856 resultados para anti-cancer treatment
Une résistance aux agents anticancéreux utilisés dans le traitement du cancer du sein est souvent associée à un échec de traitement. Des variations dans le devenir des agents anticancéreux dans l’organisme, sont des facteurs pouvant expliquer des phénomènes de résistance. Notre but était d’évaluer l’impact des isoenzymes du CYP450s, dans le métabolisme local des agents anticancéreux. Notre premier objectif était de valider un gène rapporteur pour nos analyses de PCR en temps réel. Pour ce faire, nous avons criblé l’expression de 6 gènes rapporteurs dans 23 lignées cellulaires. NUP-214 a été démontré comme étant le gène rapporteur le plus stable avec un écart-type de seulement 0.55 Ct. Notre deuxième objectif était de déterminer le niveau d’expression des ARNm de 19 isoformes du CYP450 dans plusieurs lignées cellulaires du cancer du sein. Les ARNm des CYP450s ont démontré une très grande variabilité entre les lignées cellulaires. Les isoformes CYP1B1 et CYP2J2 démontrent l’expression la plus importante pour la majorité des lignées. Notre troisième objectif était d’évaluer la corrélation entre l’expression des isoformes des CYP450s et leur activité métabolique en utilisant les substrats spécifiques du CYP1B1 et 2J2, 7-éthoxyrésorufine et ébastine, respectivement. Une forte corrélation (r2=0.99) fut observée entre l’activité métabolique vis-à-vis l’ébastine et l’expression du CYP2J2. De même, le métabolisme du 7-éthoxyrésorufine était fortement corrélé (r2=0.98) avec l’expression du CYP1B1. En résumé, ces résultats suggèrent que le métabolisme local des agents anticancéreux pourrait significativement moduler le devenir des agents anticancéreux dans l’organisme, et pourrait être ainsi, une source de résistance.
Introduction: Au Canada, le cancer de la prostate est le cancer le plus fréquemment diagnostiqué chez les hommes et le plus mortel après les cancers du poumon et du côlon. Il y a place à optimiser le traitement du cancer de la prostate de manière à mettre en œuvre une médecine personnalisée qui s’adapte aux caractéristiques de la maladie de chaque patient de façon individuelle. Dans ce mémoire, nous avons évalué la réponse aux dommages de l’ADN (RDA) comme biomarqueur potentiel du cancer de la prostate. Les lésions potentiellement oncogènes de l'ADN déclenche une cascade de signalisation favorisant la réparation de l'ADN et l’activation des points de contrôle du cycle cellulaire pour préserver l’intégrité du génome. La RDA est un mécanisme central de suppression tumorale chez l’homme. La RDA joue un rôle important dans l’arrêt de la prolifération des cellules dont les génomes sont compromis, et donc, prévient la progression du cancer en agissant comme une barrière. Cette réponse cellulaire détermine également comment les cellules normales et cancéreuses réagissent aux agents utilisés pour endommager l'ADN lors du traitement du cancer comme la radiothérapie ou la chimiothérapie, en plus la présence d,un certain niveau de RDA dans les cellules du cancer de la prostate peuvent également influer sur l'issue de ces traitements. L’activation des signaux de la RDA peut agir comme un frein au cancer dans plusieurs lésions pré-néoplasiques de l'homme, y compris le cancer de la prostate. Il a été démontré que la RDA est augmentée dans les cellules de néoplasie intra- épithéliale (PIN) comparativement aux cellules prostatiques normales. Toutefois, le devient de la RDA entre le PIN et l’adénocarcinome est encore mal documenté et aucune corrélation n'a été réalisée avec les données cliniques des patients. Notre hypothèse est que les niveaux d’activation de la RDA seront variables selon les différents grades et agressivité du cancer de la prostate. Ces niveaux pourront être corrélés et possiblement prédire les réponses cliniques aux traitements des patients et aider à définir une stratégie plus efficace et de nouveaux biomarqueurs pour prédire les résultats du traitement et personnaliser les traitements en conséquence. Nos objectifs sont de caractériser l'activation de la RDA dans le carcinome de la prostate et corréler ses données avec les résultats cliniques. Méthodes : Nous avons utilisé des micro-étalages de tissus (tissue microarrays- TMAs) de 300 patients ayant subi une prostatectomie radicale pour un cancer de la prostate et déterminé le niveau d’expression de protéines de RDA dans le compartiment stromal et épithélial des tissus normaux et cancéreux. Les niveaux d’expression de 53BP1, p-H2AX, p65 et p-CHK2 ont été quantifiés par immunofluorescence (IF) et par un logiciel automatisé. Ces marqueurs de RDA ont d’abord été validés sur des TMAs-cellule constitués de