868 resultados para commitment, activity physical, sport, cystic fibrosis, career, trajectory, disease
We assessed the serological responses over 10 years to repeated immunization of cystic fibrosis (CF) patients with an O-polysaccharide (OPS)-toxin A conjugate vaccine against Pseudomonas aeruginosa. A retrospective analysis was performed with sera from 25 vaccinated and 25 unvaccinated children treated at the same CF centre and matched for clinical management, age and gender. Yearly immunization led to sustained elevations of serum immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibody levels to all vaccine components. Eighteen unvaccinated patients but only eight vaccinated ones developed chronic pseudomonal lung infections. Infection rapidly caused further marked elevations of polysaccharide- but not toxin A-specific serum IgG in both immunized and nonimmunized patients, indicating that protection did not depend on the quantity of IgG present. However, qualitative analyses revealed that the protective capacity of specific serum IgG antibodies was linked to high affinity and to specificity for OPS serotypes rather than for lipopolysaccharide core epitopes.
BACKGROUND: Cystic fibrosis (CF) is associated with the appearance of serum autoantibodies directed against bactericidal/permeability-increasing protein (BPI). OBJECTIVES: To determine the age-specific seroprevalence rates of anti-BPI-IgG and IgA in a population of patients with CF and to correlate anti-BPI antibody concentrations with microbial respiratory tract colonization and pulmonary function variables at the time of serum sampling and 6 years thereafter. METHODS: Determination of BPI antibodies of the IgG and IgA isotypes using a commercial enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay in sera of a CF serum bank of 1992; correlation of anti-BPI antibody concentrations with age, clinical score, pulmonary function variables in 1992 and 1998, total serum immunoglobulin isotype concentrations and respiratory tract colonization with Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Aspergillus spp. RESULTS: Seventy-one patients (age in 1992, 14.1 +/- 7.5 years) were studied. Reactivities for anti-BPI-IgG and IgA were found in 28 (39%) and 26 (37%) patients, respectively. The seroprevalence of anti-BPI-IgA, but not IgG, increased significantly with age. P. aeruginosa colonization was associated with elevated concentrations of anti-BPI-IgG (P = 0.003) and IgA (P = 0.037). There were significant negative correlations between pulmonary function variables (vital capacity, forced expiratory volume in 1 s) in 1992 and 1998, respectively, and concentrations of anti-BPI-IgG or IgA in a multiple regression analysis. Anti-BPI-IgG, but not IgA, remained significantly associated with P. aeruginosa colonization (P = 0.006) and with reduced vital capacity (P = 0.01) in 1998 after correction for total serum isotype concentration. CONCLUSIONS: Anti-BPI-IgG are strongly associated with concurrent P. aeruginosa colonization and with long term restrictive pulmonary function abnormalities.
Studies dealing with the increased tendency to stone formation noted in cystic fibrosis, focus on enteric hyperoxaluria. It is well recognized, however, that low urine volume, hypocitraturia and perhaps even hypercalciuria are further risk factors for stone formation.
BACKGROUND From January 2011 onward, the Swiss newborn screening (NBS) program has included a test for cystic fibrosis (CF). In this study, we evaluate the first year of implementation of the CF-NBS program. METHODS The CF-NBS program consists of testing in two steps: a heel prick sample is drawn (= Guthrie test) for measurement of immunoreactive trypsinogen (IRT) and for DNA screening. All children with a positive screening test are referred to a CF center for further diagnostic testing (sweat test and genetic analysis). After assessment in the CF center, the parents are given a questionnaire. All the results of the screening process and the parent questionnaires were centrally collected and evaluated. RESULTS In 2011, 83 198 neonates were screened, 84 of whom (0.1%) had a positive screening result and were referred to a CF center. 30 of these 84 infants were finally diagnosed with CF (positive predictive value: 35.7%). There was an additional infant with CF and meconium ileus whose IRT value was normal. The 31 diagnosed children with CF correspond to an incidence of 1 : 2683. The average time from birth to genetically confirmed diagnosis was 34 days (range: 13-135). 91% of the parents were satisfied that their child had undergone screening. All infants receiving a diagnosis of CF went on to receive further professional care in a CF center. CONCLUSION The suggested procedure for CF-NBS has been found effective in practice; there were no major problems with its implementation. It reached high acceptance among physicians and parents.
Reasons for heterogeneous change in LCI in children with cystic fibrosis after antibiotic treatment.
