999 resultados para deficiência de vitamina D
Introducción: El Índice de Masa Corporal (IMC) es uno de los parámetros más utilizados en cirugía bariátrica. Sin embargo, no discrimina el peso asociado a adiposidad. La fórmula CUN-BAE es una ecuación que permite calcular el Porcentaje de Grasa Corporal (PGC) o adiposidad, basándose en valores fáciles de disponer (edad, sexo e IMC). Con esta nueva clasificación muchos de los sujetos considerados con normopeso o sobrepeso (IMC ≤ 30 kg/m²) en realidad tienen un PGC alto y presentan comorbilidades asociadas a la obesidad. El objetivo de este estudio es evaluar PGC cuantificado mediante fórmula CUN-BAE como marcador predictivo de riesgo cardiovascular en pacientes obesos mórbidos, antes y después de ser sometidos a Gastrectomía Vertical (GV). Material y métodos: Realizamos un estudio observacional retrospectivo de mujeres intervenidas de GV entre 2007 y 2012 en el Hospital General Universitario de Elche, calculando el PGC mediante la fórmula CUN-BAE de forma preoperatoria y 12 meses tras la intervención. Se correlacionaron estos valores con diferentes parámetros metabólicos y de riesgo cardiovascular. Resultados: Se estudiaron 50 mujeres. Preoperatoriamente, el IMC medio de 50,4 ± 7,4 kg/m² y PGC del 54,8 ± 3%. Al año de la intervención, el IMC medio era de 27,7 ± 2,6 y el PGC 39,4 ± 3,7%. La PGC se correlacionó significativamente con 3 factores bioquímicos asociados con mayor riesgo cardiovascular (cortisol, vitamina D y cociente TG/HDL). Conclusión: la adiposidad, según la fórmula CUN-BAE, y el análisis de factores bioquímicos predictivos de obesidad, de forma conjunta suponen herramientas útiles para valorar el riesgo de enfermedad cardiovascular, después de GV.
Objective: To conduct a systematic review of the Vitamin “A” food consumption by pregnant women in Brazil. Methods: The review consisted of a search for articles published in the period from 1999 to 2015 in SciELO, PubMed, and LILACS databases. At the end, eight articles were selected for this review. Results: The methods used for the analysis of the intake of vitamin “A” were: food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) – considering the diet or only vitamin “A” foods and the dietary recall (24hDR). Only two articles estimated the adequacy of the Vitamin “A” food consumption by the population assessed. Some methodological limitations were quite frequent, emphasizing the lack and/or limitation of information on the sample representativeness, loss of studies, accuracy of the methods applied and the control of confounding variables. Conclusion: It is observed that there are still few studies that critically assess the Vitamin “A” food consumption by pregnant women in Brazil, and that the identification and control of possible biases of the dietary surveys can improve the reliability of the information found.
The caprine milk is a product of high biological value and high digestibility. Due to these characteristics it is quite used by newly born children that are not breastfed or that are intolerant to the bovine milk. The vitamin deficiency is a public health problem in underdeveloped areas as the Northeast of Brazil and where areas the caprine ones adapt very well. The present study was led to analyze the influence of the feeding in the vitamin levels in the caprine milk. The animals used were the races Saanen and Murciana, divided in three groups. The first group with 38 animals of race Saanen and the second with 30 animals of race Murciana were, fed with concentrated and voluminous. A third group with 20 animals of the race Saanen was fed exclusively with voluminous. The four group was added with 10. 000 UI of retinol palmitato, administered directly, like capsule, in the mouth of animal. Parallel it was verified the level of retinol of milk in the beginning and final of the sucked, in the goats of the second group (race Murciana n =30). The retinol of caprine milk was determined through the system of liquid cromatografia of high efficiency (HPLC). The retinol levels in the studied groups were respectively: first (38. 5 ± 12. 7 μg/100ml), second (40. 5 ± 9. 7 μg/100ml); third, with 20 animals of race Saanen fed exclusively with voluminous (23. 1 ± 6. 7 μg/100ml) and in the group a, suplementation with 10. 