995 resultados para customized industrial products
The social cost of food scares has been the object of substantial applied research worldwide. In Italy, meat and dairy products are often the vectors of food-borne pathogens, and this is well known by the public. Most cases of food contamination and poisoning find their causes in the way food is handled after, rather than before purchase. However, a large fraction is still caused by mishandling at the industrial stage. With this in mind, we set out to estimate Italian households’ willingness to pay (WTP) for a reduction in the risk of meat and dairy food contamination using contingent valuation. The survey design incorporated features specifically conceived to overcome difficulties faced in previous survey research, especially with respect to individualized food expenditures and risk communication. In order to achieve this objective a CAPI (computer-assisted personal interview) survey was devised to tackle two major issues which emerged in previous contingent valuation studies. The first issue is connected to the way of communicating risk to consumers in order to allow them to make optimal choices and the second one to the results deriving from these studies. In fact, estimates from contingent valuation regarding food safety are given just for single products and so marketers may find it hard to extrapolate them to the aggregate. Our results show that in Italy there are segments of consumers who would benefit from higher standards of food safety for farm animal products.
Cistus is a plant genus traditionally used in folk medicine as remedy for several microbial disorders and infections. The abundance of Cistus spp. in the Iberian Peninsula together with their ability to renew after wildfire contribute to their profitability as suppliers of functional ingredients. The aim of this study was to provide a comprehensive characterization of the volatile profile of different Cistus plants grown in Spain:Cistus ladanifer L., Cistus albidus L., Cistus salviifolius L., and Cistus clusii Dunal (the latter has not been studied before). A system combining headspace solid-phase microextraction and gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (HS-SPME-GC–MS) was implemented; thereby, the volatile compounds were extracted and analyzed in a fast, reliable and environment-friendly way. A total of 111 volatile compounds were identified, 28 of which were reported in Cistus for the first time. The most abundant components of the samples (mono and sesquiterpenes) have been previously reported as potent antimicrobial agents. Therefore, this work reveals the potential use of the Cistus spp. studied as natural sources of antimicrobial compounds for industrial production of cosmeceuticals, among other applications.
Mercury contamination of food products results from contact with soil, water, and air polluted with mercury from industrial sources, as well as from the use of mercury-containing pesticides and fungicides on plants. A method was developed for extracting mercury from tobacco products. The mercury content of various tobacco products was determined, using an atomic absorption spectrophotometer.
Este projeto de pesquisa teve por objetivo aprofundar o conhecimento acadêmico sobre a maneira como as empresas estão se utilizando da Internet e outras tecnologias da informação para agregar valor e/ou reduzir custos para os seus clientes, com foco na possibilidade de virtualização dos produtos/serviços oferecidos e dos processos utilizados na sua obtenção, incluindo o relacionamento com fornecedores e outros parceiros comerciais. O estudo foi realizado com base em dados levantados a partir de pesquisa de campo, com aplicação de questionário, e na utilização de métodos quantitativos para a análise das informações obtidas. O objetivo principal foi verificar se o modelo preliminar proposto explicava o comportamento das empresas industriais de São Paulo, permitindo uma reflexão sobre eventuais discrepâncias e o aprimoramento do modelo, além da recomendação de linhas de ação para as empresas. Procurou-se, ainda, determinar se os usos feitos da Internet pelas empresas envolvidas na pesquisa, assim como as transformações por elas realizadas em seu ambiente empresarial em virtude da disponibilização das novas tecnologias, eram extensíveis a outros segmentos do mercado, além dos que representaram o objeto de estudo imediato deste trabalho.
Este trabalho mostra que o fomento de clusters na área de produtos regIOnaIS - particularmente compostos por empresas de micro, pequeno e médio porte - representa uma estratégia alternativa econômica futura para a Zona Franca de Manaus - ZFM e o resto da Amazônia Ocidental. Além dos fundamentos teóricos relacionados aos clusters e pólos de desenvolvimento, o estudo baseou-se também nas evidências empíricas de quatro empresas de Manaus que operam com produtos regionais amazônicos. A pesquisa detecta a formação inicial de um cluster na área de produtos regionais que necessita de uma interação maior entre todos os agentes locais, a fim de ser operacionalizado. Conclui que estratégias econômicas para exploração das potencialidades regionais podem levar ao desenvolvimento de clusters de indústrias baseada na biodiversidade da região que usará matéria-prima local e conhecimento. Desta maneira, as estratégias de desenvolvimento sustentado podem trazer de volta muitos beneficios à região Amazônica e contribuir para a diversificação da atual base industrial da ZFM.
