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The term body without organs is present in a poem by the french writer, actor and director Antonin Artaud, written in 1947 and titled: To Have Done with the Judgement of God. I aim, in this work, from what we call investigative scenic writing, to problematize this term and its possible relations with the theater and also with some aspects of the Hindu myths. I unite the idea of the body without organs with the body in trance present in the stories of an Indian master named Caitanya Mahaprabhu. These ideas, along with the development of practices that come from some principles of Theatre Anthropology, are incentives for a creation process that highlights the work of preparation and creation of corporeal work of the actor. The relationship between the concepts and the practice raise discussions about where I stand as an actor-researcher in process
The present dissertation has begun with an investigation about the application of the Technique of the Corporeal Mimesis, systematized by the Lume, Interdisciplinary Center for Theatrical Research of Unicamp, associated with the matrix of Rural Maracatu, specifically of the group Cambinda Brasileira (Nazaré da Mata PE), with the purpose of promote the training and the composition work of the actor. Starting from an empirical methodology, which used the analysis of practical experiences the application process of the Corporeal Mimesis and the construction of a theater play associated with bibliographical research, I could investigate possible ways of re-signification of this technique, using components related to the ritual and the game present in the popular event in question, and experience such paths through the conception of the play Cravo do Canavial
The starting point of the present work consisted of investigating the development of biotechnology in the Northeast region of Brazil from the perspective of a Regional Innovation System (RIS). The theoretical framework adopted relied on the approaches and concepts presented by the Neo-Schumpeterian perspective. This framework was chosen because, by means of the Innovation System concept, this literature allows us to analyze the relationships and configurations of actors, as well as the role of the state and of social, science and technology, and economic policies in the studied region. The analysis considered four selected dimensions: physical infrastructure, human capital, scientific production, and funding. These variables were chosen because they allow us to verify the possibilities and limitations of developing a biotechnology RIS in the Northeast of Brazil, and these elements would help in answering the question behind this dissertation. The location of the physical infrastructure was determined by means of bibliographic and documental research and interviews with heads of institutions that do biotechnology research. Regarding human capital, the analysis focused on resource training in biotechnology, highlighting graduate courses and research groups in the area. To measure knowledge production, we delimited scientific collaboration among researchers in the field of biotechnology as the focus of this category. For the funding dimension, information was gathered from reports available at the websites of national and state funding agencies. The data was analyzed through method triangulation, involving quantitative and qualitative research stages. To back the analyses, we revisited the integration policies in the area of Science, Technology and Innovation. Our analysis has shown that these policies play a crucial role in the development of biotechnology in the region being studied. The data revealed that the physical infrastructure is concentrated in only three states (Bahia, Ceará, and Pernambuco). In this regard, the Northeast Biotechnology Network (Renorbio) stands out as a strategic actor, enabling states with poor infrastructure to develop research through partnerships with institutions located in another state. We have also verified that the practices involving human resource training and knowledge production are factors that enable the emergence of a regional system for biotechnology in the studied region. As limitations, we have verified the low immersion level of regional actors, the heterogeneity of socioeconomic indicators, the lack of financial resources, and a low innovation culture in the business sector. Overall, we have concluded that the development of a Regional Innovation System in Biotechnology, based on the current regional dynamics, depends on an effective change in the behavior of the social agents involved, both in the national and regional dimensions as well as in the public and private spheres
This paper examines two aspects. First, the symbolic dimension of politics and some of the elements that make up this universe, as the scenario, the representation, the myth, the spectacle, the media and the political and electoral marketing. We assume that the policy brings together a set of traits related to both reason and the human subjectivity, and can not be summed up in just a few calculations based on rationality. In the case of elections, in a process (ritual, according Irlys Barrier) of choice, there is a meeting of two systems of representations: to that transmitted by a political actor, in a scene from a particular context, based on a life trajectory unique, and the other from the public, crossed by social relations, situations own wishes, desires, expectations and unique perspectives. Between them there are the means of mass media (especially television), and with them the advent of language media and advertising applied to politics, changing the layout of public visibility and inaugurating what Rejane Accioly Carvalho will call the "aesthetics of mostrabilidade". This does not necessarily mean a preponderance of media on politics as a whole but only its adaptation to that with regard to contact with the public, the ad extra portion of the policy, according to Wilson Gomes. In a second aspect, try to apply these elements to a specific study to verify them in building an effective public image, in this case, the current governor of Rio Grande do Norte, Wilma de Faria. The concept of public image is from the book of Wilson Gomes The transformation was visible in the mass media, and relates to a conceptual image to fix "personality traits" through political history, personal conduct, action of image makers and the public reception. For this we will review some videos aired on Free Time for political propaganda in the years 2002 and 2006.