cellules de fibroblastes normales ou irradiées (pour induire une activation du RDA). Les données ont été quantifiées à l'aide de couches binaires couramment utilisées pour classer les pixels d'une image pour que l’analyse se fasse de manière indépendante permettant la détection de plusieurs régions morphologiques tels que le noyau, l'épithélium et le stroma. Des opérations arithmétiques ont ensuite été réalisées pour obtenir des valeurs correspondant à l'activation de la RDA qui ont ensuite été corrélées à la récidive biochimique et l'apparition de métastases osseuses. Résultats : De faibles niveaux d'expression de la protéine p65 dans le compartiment nucléaire épithélial du tissu normal de la prostate sont associés à un faible risque de récidive biochimique. Par ailleurs, nous avons aussi observé que de faibles niveaux d'expression de la protéine 53BP1 dans le compartiment nucléaire épithéliale du tissu prostatique normal et cancéreux ont été associés à une plus faible incidence de métastases osseuses. Conclusion: Ces résultats confirment que p65 a une valeur pronostique chez les patients présentant un adénocarcinome de la prostate. Ces résultats suggèrent également que le marqueur 53BP1 peut aussi avoir une valeur pronostique chez les patients avec le cancer de la prostate. La validation d'autres marqueurs de RDA pourront également être corrélés aux résultats cliniques. De plus, avec un suivi des patients plus long, il se peut que ces résultats se traduisent par une corrélation avec la survie. Les niveaux d'activité de la RDA pourront éventuellement être utilisés en clinique dans le cadre du profil du patient comme le sont actuellement l’antigène prostatique spécifique (APS) ou le Gleason afin de personnaliser le traitement.
Although it is known to be a rich source of the putative anti-cancer chemicals isothiocyanates, watercress has not been extensively studied for its cancer preventing properties. The aim of this study was to investigate the potential chemoprotective effects of crude watercress extract toward three important stages in the carcinogenic process, namely initiation, proliferation, and metastasis (invasion) using established in vitro models. HT29 cells were used to investigate the protective effects of the extract on DNA damage and the cell cycle. The extract was not genotoxic but inhibited DNA damage induced by two of the three genotoxins used, namely hydrogen peroxide and fecal water, indicating the potential to inhibit initiation. It also caused an accumulation of cells in the S phase of the cell cycle indicating (possible) cell cycle delay at this stage. The extract was shown to significantly inhibit invasion of HT115 cells through matrigel. Component analysis was also carried out in an attempt to determine the major phytochemicals present in both watercress leaves and the crude extract. In conclusion, the watercress extract proved to be significantly protective against the three stages of the carcinogenesis process investigated.
Doxorubicin is effective against breast cancer, but its major side effect is cardiotoxicity. The aim of this study was to determine whether the efficacy of doxorubicin on cancer cells could be increased in combination with PPARγ agonists or chrono-optimization by exploiting the diurnal cycle. We determined cell toxicity using MCF-7 cancer cells, neonatal rat cardiac myocytes and fibroblasts in this study. Doxorubicin damages the contractile filaments of cardiac myocytes and affects cardiac fibroblasts by significantly inhibiting collagen production and proliferation at the level of the cell cycle. Cyclin D1 protein levels decreased significantly following doxorubicin treatment indicative of a G1 /S arrest. PPARγ agonists with doxorubicin increased the toxicity to MCF-7 cancer cells without affecting cardiac cells. Rosiglitazone and ciglitazone both enhanced anti-cancer activity when combined with doxorubicin (e.g. 50% cell death for doxorubicin at 0.1 μM compared to 80% cell death when combined with rosiglitazone). Thus, the therapeutic dose of doxorubicin could be reduced by 20-fold through combination with the PPARγ agonists, thereby reducing adverse effects on the heart. The presence of melatonin also significantly increased doxorubicin toxicity, in cardiac fibroblasts (1 μM melatonin) but not in MCF-7 cells. Our data show, for the first time, that circadian rhythms play an important role in doxorubicin toxicity in the myocardium; doxorubicin should be administered mid-morning, when circulating levels of melatonin are low, and in combination with rosiglitazone to increase therapeutic efficacy in cancer cells while reducing the toxic effects on the heart.
