905 resultados para community housing associations


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Une étude de terrain a été accomplie dans le milieu associatif immigrant féminin de Montréal afin d’investiguer le rôle que peut avoir la participation à une association de femmes immigrantes quant à l’intégration de celles-ci à leur nouvelle société. Deux associations ont été ciblées pour cette étude : le Centre Femmes du monde à Côte-des-Neiges et le Comité des femmes des communautés culturelles, issu de la Fédération des femmes du Québec. Le premier est un organisme communautaire de quartier et le second, un groupe de défense et de revendication de droits des femmes immigrantes, à l’échelle de la province. Une période d’observation participante s’échelonnant de février 2007 à juin 2008 ainsi que 21 entrevues individuelles auprès de participantes ont été réalisées. L’analyse de ces données montre que la participation contribue, d’une manière tantôt similaire, tantôt distincte à l’intérieur des deux espaces de participation, à différentes dimensions de l’intégration des participantes : l’adaptation fonctionnelle, l’intégration sociale et plus particulièrement l’intégration symbolique. L’aspect symbolique de l’intégration, discuté en profondeur dans ce mémoire, sous-tend les idées de développement d’un sentiment d’appartenance et de reconnaissance sociale à la fois individuelle et collective des femmes immigrantes à l’intérieur de leur nouvelle société.


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Objectifs : Cette thèse porte sur l’association entre les caractéristiques socioenvironnementales des voisinages (milieux locaux) et la prévalence des limitations d’activités (ou handicap) dans la population québécoise. Elle a trois objectifs principaux : (1) clarifier les enjeux conceptuels et méthodologiques relatifs à l’étude des déterminants socioenvironnementaux des limitations d’activités; (2) décrire les contributions respectives de la composition socioéconomique des voisinages et de facteurs contextuels à la variabilité locale de la prévalence des limitations d’activités; (3) évaluer la présence d’interactions entre la santé fonctionnelle des personnes (incapacité) et des caractéristiques des voisinages en lien avec la prévalence des limitations d’activités. Méthodes : Une analyse de la littérature scientifique a été effectuée en lien avec le premier objectif de la thèse. En lien avec le deuxième objectif, des données pour le Québec du recensement canadien de 2001 (échantillon de 20% de la population) ont été utilisées pour estimer l’association entre la prévalence des limitations d’activités et des caractéristiques des voisinages : classification urbain-rural, composition socioéconomique (défavorisation matérielle et sociale) et facteurs contextuels (qualité des habitations, stabilité résidentielle et utilisation des transports actifs et collectifs). En lien avec le troisième objectif, des données pour la population urbaine du Québec issues de l’Enquête sur la santé dans les collectivités canadiennes (2003, 2005 et 2007/2008) ont permis de tester la présence d’interaction entre la santé fonctionnelle des personnes et des caractéristiques des voisinages (défavorisation matérielle et sociale, qualité des habitations, stabilité résidentielle et densité des services). Pour les analyses associées aux deux derniers objectifs, l’analyse des corrélats de la prévalence des limitations d’activités a été effectuée à l’aide de régressions logistiques multiniveaux. Résultats : Différents éléments conceptuels et opérationnels limitent la possibilité de faire une synthèse des analyses épidémiologiques portant sur les influences socioenvironnementales sur les limitations d’activités. Les résultats des analyses empiriques suggèrent que : (1) la variation géographique de la prévalence des limitations d’activités s’explique en grande partie par la composition socioéconomique des voisinages; (2) des facteurs contextuels sont associés à cette variation géographique; (3) les mesures relatives d’inégalités sous-estiment les disparités contextuelles dans la distribution des nombres absolus de personnes ayant une limitation d’activités; et (4) l’association entre la prévalence des limitations d’activités et la défavorisation sociale pourrait varier selon la santé fonctionnelle des personnes. Conclusions : Différentes caractéristiques socioenvironnementales sont potentiellement associées aux variations géographiques des limitations d’activités au Québec. Le développement d’indicateurs socioenvironnementaux favoriserait une connaissance plus précise de l’influence de ces caractéristiques socioenvironnementales sur les limitations d’activités et des mécanismes par lesquels s’exerce cette influence. L’établissement d’un système national de surveillance des aménagements territoriaux est proposé afin de soutenir la recherche et la prise de décision. Des indicateurs locaux d’accessibilité aux transports, aux espaces publics ainsi qu’aux services de proximité devraient être priorisés. Ces aspects de l’aménagement du territoire sont susceptibles de rejoindre plusieurs enjeux de santé publique et ils ont comme autre avantage d’être inclus dans différentes orientations québécoises ciblant le vieillissement en santé et la réduction des limitations d’activités.


