208 resultados para disengagement


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08


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La retención del personal es una parte importante de los esfuerzos del área de recursos humanos y de la organización en general, ya que la desvinculación representa costos y daño de la imagen organizacional. Es así como el estudio y análisis de la retención de personal se ha convertido en parte de la gestión organizacional. Con la presente investigación se busca analizar las causas que inciden en la rotación de personal en la empresa prestadora de servicios del grupo Holcim, Holcrest S.A.S, ubicada en la ciudad de Medellín. El análisis parte de datos suministrados por la organización y derivados de una encuesta a los empleados activos. Con base en esta encuesta, se realiza un estudio cuantitativo de tipo descriptivo. Los resultados muestran que las causas que más afectan en la rotación de personal son: el salario, oportunidades de carrera, reconocimiento, cooperación entre áreas, balance vida-trabajo e innovación. Estos se convierten en los puntos a tener en cuenta por parte de la organización para que tome decisiones que ayuden a minimizar la rotación por dichas causas mencionadas.


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Cette thèse doctorale, qui prend la forme de quatre articles, est une étude corrélationnelle mettant en relation le raisonnement moral et la légitimation des dynamiques d’intimidation par les pairs chez des adolescents de 3ème secondaire. L’objectif principal poursuivi était d’examiner la contribution de la désensibilisation morale aux conduites adoptées par les adolescents lors d’incidents d’intimidation à l’école. L’objectif secondaire était d’examiner l’importance accordée respectivement à des standards de conduite issus des domaines moral, conventionnel et personnel chez les adolescents impliqués dans des incidents d’intimidation. Le premier article expose la problématique de la légitimation des dynamiques d’intimidation par les jeunes en faisant état des croyances normatives et des caractéristiques des environnements scolaires qui y sont associées. L’article discute de l’écart qui s’observe entre l’opposition affirmée de la majorité des adolescents face aux conduites d’intimidation et leur récurrence dans les milieux scolaires et vient compléter une première section décrivant les conséquences de l’intimidation pour les communautés scolaires. Le deuxième article s’inscrit dans le cadre théorique de cette thèse et fait état des connaissances sur le raisonnement moral des élèves impliqués dans des dynamiques d’intimidation. Il présente une explication des conduites d’intimidation dans la perspective de la théorie des domaines de la connaissance sociale et dans celle de la théorie de l’agentivité morale. Ces approches ont été retenues pour opérationnaliser le concept de désensibilisation morale afin de rencontrer les objectifs de recherche poursuivis. Le troisième article rapporte la démarche utilisée pour vérifier l’hypothèse d’une relation positive entre les conduites d’intimidation et l’acceptabilité d’incidents d’intimidation hypothétiques, de même que l’hypothèse d’une relation positive entre les conduites d’intimidation et le désengagement moral chez les adolescents impliqués. Le quatrième article rapporte la démarche utilisée pour examiner les justifications sociomorales émises par différents profils d’adolescents impliqués dans des incidents d’intimidation de façon à associer leur conduite avec les domaines de connaissances normatives auxquels se rattachent leurs justifications. Les résultats obtenus sont ensuite discutés au chapitre suivant afin de mettre en évidence la contribution de chacune des approches morales retenues à l’explication des conduites en contexte d’intimidation et les caractéristiques du raisonnement moral associées aux rôles adoptés et des pistes d’intervention sont offertes. Finalement, cette thèse doctorale conclue que seul le niveau moyen de désengagement moral, un indice global de l’adhésion à des croyances normatives antisociales, contribue statistiquement à l’explication des conduites adoptées lors d’incident d’intimidation au-delà du sexe des participants. Quant au raisonnement sociomoral, il informe davantage sur la façon dont les circonstances d’incidents d’intimidation sont reliées à la désensibilisation morale des jeunes impliqués. Les adolescents qui prennent activement la défense de pairs intimidés étaient caractérisés par un raisonnement moral plus uniforme, tandis que le raisonnement des élèves qui intimident et de ceux qui demeurent passifs était caractérisé par la subordination de principes moraux, respectivement en faveur d’impératifs à caractère conventionnel et d’impératifs à caractère personnel.


