974 resultados para Zn-lignosulfonate


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The Layered Double Hydroxides has become extremely promising materials due to its range of applications, easily obtained in the laboratory and reusability after calcination, so the knowledge regarding their properties is of utmost importance. In this study were synthesized layered double hydroxides of two systems, Mg-Al and Zn-Al, and such materials were analyzed with X-ray diffraction and, from these data, we determined the volume density, planar atomic density, size crystallite, lattice parameters, interplanar spacing and interlayer space available. Such materials were also subjected to thermogravimetric analysis reasons for heating 5, 10, 20 and 25 ° C / min to determine kinetic parameters for the formation of metaphases HTD and HTB based on theoretical models Ozawa, Flynn-Wall Starink and Model Free Kinetics. In addition, the layered double hydroxides synthesized in this working ratios were calcined heating 2.5 ° C / min and 20 ° C / min, and tested for adsorption of nitrate anion in aqueous solution batch system at time intervals 5 min, 15 min, 30 min, 1h, 2h and 4h. Such calcined materials were also subjected to exposure to the atmosphere and at intervals of 1 week, 2 weeks and 1 month were analyzed by infrared spectroscopy to study the kinetics of regeneration determining structural called "memory effect"


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Cem juvenis de tilápia-do-nilo (Oreochromis niloticus; PV = 100.0 ± 5.0 g) foram distribuídos em 10 tanques-rede com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito da suplementação da enzima fitase (0, 1.000 e 2.000 UFA/kg) sobre a disponibilidade de minerais em alguns alimentos energéticos (milho, milho extrusado, farelo de trigo, farelo de arroz e farelo de sorgo) e protéicos (farelo de soja extrusado, farelo de soja, farelo de girassol, farelo de algodão e glúten de milho) utilizados na alimentação de tilápia-do-nilo (Oreochromis niloticus). Para determinação dos coeficientes de disponibilidade aparente (CDA) do cálcio (Ca), magnésio (Mg), zinco (Zn), cobre (Cu), ferro (Fe) e manganês (Mn), foram confeccionadas 31 rações, marcadas com 0,10% de óxido de crômio III uma referência (ração purificada) e 30 contendo os dez alimentos e os diferentes níveis de suplementação da enzima fitase. O CDA dos nutrientes foi calculado com base no teor de crômio da ração e das fezes. A fitase aumenta, nos vegetais, a disponibilidade do Mg, Cu, Zn e Mn, os quais apresentam tendência diferenciada, em razão do seu valor biológico e do nível de suplementação de enzima.


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Cellulose chemically modified with p-aminobenzoic groups, abbreviated as Cel-PAB, was used for preconcentration of copper, iron, nickel, and zinc from ethanol fuel, normally used in Brazil as engine fuel. The surface characteristics and the surface area of the cellulose were obtained before and after chemical modification using FT-IR, elemental analysis, and surface area analysis (B.E.T.). The retention and recovery of the analyte elements were studied by applying batch and column techniques.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This work describes the synthesis and characterization of 2-aminothiazole-modified silica gel (SiAT), as well as its application for preconcentration (in batch and column technique) of Cu(II), Ni(II) and Zn(II) in ethanol medium. The adsorption capacities of SiAT determined for each metal ion were (mmol g(-1)): Cu(II)=1.20, Ni(II)=1.10 and Zn(II)=0.90. In addition, results obtained in flow experiments, showed a recovery of ca. 100% of the metal ions adsorbed in a column packed with 500 mg of SiAT. The eluent was 2.0 mol L-1 HCl. The sorption-desorption of the studied metal ions made possible the development of a preconcentration method for metal ions at trace level in fuel ethanol using flame AAS for their quantification.


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The Pluriserial Ribeira Magmatic System-590 of the Late Precambrian Ribeira Fold Belt comprises seven groups of high-K rocks of crustal or mantle origin with ages ranging between 620 and 570 Ma. One of these groups is represented by transalkaline suites akin to appinitic lamprophyres. The suites assemble one or more of following lithologies: (+/- quartz) gabbros and monzogabbros, (+/- quartz) diorites and monzodiorites, (+/- quartz) monzonites and syenites in addition to rare granites. All these rocks occur together in the Piracaia pluton, State of São Paulo. The mineralogy of the Piracaia suite comprises variable amounts of plagioclase (An 60-10), alkali-feldspars (orthoclase, microcline, albite), ortho- (Fe-hypersthene) and clinopyroxenes (augite), amphiboles (hornblende and rare late Fe-hastingsite), abundant biotite, quartz, opaques, sphene, allanite and zircon. Several magmatic pulses constructed the pluton. The Piracaia magma bulk trend evolved initially along the silica-undersaturation plane with simultaneous fractionation of accessory, mafic and felsic minerals. These are segregated in feldspar-rich cumulates. In the late stage, the evolutionary trend followed two distinct paths: one along the or-ab thermal barrier with the crystallization of syenites; the second one along the thermal valley in the or-ab-qz subsystem, producing quartz-syenites and granites. The source of the Piracaia magma was a 'vein-plus-wall-rock-system '. Together the pulses reflect increasing and decreasing participation of peridotites and mica pyroxenites, respectively, in the magmatogenic process. The magmatic pulses were stored in magma chambers, several drained by deep faults or fractures, which were successively reactivated and recharged. Each new pulse underwent mixing with earlier residual magma, followed by fractionation. During ascent through the hot and thickened post-collisional crust, the magma pulses underwent minor compositional changes by crustal contamination. The concentration of valuable elements (Cu, Zn, Gd) in the Piracaia pluton occurred during two phases of the magmatic evolution. Cu and Zn were enriched in cumulates and Gd was concentrated in residual quartz-syenitic veins. Due to their homogeneous dark colour and texture, the monzodiorites are exploited both for polished dimension stones and supports for sensitive scientific instruments. (C) 2001 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The effect of Fe addition on the microstructural properties and the corrosion resistance of Al-Zn-Mg alloys submitted to different heat treatments (cast, annealed and aged), has been studied in chloride solutions using optical microscopy (OM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), energy-dispersive X-ray (EDX), cyclic polarization (CP) and open circuit potential (o.c.p.) measurements. The presence of 0.3% Fe in the alloy limited the growth of the MgZn2 precipitates, both in the annealed and in the quenched specimens. No effect of Cr on the grain size in the presence of Fe was found because of the accumulation of Cr in the Fe-rich particles. Fe in the Al-Zn-Mg alloys also made them more susceptible to pitting. Pitting occurred mainly near the Fe-rich particles both, under o.c.p. conditions in O-2-saturated solutions and during the CP.