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Introduction : Peu d’études internationales ont examiné les différences entre les hommes et les femmes dans la prévalence du syndrome métabolique (SM). Objectifs : Comparer les prévalences du syndrome métabolique chez les femmes et les hommes et évaluer le rôle du genre dans les associations entre le SM et les troubles de mobilité (TM). Méthodes : Nous avons utilisé les données repères de l’étude internationale sur la mobilité des personnes âgées de 65-74 ans (n=1995), des villes de Kingston (Ontario), Saint-Hyacinthe (Québec), Tirana (Albanie), Manizales (Colombie), et Natal (Brésil). Parmi les participants, 1728 ont donné un échantillon de sang pour des analyses. Les ratios de prévalence (RP) du SM et des TM ont été dérivés par la régression de Poisson. Résultats : Les prévalences du SM étaient significativement plus élevées chez les femmes dans les villes non canadiennes, cette différence entre sexes n’était pas significative dans les villes canadiennes. Relativement aux femmes de Kingston, les prévalences du SM étaient plus élevées chez les femmes de Tirana (RP= 2,66; 95 % IC = 1,98-3,58) et de Natal (RP= 2,21; 95 % IC = 1,52-3,22) et non significatives chez celles de Manizales et de Saint-Hyacinthe. Chez les hommes, peu de différences significatives étaient observées. Le SM n’était pas associé à la mobilité dans les villes non canadiennes. Conclusion : Nos résultats suggèrent que le genre est un facteur de risque pour le SM. Des recherches sur les relations entre le SM, la mobilité et le genre devraient être entreprises. Mots-clés : Syndrome métabolique, troubles de la mobilité, genre, santé internationale


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Au Canada, les Commissions d'Examen des Troubles Mentaux de chaque province ont la responsabilité de déterminer les conditions de prise en charge des personnes déclarées Non Criminellement Responsables pour cause de Troubles Mentaux (NCRTM) et de rendre, sur une base annuelle une des trois décisions suivantes: a) détention dans un hôpital, b) libération conditionnelle, ou c) libération absolue. Pour favoriser la réinsertion sociale, la libération conditionnelle peut être ordonnée avec la condition de vivre dans une ressource d’hébergement dans la communauté. Parmi les personnes vivant avec une maladie mentale, l’accès aux ressources d’hébergement a été associé à une plus grande stabilité résidentielle, une réduction de nombre et de la durée de séjours d'hospitalisation ainsi qu’une réduction des contacts avec le système judiciaire. Toutefois, l’accès aux ressources d’hébergement pour les personnes trouvées NCRTM est limité, en partie lié à la stigmatisation qui entoure cette population. Il existe peu d’études qui traitent du placement en ressources d’hébergement en psychiatrie légale. Pour répondre à cette question, cette thèse comporte trois volets qui seront présentés dans le cadre de deux manuscrits: 1) évaluer le rôle du placement en ressources d’hébergement sur la réhospitalisation et la récidive chez les personnes trouvées NCRTM; 2) décrire les trajectoires de disposition et de placement en ressources d’hébergement, et 3) mieux comprendre les facteurs associés à ces trajectoires. Les données de la province du Québec du Projet National de Trajectoires d’individus trouvés NCRTM ont été utilisées. Un total de 934 personnes trouvées NCRTM entre le 1er mai 2000 et le 30 avril 2005 compose cet échantillon. Dans le premier manuscrit, l’analyse de survie démontre que les individus placés dans un logement indépendant suite à une libération conditionnelle de la Commission d’Examen sont plus susceptibles de commettre une nouvelle infraction et d’être ré-hospitalisés que les personnes en ressources d’hébergement. Dans le deuxième article, l'analyse de données séquentielle a généré quatre modèles statistiquement stables de trajectoires de disposition et de placement résidentiel pour les 36 mois suivant un verdict de NCRTM: 1) libération conditionnelle dans une ressource d’hébergement (11%), 2) libération conditionnelle dans un logement autonome (32%), 3) détention (43%), et 4) libération absolue (14%). Une régression logistique multinomiale révèle que la probabilité d'un placement en ressource supervisée comparé au maintien en détention est significativement réduite pour les personnes traitées dans un hôpital spécialisé en psychiatrie légale, ainsi que pour ceux ayant commis un délit sévère. D'autre part, la probabilité d’être soumis à des dispositions moins restrictives (soit le logement indépendant et la libération absolue) est fortement associée à des facteurs cliniques tels qu’un nombre réduit d'hospitalisations psychiatriques antérieures, un diagnostic de trouble de l'humeur et une absence de diagnostic de trouble de la personnalité. Les résultats de ce projet doctoral soulignent la valeur protectrice des ressources en hébergement pour les personnes trouvées NCRTM, en plus d’apporter des arguments solides pour une gestion de risque chez les personnes trouvées NCRTM qui incorpore des éléments contextuels de prévention du risque, tel que l’accès à des ressources d’hébergement.


