508 resultados para browning
O atual quadro de obesidade instalado no mundo estimula o estudo em busca de seu tratamento. O fenofibrato, um agonista PPAR-α, é usado atualmente para tratar a dislipidemia. No entanto, efeitos pleiotrópicos sobre a perda de massa corporal (MC) e redução nos depósitos de gordura necessitam de maiores estudos. O objetivo do trabalho foi examinar os efeitos do agonista PPAR-α fenofibrato sobre o gasto energético, MC, metabolismo de carboidratos, perfil secretor de adipocinas, plasticidade e termogênese do tecido adiposo branco subcutâneo (TABs) em camundongos com obesidade induzida por dieta. Este experimento foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética para Experimentação Animal local sob o protocolo CEUA/032/2013. Camundongos machos C57BL/6 de 3 meses foram divididos em dois grupos: dieta padrão (SC, 10% lipídios) e dieta hiperlipídica (HF, 50% de lipídios), as quais foram administradas durante 10 semanas para induzir o sobrepeso. Em seguida, foi iniciado o tratamento com fenofibrato (100 mg/kg MC, adicionado à dieta), formando quatro grupos: SC, SC-F, HF, HF-F. O tratamento teve duração de cinco semanas, com o total de 15 semanas de experimento. A análise estatística utilizou teste t de student no pré-tratamento e one way ANOVA seguida pelo pós-teste de Holm-Sidak durante o tratamento. O two way ANOVA foi utilizado para testar possíveis interações entre dieta e tratamento. O nível de significância P<0,05 foi considerado estatisticamente significativo. O grupo HF apresentou sobrepeso, resistência à insulina, além de remodelamento do tecido adiposo branco subcutâneo (TABs). O fenofibrato atenuou significativamente estes parâmetros (P<0,05). Os grupos tratados apresentaram formação de células beges no TABs, confirmado através de maior expressão gênica do PPAR-α, PPAR-β, PGC1-α, BMP8, UCP-1, PRDM16 e FNDC5/Irisina nos grupos tratados do que em suas contrapartes (P<0,05). O tratamento com fenofibrato também foi capaz de aumentar os niveis plasmáticos de FNDC5/Irisina em ambos os grupos tratados (P<0,005). Os grupos SC-F e HF-F apresentaram aumento do gasto energético, a produção de CO2 e consumo de O2 após o tratamento com fenofibrato (P<0,05). A ativação do PPAR-α parece ser fundamental para provocar browning através da indução da irisina e da transcrição de UCP-1. O fenofibrato restaurou a MC, a sensibilidade à insulina e a morfometria do TABs. Relevantemente, o fenofibrato aumentou a expressão de genes tipicamente expressos no tecido adiposo marrom no TABs, evidenciando a plasticidade do TABs em células beges com capacidade termogênica, caracterizando o browning.