Trata-se de um estudo sobre a cultura organizacional em uma empresa coreana, a Samsung Eletrônica Amazônia S.A,. afiliada da Samsung Corporation, implantada no Distrito Industrial de Manaus, Estado do Amazonas, a partir de 1986, atraída pelos incentivos da Zona Franca de Manaus. A partir de uma pesquisa extensa, realizada em junho de 2001, pelo Setor de Recursos Humanos da empresa, foram selecionadas vinte e seis matrizes cujos resultados comprov_ lm a principal hipótese do trabalho: a de que a cultura da empresa pode ser a responsável pelos problemas existentes em sua área de produção, interferindo na qualidade de seus produtos. Das conclusões da pesquisa, portanto, infere-se que os dirigentes da empresa, todos coreanos, entram em choque com a cultura dos empregados na linha de produção, todos de naturalidade amazonense. Assim, os problemas entre essas duas culturas interferem negativamente em todos os indicadores da pesquisa, a saber: identidade, comunicação, liderança, percepção e interação.
Esta tese tem por objetivo aprofundar o conhecimento acadêmico sobre a maneira como as empresas do setor industrial estão se utilizando da Internet e outras tecnologias da informação para agregar valor para os seus clientes e/ou reduzir seus próprios custos, com foco na possibilidade de virtualização dos produtos/serviços oferecidos e dos processos utilizados na sua obtenção, incluindo o relacionamento com os parceiros comerciais. O estudo foi realizado com base em dados levantados a partir de pesquisa de campo, com aplicação de questionário, e na utilização de métodos quantitativos para a análise das informações obtidas. Responderam ao questionário 665 empresas industriais do estado de São Paulo.
Esta dissertação é um estudo de caso sobre aprendizagem tecnológica que, considerando as evidências empíricas descritas no Capítulo 6 e à luz da Tabela 3.1, procurou identificar a trajetória de acumulação de competência tecnológica da Enxuta Industrial Ltda., ao longo do período estudado (1980 - 2000), para as funções tecnológicas de investimentos (decisão e controle sobre a planta e engenharia de projetos), de processos e organização da produção, de produtos e de equipamentos. Para construir a estrutura de competências tecnológicas para a indústria de eletrodomésticos foi utilizada a estrutura desenvolvida por Figueiredo (2000). Por outro lado, considerando as evidências empíricas descritas no Capítulo 7 e à luz da Tabela 3.2, procurou-se identificar a influência dos processos de aprendizagem utilizados pela empresa sobre a sua trajetória de acumulação de competência tecnológica. Os processos de aprendizagem são avaliados à luz de quatro características chave: variedade, intensidade, funcionamento e interação, a partir do uso da estrutura desenvolvida por Figueiredo (2000). Este estudo verificou que o modo e a velocidade de acumulação de competência tecnológica na Enxuta Industrial Ltda. foram influenciados pelos processos e mecanismos de aprendizagem usados para adquirir conhecimento tecnológico e convertê-lo em organizacional. Estes processos e mecanismos de aprendizagem propiciaram a empresa alcançar uma maior velocidade na acumulação de capacidades tecnológicas, quando de sua entrada na indústria de eletrodomésticos, o que proporcionou alcançar o desenvolvimento tecnológico necessário para atuar nesta indústria. Porém, a simples incidência desses processos na empresa não garantiu uma implicação positiva para a acumulação de competência tecnológica. Pois, no período de 1991 - 1995, verificou-se a deterioração do funcionamento dos processos de aprendizagem utilizados na empresa, o que pode ter influenciada negativamente a repetibilidade e a interação daqueles processos. Isto parece ter contribuído para que a empresa falhasse em construir e acumular competências tecnológicas inovadoras naquele período. Através do uso de estrutura existente na literatura, aplicada a uma indústria diferente de estudos anteriores, esta dissertação sugere que deve existir um esforço organizado, contínuo e integrado para a geração e disseminação de conhecimento tecnológico na empresa, o que pode acelerar a acumulação de competências tecnológicas, desta forma propiciando à empresa a construção de uma trajetória de aproximação da fronteira de desenvolvimento tecnológica da indústria.