000 UI of retinol palmitato (43,7 ± 18,8 μg/100ml) before, and (61,9 ± 26,9 μg/100ml) after the supplementation. It was not found significant difference between the averages from animals of the first and second group, that were fed with the same concentrate diet and voluminous, showing that the retinol levels in the milk of these two races are equivalent. Already in the animals of the first and third group that they were fed with different diets, in those which diet was just voluminous, a drastic reduction was verified in the retinol levels. In relation to the retinol of the milk in different moments from the same sucked, it was observed in the beginning of the breast-feeding (22. 6 ± 9. 8 μg/100ml) and at the end of the sucked (49. 6 ± 14. 7μg/100ml), being the difference between the averages, statistically significant (p < 0,0001). Already in the animals that were supplemented, a significant increase was observed in the retinol concentration, being obtained a medium response of 41,85%
Vitamin A deficiency (VAD) is a serious public health problem in developing countries, and as a therapeutic and prophylactic measure retinil palmitate is being supplemented. Nevertheless its efficacy has been questioned. The objective of the study was to evaluate the supplementation of two retinil palmitate megadosis on the serum retinol levels of post partum healthy mothers from Dr. José Pedro Bezerra (Hospital Santa Catarina) hospital, Natal - RN. The enrolled women (n=199) were randomly distributed into three studied groups and supplemented with retinil palmitate immediately after delivery with a single 200,000 IU dose (group S1), two 200,000 IU dose (group S2) with 24h difference between the doses, or no supplementation (group C). Among women selected, 143 remained until the end of the study. The influence of vitamin A dietary intake was evaluated during pregnancy and after 30 days of delivery. The average intake of the population was reasonable, but a high prevalence of inadequate intake was found. Retinol in colostrums and mature milk was determined by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The retinol average in colostrums and mature milk in the supplemented and control groups were adequate according to the reference values. In colostrums, women from groups C, S1 and S2 presented retinol averages by milk volume of 94.8 ± 40.2 µg/dL, 92.2 ± 50.0 µg/dL and 91.8 ± 53.7 µg/dL, respectively. No difference was found between these averages (p=0.965), this was also seen when the values where expressed as µg/g of fat (p=0.905). After 30 days of delivery, retinol per milk volume differed between the control group (36.6 ± 17.5 µg/dL) and groups supplemented with 200,000 IU (51.0 ± 28.8 µg/dL) or 400,000 IU (55.2 ± 31.6 µg/dL) of retinil palmitate (p<0,05). Nevertheless, when S1 and S2 groups where compared, no significant difference was found (p=0.97). Considering retinol/g of fat, the means were 12.7 ± 6.7 µg/g, 15.6 ± 8.3 µg/g and 17.2 ± 8.9 µg/g for groups C, S1 and S2, respectively, with significant difference between groups S2 and C (p=0,01). Subclinical VAD prevalence showed a serious public health problem in the study population (32% in colostrums and 31.5% in mature milk). When analyzing the groups separately, the group which received two doses (200,000 IU + 200,000 IU) presented the lowest VAD prevalence (20.7%). Retinil palmitate supplementations of 200,000 IU and 400,000 IU (divided in two doses) in the immediate post partum showed no significant difference. Nevertheless, the 400,000 IU (divided in two doses) supplementation showed a reduction in VAD
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Vitamin A deficiency is a serious public health problem in developing countries, and it causes death and blindness among children in the developing countries. The fortification of food could be an important source of vitamins to control deficiency. 60 Coturnix coturnix japonica quails were used in a randomized design with duration of seven weeks. The birds were assigned into five treatments with four repetitions. The objective was to evaluate the influence of the supplementation with different levels of retinyl palmitate (2,000 IU, 4,000 IU, 8,000IU and 16,000 IU) in quails under the levels of retinyl in egg yolks. The method used to dose retinyl in yolks of quail eggs was High Performance Liquid Chromatography and the enzymatic method to quantify the cholesterol concentration. The weight and production of eggs was significantly modified by the supplementation with retinyl in the birds. The results showed a gradual increase in the incorporation of retinyl in the