247 resultados para altersbedingte Erkrankungen
Chest pain in children and adolescents is a frequent observation, although potentially relevant disease is rather rare and then found in situations with acute presentation. In children with an inflammatory/infectious clinical context the differential diagnosis is oesophagitis, pleuropneumonia or pericarditis. Potentially dangerous complications may be found in youth with predisposing conditions for aortic dissection, pneumothorax or pulmonary embolism, or even in rare instances for an acute coronary complication. In these cases aggressive diagnostic work-up is mandatory. In the frequent elective outpatient evaluation of teenagers with long-lasting episodes of chest pain, relevant underlying cardiovascular disease only rarely can be found as the cause. In the elective outpatient evaluation for chest pain, usually patient history and clinical examination may be enough to track the problem, the main role of the physician is to provide reassurance with minimal but appropriate testing.
Companion animals are increasingly brought along by their owners to foreign countries. Thus, small animal travel medicine is becoming more important. The field includes both prophylaxis and metaphylaxis against various infectious diseases, as well as their diagnosis and treatment. Dogs returning from Southern Europe, but also from more tropical regions, may be infected with exotic pathogens. In addition, imported pedigree or working dogs, and especially stray dogs imported through welfare organisations, are at high risk.The present overview summarises the clinical and practical aspects of exotic parasitic diseases that may affect such dogs, and the risk of such diseases becoming autochthonously transmitted in Switzerland. Furthermore, the zoonotic potential of these infections will be considered.
m Gegensatz zu Erwachsenen mit vorwiegend pulmonalen Erkrankungen wie der chronisch obstruktiven Lungenerkrankung, entsteht bei Kindern eine zentrale Zyanose meist durch angeborene Herzfehler. Zyanotische Herzfehler kommen mit einer Häufigkeit von ca. 13 pro 10.000 Lebendgeburten vor. Dadurch, dass heutzutage auch komplexe Herzfehler erfolgreich palliiert werden, steigt die Wahrscheinlichkeit stetig an, im Rettungsdienst Kindern mit einer zentralen Zyanose zu begegnen. Ursachen für das untersättigte Blut in den großen Arterien können eine Minderperfusion der Lungen oder eine vermehrte Durchmischung von arteriellen mit venösem Blut über einen Rechts-Links-Shunt sein. Der beste Indikator einer zentralen Zyanose ist die Zunge, da sie reichlich vaskularisiert und frei von Pigmenten ist. Je nach Altersklasse ist eher eine primäre Volumentherapie oder eine großzügige Sauerstoffapplikation essenziell, oder aber auch keine Notfalltherapie notwendig. Nach der präklinischen Versorgung ist eine stationäre Einweisung unabdingbar, bevorzugt in ein Zentrum mit der Option der kinderintensivmedizinischen oder kinderkardiologischen Betreuung.
Dyslipidemia is one of the main modifiable cardiovascular risk factors. There is strong evidence for the efficacy of lipid-lowering drugs in secondary prevention, as well as in primary prevention for patients at high cardiovascular risk. In primary prevention, indication for lipid-lowering interventions should be based on an individual assessment of the cardiovascular risk and on the LDL cholesterol level, despite less strong evidence for the efficacy of drug-based interventions in low risk patients. Treatment consists of statins, as well as lifestyle modifications such as body weight control and increased physical exercise. The latter constitute the primary intervention in patients at low cardiovascular risk. Secondary dyslipidemias due to an underlying medical condition and familial dyslipidemias such as Familial Hypercholesterolemia and Familial Combined Hyperlipidemia should be identified and treated accordingly, taking into account that the risk scoring systems are not appropriate in these situations.
At the beginning of the 20th Century, cervical cancer was the leading cause of death from cancer in women. A marked decline in cervical cancer has been observed since the 1960s, in parallel with the introduction of the Papanicolau (Pap) test as a cytological screening method. Today, Pap smear screening is still the most widely used tool for cervical cancer prevention. Testing for human papillomavirus (HPV) in cervical specimens or a combination of Pap and HPV testing are also now available. In this article we compare current guidelines for cervical cancer screening in Switzerland with those in other European countries. In view of the opportunities offered by HPV testing and, since 2008, HPV vaccination, current guidelines for cervical cancer screening should be updated. Both the choice of screening tests and general organization of cervical cancer screening should be reviewed.