307 resultados para barbareskstaterna, Maghreb, mänsklig säkerhet, slavhandel, orientalism, diplomati, Kommerskollegium
O objetivo dessa tese é aprofundar, a partir do discurso pós-colonial, uma crise na perspectiva teológica da libertação. Esta promoveu, na década de 1970, uma reviravolta nos estudos teológicos no terceiro mundo. Para tanto, leremos um conto de Gabriel García Márquez chamado “El ahogado más hermosodel mundo” (1968) analizando e avaliando as estratégias políticas e culturais ali inscritas. Para levar a frente tal avaliação é preciso ampliar o escopo de uma visão que divide o mundo em secular/religioso, ou em ideias/práticas religiosas e não religiosas, para dar passo a uma visão unificada que compreende a mundanalidade, tanto do que é catalogado como ‘religioso’ quanto do que se pretende ‘não religioso’. A teologia/ciências da religião, como discurso científico sobre a economia das trocas que lidam com visões, compreensões e práticas de mundo marcadas pelo reconhecimento do mistério que lhes é inerente, possuem um papel fundamental na compreensão, explicitação, articulação e disponibilização de tais forças culturais. A percepção de existirem elementos no conto que se relacionam com os símbolos sobre Jesus/Cristo nos ofereceu um vetor de análise; entretanto, não nos deixamos limitar pelos grilhões disciplinares que essa simbologia implica. Ao mesmo tempo, esse vínculo, compreendido desde a relação imperial/colonial inerente aos discursos e imagens sobre Jesus-Cristo, embora sem centralizar a análise, não poderia ficar intocado. Partimos para a construção de uma estrutura teórica que explicitasse os valores, gestos, e horizontes mundanos do conto, cristológicos e não-cristológicos, contribuindo assim para uma desestabilização dos quadros tradicionais a partir dos quais se concebem a teologia e as ciências da religião, a obra de García Márquez como literatura, e a geografia imperial/colonial que postula o realismo ficcional de territórios como “América Latina”. Abrimos, assim, um espaço de significação que lê o conto como uma “não-cristologia”, deslocando o aprisionamento disciplinar e classificatório dos elementos envolvidos na análise. O discurso crítico de Edward Said, Homi Bhabha e GayatriSpivak soma-se à prática teórica de teólogas críticas feministas da Ásia, da África e da América Latina para formular o cenário político emancipatório que denominaremos teologia crítica secular.
O presente trabalho analisa o papel da religião no conflito entre Israel e Palestina, principalmente no contexto da implantação do Estado de Israel, em 1948. A análise toma como delimitação histórica do conflito o período de 1896 a 1948, quando ocorre a migração das primeiras levas de judeus para os territórios palestinos. A pergunta inicial é sobre como judeus e muçulmanos se relacionavam nos primeiros anos de imigração até a criação do Estado de Israel. O problema principal a ser esclarecido é como a construção cultural ocidental em relação aos palestinos interferiu no conflito, principalmente no que tange à tomada da terra e à construção de um novo país dentro de um já existente, socialmente, religiosamente e culturalmente. Finalmente a pesquisa pergunta pela repercussão do conflito entre israelenses e palestinos no campo religioso protestante, principalmente entre grupos conservadores e fundamentalistas deste ramo do cristianismo. A pesquisa é totalmente bibliográfica e toma como referência as teorias pós-coloniais para debater a história do território, no que se refere aos aspectos religiosos do conflito.
The Vernacular Discourse of the "Arab Spring" is a project that bridges the divide between the East and the West by offering new readings to Arab subjectivities. Through an analysis of the "Arab Spring" through the lens of vernacular discourse, it challenges the Euro-Americo-centric legacies of Orientalism in Western academia and the new wave of extremism in the Arab world by offering alternative representations of Arab bodies and subjectivities. To offer this new reading of the "Arab Spring," it explores the foundations of critical rhetoric as a theory and a practice and argues for a turn towards a critical vernacular discourse. The turn towards critical vernacular discourse is important as it urges the analyses of different artifacts produced by marginalized groups in order to understand their perspectives that have largely been foreclosed in traditional cultural studies research. Building on embodied/performative critical rhetoric, the vernacular discourses of the Arab revolutionary body examines other forms of knowledge productions that are not merely textual; more specifically, through data gathered in the Lhbib Bourguiba, Tunisia. This analysis of the political revolutionary body unveils the complexity underlining the discussion around issues of identity, agency and representation in the Middle East and North Africa, and calls for a critical study towards these issues in the region beyond the binary approach that has been practiced and applied by academics and media analysts. Hence, by analyzing vernacular discourse, this research locates a method of examining and theorizing the dialectic between agency, citizenry, and subjectivity through the study of how power structure is recreated and challenged through the use of the vernacular in revolutionary movements, as well as how marginalized groups construct their own subjectivities through the use of vernacular discourse. Therefore, highlighting the political prominence of evaluating the Arab Spring as a vernacular discourse is important in creating new ways of understanding communication in postcolonial/neocolonial settings.