Ethnobotanical relevance Cancer patients commonly use traditional medicines (TM) and in Thailand these are popular for both self-medication and as prescribed by TM practitioners, and are rarely monitored. A study was conducted at Wat Khampramong, a Thai Buddhist temple herbal medicine hospice, to document some of these practices as well as the hospice regime. Materials and methods Cancer patients (n=286) were surveyed shortly after admission as to which TMs they had previously taken and perceptions of effects experienced. They were also asked to describe their current symptoms. Treatment at the hospice is built upon an 11-herb anti-cancer formula, yod-ya-mareng, prescribed for all patients, and ideally, its effects would have been evaluated. However other herbal medicines and holistic practices are integral to the regime, so instead we attempted to assess the value of the patients׳ stay at the hospice by measuring any change in symptom burden, as they perceived it. Surviving patients (n=270) were therefore asked to describe their symptoms again just before leaving. Results 42% of patients (120/286; 95% CI 36.4%, 47.8%) had used herbal medicines before their arrival, with 31.7% (38/120; 95% CI 24%, 40.4%) using several at once. Mixed effects were reported for these products. After taking the herbal regime at Khampramong, 77% (208/270 95% CI; 71.7%, 81.7%) reported benefit, and a comparison of the incidence of the most common (pain, dyspepsia, abdominal or visceral pain, insomnia, fatigue) showed statistical significance (χ2 57.1, df 7, p<0.001). Conclusions A wide range of TMs is taken by cancer patients in Thailand and considered to provide more benefit than harm, and this perception extends to the temple regime. Patients reported a significant reduction in symptoms after staying at Khampramong, indicating an improvement in quality of life, the aim of hospices everywhere. Based on this evidence, it is not possible to justify the use of TM for cancer in general, but this study suggests that further research is warranted. The uncontrolled use of TMs, many of which are uncharacterised, raises concerns, and this work also highlights the fact that validated, robust methods of assessing holistic medical regimes are urgently needed.
Adhering to treatment can be a significant issue for many patients diagnosed with chronic health conditions and this has been reported to be greater during the adolescent years. However, little is known about treatment adherence in teenage and young adult (TYA) patients with cancer. To increase awareness of the adherence challenges faced by these patients, we have reviewed the published work. The available evidence suggests that a substantial proportion of TYA patients with cancer do have difficulties, with reports that up to 63% of patients do not adhere to their treatment regimens. However, with inconsistent findings across studies, the true extent of non-adherence for these young patients is still unclear. Furthermore, it is apparent that there are many components of the cancer treatment regimen that have yet to be assessed in relation to patient adherence. Factors that have been shown to affect treatment adherence in TYA patients include patient emotional functioning (depression and self-esteem), patient health beliefs (perceived illness severity and vulnerability), and family environment (parental support and parent–child concordance). Strategies that foster greater patient adherence are also identified. These strategies are multifactorial, targeting not only the patient, but the health professional, family, and treatment regimen. This review highlights the lack of interventional studies addressing treatment adherence in TYA patients with cancer, with only one such intervention being identified: a video game intervention focusing on behavioural issues related to cancer treatment and care. Methodological issues in measuring adherence are addressed and suggestions for improving the design of future adherence studies highlighted, of which there is a great need.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of chlorhexidine gluconate, sodium fluoride and sodium iodine on mutans streptococci counts in saliva of irradiated patients. Forty-five patients were separated into three experimental groups and received chlorhexidine (0.12%), sodium fluoride (0.5%) or sodium iodine (2%), which were used daily during radiotherapy and for 6 months after the conclusion of the treatment. In addition, a fourth group, composed by 15 additional oncologic patients, who did not receive the mouthwash or initial dental treatment, constituted the control group. Clinical evaluations were performed in the first visit to dental clinic, after initial dental treatment, immediately before radiotherapy, after