egg yolk as a response to the supplementation, reaching values 384% higher than the control values. By the end of the supplementations a significant reduction in the concentrations of retinyl in the eggs yolk was observed. The most lasting supplementations were with 8,000 IU and 16,000 IU which lasted for three weeks. The cholesterol content in eggs was not significantly modified. The consumption of one egg enriched with 16000UI of retinol palmitate in the present study, by day, would probably reach 10 and 7,3% of the daily recommendations of this micronutrient for children of 1 to 3 years of age, and for 4 to 8 years, respectively. The nutritional value of eggs, related to the vitamin A, can be improved by supplementation of quails
Dissertação de Mestrado em Engenharia Zootécnica / Produção Animal
Dissertação de Mestrado, Ciências Biomédicas, Departamento de Medicina e Ciências Biomédicas, Universidade do Algarve, 2015
Tese de Doutoramento, Ciências Biomédicas, Departamento de Ciências Biomédicas e Medicina, Universidade do Algarve, 2016
O objeto começa definindo a osteoporose como uma enfermidade crônica, multifatorial e sistêmica que resulta em reduzida massa óssea e perda da microarquitetura mineral, classificando-a em primária e secundária e ressalta a importância da osteoporose pós-menopausa. Segue mostrando a necessidade do diagnóstico precoce e realização de densitometria óssea, se for o caso, para que a prevenção exista. Apresenta um quadro com os fatores de risco que quantificam a perda de massa óssea e divide-os em maiores e menores, indicando que após o conhecimento do estado clínico do paciente, é necessário iniciar o tratamento com medidas preventivas, apontando seis fatores de risco potencialmente modificáveis. Recomenda evitar o baixo peso corporal e a perda de peso excessiva, o tabagismo, o alcoolismo e o sedentarismo e incentiva a prática de exercícios. Termina apresentando um quadro com 15 sugestões de alimentos ricos em cálcio e além de recomendar uma dieta rica em cálcio, comenta sobre a suplementação, quando necessário, e a sua relação com a vitamina D. Elenca ainda sete medidas que visam à prevenção de quedas e com possibilidade de fraturas. Unidade 5 do módulo 8 que compõe o Curso de Especialização em Saúde da Família.
Aborda as ações preventivas primárias em saúde do idoso, com enfoque na Imunização: Influenza ou gripe Myxovirus influenza, vacina anti-pneumocócia, vacina contra tétano e difteria; Quimioproteção: vitamina A e carotenoides, vitamina E, vitamina C e vitaminas do complexo B, vitamina B12, vitamina D, cálcio, selênio, ácidos graxos essenciais - Ômega3; e Hormônios: GH (hormônio de crescimento), dehidroepiandrosterona (DHEA) e sulfato-DHEA (DHEAS), testosterona e estrogênios. Curso de Especialização em Saúde da Pessoa Idosa (unidade 03, do módulo 03).
Unidade 3 do Curso Autoinstrucional de Capacitação em Atenção Integral à Saúde da Criança I, produzido pela UNA-SUS/UFMA é voltado para médicos atuantes na Atenção Básica. Aborda temas relativos à amamentação, nutrição e imunização da criança. Além disso, foram destacados aspectos sobre os principais agravos nutricionais: anemia, deficiência de ferro, deficiência de iodo, deficiência de vitamina A e obesidade.
Texto que compõe a unidade 2 do módulo 5 "Saúde da Criança I" do Curso de Especialização em Saúde da Família, produzido pela UNA-SUS/UFMA voltado para médicos do programa Mais Médicos. Aborda temas relativos à amamentação, nutrição e imunização da criança. Além disso, o texto destaca aspectos sobre os principais agravos nutricionais: anemia, deficiência de ferro, deficiência de iodo, deficiência de vitamina A e obesidade.
This study had the following objectives: to induce and describe symptoms of deficiency of boron (B), copper (Cu), iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), molybdenum (Mo) and zinc (Zn), determining the effect on the mineral composition of leaves. The experiment was developed in a green house and used diagnosis technique by subtraction. The experimental design usedn was a randomized blocks, with seven treatments and three replicates. It was verified that micronutrient omission led to morphological alterations which, in turn, caused visual symptoms. The symptoms caused by the omission of Cu, Mn and Zn were the first to appear, and were followed by those of B, Fe and Mo. The omission of B, Mn and Zn was responsible for the more pronounced reduction in height and stem diameter.