The association of measures of physical activity with coronary heart disease (CHD) risk factors in children, especially those for atherosclerosis, is unknown. The purpose of this study was to determine the association of physical activity and cardiovascular fitness with blood lipids and lipoproteins in pre-adolescent and adolescent girls.^ The study population was comprised of 131 girls aged 9 to 16 years who participated in the Children's Nutrition Research Center's Adolescent Study. The dependent variables, blood lipids and lipoproteins, were measured by standard techniques. The independent variables were physical activity measured as the difference between total energy expenditure (TEE) and basal metabolic rate (BMR), and cardiovascular fitness, VO$\rm\sb{2max}$(ml/min/kg). TEE was measured by the doubly-labeled water (DLW) method, and BMR by whole-room calorimetry. Cardiovascular fitness, VO$\rm\sb{2max}$(ml/min/kg), was measured on a motorized treadmill. The potential confounding variables were sexual maturation (Tanner breast stage), ethnic group, body fat percent, and dietary variables. A systematic strategy for data analysis was used to isolate the effects of physical activity and cardiovascular fitness on blood lipids, beginning with assessment of confounding and interaction. Next, from regression models predicting each blood lipid and controlling for covariables, hypotheses were evaluated by the direction and value of the coefficients for physical activity and cardiovascular fitness.^ The main result was that cardiovascular fitness appeared to be more strongly associated with blood lipids than physical activity. An interaction between cardiovascular fitness and sexual maturation indicated that the effect of cardiovascular fitness on most blood lipids was dependent on the stage of sexual maturation.^ A difference of 760 kcal/d physical activity (which represents the difference between the 25th and 75th percentile of physical activity) was associated with negligible differences in blood lipids. In contrast, a difference in 10 ml/min/kg of VO$\rm\sb{2max}$ or cardiovascular fitness (which represents the difference between the 25th and 75th percentile in cardiovascular fitness) in the early stages of sexual maturation was associated with an average positive difference of 15 mg/100 ml ApoA-1 and 10 mg/100 ml HDL-C. ^
BACKGROUND Persons with cystic fibrosis (CF) are at-risk for health effects from ambient air pollution but little is known about the interaction of nanoparticles (NP) with CF lungs. Here we study the distribution of inhaled NP in a murine CF model and aim to reveal mechanisms contributing to adverse effects of inhaled particles in susceptible populations. METHODS Chloride channel defective CftrTgH (neoim) Hgu mice were used to analyze lung function, lung distribution and whole body biokinetics of inhaled NP, and inflammatory responses after intratracheal administration of NP. Distribution of 20-nm titanium dioxide NP in lungs was assessed on ultrathin sections immediately and 24 h after a one-hour NP inhalation. NP biokinetics was deduced from total and regional lung deposition and from whole body translocation of inhaled 30-nm iridium NP within 24 h after aerosol inhalation. Inflammatory responses were assessed within 7 days after carbon NP instillation. RESULTS Cftr mutant females had moderately reduced lung compliance and slightly increased airway resistance compared to wild type mice. We found no genotype dependent differences in total, regional and head deposition or in secondary-organ translocation of inhaled iridium NP. Titanium dioxide inhalation resulted in higher NP uptake by alveolar epithelial cells in Cftr mutants. Instillation of carbon NP induced a comparable acute and transient inflammatory response in both genotypes. The twofold increase of bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) neutrophils in Cftr mutant compared to wild type mice at day 3 but not at days 1 and 7, indicated an impaired capacity in inflammation resolution in Cftr mutants. Concomitant to the delayed decline of neutrophils, BAL granulocyte-colony stimulating factor was augmented in Cftr mutant mice. Anti-inflammatory 15-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid was generally significantly lower in BAL of Cftr mutant than in wild type mice. CONCLUSIONS Despite lacking alterations in lung deposition and biokinetics of inhaled NP, and absence of significant differences in lung function, higher uptake of NP by alveolar epithelial cells and prolonged, acute inflammatory responses to NP exposure indicate a moderately increased susceptibility of lungs to adverse effects of inhaled NP in Cftr mutant mice and provides potential mechanisms for the increased susceptibility of CF patients to air pollution.
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES We investigated the effect of different breathing aids on ventilation distribution in healthy adults and subjects with cystic fibrosis (CF). METHODS In 11 healthy adults and 9 adults with CF electrical impedance tomography measurements were performed during spontaneous breathing, continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) and positive expiratory pressure (PEP) therapy randomly applied in upright and lateral position. Spatial and temporal ventilation distribution was assessed. RESULTS The proportion of ventilation directed to the dependent lung significantly increased in lateral position compared to upright in healthy and CF. This effect was enhanced with CPAP but neutralised with PEP, whereas the effect of PEP was larger in the healthy group. Temporal ventilation distribution showed exactly the opposite with homogenisation during CPAP and increased inhomogeneity with PEP. CONCLUSIONS PEP shows distinct differences to CPAP with respect to its impact on ventilation distribution in healthy adults and CF subjects EIT might be used to individualise respiratory physiotherapy.