本文以我国目前主要栽培的甜樱桃早、中、晚熟品种“红灯”、“佐藤锦”、“那翁”、“拉宾斯”和“砂蜜豆”等为试材,系统地研究了甜樱桃果实在不同O2和CO2浓度气调贮藏条件下的生理特性、风味品质和贮藏性,提出了适合于甜樱桃果实生理特性的气调指标和贮藏时间;分析了甜樱桃在不同贮藏条件下果实中乙烯、多酚氧化酶(PPO)、过氧化物酶(POD)、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD) 和丙二醛(MDA)的变化情况,揭示了它们与甜樱桃果实衰老、褐变及耐贮性的关系;分析了甜樱桃果实在不同贮藏条件下乙醇、色泽、硬度、可溶性固形物、酸和维生素C等物质成分的含量变化及与果实风味品质的关系;同时,还分析了不同甜樱桃品种果皮的结构特征及与耐藏性的关系,以及不同成熟度的甜樱桃果实在气调贮藏中的生理反应和品质变化。为形成甜樱桃果实采后商业化贮藏的系列配套技术提供了理论依据。 本文的主要研究内容包括:不同CO2浓度的气调贮藏对甜樱桃果实采后生理及品质的影响;高O2或高CO2浓度处理对甜樱桃果实褐变、衰老及风味品质的影响;动态气调贮藏和非动态气调贮藏对甜樱桃生理特性、风味品质和耐藏性的影响;不同成熟度及不同品种对甜樱桃耐藏性的影响;不同药剂配合包装处理对甜樱桃果实耐藏性及品质的影响。试验结果表明: 1. 甜樱桃果实适合于较高CO2浓度的CA贮藏:与自发性气调贮藏(MAP)相比,气调贮藏(CA)更能明显地延缓果实衰老,减少腐烂和褐变,保持风味品质和延长1.5~2倍的贮藏时间。其中以较高CO2浓度的(5% O2 + 10% CO2)气调贮藏效果最好,早熟品种“红灯”的贮藏期为60天,而中、晚熟品种“最上锦”、“佐藤锦”、“那翁”、“拉宾斯”和“砂蜜豆” 的贮藏期可达80-100天。果实在25℃下的货架存放时间为2-3天,在低温条件下(3-5℃)的货架时间是6天以上。 2. 高O2浓度气调对甜樱桃果实易造成伤害:用高O2浓度(70% O2 + 0% CO2)气调贮藏甜樱桃,在短期内可以抑制果实腐烂、减少果肉中挥发性代谢产物乙醇含量,但果实中的丙二醛含量上升迅速,褐变加剧,造成高氧伤害。 3. 动态气调贮藏更有利于延长甜樱桃果实的贮藏期:与非动态气调贮藏相比,贮藏前期用较高浓度CO2(20%)处理甜樱桃果实可有效控制维生素C含量的降低,丙二醛含量上升的速率较慢,可明显减少贮藏后期果实褐变和腐烂,保持风味品质。 4. 成熟度较高的甜樱桃果实适合于气调贮藏:成熟度较高(深红色时采收)的甜樱桃果实比成熟度低(鲜红色时采收)的果实耐藏性好。 5. 果实的耐藏性与果皮结构有关:耐藏性强的品种表皮细胞较小,排列紧密,细胞壁和外层蜡脂均较厚,果肉内部的维管束螺纹排列致密,果肉的薄壁细胞也排列得比较致密。 6. MAP与生物药剂配合有利于延长甜樱桃的贮藏期:生物1号药剂与加有TBZ的低密度塑料薄膜袋包装配合使用对控制甜樱桃果实腐烂、抑制果肉乙烯和乙醇生成、保持品质特性和延长贮藏时间都很有效。 7. 膜质过氧化是造成甜樱桃果实褐变的主要因素:甜樱桃果实褐变与PPO活性关系不大,但与膜质过氧化作用的产物—丙二醛(MAD)含量变化显著相关。
本文对荔枝果实采后贮藏中的关键问题果皮褐变的相关生理活动进行了研究。研究了采后荔枝果皮的总酚含量、花色素类物质含量、多酚氧化酶和过氧化物酶活性等在贮藏期间的变化,并就这些因素与荔枝果实采后贮藏和果皮褐变的关系进行了讨论。实验表明,在荔枝果实的采后贮藏过程中,果皮中的酚类物质、花色素苷类物质、多酚氧化酶和过氧化物酶等共同参与了导致荔枝果皮褐变的生理过程。 比较了荔枝果实在几种不同的气调环境中的贮藏效果和生理指标。结果表明高氧短时处理对于延长荔枝果实贮存时间,延缓果皮褐变有很好的效果。 过氧化物酶在以往的果实褐变过程的研究中一直没有得到足够的重视,对于荔枝果皮过氧化物酶的提纯和性质的研究也较少。为了研究过氧化物酶在褐变过程中的作用,进一步了解荔枝果皮褐变的机理,本文对荔枝果皮过氧化物酶进行了提纯。采用低浓度中性磷酸缓冲液抽提。纯化过程采用了硫酸铵分级沉淀、DEAE Sephadex A-50离子交换柱层析、Sephadex G-100凝胶过滤等技术,比较并摸索出提取和纯化的合适方法和条件,本文对该酶的热稳定性、pH 适应性、底物专一性、反应动力学参数和抑制剂等性质进行了研究,发现该酶热稳定很高,具有较广的pH适应范围,能催化双氧水氧化多种底物,对酚类物质的催化氧化能力很强。表明过氧化物酶在荔枝果皮的采后褐变过程中起重要作用,为荔枝果皮采后褐变的机理和荔枝果皮保色技术研究提出了新的探索方向。
In commerce, great importance is given to the color of the dry prawn pulp in its quality evaluation. The possible correlation between this color factor to the iced or not iced condition of the raw prawn used, is investigated. The study reveals that as the icing period of the raw material increases the color of the finished product proportionately intensifies to a bright red compared to light brownish yellow or orange color of the product from the not iced prawn, and at the same time the other characteristics like flavor and taste deteriorates as the time of icing advances. This finding tends to show that the color factor does not reflect the true quality of prawn pulp. Based on chemical data it is suggested that "browning" due to Maillard reaction may have an important role in this color phenomena.