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The effect of gas tungsten are welding on the microstructure and electrochemical corrosion of Al-Zn-Mg-Fe alloys submitted to different heat treatments (as fabricated, annealed and aged) has been studied using optical microscopy, SEM, TEM, EDX, cyclic voltammetry and corrosion potential measurements in chloride solutions. The electrochemical techniques were very sensitive to the change in the phase compositions produced by welding. Welding caused a decrease in the mean grain size, in the hardness and in the corrosion resistance of the age-hardened alloys. The structure of the latter became strongly altered by welding to lead to phase compositions very close to those of the cold rolled and annealed specimens. (C) 2000 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The electrochemical corrosion and passivation of Al-5Zn-1.7Mg-0.23Cu-0.053Nb alloys, submitted to different heat treatments (cold-rolled, annealed, quenched and aged, and quenched in two steps and aged), in sulphate-containing chloride solutions, has been studied by means of cyclic polarization, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy-dispersive X-ray (EDX), and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The cyclic polarization curves showed that sulphate addition to the chloride solution produced a poor reproducible shift of the breakdown potential to more positive potentials. The repassivation potentials, much more reproducible, and practically separating the passive from the pitting potential region, were slightly displaced in the negative direction with that addition. When the alloys were potentiodynamically polarized in the passive potential region, sulphate was incorporated in the oxide film, thus precluding chloride ingress. In addition, Zn depletion was favoured, whereas Mg losses were avoided. Different equivalent circuits corresponding to different alloys and potentials in the passive and pitting regions were employed to account for the electrochemical processes taking place in each condition. This work shows that sulphate makes these alloys more sensitive to corrosion, increasing the fracture properties of the surface layer and favouring the pitting attack over greater areas than chloride alone. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The fast sequential multi-element determination of Ca, Mg, K, Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn in plant tissues by high-resolution continuum source flame atomic absorption spectrometry is proposed. For this, the main lines for Cu (324.754 nm), Fe (248.327 nm), Mn (279.482 nm) and Zn (213.857 nm) were selected, and the secondary lines for Ca (239.856 nm), Mg (202.582 nm) and K (404.414 nm) were evaluated. The side pixel registration approach was studied to reduce sensitivity and extend the linear working range for Mg by measuring at wings (202.576 nm; 202.577 nm; 202.578 nm; 202.580 nm: 202.585 nm; 202.586 nm: 202.587 nm; 202.588 nm) of the secondary line. The interference caused by NO bands on Zn at 213.857 nm was removed using the least-squares background correction. Using the main lines for Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn, secondary lines for Ca and K, and line wing at 202.588 nm for Mg, and 5 mL min(-1) sample flow-rate, calibration curves in the 0.1-0.5 mg L-1 Cu, 0.5-4.0 mg L-1 Fe, 0.5-4.0 mg L-1 Mn, 0.2-1.0 mg L-1 Zn, 10.0-100.0 mg L-1 Ca, 5.0-40.0 mg L-1 Mg and 50.0-250.0 mg L-1 K ranges were consistently obtained. Accuracy and precision were evaluated after analysis of five plant standard reference materials. Results were in agreement at a 95% confidence level (paired t-test) with certified values. The proposed method was applied to digests of sugar-cane leaves and results were close to those obtained by line-source flame atomic absorption spectrometry. Recoveries of Ca, Mg, K, Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn in the 89-103%, 84-107%, 87-103%, 85-105%, 92-106%, 91-114%, 96-114% intervals, respectively, were obtained. The limits of detection were 0.6 mg L-1 Ca, 0.4 mg L-1 Mg, 0.4 mg L-1 K, 7.7 mu g L-1 Cu, 7.7 mu g L-1 Fe, 1.5 mu g L-1 Mn and 5.9 mu g L-1 Zn. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The dehydration, thermal decomposition and transition phase stage of Zn(II)-diclofenac compound were studied by simultaneous TG-DTA and DSC techniques. The TG and DSC curves of this compound were obtained with the mass of sample of 2 and 5 mg. Additionally, DSC curves were carried out in opened and closed alpha-alumina pans under static and nitrogen atmosphere. The DTA and DSC curves show that this compound possesses exothermic transition phase between 170-180 degrees C, which it is irreversible (monotropic reaction) The kinetics study of this transition phase stage was evaluated by DSC under non-isothermal conditions. The obtained data were evaluated with the isoconversional method, where the values of activation energy (E(a) / kJ mol(-1)) was plotted in function of the conversion degree (alpha). The results show that due to mass sample, different activation energies were obtained From these curves a tendency can be seen where the plots maintain the same profile for closed lids and almost run parallel to each other.