941 resultados para brand-consumer relationships


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This research reported in this paper tested the composition of the brand knowledge construct across three product categories. The brand knowledge construct was tested for a fast-moving consumer good (fmcg), a service, and a durable good. A quasi-experimental method was utilised, with the order of recall manipulated. Respondents undertook a free recall exercise using category cues, and then completed multi-item measures of brand knowledge. This exercise was repeated for each product category. A usable sample of 270 responses was gained. Analysis of the data found that respondents utilised different components of the knowledge construct depending on the product category being recalled. In addition, the order of recall (fmcg or durable first) affected the recall performance for later categories. Recall performance was highest for the durable category, which indicated that respondents may have been delving into different memory stores, and accessing long-term memory for durable good recall. This paper makes a contribution to the field of branding by providing a test of the knowledge structure across three product categories, and indicating the components that contribute to knowledge for each category. These findings have implications for advertising design, and the formation of links to brands in memory by advertisers, for use in later recall episodes.


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The desire to understand the behavior of sport consumers has been a long-standing goal for sport marketers. This paper critically examines models of sport consumption by undertaking a comparative analysis of the major works completed to the present time. It is suggested that while past works have identified important motivational and behavioral differences, they frequently provide only partial explanations of sport consumer behavior. They are often constrained by an overemphasis on social-psychological traits, and give only limited attention to the cultural and economic context in which behaviors take place. Moreover, they rarely explain how fans might move between different segments, or how relationships with sport teams are formed in the first place. Sport consumer research will be enhanced by a more holistic analysis of values and beliefs that illuminates some of the more shadowy aspects of sport consumer formation, commitment, identity, and game attendance patterns.


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This paper examines the relative influence of two key antecedents of brand loyalty—satisfaction and involvement and the moderating role of experience, using a sample of business buyers. The central argument of this paper is that the strength of the effect of these variables on attitudinal brand loyalty will vary with the level of customer experience with purchasing the service. Building on previous research which examined low-risk, customer product settings [Kim, J., Lim, J.S., & Bhargava, M. (1998). The role of affect in attitude formation: A classical conditioning approach. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 26 (2): pp. 143–152; Shiv, B., & Fedorikhin, A. (1999). Heart and mind in conflict: The interplay of affect and cognition in consumer decision-making. Journal of Consumer Research 26: 278], this study shows that for a high-risk setting, involvement with the service category will be more dominant in its influence on brand loyalty than satisfaction with the preferred brand. Furthermore, it was found that experience moderated the influence of involvement and satisfaction on attitudinal brand loyalty for a high-risk business-to-business service. This study provides new insights into the theory and practice of buyer behavior and business-to-business brands.


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This article compares consumer decision-making styles between Singaporeans and Australians. Utilising Hofstede’s framework, the paper argues that cultural dimensions influence consumer decision making styles. It is essential that managers understand cross-cultural consumer decision-making styles to make strategic decisions or effectively handle members of these nationalities. Marked differences were found between the two populations for: brand consciousness, innovativeness and overchoice confusion. The results suggest that some consumer decision-making styles differ due to consumers’ cultural values. Managerial implications and future research directions are discussed.


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In many traditionally commoditised industries, organisations are recognising that their product offering alone does not cultivate a competitive advantage. As commoditised products face greater price competition, many are looking for a more sustainable form of differentiation. Within the fresh fruit and vegetable, dairy and meat industries, organisations are increasingly value-adding and focusing on branded offerings to gain such advantage. Whilst this is witnessed within industry, there is little academic evidence that discusses the relationship between dyad partners and how this impacts their branding strategy. This paper conceptually discusses how relationships between buyer and supplier trade partners can impact the branding strategies that are ultimately pursued by dyad participants. The relationship between trade partners is conceptualised using the resource-based view. Consideration is given to relationship complexities, the external environment and performance measurement.


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Social media technologies of Web 2.0 play an increasingly important role in destination brand management practice and the consumer selection of destinations. Consumers freely discuss their travel stories, travel recommendations, travel experiences and attitudes through blogs, forums and social media. This material is read and added to by millions of people and the content has a role in determining the image of a travel destination. Therefore it is critical that destination brand managers understand what is being discussed and written about their destination. What is the content of the Web 2.0 discussions? What are the attributes, associations, experiences, connotations, connections, contexts and ramifications?


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The research reported in this paper investigated the measurement of brand associations across three product categories. Brand associations had not been tested previously across all three categories of fast-moving consumer good, service, and durable in the one study. A free association method was used to generate brand associations for a fast-moving consumer good (shampoo), a service (banks) and a durable good (cars). The findings indicate that the first brand a respondent recalled has the greatest number of positive, unique and total brand associations. In addition, the findings indicated that durable goods have the highest number of associations, and the greatest number of unique and favourable brand associations. Further, banks and financial services had the fewest positive associations, which may have reflected attitudes to banks at the time of the research. These findings have implications for the manner in which respondents use information to recall brands, and how they process brand information when faced with a cue. Respondents use a depth and breadth of brand associations to generate brand information.


