of solvation were favourable in all cases. The respective enthalpies and entropies were negative indicating an enthalpy-driving for the solvation process in all cases. On the other hand, the Gibbs energies of dilution were favourable for ACP and PNC but unfavourable for ACN, whereas the respective enthalpies and entropies were negative for ACP and PNC but positive for ACN indicating enthalpy-driving for the dilution process in the case of the former drugs and entropy-driving for the latter. From the obtained values for the transfer processes, an interpretation based on solute-solvent interactions was developed.
Starch is the most important carbohydrate storage in plants. It is a raw material with diverse botanical origins, and is used by the food, paper, chemical, pharmaceutical, textile and other industries. In this work, native starches of Paraná pine seeds (pinhão) (Araucária angustiofolia, Bert O. Ktze) and european chestnut seeds (Castanea sativa, Mill) were studied by thermoanalytical techniques: thermo-gravimetry (TG), differential thermal analysis (DTA) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), as well as X-ray powder patterns diffractometry. Apparent and total amylose content was also determined.
A set of models in Aspen plus was built to simulate the direct synthesis process of hydrogen peroxide in a micro-reactor system. This process model can be used to carry out material balance calculation under various experimental conditions. Three thermodynamic property methods were compared by calculating gas solubility and Uniquac-RK method was finally selected for process model. Two different operation modes with corresponding operation conditions were proposed as the starting point of future experiments. Simulations for these two modes were carried out to get the information of material streams. Moreover, some hydrodynamic parameters such as gas/liquid superficial velocity, gas holdup were also calculated with improved process model. These parameters proved the proposed experimental conditions reasonable to some extent. The influence of operation conditions including temperature, pressure and circulation ratio was analyzed for the first operation mode, where pure oxygen was fed into dissolving tank and hydrogen-carbon dioxide mixture was fed into microreactor directly. The preferred operation conditions for the system are low temperature (2°C) and high pressure (30 bar) in dissolving tank. High circulation ratio might be good in the sense that more oxygen could be dissolved and fed into reactor for reactions, but meanwhile hydrodynamics of microreactor should be considered. Furthermore, more operation conditions of reactor gas/liquid feeds in both of two operation modes were proposed to provide guidance for future experiment design and corresponding hydrodynamic parameters were also calculated. Finally, safety issue was considered from thermodynamic point of view and there is no explosion danger at given experimental plan since the released reaction heat will not cause solvent vaporization inside the microchannels. The improvement of process model still needs further study based on the future experimental results.
Among the building materials used in rural facilities, roofs are noteworthy for being largely responsible for thermal comfort, influencing the thermal balance within the shelter. This study aimed to evaluate the influence of roof on the Enthalpy (H), Thermal Load of Radiation (TLR), and Black Globe Temperature and Humidity Index (BGHI) in individual shelters for dairy calves. The design was completely randomized with three treatments: Z - zinc tile, AC - asbestos-cement tile and ACW - asbestos-cement tile painted white on the upper side. The averages were compared by the Scott Knott test at 1% probability. The results showed no statistical difference between treatments (P<0.01) and the external environment for H. For TLR, there was statistical difference among all treatments, where ACW showed the lowest TLR, 489.28 W m-2, followed by AC with 506.72 W m-2 and Z with the highest TLR, 523.55 W m-2. For BGHI, the lowest values were observed for ACW (76.8) and AC (77.4), differing significantly from Z, which obtained the highest value (81.6). The tiles with white paint on the upper side promoted the lowest TLR and the lowest BGHI, favoring the thermal environment in the shelter.
The broiler rectal temperature (t rectal) is one of the most important physiological responses to classify the animal thermal comfort. Therefore, the aim of this study was to adjust regression models in order to predict the rectal temperature (t rectal) of broiler chickens under different thermal conditions based on age (A) and a meteorological variable (air temperature - t air) or a thermal comfort index (temperature and humidity index -THI or black globe humidity index - BGHI) or a physical quantity enthalpy (H). In addition, through the inversion of these models and the expected t rectal intervals for each age, the comfort limits of t air, THI, BGHI and H for the chicks in the heating phase were determined, aiding in the validation of the equations and the preliminary limits for H. The experimental data used to adjust the mathematical models were collected in two commercial poultry farms, with Cobb chicks, from 1 to 14 days of age. It was possible to predict the t rectal of conditions from the expected t rectal and determine the lower and superior comfort thresholds of broilers satisfactorily by applying the four models adjusted; as well as to invert the models for prediction of the environmental H for the chicks first 14 days of life.