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Le néolibéralisme, un terme qui désigne couramment la raison d’état contemporaine, est largement associé à un désinvestissement de l’État pour la cause sociale ainsi qu’à un discours de légitimation des disparités socio-économiques. Il s’agit, pour plusieurs, d’une idéologie qui ne considère pas la justice comme un idéal collectif à poursuivre. Un retour sur certains penseurs à qui l’on attribue la formulation des idées néolibérales permet toutefois de constater que la justice fut, au sein de leurs travaux, l’un des thèmes majeurs. L’objectif général de ce mémoire est donc de présenter la conception de la justice chez deux penseurs du néolibéralisme : le journaliste américain Walter Lippmann et l’économiste autrichien Friedrich A. von Hayek. Cette perspective comparée me permettra d’identifier ce que je nomme la «conception néolibérale» de la justice, conception qui s’articule à partir d’une compréhension singulière du marché. Dans le premier chapitre, je présente le problème central de la conception néolibérale de la justice, en abordant la posture épistémologique privilégiée par Hayek et Lippmann. Dans le deuxième chapitre, je présente certaines modalités de cette conception et soulève ses principales apories. Je soutiens aussi qu’une rupture survient entre Hayek et Lippmann autour de la notion de «responsabilité». Finalement, je compare la conception néolibérale de la justice avec la conception libertarienne présentée par Nozick. C’est à partir des critères de justice respectifs de chaque théorie que j’avance la distinction, au troisième chapitre, entre les deux conceptions pourtant similaires. Contrairement à une analyse courante qui fait du néolibéralisme un projet amoral, je soutiens que la reconnaissance de la dimension morale du discours néolibéral ouvre une fenêtre à partir de laquelle il devient possible de critiquer le projet sur des bases éthiques. C’est en identifiant la notion de justice à l’oeuvre dans le discours néolibéral contemporain et en l’inscrivant dans la tradition morale présentée dans le cadre de ce mémoire que nous sommes mieux à même de comprendre l’idéologie du néolibéralisme.


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This study examines the pluralistic hypothesis advanced by the late Professor John Hick viz. that all religious faiths provide equally salvific pathways to God, irrespective of their theological and doctrinal differences. The central focus of the study is a critical examination of (a) the epistemology of religious experience as advanced by Professor Hick, (b) the ontological status of the being he understands to be God, and further asks (c) to what extent can the pluralistic view of religious experience be harmonised with the experience with which the Christian life is understood to begin viz. regeneration. Tracing the theological journey of Professor Hick from fundamentalist Christian to religious pluralist, the study notes the reasons given for Hick’s gradual disengagement from the Christian faith. In addition to his belief that the pre-scientific worldview of the Bible was obsolete and passé, Hick took the view that modern biblical scholarship could not accommodate traditionally held Christian beliefs. He conceded that the Incarnation, if true, would be decisive evidence for the uniqueness of Christianity, but rejected the same on the grounds of logical incoherence. This study affirms the view that the doctrine of the Incarnation occupies a place of crucial importance within world religion, but rejects the claim of incoherence. Professor Hick believed that God’s Spirit was at work in all religions, producing a common religious experience, or spiritual awakening to God. The soteriological dimension of this spiritual awakening, he suggests, finds expression as the worshipper turns away from self-centredness to the giving of themselves to God and others. At the level of epistemology he further argued that religious experience itself provided the rational basis for belief in God. The study supports the assertion by Professor Hick that religious experience itself ought to be trusted as a source of knowledge and this on the principle of credulity, which states that a person’s claim to perceive or experience something is prima facie justified, unless there are compelling reasons to the contrary. Hick’s argument has been extensively developed and defended by philosophers such as Alvin Plantinga and William Alston. This confirms the importance of Hick’s contribution to the philosophy of religion, and further establishes his reputation within the field as an original thinker. It is recognised in this thesis, however, that in affirming only the rationality of belief, but not the obligation to believe, Professor Hick’s epistemology is not fully consistent with a Christian theology of revelation. Christian theology views the created order as pre-interpreted and unambiguous in its testimony to God’s existence. To disbelieve in God’s existence is to violate one’s epistemic duty by suppressing the truth. Professor Hick’s critical realist principle, which he regards as the key to understanding what is happening in the different forms of religious experience, is examined within this thesis. According to the critical realist principle, there are realities external to us, yet we are never aware of them as they are in themselves, but only as they appear to us within our particular cognitive machinery and conceptual resources. All awareness of God is interpreted through the lens of pre-existing, culturally relative religious forms, which in turn explains the differing theologies within the world of religion. The critical realist principle views God as unknowable, in the sense that his inner nature is beyond the reach of human conceptual categories and linguistic systems. Professor Hick thus endorses and develops the view of God as ineffable, but employs the term transcategorial when speaking of God’s ineffability. The study takes the view that the notion of transcategoriality as developed by Professor Hick appears to deny any ontological status to God, effectively arguing him out of existence. Furthermore, in attributing the notion of transcategoriality to God, Professor Hick would appear to render incoherent his own fundamental assertion that we can know nothing of God that is either true or false. The claim that the experience of regeneration with which the Christian life begins can be classed as a mere species of the genus common throughout all faiths, is rejected within this thesis. Instead it is argued that Christian regeneration is a distinctive experience that cannot be reduced to a salvific experience, defined merely as an awareness of, or awakening to, God, followed by a turning away from self to others. Professor Hick argued against any notion that the Christian community was the social grouping through which God’s Spirit was working in an exclusively redemptive manner. He supported his view by drawing attention to (a) the presence, at times, of comparable or higher levels of morality in world religion, when contrasted with that evidenced by the followers of Christ, and (b) the presence, at times, of demonstrably lower levels of morality in the followers of Christ, when contrasted with the lives of other religious devotees. These observations are fully supported, but the conclusion reached is rejected, on the grounds that according to Christian theology the saving work of God’s Spirit is evidenced in a life that is changing from what it was before. Christian theology does not suggest or demand that such lives at every stage be demonstrably superior, when contrasted with other virtuous or morally upright members of society. The study concludes by paying tribute to the contribution Professor Hick has made to the field of the epistemology of religious experience.