El trabajo se inscribe en el marco del proyecto de investigación GV-2402/94, Organización del poblamiento del territorio en el área suroriental de la Península Ibérica, del Programa de Proyectos de Investigación y Desarrollo Tecnológico de la Generalitat Valenciana.
Este texto surge de una reflexión dilatada en el tiempo y dialogada en el espacio, en el marco de una fecunda discusión sobre la historia y la arqueología del occidente musulmán medieval, auspiciada por la Foundation des Treilles con la intención de hacer un balance crítico de las investigaciones y los descubrimientos producidos en los últimos veinte años en al-Andalus, el Magreb y Sicilia. De acuerdo con esta filosofía, mi aportación preliminar tenía como objetivo mostrar los avances en la caracterización material del emirato en al-Andalus y sus implicaciones históricas. El resultado final, deudor de la estimulante discusión preliminar, se sitúa conscientemente en un terreno más reflexivo y se aborda en dos partes diferenciadas. La primera se dedica a analizar el papel de la arqueología en la construcción de los modelos historiográficos sobre el temprano al-Andalus, desde una perspectiva no tanto historiográfica cuanto valorativa de los progresos y debates que han presidido buena parte de la investigación histórica y arqueológica sobre la formación de al-Andalus durante las últimas décadas, y que han conducido, tras un dinamismo sin precedentes, a una fase mucho más introspectiva. La segunda parte pretende discutir las futuras estrategias de investigación que se plantean en la actualidad a partir de casos de estudio concretos para, trascendiendo el ámbito cronológico temprano en el que se sitúa mi intervención, repensar el sentido y el significado de la investigación histórico-arqueológica sobre al-Andalus, en el marco de una arqueología medieval de orientación cada vez más “europeizante” y feudal.
Ce texte a pour objectif d’attirer l’attention sur un fait numismatique qui ne nous semble pas avoir été très souvent traité, celui des monnaies émises par des chefs politiques « rebelles » à une autorité normalement reconnue, dans un cas les Aghlabides de Kairouan, et dans l’autre les émirs omeyyades de Cordoue. L’étude de ce genre de monnaies devrait pouvoir aider à étudier, à partir des frappes réalisées en temps de crise politique, la question très importante de la légitimité du pouvoir dans l’Islam, et peut-être aussi celle des rapports de la frappe de monnaie avec les activités économiques. On n’attendra cependant pas de révélations des données très partielles et limitées qui vont suivre. Elles ne concernent en effet que deux frappes de dirhams correspondant chronologiquement au troisième siècle de l’Hégire qui, de 815 à 912, couvre pour l’essentiel le IXème siècle de l’ère chrétienne. L’une des monnaies date de son début (209 H/824-825), l’autre de sa fin (293 H/905-906). La première est Ifriqiyenne, la seconde andalouse; les deux, on l’a dit, sont frappées durant une époque de crise, et il peut être intéressant de les mettre en parallèle, sans prétendre en tirer de conclusions très nouvelles et de très grande portée, car il ne s’agit que de deux cas particuliers, auxquels la relative rareté de telles émissions, le fait qu’elles ont été peu étudiées et que les circonstances de la frappe des deux exemplaires présentés sont assez bien connues, incite tout de même à prêter quelque intérêt. La frappe andalouse pose par ailleurs un problème particulier, dans la mesure où elle correspond à un moment (entre les années 290/900 et 316/929) où le pouvoir omeyyade semble ne plus frapper de monnaies, ou pratiquement pas.
La palmera, por sus múltiples aprovechamientos (agrícola, constructivo, ritual e industrial), ha sido tradicionalmente un elemento identitario en el paisaje huertano del Bajo Segura. En las últimas décadas su presencia se ha restringido, al perder las funciones que antaño cumplía, a lo que se ha unido la plaga del picudo rojo y la comercialización masiva con fines ornamentales para las nuevas áreas residenciales. El artículo aborda la presencia de esta especie en el territorio desde diversas visiones y en diferentes épocas: la estética de la literatura de viajes, la productiva de los tratados científicos o la emocional de las obras de creación.
Finding that the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) currently lacks a strategic vision that would offer states in the southern Mediterranean substantial returns in exchange for making tough reforms, this CEPS Commentary suggests that this weakness can be overcome through a concrete prospect of regional integration pro-actively driven forward by the European Union. Taking inspiration from current projects such as the Energy Community Treaty, the authors urge the EU to explicitly incorporate “legally binding sectoral multilateralism” into the ENP. This would provide the Union’s partners with a tangible prospect of reaping real long-term benefits from EU cooperation and reinvigorate the ENP for the next decade.