The proposal of this study was to work with women in the politics, focusing on their trajectories, biographies and speeches, to catch the meanings given by themselves to their insertion in the political field. The privileged instrument of research was the autobiographical narratives of fifteen women who, in Paraíba, had participated of the electoral processes and the life partisan politics in the period from 1998 to 2008, in the state and federal scopes. This permitted us to search the dimension of their lived expericence, to understand the trajectories and the processes of autonomation of the women, in the politics. Moreover, a quantitative mapping of the feminine presence in the processes was made electoral politicians in a wider context. In a similar way, two surveys had been carried throughout the research, among others aspects, to understand that image voters and politicians they construct concerning the feminine participation in this field. These instruments were important not to lose of all the social view where these lives were developed, the places from which these women speak and locate and the social meanings originated from this participation. The research aimed to establish dialogues between knowing and fields of discipline, beyond the dichotomy of actor/structure, preventing generalizations that ignore the plurality of the individuals, to reveal some aspects of the complex and contradictory processes that involve their participation in the political field. At last, it is tried to show that, although the frequent accusations of autonomy lack, when establishing relations in the public space, the women, as all subjects, can reflect about themselves, the motives of their thoughts and their actions escaping from the servitude of the repetition and avoid being only product of the institution that formed them (CASTORIADIS, 1992, p.140-141)
This project wants to analyze the newspaper like a collective organic intellectual thing, and its action like a conservator integral journalism, it makes it looks like a politics block. In this case, the newspaper inserts itself in a process to support the dominated fundamental class. In the same time, it searches to disqualify politically, using the news and the opinion, the sprouting of against-hegemony even untimely and distant in the historical time. Facing this proposal we take as study object the FOLHA DE S. PAULO, nowadays the most representative agency of the great conservative press. Our theoretical reference takes as base the Gramsci organic intellectual formularizations, hegemony, position´s war, integral journalism and private device of hegemony. We allow ourselves, in a subsidiary way to the Gramsci basement, using the novel 1984 written by George Orwell, as a method to explicit, in a comparative way, the manipulation of the reality by the newspaper in its activity of collective organic intellectual. The ideology is the heuristic connection point to make convergence between reality and fiction. For the intended evidences we develop analysis of the daily covering about two great accidents occurred in 2007: The landslide of part of the workmanships of the tunnel of the Companhia do Metropolitano de São Paulo-Metrô (line yellow 4). And the flying disaster involving the airbus of Transportes Aéreos Meridionais-TAM, flight 3054, also in that state. In the first accident we find endorsement of the newspaper to the São Paulo´s government, in the person of the politician actor José Serra (PSDB), representative of the conservative forces and responsible for the workmanships of the Subway, to who it tried to distance politically of the fact. In the second event, the opposition to the politician actor Luis Inácio Luis Lula da Silva and his politics block, the PT, as a possibility against-hegemonic contested, being the mentioned actor appointed as responsible for the occurrence. However, the newspaper says that it is independent and direct, and this direct action comes from the environment. In this environment, the diversity of conceptions of world would guide the publishing work, making the FOLHA DE S. PAULO to take it as a reference for the intended objective, hiding the politics block militancy
Antonin Artaud, a name that reminds us of areas ranging from theater to poetry, linguistics to psychoanalysis, is a multipurpose name that transits as poet, painter, writer, actor, screenwriter, playwright and theater director. Artaud s route is raw material for researchers of various hues interested in a life and work that allows panning in different fields of knowledge. It raises the question of language and manipulation of signals in terms of magical forces and the relationship maintained through them with the cosmos and the divine. Artaud searches through a language of signals, gestures and objects that express themselves by objective forms and the use of words as solid objects. For him, the language of words must give way to the language of signals, whose objective aspect is what strikes us most immediately. Our work indicates the possibility of realization and recognition of the aesthetic of cruelty present in the writing drawings of artaudian s work, realizing thus, that art as a record of culture hence as double of life allows us a more critical and transforming look to the society, thinking about the aesthetics of cruelty as Artaud proposes and thinks cruelty: as appetite for life. Our dialogue held during the construction of this journey has the company, besides the one of Antonin Artaud, other authors such as Jacques Derrida, Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guatarri, among others which, during the hike and framing of this route help us to think about the aesthetics of cruelty in an Artaudian perspective
