828 resultados para cultural identity


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A presente dissertação tem como principal objectivo a análise morfológica do centro histórico de Torres Vedras. Após um rigoroso estudo do seu plano estratégico de reabilitação urbana, verifica-se a ausência de um documento complementar que permita conhecer sua identidade. A informação existente é bastante planimétrica, pouco esclarecedora da qualidade espacial do Lugar. Devido à escassa cartografia existente, julgou-se essencial desenvolver a reconstituição urbanística da cidade, permitindo dissipar algumas memórias artificiais, fomentadas pelo ‘neo-romantismo’ do Estado Novo, mas que ainda hoje se fazem sentir na memória colectiva dos torrienses. O estudo da génese fundacional do Lugar e do seu enquadramento histórico é fundamental para o entendimento do valor patrimonial enquanto conceito subjacente às políticas de reabilitação dos centros históricos. O estudo da evolução urbana de Torrres Vedras desde a vila medieval, até à cidade do séc. XXI, dando a conhecer os pólos de atracção do crescimento periurbano, e a sua relação com o centro histórico, permitiu um conhecimento mais aprofundado sobre os elementos essenciais que caracterizam a sua Identidade. Verifica-se que a matriz urbana fundacional, ainda hoje perceptível, provém da ocupação romana, materializada pelos dois principais eixos reguladores: cardus e decumanus. A leitura do passado, alicerçada sobre a historiografia e arqueologia, pretende apenas mostrar que os núcleos urbanos antigos foram sempre elementos dinâmicos, capazes de se adaptarem às circunstâncias de cada época, garantindo a sua permanência e importância até ao início do séc. XX. A abordagem feita ao centro histórico pretende demonstrar a sua potencialidade para se tornar num elemento activo da cidade de Torres Vedras, capaz de se adaptar às necessidades da sociedade do séc. XXI, sem perder a sua identidade.


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A partir de um estudo de caso entre os membros e congregados da Igreja Batista do Pinheiro, a presente pesquisa problematiza questões relacionadas à experiência da vivência simultânea de diversas crenças e práticas oriundas de diferentes tradições dentro de uma mesma identidade religiosa. Abordamos questões como a construção sócio-cultural das identidades; a imbricação da alteridade na formação do Si Mesmo; e a relação entre contemporaneidade, hibridismo cultural e sincretismo religioso. Considerando tais discussões, abordaremos o fenômeno das identidades religiosas inclusivas, a partir de uma perspectiva sociológica e da Ciência das Religiões, privilegiando, algumas teorias acerca do papel da religião na contemporaneidade, além e das possíveis causas e efeitos dessa orientação sincrética que vem crescentemente marcando o terreno das identidades religiosas. Trata-se de um esforço no sentido de atentar às vozes de alguns teóricos contemporâneos sobre o tema das identidades plurais, articulando-as aos dados obtidos em pesquisa de campo, a fim de entender como os sujeitos que vivenciam esse fenômeno articulam suas diferentes e às vezes divergentes identificações dentro de sua inclusiva identidade religiosa, e com o meio onde se inserem.


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O presente trabalho tem como objetivo investigar as concepções escolares, apresentando uma discussão do ponto de vista teórico-metodológico acerca destas construções produzidas no âmbito escolar, através de pesquisa etnográfica, utilizando o grupo focal, levando em conta a formação ideológica (ideias sobre si, o interlocutor e o assunto) e a formação discursiva (as marcas linguísticas, temáticas e de posição ideológica) dos participantes desta pesquisa. Por meio dos posicionamentos nas categorias: identidade, cotidiano e imaginário; pudemos observar que os discursos adquirem sentido à medida que são produzidos e que carregam em si os significados que expressam idéias, sentimentos e comportamentos. As mudanças de sentido ocorrem através de outros discursos que dialogam em um processo de construção e reconstrução. Neste entremeio o indivíduo revela-se inserido sócio-culturalmente. E a escola como espaço dinâmico é preenchida de sentido e dá novos sentidos, ora reproduzindo discursos, ora reconstruindo-os, ora formulando novos. Analisando os dados da pesquisa realizada, apreendemos que os discursos de educadores e educandos são influenciados uns pelos outros, formados pelas práticas cotidianas e pela bagagem social que cada indivíduo tem. Nessa construção mútua no processo de convívio, os papeis estabelecidos pela instituição escolar ganham novos contornos e limites no percalço do ensino-aprendizagem, não podendo separar deste contexto os elementos individuais que a escola torna coletivo e que traçam um caminho discursivo novo e ao mesmo tempo pertencente desde antes aos que fazem parte da escola.