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Resettlement associated with development projects results in a variety of negative impacts. This dissertation uses the resettlement context to frame the dynamic relationships formed between peoples and places experiencing development. Two case studies contribute: (a) the border zone of Mozambique’s Limpopo National Park where residents contend with changes to land access and use; and (b) Bairro Chipanga in Moatize, Mozambique where a resettled population struggles to form place attachment and transform the post-resettlement site into a “good” place. Through analysis of data collected at these sites between 2009 and 2015, this dissertation investigates how changing environments impact person-place relationships before and after resettlement occurs. Changing environments create conditions leading to disemplacement—feeling like one no longer belongs—that reduces the environment’s ability to foster place attachment. Research findings indicate that responses taken by individuals living in the changing environment depend heavily upon whether resettlement has already occurred. In a pre-resettlement context, residents adjust their daily lives to diminish the effects of a changing environment and re-create the conditions to which they initially formed an attachment. They accept impoverishing conditions, including a narrowing of the spaces in which they live their daily lives, because it is preferred to the anxiety that accompanies being forced to resettle. In a post-resettlement context, resettlement disrupts the formation of place attachment and resettled peoples become a placeless population. When the resettlement has not resulted in anticipated outcomes, the aspiration for social justice—seeking conditions residents had reason to expect—negatively influences residents’ perspectives about the place. The post-resettlement site becomes a bad place with a future unchanged from the present. At best, this results in a population in which more members are willing to move away from the post-resettlement site, and, at worse, complete disengagement of other members from trying to improve the community. Resettlement thus has the potential to launch a cycle of movement- displacement-movement that prevents an entire generation from establishing place attachment and realizing its benefits. At the very least, resettlement impedes the formation of place attachment to new places. Thus, this dissertation draws attention to the unseen and uncompensated losses of resettlement.


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Dissertação de mest. em Ciências da Educação na Especialidade de Observação e Análise da Relação Educativa, Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Sociais, Universidade do Algarve, 2003


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Socioeconomic disadvantage continues to be a strong determinant of the educational outcomes of young Australians. In particular, middle years students from low socioeconomic backgrounds are persistently at risk of disengagement and early leaving. This risk can be ameliorated by engaging, student-centred learning that is connected to students' lives. This article considers the findings of an independent review of Education Foundation's Cityscape program, recently reframed as the Classroom to Community program. It provides insights into the learning experiences that foster middle years engagement in low socioeconomic contexts as well as the challenges inherent in reframing teacher practice along more student-centred lines.


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With geopolitical concerns surrounding the rise of militant, transnational groups who draw on Islamic texts for legitimacy, the place of Islam in western societies has become a source of anxiety, fear and suspicion. The central concern is whether Muslims living in the West have the capacity to become fully active citizens. This article uses quantitative and qualitative methods to examine whether Islamic religiosity is a predictor for civic engagement and active citizenship among Muslims living in Melbourne, Australia. The findings show that organized religiosity can be a strong predictor of civic engagement, countering the discourses that demonize Islam as a source of radicalization and social disengagement. While the findings show that suspicion of divisive forces and lack of trust in public institutions might prevent some young Muslims from engaging in formal political participation, grassroots civic engagement enables Muslims to demonstrate care and feel like active citizens of the Australian community without compromising core religious values.


