919 resultados para compulsory licence
Le présent travail est une étude sur Le Petit Prince, d’Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. Le but principal du mémoire est d’analyser la réception du message chez le lecteur adulte et chez le lecteur enfant. Nous avons analysé comment l’enfant et l’adulte interprètent le message donné par l’oeuvre, parsemée d’images et d’allégories, des citations qui son devenues symboliques avec le temps. Ensuite, nous avons analysé les personnages dans le but d’interpréter leur sens symbolique. Pour réaliser cette recherche, nous avons regardé plusieurs interprétations allégoriques. Les résultats de notre étude nous ont permis d’affirmer que la réception du message n’est pas la même chez le lecteur adulte et le lecteur enfant. Les résultats de cette étude montrent enfin qu’il est trop difficile pour le lecteur enfant de comprendre le sens moral d’une image allégorique, tandis que le lecteur adulte est plus apte à interpréter l’image allégorique en s’appuyant sur son expérience de la lecture et de son expérience de la vie quotidienne. L’auteur utilise l’image symbolique dans la littérature pour montrer avec plus de clarté la condition humaine. En conclusion nous apprenons que Le Petit Prince nous fait réfléchir sur la vie de la façon plus profonde et philosophique.
Les étudiants de première année de licence de l’Université Catholique de Lille (UCL) constituent une population à part. D’une part, ils sont inscrits dans l’enseignement supérieur privé associatif, qui constitue une part minoritaire, mais croissante du paysage de l’enseignement supérieur français. D’autre part, leurs caractéristiques socio-économiques et leurs antécédents scolaires ne semblent pas suffisants pour expliquer leur taux de réussite plus élevé que l’ensemble des étudiants de première année de licence. Or, dans les pays occidentaux, les taux d’échecs observés en première année d’université ont généré une large littérature scientifique cherchant à mieux comprendre quelles caractéristiques étaient en mesure d’expliquer l’échec ou la réussite étudiante. Parmi les pistes proposées, l’étude des caractéristiques motivationnelles semble prometteuse. Nous nous sommes donc demandé quelles étaient les caractéristiques motivationnelles, que nous avons appelées profils, des étudiants de première année de licence de l’UCL. Pour répondre à cette question, nous avons essayé de savoir si les activités pédagogiques proposées habituellement en première année pouvaient se révéler un élément déterminant au niveau de la motivation. Le contexte de l’UCL, misant fortement sur l’innovation pédagogique pour l’avenir, rend cet éclairage particulièrement intéressant pour les responsables pédagogiques et les enseignants. Mais la particularité du système d’accès au supérieur et la spécificité de l’enseignement supérieur privé associatif nous ont également amené à questionner la motivation à effectuer des études de ces étudiants. En effet, il est difficile de s’imaginer mesurer la motivation dans une activité pédagogique sans tenir compte des motivations à s’engager dans les études de manière générale. Nous nous sommes appuyés sur un cadre de référence original empruntant à la fois à la théorie de l’autodétermination (Deci et Ryan, 1985) et de la dynamique motivationnelle au sein d’une activité pédagogique (Viau, 2009). Si l’objectif général est d’établir les profils motivationnels des étudiants de première année de licence de l’UCL, nous nous sommes demandé quelles caractéristiques personnelles (âge, sexe, origine sociale, antécédents scolaires, discipline, type d’établissement, choix et type de sélection) significatives influencent les profils motivationnels. Les résultats de l’étude portant sur 457 étudiants montrent une motivation très élevée envers les études, soutenue par des motifs à la fois intrinsèques et extrinsèques, pourtant opposés selon la théorie de l’autodétermination. Les étudiants montrent une motivation élevée envers les travaux dirigés qui allient théorie et pratique mais aussi envers les activités pédagogiques avec lesquelles ils sont familiers. Les étudiants de faculté sont motivés envers les cours magistraux et moins envers les projets, ce qui est l’inverse des étudiants en école. Notons que le résultat le plus original provient de l’étude des caractéristiques faisant varier les profils. En effet, aucune des caractéristiques personnelles étudiées ne fait varier les profils à l’exception des disciplines et du type d’établissement (école ou faculté) où sont observées des variations statistiques. En outre, au sein d’une même discipline, les différences existent en fonction du type d’établissement. Autrement dit, des facteurs contextuels propres aux établissements ou à la culture disciplinaire sont à l’origine des différents profils motivationnels. Ces conclusions renforcent le rôle de l’institution et des facteurs environnementaux propres aux établissements dans les niveaux de motivation des étudiants. Notre recherche donne également des données importantes aux acteurs de terrain en contact direct avec les étudiants.