The assassination of the opposition leader in Tunisia exposed the underlying divisions between members of the ruling classes, between those in and outside of government, between religious groupings and secularists, and between the coastal areas and the hinterland of Tunisia. Since the revolution, tackling social inclusion has become a pressing problem: men versus women, young versus old, opponents versus supporters of the old regime and political forces inside Tunisia versus those in exile. The National Constituent Assembly (NCA)’s inability to address these fault lines and approve the second draft of the constitution has hampered the transition of the country towards the next elections, while all of the above have undermined trust in the political process. Although Tunisians are primarily responsible for the political processes in their country, argue authors Hrant Kostanyan and Elitsa Garnizova, the EU should step up its efforts to deliver on its commitments in the areas of money, market and mobility.
North Africa is changing fast, and its youthful societies look back with pride at their recent uprisings. However, they are also getting frustrated by the fact that the economic outlook is not improving. Europe’s role in the strategically important southern Mediterranean area needs to be realigned in order to promote the development of democracy, employment opportunities, and security. There is a great deal of potential for cooperation with Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya and Egypt.
North Africa’s youthful societies look back with pride at their recent uprisings. However, they are also getting frustrated by the fact that the economic outlook is not improving. Europe’s role in the southern Mediterranean area needs to be realigned in order to promote the development of democracy, employment opportunities, and security. Because "there is a great deal of potential for cooperation with Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya and Egypt?" argue our authors Christian P. Hanelt and Sven Behrendt.
Three major geopolitical events are putting the stability of the Eastern Mediterranean at risk. Most of the region is in a deep monetary and economic crisis. The Arab Spring is causing turmoil in the Levant and the Maghreb. Gas and oil discoveries, if not well managed, could further destabilise the region. At the same time, Russia and Turkey are staging a comeback. In the face of these challenges, the EU approaches the Greek sovereign debt crisis nearly exclusively from a financial and economic viewpoint. This brief argues that the EU has to develop a comprehensive strategy for the region, complementing its existing multilateral regional framework with bilateral agreements in order to secure its interests in the Eastern Mediterranean.
Pool it, share it, use it: the European Council on defence. Security Policy Brief No. 44, March 2013
Three major geopolitical events are putting the stability of the Eastern Mediterranean at risk. Most of the region is in a deep monetary and economic crisis. The Arab Spring is causing turmoil in the Levant and the Maghreb. Gas and oil discoveries, if not well managed, could further destabilise the region. At the same time, Russia and Turkey are staging a comeback. In the face of these challenges, the EU approaches the Greek sovereign debt crisis nearly exclusively from a financial and economic viewpoint. This brief argues that the EU has to develop a comprehensive strategy for the region, complementing its existing multilateral regional framework with bilateral agreements in order to secure its interests in the Eastern Mediterranean.
From the Introduction. In 2010 the martyring of Mohamed Bouazizi began a ripple of civil uprisings across the Middle East, and would lead to a wave of revolutions that the media would dub the Arab Spring. From North Africa to the Gulf Region, these civil uprisings made major headlines but found little intervention on behalf of world superpowers such as the United States or the European Union. Acting as more of an observer than as an active participant in these revolutions, it would seem that the European Union played a small role in preventing civil unrest, or in aiding in the policing of these oppressive governments. By example of the passive position held by Europe during these revolutions, the EU appears to be ill equipped to handle security issues such as the massive revolutionary chain witnessed across the Mediterranean. Now, however, they have a new opportunity to be involved in a post- Arab Spring Mediterranean. This paper seeks to address some reasons behind the Arab Spring, describe the institutional framework previously and currently in place, as well as to analyze the progress of Europe’s relationship with the Mediterranean by analyzing the EU’s past and current role in the Mediterranean. It will also look at critiques of the EU’s role in the Arab Spring, as well as the opportunities to be taken in the Mediterranean region.
The promotion of women’s rights is described as a priority within the external action of the European Union (EU). As a result of the Arab Spring uprisings which have been ongoing since 2011, democracy and human rights have been pushed to the forefront of European policy towards the Euro-Mediterranean region. The EU could capitalise on these transformations to help positively reshape gender relations or it could fail to adapt. Thus, the Arab Spring can be seen to serve as a litmus test for the EU’s women’s rights policy. This paper examines how and to what extent the EU diffuses women’s rights in this region, by using Ian Manners’ ‘Normative Power Europe’ as the conceptual framework. It argues that while the EU tries to behave as a normative force for women’s empowerment by way of ‘informational diffusion’, ‘transference’ ‘procedural diffusion’ and ‘overt diffusion’; its efforts could, and should, be strengthened. There are reservations over the EU’s credibility, choice of engagement and its commitment in the face of security and ideological concerns. Moreover, it seems that the EU focuses more intently on women’s political rights than on their social and economic freedoms.