977 resultados para anti-corruption
Tässä pro gradu -tutkielmassa analysoidaan suomalaista ympäristöliikettä Jürgen Habermasin julkisuuden käsitteen näkökulmasta. Työn tutkimusongelmana on tarkastella julkisuutta ympäristövaikuttamisen keinona. Ponnahduslautana tutkimuksessa käytetään 2000-luvun Lapin metsien käyttöä koskevia kiistoja, joiden ratkomisyrityksiin moni Suomessa toimiva ympäristöjärjestö on osallistunut. Pitkään ratkaisemattomina olleet kiistat ovat johtaneet tilanteeseen, jossa on perusteltua kysyä, mikä ongelmien selvittämisessä on mennyt pieleen. Olisiko ennen kaikkea ammattimaiseen ja institutionalisoituneeseen vaikuttamiseen nojanneet ympäristöjärjestöt voineet toimia kiistojen yhteydessä jollakin vaihtoehtoisella tavalla? Vaihtoehdoksi esitetään Jürgen Habermasin tarjoamaa julkisuuden mallia, jonka on nähty olevan keskeinen modernin yhteiskunnan mahdollisuuksia ja rajoitteita arvioitaessa. Käsitys julkisuudesta sisältää ajatuksen kriittiseen keskusteluun pohjautuvasta, kaikille avoimesta kansalaisvaikuttamisesta. Näin muodostuneesta yleisestä mielipiteestä tulee poliittisen päätöksenteon ohjenuora. Julkisuuden ihanteen rinnalla Habermasin teoria sisältää kuvauksen julkisuuden rakennemuutoksesta – kriittisen julkisuuden alennustilasta myöhäiskapitalistisessa kulutusyhteiskunnassa. Tässä tutkimuksessa käytän näitä kahta teoreettista näkökulmaa arvioidessani nykyaikaista ympäristövaikuttamista. Keskeisin lähdeteos on Habermasin Julkisuuden rakennemuutos ja sen teoreettista perinnettä jatkaneet tutkimukset. Aineistoni koostuu kuudesta teemahaastattelusta, jotka toteutettiin keväällä 2009 Greenpeacessa, Suomen luonnonsuojeluliitossa ja WWF:ssä. Tutkimusmenetelmänä käytän teemoittelua. Sen tuloksena esiin nousevista teemoista keskeisin kertoo ympäristöjärjestöjen ammattimaistumisesta. Tulosteni mukaan ympäristövaikuttamista leimaa institutionalisoituneisuus ja hallinnollisuus, jolloin julkisuusperiaatteen toimintaedellytykset ovat heikentyneet. Julkisuuden käsitteelle löytyy kuitenkin myös varovaista tilausta suomalaisten ympäristöjärjestöjen keskuudessa.
Problems like windup or rollover arise in a PI controller working under saturation. Hence anti-windup schemes are necessary to minimize performance degradation.Similar situation may occur in a Proportional Resonant(PR)controller in the presence of a sustained error input.Several methods can be employed based on existing knowledge on PI controller to counter this problem.In this paper few such schemes are proposed and implemented in FPGA and MATLAB and from the obtained results their possible use and limitations have been studied.
New Solid State Forms of the Anti-HIV Drug Efavirenz. Conformational Flexibility and High Z ` Issues
Structural information on the solid forms of efavirenz, a non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor, is limited, although various polymorphic forms of this drug have been patented. We report here structural studies of four new crystal forms a pure form, a cyclohexane solvate, and cocrystals with 1,4-cyclohexanedione and 4,4'-bipyridine. Temperature dependent single-crystal to single-crystal phase transitions are observed for the pure form and for the cyclohexane solvate with an increase in the number of symmetry independent molecules, Z', upon a lowering of temperature. Other issues related to these solid forms, such as thermal stability, conformational flexibility, and high Z' occurrences, are addressed by using a combined experimental and computational approach.