On 24 September 2010 Knowledge Exchange organised a workshop in Glasgow focusing on how usage statistics can or cannot be used as a basis for managerial decisions on licences. Examples of projects were presented on how usage statistics are used for defining strategies. Usage portals developed in the UK and Germany were demonstrated. During the afternoon a session took place on the sharing of statistical information regarding e-journals. Questions regarding the relevance of international comparisons, privacy and non-disclosure were discussed. This workshop follows on earlier Knowledge Exchange workshops on Usage Statistics and their outcomes, including a briefing paper Combined Usage Statistics as the basis for Research Intelligence.
When a dominant undertaking holding a standard-essential patent uses its exclusive right to the IP to seek injunctions against those wishing to produce either de jure or de facto standard compliant products, it creates a conflict between the exclusive right to the use of the IP on the one hand and the possible abuse of dominance due to the exclusionary conduct on the other. The aim of the thesis is to focus on the issues concerning abuse of dominance in violation of Article 102 TFEU when the holder of the standard-essential patent seeks an injunction against a would-be licensee. The thesis is mainly based on the most recent ECJ case law in Huawei and the Commission’s recent decisions in Samsung and Motorola. The case law in Europe prior to those decisions was mainly focused on the German case law from Orange Book Standard which provided IP holders great leverage due to the almost automatic granting of injunctions against infringers. The ECJ in Huawei set out the requirements for when a de jure standard-essential patent holder would not be violating Article 102 TFEU when seeking an injunction, requiring that negotiations in good faith must take place prior to the seeking of the injunction and that all offers must comply with FRAND terms, thus limiting the scope of case law derived from Orange Book Standard in Germany. The ECJ chose not to follow all of the reasoning the Commission had laid out in Samsung and Motorola which provided a more licensee-friendly approach on the matter, but rather chose a compromise between the IP holder friendly German case law and the Commission’s decisions. However, the ECJ did not disclose how FRAND terms themselves should be interpreted, but rather left it for the national courts to decide. Furthermore, the thesis strongly argues that Huawei did not change the fact that only vertically integrated IP holders who have made a FRAND declaration are subject to the terms laid out in Huawei, thus leaving non-practicing entities such as patent trolls and entities that have not made a FRAND declaration outside its scope. The resulting conclusion from the thesis is that while the ECJ in Huawei presented new exceptional circumstances for when an IP holder could be abusing its dominant position when it seeks an injunction, it still left many more questions answered, such as the meaning of FRAND and whether deception in giving a FRAND declaration is prohibited under Article 102 TFEU or not.
This study analyzed the relationship between prosocial behavior and self-concept dimensions in a sample of 2022 Spanish students (51.1% males) of Compulsory Secondary Education. The prosocial behavior was measured with the Prosocial Behavior scale of the Teenage Inventory of Social Skills (TISS) and the self-concept was measured with the Self-Description Questionnaire-II (SDQ-II). Logistic regression analyses revealed that prosocial behavior is a positive and significant statistically predictor of high scores on the following self-concept dimensions: physical ability, parent relations, same-sex relations, opposite-sex relations, verbal, school, trustworthiness, and self-esteem. Those results were found in males, females and every Compulsory Secondary education year. However, prosocial behavior is not a significant statistically predictor of high scores on physical appearance, math, and emotional stability.