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Drawing from the cue diagnosticity framework, this study investigates consumer preference for gathering information about different product attributes. We predict that more specific attributes are more diagnostic and hence will be of greater value to a consumer who is in the process of undertaking a product selection. We test this hypothesis in an online product selection task where respondents can access four different product attributes: brand name, store name, price and warranty. We find that respondents choose to first obtain, almost equally, either brand or price information. We also find part confirmation for the hypothesis that an attribute is more likely to be chosen if it is perceived as having a greater variability in the market.


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Increased competition in the consumer goods marketplace has resulted in too many brands chasing too few consumers. In an attempt to ease pressure on margins, and both brand and product range profitability, marketers would be well advised to reinspect their policies towards brand naming and the attendant costs associated with those policies. Is it really necessary for each new product to be individually named? If it is, then what are the strategic and financial implications of this decision? Why is it that the practice in some companies is to resort to a string of unrelated brand names whereas the practice elsewhere is to use an umbrella family name, with or without, a brand name as a suffix? The answers to such questions are by no means obvious and closer inspection of the issues relating to naming policy fails to yield any consensus let alone a definitive approach. This article seeks to depict the alternative naming strategies engaged by marketers and to focus on those considerations that would favour a family name in preference to an individualised brand name. The article concludes with recommendations that are drawn from current literature and the experience of marketers with a view to determining those circumstances that may influence the formulation of a more appropriate naming policy.


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Consumers make decisions using the information that is available to them most readily. This thesis examined the determinants and consequences of top-of-mind consumer brand awareness for fast-moving consumer goods, services, and durables. The findings have implications for marketers with regard to the design of their brand communications.


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Globalisation has been one of the most significant determinants of growth in the sports industry worldwide, especially with the increasing importance of brand creation, brand awareness, brand image, brand identity and brand equity. Professional sports teams have become top sports brands through leverage with major company sponsors. Sports marketers have had to become much more entrepreneurial to create competitive advantage for sports organisations and deliver relationship value to consumers. Company sponsorships are prominent drivers of brand strategy around the world. They help create an extended consumer experience and are becoming a strategic vehicle for creating co-branding partnerships between sports organisations and multinational companies. This study reports data from a survey of the top marketing and communications executives in sports and company organisations in New Zealand and as well as a qualitative content analysis of core documents and websites. The study provides insights for sports marketers seeking to: use sponsorship as a prominent driver of brand strategy; employ co-branding as a strategy to create an extended consumer experience; build strong brands through efficient co-branding articulation strategies. The study also provides recommendations for sports organisations and companies to formulate their marketing communications and brand strategies from the perspective of a co-branding relationship.


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This conceptual paper discusses the investigation of the recall of brand associations of consumer for brands of high and low salience, as well as for fabricated brands. There has been research on brand associations for "fake" or counterfeit brands, and also for brands with low residual awareness, but there has been little research on the role of brand associations for fabricated brands. This study will investigate the role of brand associations and the propensity of consumers to recall brand associations for brands that do not exist. It is proposed that consumers may revel1 to recalling associations for the product category when they are confronted with a brand name that does not exist. It is proposed to test this with an experimental method, utilising high salience, low salience and fabricated brands from a fastmoving consumer good and a service category. This study will have implications for the manner in which respondents utilise information related to a brand, and also the manner in which marketers advertise their brands, in order to differentiate the brand from others.


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When new products and brands are introduced into other cultures, the speed and extent of the product's acceptance are important concerns for marketers. The spread of positive word of mouth (WOM) and the lack of negative WOM about the product or brand by early adopter groups are critical to the product's successful diffusion in a population. This is the first study to investigate the effects of consumers' cultural values on their WOM behavior. Data analysis from two samples indicates that the pattern, type, and target receivers of consumers' WOM activity depend on their cultural values. The authors use Hofstede's four cultural dimensions to test the effects of cultural values on WOM behavior to social in- and out-groups. They find that all four dimensions have significant effects on WOM engagement to those groups. Although the authors could not determine the causal nature of the relationships because of the sample design used, they argue that marketers should monitor the cultural values of their market to anticipate in- and out-group discussions and the choice of appropriate brand communication strategies in other countries.


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This study tests a model of Brand Knowledge and Brand Equity of brands of beer on new and frequent users in two populations that differ in their stage of the beer product life cycle and culture. Using Multiple Logistic Regression (MLR) and Binomial Logistic Regression (BLR), models based on the respondents' Brand Knowledge are able to correctly identify Chinese respondents’ preferred brand of beer 56% of the time, while correctly identifying 77% of respondents in an Australian sample when three top brands are tested. The model could further identify 67% of those that stay or switch in both the Australian and the Chinese samples.


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It is well documented that culture can influence consumer attitudes and behavior. While there have been numerous studies on how culture influences the four Ps of the marketing mix, few researchers have examined its effect on customer loyalty. More specifically, how consumers who identify more with certain cultural traits are likely to be more brand loyal. Using Hofstede’s cultural dimensions, this study empirically examines cultural effects on consumer-reported “proneness” to brand loyalty and finds that those who scored highly in individualism and uncertainty avoidance have greater affinity for exhibiting loyalty to a brand.