A presente pesquisa possui um enfoque no processo de internacionalização das empresas brasileiras, um fenômeno que vem ocorrendo de forma lenta e gradual ao longo dos últimos 25 anos, com grande ênfase nos anos 1990, quando o Brasil abriu sua economia ao capital externo, proporcionando maiores investimentos em novos produtos, novas tecnologias, e a adoção por parte das nossas organizações de novas formas e práticas de gestão empresarial, as quais já faziam parte há um bom tempo das organizações multinacionais pelo mundo afora, que sempre utilizaram essas melhores formas de gestão empresarial em seu estado da arte. Este atraso do Brasil em relação ao mundo desenvolvido, em que o País se fechou como uma verdadeira "ostra", refletiu-se em prejuízos imensuráveis ao desenvolvimento social, político e econômico, resultando em atrasos tecnológicos e educacionais e na consequente falta de pessoal qualificado em face de um mundo globalizado, no qual se mostram imprescindíveis as inovações tecnológicas e a capacitação humana. Nesse contexto, o processo de internacionalização de empresas, especificamente o segmento do cooperativismo de agronegócio no estado do Paraná, ganha um impulso significativo, quando as cooperativas, a partir da década de 1980, buscam sua inserção internacional no mundo globalizado através de um aumento gradativo em suas exportações, inicialmente somente com produtos in natura e, posteriormente, com a introdução de novas tecnologias, equipamentos, pesquisas, modernas formas de gestão e educação continuada de pessoal, possibilitando às cooperativas, e de forma geral ao setor cooperativista paranaense, um grande salto financeiro e um aumento expressivo na composição do PIB do Paraná, representando nos dias atuais aproximadamente 40% do total das exportações do estado. Dessa forma, este trabalho procura contribuir com a academia e com as organizações cooperativistas do estado do Paraná no sentido de buscar as razões para esse importante e irreversível processo de internacionalização, que trouxe, e ainda traz, vantagens financeiras, tecnológicas e dinamismo à economia local com os seus diversos atores, e que transforma essas organizações paranaenses e brasileiras em grandes players globais nos negócios internacionais.
Tests on printed circuit boards and integrated circuits are widely used in industry,resulting in reduced design time and cost of a project. The functional and connectivity tests in this type of circuits soon began to be a concern for the manufacturers, leading to research for solutions that would allow a reliable, quick, cheap and universal solution. Initially, using test schemes were based on a set of needles that was connected to inputs and outputs of the integrated circuit board (bed-of-nails), to which signals were applied, in order to verify whether the circuit was according to the specifications and could be assembled in the production line. With the development of projects, circuit miniaturization, improvement of the production processes, improvement of the materials used, as well as the increase in the number of circuits, it was necessary to search for another solution. Thus Boundary-Scan Testing was developed which operates on the border of integrated circuits and allows testing the connectivity of the input and the output ports of a circuit. The Boundary-Scan Testing method was converted into a standard, in 1990, by the IEEE organization, being known as the IEEE 1149.1 Standard. Since then a large number of manufacturers have adopted this standard in their products. This master thesis has, as main objective: the design of Boundary-Scan Testing in an image sensor in CMOS technology, analyzing the standard requirements, the process used in the prototype production, developing the design and layout of Boundary-Scan and analyzing obtained results after production. Chapter 1 presents briefly the evolution of testing procedures used in industry, developments and applications of image sensors and the motivation for the use of architecture Boundary-Scan Testing. Chapter 2 explores the fundamentals of Boundary-Scan Testing and image sensors, starting with the Boundary-Scan architecture defined in the Standard, where functional blocks are analyzed. This understanding is necessary to implement the design on an image sensor. It also explains the architecture of image sensors currently used, focusing on sensors with a large number of inputs and outputs.Chapter 3 describes the design of the Boundary-Scan implemented and starts to analyse the design and functions of the prototype, the used software, the designs and simulations of the functional blocks of the Boundary-Scan implemented. Chapter 4 presents the layout process used based on the design developed on chapter 3, describing the software used for this purpose, the planning of the layout location (floorplan) and its dimensions, the layout of individual blocks, checks in terms of layout rules, the comparison with the final design and finally the simulation. Chapter 5 describes how the functional tests were performed to verify the design compliancy with the specifications of Standard IEEE 1149.1. These tests were focused on the application of signals to input and output ports of the produced prototype. Chapter 6 presents the conclusions that were taken throughout the execution of the work.