The effect of sodium lactate is compared with sucrose + sorbitol + sodium tri-poly phosphate as cryoprotectant on gel forming ability & protein denaturation of croaker surimi during frozen storage at -20±2°C for 90 days was evaluated. The quality of Croaker surimi with 6% (w/v) sodium lactate was examined in terms of biochemical parameters of muscle protein, thaw drip, gel strength and calcium ATPase activity :.omparing with those of surimi added with sucrose/sorbitol & without additive as control. Both the cryoprotectants minimized the negative effects of frozen storage on physico-chemical traits of myofibrillar proteins which was evident from the biochemical and sensory parameters. The residual Ca2+ ATPase activity and gel strength of surimi with sodium lactate were higher than those of control throughout 90 days of storage. Ca2+ A TPase activity and gel strength found a high positive correlation. From the results, it was found that sodium lactate was equally effective in preservation of croaker muscle protein native structure during frozen storage as the sucrose/ sorbitol and also less sweet without any risk of maillard browning.
Chrysicthys nigrodigitatus with 12.95% fat having an iodine value of 74.8 and a saponification number of 198.48 and Citharinus citherus containing only 3.25% fat with iodine value of 67.8 and a saponification number of 145.86 were studied as examples of fatty and lean fishes respectively. The intermediate moisture (IM) products of both fish types compared with normal cooked samples, were evaluated as of acceptable colour, odour, texure and juiciness but of inferior taste due to the glycerol impact. However, during storage at 30°C the IM products became increasingly less acceptable with the deterioration being greater in the fatty fish than in the lean fish, although the fatty IM fish was superior to the IM lean fish with regard to water retention and juiciness. Overall quality differences were most apparent in colour and odour with the fatty IM fish being worse. The fatty fish had also greater evolution of TEA-reactive carbonyl breakdown products of lipid oxidation which were subsequently used up in non-enzymic browning producing the correspondingly darker fish colour and greater off odour.