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The inferences obtained from the study are presented in coherent area-specific levels so as to understand the ecotourism and its sub-sector areas for the researchers and policy makers about the issues, importances and potentialities of the sector. An analysis of the tourism sector in Kerala has shown tremendous growth both in terms of tourist arrivals and in terms of revenue generation from direct and indirect sources. The foreign tourist visitors in Kerala in 2014 was 9,23,336 which shows 7.60 percent increase from the last year and the domestic tourist visitors were 1,16,95,411 which again shows 7.71 percent increase, is a clear evidence of its potential. In 2014 the industry contributed revenue of 24885.44 crores from direct and indirect sources giving rise to an increase of 12.11 percent from the last year. A dichotomy of tourists and ecotourists shows that tourists in the ecotourism destinations come to 42.6 percent of the total, shows the scope, significance and its potential. Correlation of zone-wise tourist arrivals based on the ecotourism destinations highlights the fact that with only 19 of the 64 destinations that come in the central zone are the most preferred centres (around 54 percent) for the domestic as well as foreign tourists. The north zone encompassing 6 districts with rich biodiversity shows that the tourists‟ arrival patterns exhibit less promising results. Though the north zone has 31 ecotourism destinations of the state receives only 6.19 percent of the foreign visitors. The ecotourism activities in the state are primarily managed by the Eco-Development Committees (EDCs) and the Vana Samrakshana Samithies (VSS) under the Forest Development Agency of Kerala. Social class-wise categorization of membership shows that 13142 families have membership in 190 EDCs with SC (28 percent), ST (33 percent) and other marginalised communities (39 percent). But this in the VSS shows that 400 VSS have 59085 members actively engaged in ecotourism activities and social category of the VSS makes clear that majority are from the other marginalized fringe households with 62 percent where as the participation of SC is 12 percent and ST is 26 percent. An evaluation of the socio-economic and demographic matrix of the community members involved in ecotourism activities brings out region specific differences. About 75.70 percent of the respondents are males and the rest are females. Majority of the respondents (about 60 percent) are in the age group of 20 to 40 years, followed by the age group of 40-50 (20 percent). The average age of respondents in the three zones is between 35 and 37 years. The majority of the respondents are married, a few are unmarried. Average family size is 4-5 members and differences are identified among zones. Average number of adults per household is 3 and child per household is 2. Majority have an education of 10th class and below i.e. about 60 percent of the sample have only basic school education like primary, secondary and high school (i.e. up to SSLC but not passed) level. About 18 percent are SSLC passed, 10 percent are undergraduates whereas 6 percent constitute respondents having qualification of graduation and above. Majority of the „graduates and above‟ are from south and central zone. Inter-zone differences in educational profile are also identified with lesser number of „graduates and above‟ are identified in the north zone compared to the other two zones. Investigating into the income and livelihood options of the respondents gives insight about the prominence of ecotourism as an employment and livelihood option for the community members, as more than 90 percent of the respondents have cited tourism sector as their main employment option. Most (49.30 percent) of respondents get 100 percent income from tourism related activities, followed by 37.30 percent of community members have income between 75-99 percent from tourism whereas the rest (13 percent) have less than 74 percent of their income from tourism and there exists difference between zones and percentage of income. Financial habit shows that about 49.7 percent hold active bank accounts, 61 percent have savings behaviour and 73.8 percent have indebtedness. Analysis about the ownership of house brings to light that 37 percent of respondents live in their own house followed by 25.7 percent in government funded/provided house and 21 percent in their parent‟s house and 3.5 percent in rented house. About 12 percent of the respondents have other kinds of accommodation facilities such as staff quarters, etc. But in the case of north zone majority i.e. 52 percent primarily depend on the government funded house indicating the effectiveness of government housing programme. Standard of living measured in SLI frameworks shows that majority of the respondents have medium SLI values (42.3 percent); the remaining 47.7 percent have low SLI and 10 percent have high SLI. The community members have been benefitted immensely from forest and its resources. Since the ecotourism destinations are located amidst the wildlife settings, majority of them depend on forest for their livelihood. The information on the tourist‟s demographic characteristics like age, sex, educational qualification and annual income show that the age category of domestic and foreign tourists falls below the age group of less than 35 years (about 65 percent), whereas only 16 percent of tourists are aged above 46 years. The age group below 25 years consists of more international tourists (31.3 percent) compared to the proportion of domestic tourists (12.5 percent). Male-female ratio shows that the males constitute 56 percent of the sample and females with 44 percent. The factors determining the impact of ecotourism programmes in the community was evaluated with the aid of a factor analysis with 12 selected statements. The worries and concerns of the community members about the impact of ecotourism on the environment are well understood from this analysis. It can be drawn that environment protection and the role of ecotourism in improving the income and livelihood options of the local communities is the most important factor concerning the community members.