Virus-associated pulmonary exacerbations, often associated with rhinoviruses (RVs), contribute to cystic fibrosis (CF) morbidity. Currently, there are only a few therapeutic options to treat virus-induced CF pulmonary exacerbations. The macrolide antibiotic azithromycin has antiviral properties in human bronchial epithelial cells. We investigated the potential of azithromycin to induce antiviral mechanisms in CF bronchial epithelial cells. Primary bronchial epithelial cells from CF and control children were infected with RV after azithromycin pre-treatment. Viral RNA, interferon (IFN), IFN-stimulated gene and pattern recognition receptor expression were measured by real-time quantitative PCR. Live virus shedding was assessed by assaying the 50% tissue culture infective dose. Pro-inflammatory cytokine and IFN-β production were evaluated by ELISA. Cell death was investigated by flow cytometry. RV replication was increased in CF compared with control cells. Azithromycin reduced RV replication seven-fold in CF cells without inducing cell death. Furthermore, azithromycin increased RV-induced pattern recognition receptor, IFN and IFN-stimulated gene mRNA levels. While stimulating antiviral responses, azithromycin did not prevent virus-induced pro-inflammatory responses. Azithromycin pre-treatment reduces RV replication in CF bronchial epithelial cells, possibly through the amplification of the antiviral response mediated by the IFN pathway. Clinical studies are needed to elucidate the potential of azithromycin in the management and prevention of RV-induced CF pulmonary exacerbations.
The mechanisms responsible for the determination of phenotypes are still not well understood; however, it has become apparent that modifier genes must play a considerable role in the phenotypic heterogeneity of Mendelian disorders. Significant advances in genetic technologies and molecular medicine allow huge amounts of information to be generated from individual samples within a reasonable time frame. This review focuses on the role of modifier genes using the example of cystic fibrosis, the most common lethal autosomal recessive disorder in the white population, and discusses the advantages and limitations of candidate gene approaches versus genome-wide association studies. Moreover, the implications of modifier gene research for other monogenic disorders, as well as its significance for diagnostic, prognostic, and therapeutic approaches are summarized. Increasing insight into modifying mechanisms opens up new perspectives, dispelling the idea of genetic disorders being caused by one single gene.
BACKGROUND Cystic Fibrosis is the most common autosomal-recessive hereditary disease among white Europeans. The average survival of CF patients has increased to above 40 years and transition from paediatric to adult care has therefore become a significant issue. AIM With this study, experiences of adolescents with CF and their parents with the transition from the paediatric to the adult care were explored. METHODS At a Swiss university CF centre, six adolescents and their mothers were recruited. Twelve narrative interviews were conducted on how the phase of transition was experienced. The transcribed interviews were analysed according to the method of hermeneutic phenomenology. RESULTS Positive and negative experiences with long term routine care in the paediatric service, general themes of adolescence and the quality of the relationship with paediatric doctors influenced the families' experience during transition significantly. For mothers, insensitive information on the CF diagnosis might have influenced the transition experience. The adolescents welcomed an individualized and age appropriate care. Continuity in care, the announcement of, and involvement in the planning of the transfer were of great importance. The families particularly appreciated the timed adaptations of the transfer to individual needs. CONCLUSIONS Flexibility and a strong collaboration between paediatric and adult CF teams are most relevant in the care of families.
BACKGROUND To systematically assess the literature published on the clinical impact of Influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 on cystic fibrosis (CF) patients. METHODS An online search in PUBMED database was conducted. Original articles on CF patients with Influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 infection were included. We analyzed incidence, symptoms, clinical course and treatment. RESULTS Four surveys with a total of 202 CF patients infected by Influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 were included. The meta-analysis showed that hospitalisation rates were higher in CF patients compared to the general population. While general disease symptoms were comparable, the clinical course was more severe and case fatality rate (CFR) was higher in CF patients compared to asthmatics and the general population. CONCLUSIONS Evidence so far suggests that CF patients infected with Influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 show increased morbidity and a higher CFR compared to patients with other chronic respiratory diseases and healthy controls. Particularly, CF patients with advanced stage disease seem to be more susceptible to severe lung disease. Accordingly, early antiviral and antibiotic treatment strategies are essential in CF patients. Preventive measures, including vaccination as well as hygiene measures during the influenza season, should be reinforced and improved in CF patients.