鞑靼荞麦是我国特有的农业产品,具有抗寒耐旱特性和较高的营养保健功能。荞麦的开花习性及遗传特点导致其人工杂交授粉难以成功,这成为荞麦杂交育种难以获得突破的重要原因。因此利用转基因技术导入有益基因有可能成为荞麦遗传改良的新途径,而再生及转化体系的建立是开展转基因研究的基础。 本文研究了苗龄、外植体、几种激素配比对鞑靼荞麦(Fagopyrum tataricum Gaertn.)离体培养的影响,初步建立了鞑靼荞麦离体再生体系。结果表明,鞑靼荞麦离体再生的最佳取材时间为苗龄6-8d;诱导愈伤组织的最适培养基为MS+2.0 mg/L 2,4-D+1.5 mg/L 6-BA,子叶诱愈率达75%左右,下胚轴的可高达86.62%;愈伤组织分化的最适培养基为MS 0.1mg/L IAA+2.0mg/L 6-BA+1.0 mg/L KT+0.5mg/L TDZ,下胚轴的分化率可达9.52%。下胚轴的诱愈率与分化率均高于子叶,更适于离体再生培养。培养基中加入AgNO3后,能有效降低褐化率。生根最适培养基为含有0.5mg/L NAA的1/2MS培养基,生根率在50%左右。TDZ在诱导鞑靼荞麦的愈伤组织分化出芽的过程中起到明显的促进作用,可提高分化率约20%。 在上述研究基础上,本文还对鞑靼荞麦的遗传转化体系进行了探索性研究。分别利用根癌农杆菌(Agrobacterium tumefaciens)介导法和微粒轰击法(基因枪法)对黑水苦荞下胚轴进行遗传转化。 在农杆菌介导的方法中,携带有质粒pCAMBIA2301的农杆菌菌株EHA105用于转化。载体质粒pCAMBIA2301包含有gus和npt-II 基因, 并受35s启动子驱动。研究结果表明,在侵染方式选择上,浸泡方式比吸打方式更有效,根癌农杆菌侵染的较适浓度为OD600=0.5,共培养3天,恢复培养7天,能检测到gus基因的表达。 基因枪法使用质粒pBI121,同样包含有gus和npt-II基因, 并受CaMV35s 启动子驱动。轰击距离为9cm较合适,甘露醇前处理在本研究中未表现出明显优势。 两种转化方法比较,基因枪法比农杆菌介导法更快速有效。 本研究为进一步的遗传操作研究打下基础。 Tartary buckwheat (Fagopyrum tataricum Gaertn.), the traditional and unique agricultural product of China, is a kind of crop with strong drought and cold tolerance, abundant nutrition and high medical value. Artificial hybridization is hard in buckwheat because of its flowering habits and genetic characteristics, which leads to no breakthrough in tartary buckwheat breeding. However, biotechnological approaches, especially genetic transformation for the direct introduction of good genes into tartary buckwheat for quality improvement, hold great promise. In this study, we established tartary buckwheat regeneration system in vitro. It is the foundation for genetic manipulation of this crop. The effects of seedling age, hypocotyl and cotyledon as explants, and proportions of several growth regulators were tested in tissue culture of tartary buckwheat for establishing its in vitro regeneration system. The results showed that the best seedling age for callus induction was 6 to 8 days. On the MS medium containing 2.0mg/L 2, 4-D and 1.5mg/L 6-BA, the induction rate of callus from hypocotyls was up to 86.62%, while from cotyledons was about 75%. The suitable shooting medium was the MS medium+0.1mg/L IAA+2.0mg/L 6-BA+1.0 mg/L KT+0.5mg/L TDZ, and the shooting rate from hypocotyls was 9.52%. The callus induction and shooting rates were higher from hypocotyls than from cotyledons. Browning reduced when the medium mixed with AgNO3. Half strength MS supplemented with 0.5mg/L NAA was the best for rooting, the rate was around 50% after 30 days culture. TDZ can accelerate the shoot differentiation distinctively, and it could improve the shooting rate nearly 20%. On the base of above, the explorative research of the genetic transformation in tartary buckwheat was done. In the study, hypocotyls from Heishui tartary buckwheat were transformed by Agrobacterium-mediated method and microprojectile bombardment method (gene-gun), comparatively. In Agrobacterium-mediated method, a disarmed Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain EHA105 harboring plasmid pCAMBIA2301 was used. The vector pCAMBIA2301 contains gus and npt-II genes, driven by CaMV35s promoter. The results showed that the appropriate concentration of Agrobacterium tumefaciens for infecting was OD600=0.5, and co-culture time was 3d. Seven days later after coculture, GUS expression could be tested. In particle bombardment transformation, plasmid pBI121 was used. pBI121 also contains gus and npt-II genes, driven by 35s promoter. Hypocotyls pretreated with mannitol, no effect was observed, and the suitable distance of bombardment is 9cm. Comparing with Agrobacterium-mediated method, gene-gun method is more convenient and effective. All above results could be a basic work for further study in tartary buckwheat transformation.