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Objectives We examined the characteristics and CHD risks of people who accessed the free Healthy Heart Assessment (HHA) service operated by a large UK pharmacy chain from August 2004 to April 2006. Methods Associations between participants’ gender, age, and socioeconomics were explored in relation to calculated 10-year CHD risks by cross-tabulation of the data. Specific associations were tested by forming contingency tables and using Pearson chi-square (χ2). Results Data from 8,287 records were analysable; 5,377 were at low and 2,910 at moderate-to-high CHD risk. The likelihood of moderate-to-high risk for a male versus female participant was significantly higher with a relative risk ratio (RRR) 1.72 (P < 0.001). A higher percentage of those in socioeconomic categories ‘constrained by circumstances’ (RRR 1.15; P < 0.05) and ‘blue collar communities’ (RRR 1.13; P < 0.05) were assessed with moderate-to-high risk compared to those in ‘prospering suburbs’. Conclusions People from ‘hard-to-reach’ sectors of the population, men and people from less advantaged communities, accessed the HHA service and were more likely to return moderate-to-high CHD risk. Pharmacists prioritised provision of lifestyle information above the sale of a product. Our study supports the notion that pharmacies can serve as suitable environments for the delivery of similar screening services.


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The establishment of the Housing and Property Directorate (HPD) and Claims Commission (HPCC) in Kosovo has reflected an increasing focus internationally on the post-conflict restitution of housing and property rights. In approximately three years of full-scale operation, the institutions have managed to make a property rights determination on almost all of the approximate 30,000 contested residential properties. As such, HPD and HPCC are being looked to by many in other post-conflict areas as an example of how to proceed. While the efficiency of the organizations is commendable, one of the key original goals - the return of displaced persons to their homes of origin - has to a large degree been left aside. The paper focuses on two distinct failures of the international community with respect to the functioning of HPD/HPCC and its possible effect on returns: a failure of coordination between HPD/HPCC and other organizations working on returns, and the isolation of residential property rights determinations from other aspects of building a property rights-respecting culture in Kosovo.


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Background: Biases in the interpretation of ambiguous material are central to cognitive models of anxiety; however, understanding of the association between interpretation and anxiety in childhood is limited. To address this, a prospective investigation of the stability and specificity of anxious cognitions and anxiety and the relationship between these factors was conducted. Method: Sixty-five children (10–11 years) from a community sample completed measures of self-reported anxiety, depression, and conduct problems, and responded to ambiguous stories at three time points over one-year. Results: Individual differences in biases in interpretation of ambiguity (specifically “anticipated distress” and “threat interpretation”) were stable over time. Furthermore, anticipated distress and threat interpretation were specifically associated with anxiety symptoms. Distress anticipation predicted change in anxiety symptoms over time. In contrast, anxiety scores predicted change in threat interpretation over time. Conclusions: The results suggest that different cognitive constructs may show different longitudinal links with anxiety. These preliminary findings extend research and theory on anxious cognitions and their link with anxiety in children, and suggest that these cognitive processes may be valuable targets for assessment and intervention.