This thesis aims to enable a wider comprehension on thought operation as well as suggest alternatives for the formation of reflexive, critical, autonomous and creative individuals. The research defends the idea that it is possible for an individual to develop vigilant attention that makes thought flexibilization and change in the course of action, possible. This operation is called Internal Dialogue and is essentially characterized by a continuous openness towards novelty and learning. This makes it possible to minimize the usual way thought operates, in a automatic fashion (automatism). The research was based on theoretical references and ideas of David Bohm (1989;1994;2005) and Michael Polanyi (1983). The main emphasis was the understanding that a crisis situation enables awareness and state of alert that favors a more flexible thought pattern (Aragão Gomes, 1994, 1997). The methodology used was presentation and analysis of these moments through autobibliographical records with indication of crisis on behalf of the subjects. Other criteria were also used that enabled the composition of the analyzed material such as the fact that: the subjects were public and real, the data was available through accessible material; the subjects identified themselves as in crisis; these crisis were of varied kinds; they had different social, cultural and professional profiles. Thus, three auto-bibliographical elements were selected: the Infidel: the story of a woman that challenged Islam (2007), written by the political Muslim author Ayaan Hirsi; Still me: memories (2001), of the actor Christopher Reeve as well as Confessions of a Philosopher (2001), by the philosopher Bryan Magee. In these books an analysis was made related to parts that stated action an though operation that express internal dialogue. These were organized into categories that were pointed out as relevant for the identification of internal dialogue such as: Perceptions of physical reaction; emotions, beliefs and issues, individual actions, self judgment and thought, self questioning, comprehension, observation and empirical investigation, perception of the changes they performed in the world, escape of conditioning as well as action that resulted in new meaning. The analysis performed reinforces our goal once it sated that internal dialogue is an important tool that allows thought awareness, minimizing common automatism and making consciousness possible as well as favoring the occurrence of critical and reflexive thought. Thus, final considerations deal with the need for the development of teaching methodologies that address internal dialogue as a counterpoint to the many daily action that reinforce the automatism of thought
This thesis aims to enable a wider comprehension on thought operation as well as suggest alternatives for the formation of reflexive, critical, autonomous and creative individuals. The research defends the idea that it is possible for an individual to develop vigilant attention that makes thought flexibilization and change in the course of action, possible. This operation is called Internal Dialogue and is essentially characterized by a continuous openness towards novelty and learning. This makes it possible to minimize the usual way thought operates, in a automatic fashion (automatism). The research was based on theoretical references and ideas of David Bohm (1989;1994;2005) and Michael Polanyi (1983). The main emphasis was the understanding that a crisis situation enables awareness and state of alert that favors a more flexible thought pattern (Aragão Gomes, 1994, 1997). The methodology used was presentation and analysis of these moments through autobibliographical records with indication of crisis on behalf of the subjects. Other criteria were also used that enabled the composition of the analyzed material such as the fact that: the subjects were public and real, the data was available through accessible material; the subjects identified themselves as in crisis; these crisis were of varied kinds; they had different social, cultural and professional profiles. Thus, three auto-bibliographical elements were selected: the Infidel: the story of a woman that challenged Islam (2007), written by the political Muslim author Ayaan Hirsi; Still me: memories (2001), of the actor Christopher Reeve as well as Confessions of a Philosopher (2001), by the philosopher Bryan Magee. In these books an analysis was made related to parts that stated action an though operation that express internal dialogue. These were organized into categories that were pointed out as relevant for the identification of internal dialogue such as: Perceptions of physical reaction; emotions, beliefs and issues, individual actions, self judgment and thought, self questioning, comprehension, observation and empirical investigation, perception of the changes they performed in the world, escape of conditioning as well as action that resulted in new meaning. The analysis performed reinforces our goal once it sated that internal dialogue is an important tool that allows thought awareness, minimizing common automatism and making consciousness possible as well as favoring the occurrence of critical and reflexive thought. Thus, final considerations deal with the need for the development of teaching methodologies that address internal dialogue as a counterpoint to the many daily action that reinforce the automatism of thought