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Mauricio Ostria revisa la manera en que el mapuche es presentado en la literatura chilena. Durante la Colonia, ciertos rasgos de los indios mapuches resaltados por La Araucana, de Alonso de Ercilla (valor, rebeldía, destino épico de resistencia), contribuyeron a configurar la identidad del pueblo chileno. Durante la república, la percepción camina entre la admiración y la conmiseración, y el desprecio por el excluido. En el siglo XX predomina la exclusión, la idea del mapuche como un ser moralmente degradado, sin embargo, poetas como Gabriela Mistral y Pablo Neruda se aproximan con distintos puntos de vista, apartados del desprecio. A fines del siglo XX, la mirada multicultural inicia una literatura que pretende dar voz al mapuche, escritores de esta línea son Violeta Cáceres, Clemente Riedemann, y poetas de origen mapuche, como Jaime Luis Huenún, Leonel Lienlaf, Elicura Chihuailaf («la más reflexiva, la más polémica, la más lúcida de las voces mapuches, la más consciente de la función de resistencia e identidad cultural»), son los que más luchan por una nueva percepción del mapuche que, aun ahora, es visto por la sociedad chilena como héroe, bárbaro o víctima.


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Este artículo analiza la forma cómo se construyó el conocimiento geográfico en la gobernación de Esmeraldas y las diferentes representaciones del paisaje de esta región a comienzos siglo XV1I. El análisis de estos discursos permite introducir el tema de las narrativas imperiales y su complejo proceso de elaboración. El conjunto de discursos que vincula la identidad cultural de los habitantes de una región con el paisaje de su entorno es un proceso de largo recorrido, iniciado a finales del siglo XV. Como resultado, apareció una narrativa ""oficial"", que se impuso paulatinamente, y que coexistió con otros discursos, producidos desde otros ámbitos de la sociedad colonial. Los autores analizados son cuatro: Gaspar de Torres, Antonio de Morga, Martín de Fuica y Cristóbal de Troya. En todos los casos se trata de literatura ""administrativa"" o ""burocrática"", no destinada para su publicación.


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James Cooksey Culwick (1845-1907) was born in England. Trained as chorister and organist in Lichfield Cathedral, he moved to Ireland at twenty- one and remained until his death in 1907. Although his reputation as scholar, musician and teacher was acknowledged widely during his lifetime - he received an honorary doctorate from University of Dublin (1893) - little is known about the contribution he made to music education. This paper addresses this gap in the literature and argues that it was Culwick's singular achievement to pay attention to music pedagogy at secondary level, by recognizing that music could be seen as a serious career option for girls, and by providing resources for teachers which emphasised the development of an 'art-feeling' in pupils of all abilities. In addition, he considered Irish music as an art which had significance as music first, and Irish music second, and advocated a 'laudable tolerance' for opposing views on matters of cultural identity to Ireland at the end of the nineteenth century.


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This article looks at the controversial music genre Oi! in relation to youth cultural identity in late 1970s’ and early 1980s’ Britain. As a form of British punk associated with skinheads, Oi! has oft-been dismissed as racist and bound up in the politics of the far right. It is argued here, however, that such a reading is too simplistic and ignores the more complex politics contained both within Oi! and the various youth cultural currents that revolved around the term ‘punk’ at this time. Taking as its starting point the Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies’ conception of youth culture as a site of potential ‘resistance’, the article explores the substance and motifs of Oi!’s protest to locate its actual and perceived meaning within a far wider political and socio-economic context. More broadly, it seeks to demonstrate the value of historians examining youth culture as a formative and contested socio-cultural space within which young people discover, comprehend, and express their desires, opinions, and disaffections.