Amyloid beta (A beta) is the major etiological factor implicated in Alzheimer's disease (AD). A beta(42) self-assembles to form oligomers and fibrils via multiple aggregation process. The recent studies aimed to decrease A beta levels or prevention of A beta aggregation which are the major targets for therapeutic intervention. Natural products as alternatives for AD drug discovery are a current trend. We evidenced that Caesalpinia crista leaf aqueous extract has anti-amyloidogenic potential. The studies on pharmacological properties of C. crista are very limited. Our study focused on ability of C. crista leaf aqueous extract on the prevention of (i) the formation of oligomers and aggregates from monomers (Phase I: A beta(42) + extract co-incubation); (ii) the formation of fibrils from oligomers (Phase II: extract added after oligomers formation); and (iii) dis-aggregation of pre-formedfibrils (Phase III: aqueous extract added to matured fibrils and incubated for 9 days). The aggregation kinetics was monitored using thioflavin-T assay and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The results showed that C. crista aqueous extract could able to inhibit the A beta(42) aggregation from monomers and oligomers and also able todis-aggregate the pre-formed fibrils. The study provides an insight on finding new natural products for AD therapeutics. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
In order to explore idiotypic, anti-idiotypic, and anti-anti-idiotypic responses to allergens, BALB/c mice were immunized with affinity- purified human idiotypic antibodies directed against a highly purified shrimp allergen. This resulted in the production of anti-idiotypic antibodies which were quantitated by using rabbit idiotypic antibodies raised against the same purified allergen. The mouse anti-idiotypic antibodies recognized shrimp-specific human idiotypic antibodies of the IgE isotype from 18 of 20 individuals, and IgG antibodies from 14 of 20 shrimp-sensitive patients. Immunization of BALB/c mice with affinity- purified, allergen-specific anti-idiotypic antibodies induced anti- allergen IgE and IgG responses in the absence of the allergen. This paper thus presents evidence that anti-idiotypic antibodies raised against allergen-specific idiotypic antibodies may substitute for the original allergen in the induction of allergen-specific idiotypic antibodies. The demonstration of shared idiotopes on IgG and IgE antibodies in the sera of shrimp-sensitive patients supports the use of allergen-specific anti-idiotypic antibodies as surrogate allergens.
A theoretical conformational analysis of fenamates, which are N-arylated derivatives of anthranilic acid or 2-aminonicotinic acid with different substituents on the aryl (phenyl) group, is reported. The analysis of these analgesics, which are believed to act through the inhibition of prostaglandin biosynthesis, was carried out using semi-empirical potential functions. The results and available crystallographic observations have been critically examined in terms of their relevance to drug action. Crystallographic studies of these drugs and their complexes have revealed that the fenamate molecules share a striking invariant feature, namely, the sixmembered ring bearing the carboxyl group is coplanar with the carboxyl group and the bridging imino group,the coplanarity being stabilized by resonance interactions and an internal hydrogen bond between the imino and carboxyl groups. The results of the theoretical analysis provide a conformational rationale for the observed invariant coplanarity. The second sixmembered ring, which provides hydrophobicity in a substantial part of the molecule, has limited conformational flexibility in meclofenamic, mefenamic and flufenamic acids. Comparison of the conformational energy maps of these acids shows that they could all assume the same conformation when bound to the relevant enzyme. The present study provides a structural explanation for the difference in the activity of niflumic acid, which can assume a conformation in which the whole molecule is nearly planar. The main role of the carboxyl group appears to be to provide a site for intermolecular interactions in addition to helping in stabilizing the invariant coplanar feature and providing hydrophilicity at one end of the molecule. The fenamates thus provide a good example of conformation- dependent molecular asymmetry.
Pre-eclampsia is a pregnancy complication that affects about 5% of all pregnancies. It is known to be associated with alterations in angiogenesis -related factors, such as vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). An excess of antiangiogenic substances, especially the soluble receptor-1 of VEGF (sVEGFR-1), has been observed in maternal circulation after the onset of the disease, probably reflecting their increased placental production. Smoking reduces circulating concentrations of sVEGFR-1 in non-pregnant women, and in pregnant women it reduces the risk of pre-eclampsia. Soluble VEGFR-1 acts as a natural antagonist of VEGF and placental growth factor (PlGF) in human circulation, holding a promise for potential therapeutic use. In fact, it has been used as a model to generate a fusion protein, VEGF Trap , which has been found effective in anti-angiogenic treatment of certain tumors and ocular diseases. In the present study, we evaluated the potential use of maternal serum sVEGFR-1, Angiopoietin-2 (Ang-2) and endostatin, three central anti-angiogenic markers, in early prediction of subsequent pre-eclampsia. We also studied whether smoking affects circulating sVEGFR-1 concentrations in pregnant women or their first trimester placental secretion and expression in vitro. Last, in order to allow future discussion on the potential therapy based on sVEGFR-1, we determined the biological half-life of endogenous sVEGFR-1 in human circulation, and measured the concomitant changes in free VEGF concentrations. Blood or placental samples were collected from a total of 268 pregnant women between the years 2001 2007 in Helsinki University Central Hospital for the purposes above. The biomarkers were measured using commercially available enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA). For the analyses of sVEGFR-1, Ang-2 and endostatin, a total of 3 240 pregnant women in the Helsinki area were admitted to blood sample collection during two routine ultrasoundscreening visits at 13.7 ± 0.5 (mean ± SD) and 19.2 ± 0.6 weeks of gestation. Of them, 49 women later developing pre-eclampsia were included in the study. Their disease was further