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This research explores the relationship between inheritance, access to resources and the intergenerational transmission of poverty among the Serer ethnic group in rural and urban environments in Senegal. In many Sub-Saharan African countries, customary law excludes women from owning and inheriting assets, such as land and property. Yet, assets controlled by women often result in increased investments in the next generation's health, nutrition and schooling and reduce the intergenerational transmission of poverty. Qualitative research with 60 participants in Senegal reveals the important role that land, housing and financial assets may play in building resilience to household shocks and interrupting the intergenerational transmission of poverty. However, the protection afforded by these assets was often dependent on other factors, including human, social and environmental capital. The death of a spouse or parent had major emotional and material impacts on many Serer families. The inheritance and control of assets and resources was strongly differentiated among family members along lines of gender, age and generation. Younger widows and their children were particularly vulnerable to chronic poverty. Although inheritance disputes were rare, the research suggests they are more likely between co-wives in polygamous unions and their children, particularly in urban areas. In addition to experiencing economic and health-related shocks, many interviewees were exposed to a range of climate-related risks and environmental pressures which increased their vulnerability. Family members coped with these shocks and risks by diversifying livelihoods, migrating to urban areas and other regions for work, participating in women's co-operatives and associations and developing supportive social networks with extended family and community members. Policies and practices that may help to alleviate poverty, safeguard women's and young people's inheritance and build resilience to financial, health-related and environmental shocks and risks include: - Social protection measures targeted towards poor widows and orphaned children, such as social and cash transfers to pay for basic needs including food, healthcare and children's schooling. - Micro-finance initiatives and credit and savings schemes, alongside training and capacity-building targeted to women and young people to develop income-generation activities and skills. - Free legal advice, support and advocacy for women and young people to pursue inheritance claims through the legal system. - Raising awareness about women's and children's legal rights and working with government and community and religious leaders to tackle discriminatory inheritance practices and contradictions caused by legal pluralism. - Increasing women's control of land and access to inputs, enhancing their business, organisational, and leadership skills and promoting civic participation in local, regional and national decision-making processes. - Improving access to basic services in rural areas, particularly healthcare, building the quality of education and promoting girls' access to education - Enhancing agricultural production and providing more employment opportunities, apprenticeships and vocational training for young people, particularly in rural areas.