The research was developed to evaluate the use of different types of roofing materials regularly used in poultry houses. Measurements of thermal comfort were made through the use of techniques such as the Black Globe and Humidity Index (BGHI), the Thermal Heat Load (THL) and Enthalpy (H). Conducted in the State University of Goiás, during the months of April and May, 2011, the experiment was composed of five different treatments: AC - Asbestos cement tiles, BA -Bamboo tiles, BAP - Bamboo tiles painted in white, FB -Vegetable fiber tiles and bitumen, FBP -Vegetable fiber tiles and bitumen painted in white. The experiment consisted in 15 repetitions, which were considered the different days of measurements taken. Throughout the studied period, the time of the day considered the least comfortable was the one observed at 2:00pm, and the coverage of vegetable fiber and bitumen showed the highest value of BGHI (84.1) when compared to other types of coverage, characterizing a situation of lower thermal comfort, and no difference was found for THL and H on treatments in the studied region.
The objective of this study was to characterize the microclimatic profile of broiler transport trucks under commercial conditions, in the summer, by continuous monitoring of environmental variables (temperature and air relative humidity). Three loads were monitored from farm to slaughterhouse, considering factors such as distance and day periods (morning, afternoon, and night). To obtain the profile of the environmental variables during journey, data loggers, that determined the microclimate to which birds were submitted, were installed in the trucks; data loggers also allowed visualization of the Enthalpy Comfort Index (ECI) so that load regions could be classified according to heat comfort limits for 6-week old poultries. Temperature, relative humidity, and ECI in the truck were analyzed, using geostatistics, by the ordinary kriging method. The afternoon was the most critical period, and truck central and rear regions were most problematic for chickens, thus most susceptible to losses.
ABSTRACT The objective of this study was to evaluate the thermoregulatory response of dairy buffaloes in pre-milking and post-milking. To identify animal thermoregulatory capacity, skin surface temperatures were taken by an infrared thermometer (SST), a thermographic camera (MTBP) as well as respiratory rate records (RR). Black Globe and Humidity Index (BGHI), radiating thermal load (RTL) and enthalpy (H) were used to characterize the thermal environment. Artificial Neural Networks analyzed those indices as well as animal physiological data, using a single layer trained with the least mean square (LMS) algorithm. The results indicated that pre-milking and post-milking environments reached BGHI, RR, SST and MTBP values above thermal neutrality zone for buffaloes. In addition, limits of surface skin temperatures were mostly influenced by changing ambient conditions to the detriment of respiratory rates. It follows that buffaloes are sensitive to environmental changes and their skin temperatures are the best indicators of thermal comfort in relation to respiratory rate.
PURPOSE: To evaluate the effectiveness, recurrence rate, and complications of carbon-dioxide laser vaporization in the treatment of Bartholin's gland cysts. METHODS: A retrospective study including 127 patients with symptomatic Bartholin' gland cysts submitted to carbon-dioxide laser vaporization at our institution from January 2005 to June 2011. Patients with Bartholin's gland abscesses and those suspected of having neoplasia were excluded. All procedures were performed in an outpatient setting under local anaesthesia. Clinical records were reviewed for demographic characteristics, anatomic parameters, intraoperative and postoperative complications, and follow-up data. Data were stored and analyzed in Microsoft Excel® 2007 software. A descriptive statistical analysis was performed, and its results were expressed as frequency (percentage) or mean±standard deviation. Complication, recurrence, and cure rates were calculated. RESULTS: The mean age of the patients was 37.3±9.5 years-old (range from 18 to 61 years-old). Seventy percent (n=85) of them were multiparous. The most common symptom was pain and 47.2% (n=60) of patients had a history of previous medical and/or surgical treatment for Bartholin's gland abscesses. Mean cyst size was 2.7±0.9 cm. There were three (2.4%) cases of minor intraoperative bleeding. Overall, there were 17 (13.4%) recurrences within a mean of 14.6 months (range from 1 to 56 months): ten Bartholin's gland abscesses and seven recurrent cysts requiring reintervention. The cure rate after single laser treatment was 86.6%. Among the five patients with recurrent disease that had a second laser procedure, the cure rate was 100%. CONCLUSIONS: At this institution, carbon-dioxide laser vaporization seems to be a safe and effective procedure for the treatment of Bartholin's gland cysts.