The present work is characterized as a research-formation study. The author analyses his trajectory as dance professor, observing processes of transition in the perception of the body: from the mechanical body to the sensitive body. He tries to outstand this new meaning of the body and the dance teaching and artistic experience as the matter that instructs itself. This research puts together the experience of two teachers, one of them as student (researcher), while the other, as master and professor (collaborator) and intends to comprehend how this new meaning of the body was brought to each one s life, motivated by the dance. It is used the self biographic method and the research-formation methodology to analyze and identify common points between their self formation processes. The researcher and collaborator life narratives as well as a partially structured interview with the collaborator were used as investigation source. The analysis followed the models suggested by Schütze (1977), presented by Bauer and Jovchelovitch (2004), guided by the five pillars of the study: the Subject aspect, as guiding point for the analysis; Corporal aspect, as component and integrant element of an individual and of the dance; the Dance while seen as forming and guiding practice for the individuals researched; the Complexity aspect; and finally the Instructor and Professional Formation, emphasizing the self formation process. The results showed how the dance has changed their perception of their own bodies and the whole corporal aspect, leading to subject-actor body point of view, and no longer from a strictly mechanic perspective. The teaching trajectory was defined by the new evaluation of the body through the Dance bringing the individuals researched to a dialogical-reflexive teaching practice that motivates self consciousness, humanization and automatization, in the context of their background experiences and the environment they act
This proposal is to search, investigate practical experience in environmental education for the construction of Local Agenda 21, in the municipality of Maxaranguape-RN, attended that brought together various subject and collective social actors of civil society organizations, among them, the Center for Education and Advice Herbert de Souza - CEAHS (NGOs who serves on the council since 1999), associations of farmers and farmers in areas of settlements, teachers / as, groups of women and young people, entrepreneurs, public power, the German partner entities IBAMA. INCRA, BNB in the project of Agenda 21. They are members and participants, constituents of the Permanent Forum of Agenda 21, the main actor privileged in the search. As an object of study to identify the limits and scope of this practice, with regard to aspects of awareness / participation and awaken to an awareness of critical social subjects in the collective social and environmental perspective. The study seeks to investigate if this experience has allowed the individual and collective social subjects, understand and act in their daily life, as the changes in attitudes postures, and expand their interests to participate in various public spaces this intention, is considered the educational activities made with the principles of environmental education in the construction of Agenda 21 that have contributed in raising awareness / participation of social actors of the Permanent Forum of Agenda 21. While reference methodology, the research focuses on theoretical design Freireana with relevance on the dimensions of dialogue, critical thinking and the human dimension comprising the act as educational practice of freedom, the prospect of human emancipation and social transformation of reality, and bring other thinkers as, Carvalho (2004), Trigueiro (2003), Days (2004), among others. The investigation of this practice points to the subject of education, which ECOCIENCIA to install the Agenda 21 and its effect on demand under municipal, German, providing a change of attitudes and postures and certainly, generating a new look and act in the world, broadening their interests and desires of inserting themselves, to participate in public spheres, particularly in establishing relations with dialogical criticality with the authorities and face the demands socio-environmental locations.
Theatrical phenomenon borned in the Italy the Comedy dell Art concerned to it climax in the XVI century and spreading itself by the word than can be sight like the theatre base modern. Lasting parallel the conventional theatre since the three hundred years, this gender influenced significativly the making theatrical in the Europe graces the popular character of its simulation turned for the improvise. In spite of treat a theatric manifestation no more existing in the present time, we understand that the Comedy dell Art was constituted in one artistic language whose esthetics centralized in the popular fanciful and in the improvise permitted a rich possibility of verbal and not-verbal communication that today can to be taken again in contemporary productions theatricals. Departing of an approach of esthetics, this work has with purpose concentrate the references esthetics that configure that one artistic manifestation such that one references can contribute for the Arts teaches in the present times. We appeal the text and image of Comedy dell Art, such this historical reference that in context, with fountain investigated that mean and if complementary in one esthetic reflection for the creation of meaning diverse and news interpretations for the purpose investigated if having with base some analysis categories such as: the actor s body, the actuations spaces and the esthetics categories such the ugly, the comic and the absurd. To investigate the Comedy dell Art esthetic in the ambit of the teach of Arts Scenics is a manner of be understand the artistic universe of three century behind that can be meant, revived, in the marking possibilities of an art teach able to incentive the critical, the appreciation, the discussion and the transgression of instituted true. Having investigated the exhibition Comedy dell Art esthetic we rebound four stich that we judge significative for we think the Arts Scenics teach, they are: the articulation between actor s body, the text and the space actuation in the play; statement what it is given between actor s body and the on-looker and the every gesture that did share of scene in a popular scenic space; a conception actor s body that transgress with the true duty socially that is capable the to admit its dimension Dionysian, creative and ambiguous in the to do theatrical; the text conception that get beyond the ambit the word writing by the dramatist and talked by actors, if spreading the other elements