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This article looks at the controversial music genre Oi! in relation to youth cultural identity in late 1970s and early 1980s Britain. By examining the six compilation albums released to promote Oi! as a distinct strand of punk, it seeks to challenge prevailing dismissals of the genre as inherently racist or bound to the politics of the far right. Rather, Oi! – like punk more generally – was a contested cultural form. It was, moreover, centred primarily on questions of class and locality. To this end, Oi! sought to realize the working-class rebellion of punk’s early aesthetic; to give substance to its street-level pretentions and offer a genuine ‘song from the streets’.


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Wales is one of the constituent nations of the United Kingdom. While sharing much of its political and social history with England, Scotland, and Northern Ireland, it has retained a distinct cultural identity.In particular, over 560,000 people, a significant minority of the population of 2.2 million, speak Welsh, a member of the Celtic family of languages, and the country is officially bilingual. In this paper, we will look at attempts to maintain and grow the number of speakers of the language and at the relevance of this development for speakers of minority languages in other settings.


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The Pacific nation of the Independent Samoa (formerly Western Samoa)  is not known for having a developed film industry.   In 2011, a Samoan languge film called The Orator (O le Tulafale) placed the spotlight on Samoa, its people, and the Samoan culture when it became the country’s first ever film to be accepted into major international film festivals such as the 68th Venice Film Festival.  Samoans the world over have embraced the film for its richness, compassion, and authenticity. Yet at times, the film portrays the Samoan culture as harsh and cruel.   Samoans are usually quick to criticise negative portrayals of their culture but the thousands of comments on the film’s official Facebook page show otherwise.  From April 2011 to March 2012, there were only 11 comments criticising the film on Facebook, and these criticisms were denounced as ‘un-Samoan’. This raised the question as to why Samoans did not react to the unflattering portrayals of their culture, but instead react against legitimate criticisms of the film.  By using Foucault’s concept of heterotopia and the Samoan narrative structure of fāgogo, a heterotopia space and a utopia space are created in which past memories confirming Samoan cultural identity and bonds to the culture are evoked and are (re)experienced by Samoans while viewing the film.  Thus the film’s ability to encourage this is what Samoans praise rather than the actual film.  


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Numerous theories have been formulated in an attempt to explain the psychological differences between violent offenders and non-offenders. Constructs that have emerged as salient in such scholarship include anger expression, social problem solving, locus of control, attitudes toward women, impulsivity and temper. Although a considerable amount of sound research has been conducted into 'violent offending' per se, in general terms, research into family and domestic violence is yet to be as methodologically and theoretically rigorous. In an attempt to link these areas of work, and to identify the risk factors (or 'criminogenic needs') of specific sub-groups of male offenders, this research compared: (I) property offenders, (2) those who had been· 'violent against strangers', (3) those who had been 'violent against intimates' and (4) non-offenders. In an effort to address one of the shortcomings of prior research, potentially confounding variables such as age, education level cultural identity, and socio-economic status were controlled for in an effort to arrive at more meaningful representations of each offender group's specific psychological deficits and abundances. A number of differences were highlighted between the groups, but few of these remained after demographic
covariates were controlled for. This paper details the nature of these differences, while also proposing that future studies adopt a similar methodology.


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This article reports on a study that examined the effectiveness of introducing African music and culture to Australian non-specialist primary teacher education students at Deakin University in Melbourne (Australia). The study demonstrates that African music enhanced the generic musical experiences, learning, motivation, interest, confidence and competence of students in their fourth year of teacher education. The research also addressed the significance and contribution of African music and culture as a cross-cultural experience for these beginning teachers who in turn could provide similar experiences for their own students. This study highlighted the author's role and cultural identity as a South African music educator in transmitting the music and culture represented in 'the travelling drum' to a cohort of students with a predominantly Eurocentric orientation. By extension, this curriculum initiative broadened students' understanding and application of indigenous methods of teaching and learning as part of a global experience. Such a curriculum represents a pathway to many other forms of non-Western indigenous knowledge of music, culture and pedagogy that can be mapped out as a journey along a multicultural route towards 'internationalising the curriculum'.