radiotherapy and 30, 60, 90 days and 6 months after the conclusion of radiotherapy. After clinical examinations, samples of saliva were inoculated on SB20 selective agar and incubated under anaerobiosis, at 37oC for 48 h. Total mutans streptococci counts were also evaluated by using real-time PCR, through TaqMan system, with specific primers and probes for S. mutans and S. sobrinus. All preventive protocols were able to reduce significantly mutans streptococci counts, but chlorhexidine gluconate was the most effective, and induced a significant amelioration of radiotherapy side effects, such as mucositis and candidosis. These results highlights the importance of the initial dental treatment for patients who will be subjected to radiotherapy for head and neck cancer treatment.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Lipid nanoemulsions (LDE) may be used as carriers of paclitaxel (PTX) and etoposide (ETP) to decrease toxicity and increase the therapeutic action of those drugs. The current study investigates the combined chemotherapy with PTX and ETP associated with LDE. Four groups of 10-20 B16F10 melanoma-bearing mice were treated with LDE-PTX and LDE-ETP in combination (LDE-PTX + ETP), commercial PTX and ETP in combination (PTX + ETP), single LDE-PTX, and single LDE-ETP. PTX and ETX doses were 9 mu mol/kg administered in three intraperitoneal injections on three alternate days. In two control groups mice were treated with saline solution or LDE alone. Tumor growth, metastasis presence, cell-cycle distribution, blood cell counts and histological data were analyzed. Toxicity of all treatments was evaluated in mice without tumors. Tumor growth inhibition was similarly strong in all treatment groups. However, there was a greater reduction in the number of animals bearing metastases in the LDE-PTX + ETP group (30 %) in comparison to the PTX + ETP group (82 %, p < 0.05). Reduction of cellular density, blood vessels and increase of collagen fibers in tumor tissues were observed in the LDE-PTX + ETP group but not in the PTX + ETP group, and in both groups reduced melanoma-related anemia and thrombocytosis were observed. Flow cytometric analysis suggested that LDE-PTX + ETP exhibited greater selectivity to neoplastic cells than PTX-ETP, showing arrest (65 %) in the G(2)/M phase of the cell cycle (p < 0.001). Toxicity manifested by weight loss and myelosuppression was markedly milder in the LDE-PTX + ETP than in the PTX + ETP group. LDE-PTX + ETP combined drug-targeting therapy showed markedly superior anti-cancer properties and reduced toxicity compared to PTX + ETP.
Objective: This study aimed to evaluate prospectively the influence and the evolution of periodontal disease (PD) in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients submitted to anti-tumor necrosis factor (TNF) therapy. Methods: Eighteen patients with RA (according to the American College of Rheumatology criteria) were assessed for PD before (BL) and after 6 months (6M) of anti-TNF treatment: 15 infliximab, 2 adalimumab, and 1 etanercept. Periodontal assessment included plaque and gingival bleeding indices, probing pocket depth, cementoenamel junction, and clinical attachment level. Rheumatologic evaluation was performed blinded to the dentist's assessment: demographic data, clinical manifestations, and disease activity (Disease Activity Score using 28 joints [DAS28], erythrocyte sedimentation rate [ESR], and C-reactive protein [CRP]). Results: The median age and disease duration of patients with RA were 50 years (25-71 y) and 94% were female. Periodontal disease was diagnosed in 8 patients (44.4%). Comparing BL to 6M, periodontal parameters in the entire group remained stable (P > 0.05) throughout the study (plaque and gingival bleeding indices, probing pocket depth, cementoenamel junction, and clinical attachment level), whereas an improvement in most analyzed RA parameters was observed in the same period: DAS28 (5.5 vs. 3.9, P = 0.02), ESR (21 vs. 12.5 mm/first hour, P = 0.07), and CRP (7.8 vs. 2.8 mg/dL, P = 0.25). Further analysis revealed that this improvement was restricted to the group of patients without PD (DAS28 [5.5 vs. 3.6, P = 0.04], ESR [23.0 vs. 11.5 mm/first hour, P = 0.008], and CRP [7.4 vs. 2.1, P = 0.01]). In contrast, patients with PD had lack of response, with no significant differences in disease activity parameters between BL and 6M: DAS28 (5.2 vs. 4.4, P = 0.11), ESR (17.0 vs. 21.0, P = 0.56), and CRP (9.0 vs. 8.8, P = 0.55). Conclusions: This study supports the notion that PD may affect TNF blocker efficacy in patients with RA. The possibility that a sustained gingival inflammatory state may hamper treatment response in this disease has high clinical interest because this is a treatable condition.