classified as mild in 29 and severe in 20 patients. Isolated early-onset intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR) was diagnosed in 16 women with otherwise normal medical histories and uncomplicated pregnancies. Fifty-nine women remaining normotensive, non-proteinuric and finally giving birth to normal-weight infants were picked to serve as the control population of the study. Maternal serum concentrations of Ang-2, endostatin and sVEGFR-1, were increased already at 16 20 weeks of pregnancy, about 13 weeks before the clinical manifestation of preeclampsia. In addition, these biomarkers could be used to identify women at risk with a moderate precision. However, larger patient series are needed to determine whether these markers could be applied for clinical use to predict preeclampsia. Intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR), especially if noted at early stages of pregnancy and not secondary to any other pregnancy complication, has been suggested to be a form of preeclampsia compromising only the placental sufficiency and the fetus, but not affecting the maternal endothelium. In fact, IUGR and preeclampsia have been proposed to share a common vascular etiology in which factors regulating early placental angiogenesis are likely to play a central role. Thus, these factors have been suggested to be involved in the pathogenesis of IUGR. However, circulating sVEGFR-1, Ang-2 and endostatin concentrations were unaffected by subsequent IUGR at early second trimester. Furthermore, smoking was not associated with alterations in maternal circulating sVEGFR-1 or its placental production. The elimination of endogenous sVEGFR-1 after pregnancy was calculated from serial samples of eight pregnant women undergoing elective Caesarean section. As typical for proteins in human compartments, the elimination of sVEGFR-1 was biphasic, containing a rapid halflife of 3.4 h and a slow one of 29 h. The decline in sVEGFR-1 concentrations after mid-trimester legal termination of pregnancy was accompanied with a simultaneous increase in the serum levels of free VEGF so that within a few days after pregnancy VEGF dominated in the maternal circulation. Our study provides novel information on the kinetics of endogenous sVEGFR-1, which serves as a potential tool in the development of new strategies against diseases associated with angiogenic imbalance and alterations in VEGF signaling.
While extant studies have greatly advanced our understanding of corruption, we still know little of the processes through which specific practices or events come to be labeled as corruption. In a time when public attention devoted to corruption and other forms of corporate misbehavior has exploded, this thesis raises – and seeks to answer – crucial questions related to how the phenomenon is socially and discursively constructed. What kinds of struggles are manifested in public disputes about corruption? How do constructions of corruption relate with broader conceptions of (il)legitimacy in and around organizations? What are the discursive dynamics involved in the emergence and evolution of corruption scandals? The thesis consists of four essays that each employ different research designs and tackle these questions in slightly different theoretical and methodological ways. The empirical focus is on the media coverage of a number of significant and widely discussed scandals in Norway in the period 2003-2008. By illuminating crucial processes through which conceptions of corruption were constructed, reproduced, and transformed in these scandals, the thesis seeks to paint a more nuanced picture of corruption than what is currently offered in the literature. In particular, the thesis challenges traditional conceptions of corruption as a dysfunctional feature of organizations in and of itself by emphasizing the ambiguous, temporal, context-specific, and at times even contradictory features of corruption in public discussions.
Cancer cells are often associated with secondary chromosomal rearrangements, such as deletions, inversions, and translocations, which could be the consequence of unrepaired/misrepaired DNA double strand breaks (DSBs). Nonhomologous DNA end joining is one of the most common pathways to repair DSBs in higher eukaryotes. By using oligomeric DNA substrates mimicking various endogenous DSBs in a cell-free system, we studied end joining (EJ) in different cancer cell lines. We found that the efficiency of EJ varies among cancer cells; however, there was no remarkable difference in the mechanism and expression of EJ proteins. Interestingly, cancer cells with lower levels of EJ possessed elevated expression of BCL2 and vice versa. Removal of BCL2 by immunoprecipitation or protein fractionation led to elevated EJ. More importantly, we show that overexpression of BCL2 or the addition of purified BCL2 led to the down-regulation of EJ. Further, we found that BCL2 interacts with KU proteins both in vitro and in vivo. Hence, our results suggest that EJ in cancer cells could be negatively regulated by the anti-apoptotic protein, BCL2, and this may contribute toward increased chromosomal abnormalities in cancer.
The function of a protein in a cell often involves coordinated interactions with one or several regulatory partners. It is thus imperative to characterize a protein both in isolation as well as in the context of its complex with an interacting partner. High resolution structural information determined by X-ray crystallography and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance offer the best route to characterize protein complexes. These techniques, however, require highly purified and homogenous protein samples at high concentration. This requirement often presents a major hurdle for structural studies. Here we present a strategy based on co-expression and co-purification to obtain recombinant multi-protein complexes in the quantity and concentration range that can enable hitherto intractable structural projects. The feasibility of this strategy was examined using the sigma factor/anti-sigma factor protein complexes from Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The approach was successful across a wide range of sigma factors and their cognate interacting partners. It thus appears likely that the analysis of these complexes based on variations in expression constructs and procedures for the purification and characterization of these recombinant protein samples would be widely applicable for other multi-protein systems. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.