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Objective. Numerous studies have reported elevated levels of overgeneral autobiographical memory among depressed patients and also among those previously exposed to a traumatic event. No previous study has examined their joint association with overgeneral memory in a community sample, nor examined whether the associations are with both juvenile- and adult-onset depression. Methods. The current study examined the relative importance of exposure to childhood abuse and neglect in overgeneral memory of women with and without a history of major depressive disorder (MDD). Autobiographical memory test together with standardized interviews of childhood experiences and MDD were assessed in a risk-stratified community sample of 103 women aged 25–37. Results. Overgenerality in memory was associated with recalled childhood sexual abuse (CSA) but not other adversities. A history of CSA was predictive of overgeneral memory bias even in the absence of MDD. Our analyses indicated no significant association between a history of MDD and overgeneral memory in women who reported no CSA. However, overgeneral memory was increased in women who reported CSA and MDD with a significant difference found in relation to positive cues, the highest scores being seen among those with adult rather than juvenile-onset depression. Conclusions. The findings highlight the significance of CSA in predicting overgeneral memory, differential response in relation to positive and negative cue memories, and point to a specific role in the development of depression for overgeneral memory following CSA.


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Interpretation biases have been shown to play a role in adult depression and are a target in cognitive behavioural therapy. Adolescence is a key risk period for the development of depression and a period of rapid cognitive and emotional development but little research has investigated the relationship between interpretation biases and depression in adolescents. This study adapted a measure of interpretation bias, the Ambiguous Scenarios Test for Depression, for adolescents and evaluated its reliability and validity. A community sample of 206 young people aged 12 to 18 years completed a validated measure of depression symptoms (Mood and Feelings Questionnaires) and the adapted Ambiguous Scenarios Test. The Ambiguous Scenarios Test for Depression in Adolescents had good internal consistency and split half reliability. Depression symptoms were associated with participants’ ratings of the valence of ambiguous situations and with interpretation biases. Importantly, symptoms of depression and anxiety were independently associated with interpretation bias. This research suggests that interpretation biases can be measured in this age group, that negative interpretation biases exist in adolescents and that these are associated with depression symptoms.


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1. Analyses of species association have major implications for selecting indicators for freshwater biomonitoring and conservation, because they allow for the elimination of redundant information and focus on taxa that can be easily handled and identified. These analyses are particularly relevant in the debate about using speciose groups (such as the Chironomidae) as indicators in the tropics, because they require difficult and time-consuming analysis, and their responses to environmental gradients, including anthropogenic stressors, are poorly known. 2. Our objective was to show whether chironomid assemblages in Neotropical streams include clear associations of taxa and, if so, how well these associations could be explained by a set of models containing information from different spatial scales. For this, we formulated a priori models that allowed for the influence of local, landscape and spatial factors on chironomid taxon associations (CTA). These models represented biological hypotheses capable of explaining associations between chironomid taxa. For instance, CTA could be best explained by local variables (e.g. pH, conductivity and water temperature) or by processes acting at wider landscape scales (e.g. percentage of forest cover). 3. Biological data were taken from 61 streams in Southeastern Brazil, 47 of which were in well-preserved regions, and 14 of which drained areas severely affected by anthropogenic activities. We adopted a model selection procedure using Akaike`s information criterion to determine the most parsimonious models for explaining CTA. 4. Applying Kendall`s coefficient of concordance, seven genera (Tanytarsus/Caladomyia, Ablabesmyia, Parametriocnemus, Pentaneura, Nanocladius, Polypedilum and Rheotanytarsus) were identified as associated taxa. The best-supported model explained 42.6% of the total variance in the abundance of associated taxa. This model combined local and landscape environmental filters and spatial variables (which were derived from eigenfunction analysis). However, the model with local filters and spatial variables also had a good chance of being selected as the best model. 5. Standardised partial regression coefficients of local and landscape filters, including spatial variables, derived from model averaging allowed an estimation of which variables were best correlated with the abundance of associated taxa. In general, the abundance of the associated genera tended to be lower in streams characterised by a high percentage of forest cover (landscape scale), lower proportion of muddy substrata and high values of pH and conductivity (local scale). 6. Overall, our main result adds to the increasing number of studies that have indicated the importance of local and landscape variables, as well as the spatial relationships among sampling sites, for explaining aquatic insect community patterns in streams. Furthermore, our findings open new possibilities for the elimination of redundant data in the assessment of anthropogenic impacts on tropical streams.