significance in the scene like gesture, the parody, the recent news, the gags and the word used in the day-to-day; the scenic space like a statement symbolic between actors and on-looker that make a quality of amusement pact supported by the scenic true of artist that actuate in not usual spaces bid at an auctioning degrees of participation in the building the scenic phenomenon; and the importance of esthetics categories such as the ugly, the comic and the absurd, those categories that foundation like a do scenic transgressor make a possible exchange mutual between actor and appreciator. The statement of esthetics categories in joint continuous between the body, the text and the scenic space evident themselves in doing theatrical and in the its appreciation. We believe that the reflection esthetic about the Comedy dell Art in the arts class, consider the stich detached, can favor possibilities of to share discovery, ideas, feelings and attitudes, and can permit the observation of different stich of view, establishing the statement of individual with the group in a participative and democratic form
This study focuses on a methodology of unchained action by Father Sabino Gentili in Mãe Luiza, suburb of Natal-RN, which has enhanced social participation in what Castells calls project identity. The perception of collective actions, focused on the development of subjects from the perspective of Alain Touraine occurs continuously in a popular neighborhood, whose history marked by conflict mainly related to the resistance in the remaining living space. It is argued that there was an appropriation of resistance identity, which was already present in the community of Mãe Luiza, in order to channel it to create a project identity, through an implicit methodology that has been identified as Pedagogy of Consensus, based on Paulo Freire s concepts of dialogue and participation. Therefore, by means of qualitative research, using tools such as semi-structured interviews and documented sources, we tried to describe the intent of the action of a social actor and the political and educational strategies that motivate the collective action aiming a social change, observing the elements present in this action that allowed the continuity of organizational and participating processes through the dynamics of Mãe Luiza s neighborhood
The objective of this work - which is characterized analyze the search for symptomatic tuberculosis in practice and perspective of the Community Health Agent (ACS) in the districts of Natal. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study. The study population was 646 professionals, and conducted a probabilistic random sampling, stratified by districts. The data were collected from one instrument to collect data based on Primary Care Assesment Toll (PCAT) and analyzed by descriptive statistics. The sample consisted of ACS was 87% female. Among the study participants 58% completed high school and 120 months of exercise training (95% CI 111.9 to 129.5) on average. 90% were USF. The average follow-up of cases found were 2 cases of TB since the beginning of the career of the ACS and the last three years the average is presented in a case accompanied. The ACS received satisfactory ratings on the bond of trust with the user, so as access to homes in the community. The ACS reported for denying the fear of being positive result was the biggest reason for not performing the sputum. All units have a professional that responds to the Tuberculosis Control Program. Regarding the structural capacity of primary care settings for the diagnosis of TB, we observed satisfactory levels in different districts of pots for sputum collection, however, a point that deserves attention from managers is lack of materials for packaging sputum. Fear of positive result was one of the reasons for the refusal of sputum collection, followed by alcoholism. With regard to TB suspects, all responded that ACS always suspect when the user has TB coughs, but in all districts were noticed at low delivery of requests for applications for smear. BSR in TB control, is characterized in practice as a complex action goes beyond technical expertise and contact with the family that breaks with the Cartesian. The BSR is part of the ACS can perform them from the daily visits. We conclude that the ACS is difficult to achieve. This practice should not be the privilege of this actor, but the entire team of primary care. We must rethink the practices of TB care, seeing the health surveillance while aegis of the working process of primary care teams for early diagnosis and thereby reduce TB in communities
The study does a analysis about the social participation of teenagers in the healthy sexual and reproductive Programs in Natal/RN city, in the perspective of Protagonism Juvenile, that presuppose the teenager condition like main actor and subject of the right and obligations. In front of this, the aim this search is to discuss and analyse the juvenile protagonism and theirpolitic , pedagogics and soscial means, to go off on to the participation of teenagers like social subject in the healthy sexual and reproductive Programs in Natal/Rn city. The way to the teoric reflexion this study privileged the approach historic-member, being assisted by quality methodology, to making useful an interview semistructured with teenagers, families and co-ordinators of the Programs. The social participation of the teenagers, in these programs, reaffirm itself like a proposal politic-pedagogical that contribute to the development of competences of the teenagers and improvement of habilities in the treatment of the questions about heathy sexual and reprodutive,valorizing the condition of the social subjects, in the perspective of the protagonism juvenile. The relevance this study to be detached by the contribution in the building and implementation of the programs politic-pedagogical, that affirm to the teenagers the condition of the right and obligations