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We examined a model, informed by self-regulation theories from the health psychology literature, which included goal adjustment capacities, appraisals of challenge and threat, coping, and well-being. Two-hundred and twelve athletes from the United Kingdom (n 147)= or Australia (n = 65), who played team (n = 135) or individual sports (n = 77), and competed at international (n = 7), national (n = 11), county (n = 67), club (n = 84), or beginner (n = 43) levels participated in this study. Participants completed measures of goal adjustment capacities and stress appraisals two days before competing. Athletes also completed coping and well-being questionnaires within three hours of their competition ending.The way an athlete responded to an unattainable goal was associated with his or her well-being in the period leading up to and including the competition. Goal reengagement positively predicted well-being, whereas goal disengagement negatively predicted well-being. Further, goal reengagement was positively associated with challenge appraisals, which in turn was linked to task-oriented coping, and task-oriented coping positively associated with well-being.When highly-valued goals become unattainable, consultants and coaches could encourage athletes to generate alternative approaches to achieve the same goal or help them develop a completely new goal in order to promote well-being among athletes.


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In twenty years almost one in four Canadians will be over the age of 65. How successfully these people age will influence their quality of life and contribute to their physical health. Illness and disease are frequent components of aging; however, ‘successful aging’ research normally excludes people with illness. Older people living with illness, even life threatening illness, often self-report a good quality of life and continue to experience psychological well-being and a significant engagement in social life. This dissertation uses a three manuscript approach to examine successful aging among people with illness. The first manuscript employed a scoping review to examine the models used in recent successful aging research, compiling the most frequently used constructs which included: engagement, optimism and/or positive attitude, resilience, spirituality and/or religiosity, self-efficacy and/or self-esteem, and gerotranscendence. The second manuscript utilized data gathered via interviews (online or in person) with people over the age of 65 years living with illness. The majority of these participants reported success in aging; only resilience was predictive in the binomial regression analysis. The third manuscript examined the role of social determinants of health on successful aging. The analysis revealed that disengagement from community-activities showed a significant association with higher self-reported successful aging. The best fitting model for predicting rate of successful aging with illness was a linear combination of participants’ ageism score and community activity score, while controlling for gender and age. When considered together, the results from these three manuscripts suggest that successful aging can be experienced by older adults aging with illness. And that, among these older adults, resilience, community interaction and ageism may all play a part in determining the extent to which aging is experienced as successful. Recommendations include the suggestion that we embrace the idea that people with illness can self-define as successful agers. Further, since some of the associated constructs (e.g. resilience) can be fostered, successful aging could be bolstered by education or programs to build skills along with the usual treatment modalities for the illnesses that co-exist.


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This article explores the politically contentious issue of White working-class student under-achievement within one particular school – a large and culturally diverse comprehensive secondary school in the greater London area. The article examines the equity philosophies and identity politics articulated by staff in their understanding of and approach to this under-achievement. It challenges the distributive logic and group identity politics that simplify, dislocate and distort equity issues. The article provides an illustration and theorising of remedies that offer potential in raising the educational performance of White working-class students – remedies not based on ethnic identity but rather on destabilising the patterns of economic distribution and social disengagement that compromise these students’ schooling attainment.


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La capacidad de gestión del personal se ha convertido en un imperativo para las organizaciones modernas. Por tanto se vienen introduciendo temas como la administración en valores y el engagement de los trabajadores. Sin embargo, la relación entre estos dos aún no ha sido estudiada. El presente estudio tiene como objetivo analizar el efecto que tiene el grado de articulación y reconocimiento de los valores organizacionales y personales y organizacionales sobre los niveles de engagement de los empleados. Para esta investigación se utilizó una muestra constituida por 54 trabajadores de una organización del sector salud de la ciudad de Bogotá a quienes les fueron aplicadas dos escalas: el Inventario para Medir la Articulación entre la Persona y la Organización (Inventario APO) y Utrech Work Engagement Scale (UWES). Como principal resultado se obtuvo que de las tres dimensiones consideradas predictoras del engagement, solamente el reconocimiento de los valores organizacionales tuvo un efecto estadísticamente significativo.