Grande, Manuel; Browning, R.; Waltham, N.; Parker, D., 'The D-CIXS X-ray mapping spectrometer on SMART-1', Planetary and Space Science (2003) 51(6) pp.427-433 RAE2008
This dissertation explores the complexity of the understanding and practice of the Eucharist in the United Church of Christ as revealed in a textual analysis of the UCC Book of Worship (1986) and a qualitative study of five representative UCC congregations. Little has been written on this topic, save for several brief articles on the history of the theology of the sacrament in the two bodies that merged to form the UCC in 1957: the Congregational Christian Churches (CC) and the Evangelical and Reformed Church (E&R). This dissertation advances the topic through a practical-theological study that brings into critical conversation contemporary eucharistic practices in five congregations and a historical theological analysis of liturgical traditions in the UCC and antecedent denominations. Through this conversation, the study articulates common themes of a UCC eucharistic theology and explores implications for ongoing theology and practice in the denomination. The introduction explicates the methodology employed in this study, guided by Don Browning's work. The first two chapters present the findings of the focus group interviews and an interpretation of those results respectively. Chapter three analyzes the eucharistic liturgies in three historic books of worship used in the E&R heritage. In chapter four, two of the antecedent resources utilized in the CC tradition are analyzed. The short-lived Hymnal of the United Church of Christ, published in 1974, includes liturgies that would find fuller expression in the 1986 Book of Worship. That hymnal is examined in chapter five. Chapter six interprets the two services of "Word and Sacrament" found in the Book of Worship. Chapter seven offers a comparative analysis of the focus group findings and the theology inherent in the Book of Worship. The final chapter offers strategic recommendations for revised theory and practice. The conclusion points toward areas for further research: it propels a critical conversation around the notion of covenant, Christ's presence in the meal, and who can receive and officiate at the Eucharist. This dissertation concludes that the UCC lives within a balance of multiple, complementary theologies and challenges the denomination to make stronger connections between the meal and mission, reconciliation, and tradition.
The present study aimed to investigate interactions of components in the high solids systems during storage. The systems included (i) lactose–maltodextrin (MD) with various dextrose equivalents at different mixing ratios, (ii) whey protein isolate (WPI)–oil [olive oil (OO) or sunflower oil (SO)] at 75:25 ratio, and (iii) WPI–oil– {glucose (G)–fructose (F) 1:1 syrup [70% (w/w) total solids]} at a component ratio of 45:15:40. Crystallization of lactose was delayed and increasingly inhibited with increasing MD contents and higher DE values (small molecular size or low molecular weight), although all systems showed similar glass transition temperatures at each aw. The water sorption isotherms of non-crystalline lactose and lactose–MD (0.11 to 0.76 aw) could be derived from the sum of sorbed water contents of individual amorphous components. The GAB equation was fitted to data of all non-crystalline systems. The protein–oil and protein–oil–sugar materials showed maximum protein oxidation and disulfide bonding at 2 weeks of storage at 20 and 40°C. The WPI–OO showed denaturation and preaggregation of proteins during storage at both temperatures. The presence of G–F in WPI–oil increased Tonset and Tpeak of protein aggregation, and oxidative damage of the protein during storage, especially in systems with a higher level of unsaturated fatty acids. Lipid oxidation and glycation products in the systems containing sugar promoted oxidation of proteins, increased changes in protein conformation and aggregation of proteins, and resulted in insolubility of solids or increased hydrophobicity concomitantly with hardening of structure, covalent crosslinking of proteins, and formation of stable polymerized solids, especially after storage at 40°C. We found protein hydration transitions preceding denaturation transitions in all high protein systems and also the glass transition of confined water in protein systems using dynamic mechanical analysis.
Using a natural gradient of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) source and concentration in rivers of northern Florida, we investigated how terrestrially-derived DOC affects denitrification rates in river sediments. Specifically, we examined if the higher concentrations of DOC in blackwater rivers stimulate denitrification, or whether such terrestrially-derived DOC supports lower denitrification rates because (1) it is less labile than DOC from aquatic primary production; whether (2) terrestrial DOC directly inhibits denitrification via biochemical mechanisms; and/or whether (3) terrestrial DOC indirectly inhibits denitrification via reduced light availability to-and thus DOC exudation by-aquatic primary producers. We differentiated among these mechanisms using laboratory denitrification assays that subjected river sediments to factorial amendments of NO3- and dextrose, humic acid dosing, and cross-incubations of sediments and water from different river sources. DOC from terrestrial sources neither depressed nor stimulated denitrification rates, indicating low lability of this DOC but no direct inhibition; humic acid additions similarly did not affect denitrification rates. However, responses to addition of labile C increased with long-term average DOC concentration, which supports the hypothesis that terrestrial DOC indirectly inhibits denitrification via decreased autochthonous production. Observed and future changes in DOC concentration may therefore reduce the ability of inland waterways to remove reactive nitrogen. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media New York.