The control, automation and optimization areas help to improve the processes used by industry. They contribute to a fast production line, improving the products quality and reducing the manufacturing costs. Didatic plants are good tools for research in these areas, providing a direct contact with some industrial equipaments. Given these capabilities, the main goal of this work is to model and control a didactic plant, which is a level and flow process control system with an industrial instrumentation. With a model it is possible to build a simulator for the plant that allows studies about its behaviour, without any of the real processes operational costs, like experiments with controllers. They can be tested several times before its application in a real process. Among the several types of controllers, it was used adaptive controllers, mainly the Direct Self-Tuning Regulators (DSTR) with Integral Action and the Gain Scheduling (GS). The DSTR was based on Pole-Placement design and use the Recursive Least Square to calculate the controller parameters. The characteristics of an adaptive system was very worth to guarantee a good performance when the controller was applied to the plant
This work proposes the development of an innovative material made from a vegetable polyurethane matrix and load of industrial waste, from retread tires, for thermal insulation and environmental comfort. Experimental procedures are presented, as well as the results of the thermal and acoustic performance of this composite material, made from an expansive foam derived from the castor seed oil and fiber of scrap tires. The residue was treated superficially with sodium hydroxide, to eliminate contaminants, and characterized macroscopically and microscopically. Samples were produced with addition of residues at levels of 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% by weight, for determination of thermal properties: conductivity, heat capacity and thermal diffusivity, sound absortion index and density. The results were compared to commercially available thermal insulation and sound absorbing products. According to the analysis of results, it was concluded that the developed composite presents characteristics that qualify it as a thermal insulation with superior performance, compared to commercial available insulation, and sound absorption capacity greater than the castor oil polyurethane s, without addition of the residue
Particularly in Braziland in Rio Grande do Norte, companies manufacturing red ceramic, play an important role as agents of development to study the region Seridó- RN, specific place for carrying out the research. It is observed in this region a concentration of red ceramic industries of small size, which, despite its importance in the ceramic, they are unable to enjoy or use the new forms of administrative management and technological advances designed and offered by universities, centers of research and projects of governments, remained almost entirely outside the progress and modernization, technological and administrative. These companies still have outdated technology, and management processes, providing quality problems and standardization of end products. Upon these conditions are the companies going through crisis and struggling to survive alone and without assistance. The region of Seridó-RN, lets make a detailed case study of red ceramic companies in the region proposed from the existing theoretical and actual lifting of the condition of the product manufacturing red ceramic, allowing through this overview of the implementation of collect samples of raw materials, allowing the study of each ceramic industry that contributed to the participation of the research, which was determined parameters such as: analysis of the physical, chemical and technological properties of raw materials, characterization of the processes used, raising the technological resources considering equipment, machinery, supplies, raw materials and facilities available and its organization by type of products from companies involved in this study. The methodology consists of the following steps: collection of raw material, crushing and screening, characterization of raw materials (liquid limit, chemical analysis, mineralogical analysis, differential thermal analysis, sieve analysis), mixing, forming, cutting, drying and burning of ceramic bodies and bodies of evidence. The results showed that it was clay with distinct characteristics with respect to plasticity. With respect to the different compositions of mixtures of ceramic masses, we conclude that the ceramic properties showed a direct proportionality with increasing fraction of the clay not plastic. However, the compositions of the masses studied proved to be the most appropriate for the types of simulated clay for use in ceramics. Adopted in the ceramic processing made it possible to obtain products the resulted in consistent properties, and in some cases even exceeding the requirements of technical studies and standard-Brazilian clays to obtain ceramic products such as tiles, bricks and tiles to floor. Based on the discussions from the results obtained in the various processing steps of this work, one can draw conclusions according to the physico-chemical and mineralogical properties of raw materials, the properties of ceramic products burned and analysis. This work may be used by other researchers, private companies and governmental organizations, undergraduate students and graduate, can develop studies and future research to: develop projects to modify the furnaces; mapping projects develop and rationalize the exploitation of raw materials ;promoting reforestation and forest management; develop reduction projects and recovery of waste; develop training projects in manpower sector, and develop security projects, improving the conditions of work in the area pottery
The aim of the present work was to observe microbial decolorization and biodegradation of the Direct Violet 51 azo dye by Candida albicans isolated from industrial effluents and study the metabolites formed after degradation. C. albicans was used in the removal of the dye in order to further biosorption and biodegradation at different pH values in aqueous solutions. A comparative study of biodegradation analysis was carried out using UV-vis and FTIR spectroscopy, which revealed significant changes in peak positions when compared to the dye spectrum. Theses changes in dye structure appeared after 72 h at pH 2.50; after 240 h at pH 4.50; and after 280 h at pH 6.50, indicating the different by-products formed during the biodegradation process. Hence, the yeast C. albicans was able to remove the color substance, demonstrating a potential enzymatic capacity to modify the chemical structure of pigments found in industrial effluents.