John Frazer, Professor, trained at the Architectural Association, taught first at Cambridge University and then the AA in the 1970s and again in the '90s. He was Head of School of Design Research History and Criticism at the University of Ulster in the 1980s, he also ran a systems and design consultancy with his wife Julia (including projects for Cedric Price and Walter Segal) and was founder and chairman of Autographics software. He is currently Swire Chair Professor and Head of School of Design in Hong Kong.----- This is a very personal perspective on a concept of universal and future significance. It is personal, both is the sense that it is an unashamedly biased view of both the significance of the project, and the nature of that significance and because the author was personally involved as one of the consultants on GENERATOR and subsequently involved Cedric Price in its educational application at the Architectural Association. GENERATOR is still very much alive and was still developing whilst this chapter was being written.
Through the Clock’s Workings is a world first: a remixed and remixable anthology of literature.----- Prominent Australian authors have written new short stories and released them under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial ShareAlike licence. What that means is you can remix the stories, but only if you acknowledge the author, the remix is not for commercial use, and your new work is available for others to remix. The authors’ stories were made available on our website and new and emerging writers were invited to create their own remixes to be posted on the website and considered for publication in the print anthology alongside the original stories.----- The result is a world first: a remixed and remixable anthology of literature. Buy your copy now from the Sydney University Press eStore or download the electronic version.----- So how do you use a remixable anthology? Simple.----- Step 1 - Read. Thumb your way through the pages at will. Find the stories you love, the ones you hate, the ones that could be better.----- Step 2 - Re/create. Each story is yours to share and to remix. Use only one paragraph or character or just make subtle changes. Change the genre, alter its formal or stylistic characteristics, or revise its message. Use as little or as much as you like - as long as it works.----- Step 3 - Share. Be part of a growing community of literature remixing. Email your remix to us and start sharing. The entire anthology can be remixed - the original stories, the remixes, and even the fonts.----- Through the Clock’s Workings is Read&Write!
This paper describes methods used to support collaboration and communication between practitioners, designers and engineers when designing ubiquitous computing systems. We tested methods such as “Wizard of Oz” and design games in a real domain, the dental surgery, in an attempt to create a system that is: affordable; minimally disruptive of the natural flow of work; and improves human-computer interaction. In doing so we found that such activities allowed the practitioners to be on a ‘level playing ground’ with designers and engineers. The findings we present suggest that dentists are willing to engage in detailed exploration and constructive critique of technical design possibilities if the design ideas and prototypes are presented in the context of their work practice and are of a resolution and relevance that allow them to jointly explore and question with the design time. This paper is an extension of a short paper submitted to the Participatory Design Conference, 2004.
The role of sustainability in urban design is becoming increasingly important as Australia’s cities continue to grow, putting pressure on existing infrastructure such as water, energy and transport. To optimise an urban design many different aspects such as water, energy, transport, costs need to be taken into account integrally. Integrated software applications assessing urban designs on a large variety of aspects are hardly available. With the upcoming next generation of the Internet often referred to as the Semantic Web, data can become more machine-interpretable by developing ontologies that can support the development of integrated software systems. Software systems can use these ontologies to perform an intelligent task such as assessing an urban design on a particular aspect. When ontologies of different applications are aligned, they can share information resulting in interoperability. Inference such as compliancy checks and classifications can support aligning the ontologies. A proof of concept implementation has been made to demonstrate and validate the usefulness of machine interpretable ontologies for urban designs.
Music composition using prominent broadcast speeches across the whole twentieth century in commemoration of the centenary of Marconi's first transatlantic radio transmission. The work is based on creating music from the found objects of melody derived from spoken intonation. Recordings of the speeches are accompanied throughout by live instrumental music.