Fast Repetition Rate fluorometry (FRRf) measurements of phytoplankton photophysiology from an across-basin South Atlantic cruise (as part of the GEOTRACES programme) characterised two dominant ecophysiological regimes which were interpreted on the basis of nutrient limitation. South of the South Subtropical Convergence (SSTC) in the northern sub-Antarctic sector of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) in the Eastern Atlantic Basin, waters are characterised by elevated chlorophyll concentrations, a dominance by larger phytoplankton cells, and low apparent photochemical efficiency (F-v/F-m). Shipboard 24 h iron (Fe) addition incubation experiments confirmed that Fe stress was primarily responsible for the low F-v/F-m, with Fe addition to these waters, either within the artificial bottle additions or naturally occurring downstream enrichment from Gough Island, significantly increasing F-v/F-m values. To the north of the SSTC at the southern boundary of the South Atlantic Gyre, phytoplankton are characterised by high values of F-v/F-m which, coupled with the low macronutrient concentrations and increased presence of picocyanobacteria, are interpreted as conditions of Fe replete, balanced macronutrient-limited growth. Spatial correlation was found between F-v/F-m and Fe: nitrate ratios, supporting the suggestion that the relative supply ratios of these two nutrients can control patterns of limitation and consequently the ecophysiology of phytoplankton in subtropical gyre and ACC regimes.
Volcanic eruptions have been hypothesized as an iron supply mechanism for phytoplankton blooms; however, little direct evidence of stimulatory responses has been obtained in the field. Here we present the results of twenty-one 1–2 day bottle enrichment experiments from cruises in the South Atlantic and Southern Ocean which conclusively demonstrated a photophysiological and biomass stimulation of phytoplankton communities following supply of basaltic or rhyolitic volcanic ash. Furthermore, experiments in the Southern Ocean demonstrated significant phytoplankton community responses to volcanic ash supply in the absence of responses to addition of dissolved iron alone. At these sites, dissolved manganese concentrations were among the lowest ever measured in seawater, and we therefore suggest that the enhanced response to ash may have been a result of the relief of manganese (co)limitation. Our results imply that volcanic ash deposition events could trigger extensive phytoplankton blooms, potentially capable of significant impacts on regional carbon cycling.
The biogeochemical cycle of zinc (Zn) in the South Atlantic, at 40°S, was investigated as part of the UK GEOTRACES program. To date there is little understanding of the supply of Zn, an essential requirement for phytoplankton growth, to this highly productive region. Vertical Zn profiles displayed nutrient-like distributions with distinct gradients associated with the watermasses present. Surface Zn concentrations are among the lowest reported for theworld’s oceans (<50 pM). A strong Zn-Si linear relationshipwas observed (Zn (nM)= 0.065 Si (μM), r2=0.97, n = 460). Our results suggest that the use of a global Zn-Si relationship would lead to an underestimation of dissolved Zn in deeper waters of the South Atlantic. By utilizing Si* and a new tracer Zn* our data indicate that the preferential removal of Zn in the Southern Ocean prevented a direct return path for dissolved Zn to the surface waters of the South Atlantic at 40°S and potentially the thermocline waters of the South Atlantic subtropical gyre. The importance of Zn for phytoplankton growth was evaluated using the Zn-soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) relationship. We hypothesize that the low Zn concentrations in the South Atlantic may select for phytoplankton cells with a lower Zn requirement. In addition, a much deeper kink at ~ 500m in the Zn:SRP ratio was observed compared to other oceanic regions.