The identification of molecular processes involved in cancer development and prognosis opened avenues for targeted therapies, which made treatment more tumor-specific and less toxic than conventional therapies. One important example is the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) and EGFR-specific inhibitors (i.e. erlotinib). However, challenges such as drug resistance still remain in targeted therapies. Therefore, novel candidate compounds and new strategies are needed for improvement of therapy efficacy. Shikonin and its derivatives are cytotoxic constituents in traditional Chinese herbal medicine Zicao (Lithospermum erythrorhizin). In this study, we investigated the molecular mechanisms underlying the anti-cancer effects of shikonin and its derivatives in glioblastoma cells and leukemia cells. Most of shikonin derivatives showed strong cytotoxicity towards erlotinib-resistant glioblastoma cells, especially U87MG.ΔEGFR cells which overexpressed a deletion-activated EGFR (ΔEGFR). Moreover, shikonin and some derivatives worked synergistically with erlotinib in killing EGFR-overexpressing cells. Combination treatment with shikonin and erlotinib overcame the drug resistance of these cells to erlotinib. Western blotting analysis revealed that shikonin inhibited ΔEGFR phosphorylation and led to corresponding decreases in phosphorylation of EGFR downstream molecules. By means of Loewe additivity and Bliss independence drug interaction models, we found erlotinb and shikonin or its derivatives corporately suppressed ΔEGFR phosphorylation. We believed this to be a main mechanism responsible for their synergism in U87MG.ΔEGFR cells. In leukemia cells, which did not express EGFR, shikonin and its derivatives exhibited even greater cytotoxicity, suggesting the existence of other mechanisms. Microarray-based gene expression analysis uncovered the transcription factor c-MYC as the commonly deregulated molecule by shikonin and its derivatives. As validated by Western blotting analysis, DNA-binding assays and molecular docking, shikonin and its derivatives bound and inhibited c-MYC. Furthermore, the deregulation of ERK, JNK MAPK and AKT activity was closely associated with the reduction of c-MYC, indicating the involvement of these signaling molecules in shikonin-triggered c-MYC inactivation. In conclusion, the inhibition of EGFR signaling, synergism with erlotinib and targeting of c-MYC illustrate the multi-targeted feature of natural naphthoquinones such as shikonin and derivatives. This may open attractive possibilities for their use in a molecular targeted cancer therapy.
Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women, and tamoxifen is the preferred drug for estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer treatment. Many of these cancers are intrinsically resistant to tamoxifen or acquire resistance during treatment. Consequently, there is an ongoing need for breast cancer drugs that have different molecular targets. Previous work has shown that 8-mer and cyclic 9-mer peptides inhibit breast cancer in mouse and rat models, interacting with an unsolved receptor, while peptides smaller than eight amino acids did not. We show that the use of replica exchange molecular dynamics predicts the structure and dynamics of active peptides, leading to the discovery of smaller peptides with full biological activity. Simulations identified smaller peptide analogues with the same conserved reverse turn demonstrated in the larger peptides. These analogues were synthesized and shown to inhibit estrogen-dependent cell growth in a mouse uterine growth assay, a test showing reliable correlation with human breast cancer inhibition.