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O presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar três bancos comunitários de desenvolvimento (BCDs) paulistanos, ligados ao movimento de moradia, em seus primeiros meses de existência (de junho de 2009 a dezembro de 2011), tendo-se por base a perspectiva dos atores envolvidos. A partir de 2004, iniciou-se um processo de disseminação dos bancos comunitários conduzidos pelas lideranças criadoras da primeira instituição desse tipo no país, o Banco Palmas, fundado em 1998, em Fortaleza (CE), e pela Secretaria Nacional de Economia Solidária (SENAES). Existem poucos estudos sobre os bancos comunitários disseminados e poucas informações sobre as contingências existentes no processo de adoção desses bancos. O presente trabalho pretende contribuir suprindo essa lacuna. O trabalho conclui que, no caso dos três bancos comunitários paulistanos, ligados ao movimento de moradia, há contingências em dois níveis de implementação. O primeiro nível é caracterizado pela relação entre os coordenadores de associações comunitárias de construção, as quais dão suporte ao banco, os gerentes, os analistas de crédito e os caixas dos bancos, e os moradores dos conjuntos habitacionais onde os bancos estão inseridos. Nesse nível de implementação as contingências são: o confronto entre a agenda da associação comunitária de construção e do banco comunitário, a realização de atividades pelos trabalhadores e gerentes dos bancos cujo foco não é o banco comunitário e a intensidade do trabalho do agente de crédito. No segundo nível de implementação, caracterizado pela relação entre as ações indutoras da adoção dos bancos comunitários e os coordenadores de associação, os gerentes, analistas de crédito e caixas dos bancos, foram identificadas as seguintes contingências: o conjunto de obstáculos existente com o gestor da rede de correspondentes e o conjunto de obstáculos gerados por problemas ocorridos no modelo de indução vertical. As estratégias adotadas pelos bancos estudados para contraporem-se a tais contingências referem-se à busca de parcerias com uma instituição geograficamente mais próxima, parceria esta não consolidada até o fim do período analisado, para obtenção de recursos e gerenciamento da rede de correspondente, e à espera por recursos adicionais, baseado no modelo de indução vertical.


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One looming question has persisted in the minds of economists the world over in the aftermath of the 2007-2008 American Housing and Debt Crisis: How did it begin and who is responsible for making this happen? Another two-part question is: What measures were implemented to help end the crisis and what changes are being implemented to ensure that it will never happen again? Many speculate that the major contributing factor was the repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act in 1999 that prompted a virtual feeding frenzy among the banking community when new calls from Capitol Hill encouraged home ownership in America as well as the secondary mortgage market which skyrocketed thereafter. The Glass-Steagall Act will be among many of the topics explored in this paper along with the events leading up to the 2007-2008 housing/debt crisis as well as the aftermath.


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Toxoplasma gondii infection may lead to important pathological questions, especially in rural areas, where several sources of infection exist. Therefore, it is important to determine risk factors in order to establish adequate prophylactic measures. The present study aimed to assess the prevalence and risk factors involved in human toxoplasmosis infection in a rural community, in Eldorado, Mato Grosso do Sul State, Brazil. This community was composed of 185 farms - with 671 inhabitants - from which 20 were randomly chosen. In these farms, blood samples were collected from rural workers, who also answered a risk factor questionnaire. Serum samples were analyzed by means of direct agglutination test for the detection of anti-Toxoplasma gondii antibodies. From 73 samples collected, 79.45% were positive. None of the studied variables was significantly associated with the prevalence of the infection. However, among the individuals who reported eyesight impairments, 94.4% had anti-T. gondii antibodies, compared with 74.0% who did not report eyesight changes (p = 0.0594). Moreover, most individuals in the study (68.20%) were older than 18 years and presented 84.44% positivity, compared with 66.67% of positive individuals younger than 18 years old. We were able to conclude that a high prevalence of antibodies did not imply significant associations with the risk factors studied.