This work describes a lumped parameter mathematical model for the prediction of transients in an aerodynamic circuit of a transonic wind tunnel. Control actions to properly handle those perturbations are also assessed. The tunnel circuit technology is up to date and incorporates a novel feature: high-enthalpy air injection to extend the tunnels Reynolds number capability. The model solves the equations of continuity, energy and momentum and defines density, internal energy and mass flow as the basic parameters in the aerodynamic study as well as Mach number, stagnation pressure and stagnation temperature, all referred to test section conditions, as the main control variables. The tunnel circuit response to control actions and the stability of the flow are numerically investigated. Initially, for validation purposes, the code was applied to the AWT ("Altitude Wind Tunnel" of NASA-Lewis). In the sequel, the Brazilian transonic wind tunnel was investigated, with all the main control systems modeled, including injection.
Baru (Dipteryx alata Vog.), a species of legume found in the Brazilian savannas, was investigated in this study for the composition of its flesh and seed. Thermal analyses, Thermogravimetry (TG), and Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) were used to investigate the proteins in defatted meal, concentrate, and protein isolate. The protein concentrate was extracted at pH 10, followed by a precipitation at the isoelectric point to obtain the isolate that was spray dried. The thermogravimetric curves were obtained under a nitrogen atmosphere with a 100 mL/minutes flow. The initial, final and peak temperatures and mass loss were analyzed. Within the performed temperature ranges studied, the defatted meal and concentrate presented four steps of mass loss, while the isolate showed only two steps. The protein content of defatted meal from Baru nuts was higher than that of the isolate. On the other hand, there was a reduction in enthalpy, which suggests that the process applied to obtain the baru concentrate and isolate led to protein denaturation.
The hydration kinetics of five barley cultivars was studied at six different temperatures ranging from 10 to 35 ºC for 32 hours applying the Peleg model. Response Surface was used to describe dynamic of the process and identify the hydration time for each cultivar. The activation energy (Ea), enthalpy (ΔH*), entropy (ΔS*), and Gibbs free energy (ΔG*) were estimated from the adjusted parameters and Arrhenius equation. Temperature had significant effect on the hydration of the five cultivars. At low temperatures, the stabilization time for hydration was faster. Peleg constants K1 and K2 decreased with increasing temperature. The cultivar BRS BRAU showed the lowest value of initial absorption rate (R0 = 0.149 kg.h-1) at 10 ºC, while the cultivar BRS BOREMA had the highest value of R0 (0.367 kg.h-1 at 35 ºC). The equilibrium moisture content (Me) increased with increasing temperature. The cultivars BRS CAUE and BRS BRAU showed the lowest values of Ea, ΔH*, ΔS* showed negative values, and ΔG* increased with increasing temperature, confirming the effect of temperature on hydration.
The equilibrium moisture content for adsorption and desorption isotherms of mango skin was determined using the static gravimetric method at temperatures of 20, 26, 33, 38 and 44 oC in the 0.056 to 0.873 water activity range. Both sorption curves show a decrease in equilibrium moisture content as the temperature increasing. The hysteresis effect was observed at constant water activity. The Guggenheim, Anderson, and de Boer (GAB) model presented the best fitting accuracy among a group of models and was used to determine the thermodynamic properties of water sorption. Integral enthalpy and integral entropy areas showed inverted values for the adsorption and desorption isotherms over the wide range of water activity studied. These values confirm, in energetic terms, the difference between adsorption and desorption isotherms observed in the hysteresis phenomenon. Finally, the Gibbs free energy revealed that the sorption process was spontaneous for both sorption isotherms.